View Full Version : What the hell is Popovich doing?

12-03-2010, 01:54 AM
Ok, I was gonna write a long Post for this one, but I tried and realized I'm not that talented yet. But I really want to hear the arguments that back up what Greg Popovich is doing. Is he right? Is he wrong?

Any guesses on what Greg Popovich's real plans are for Splitter? Does he really expect him to be a 25mpg player in the playoffs? All things point to Popovich banking on his veterans to pull out a championship.

I for one think Splitter is our only shot at a title.

12-03-2010, 02:00 AM
There is no coach I would rather have than Pop.........but the dude drives me insane sometimes! Udoka, Bogans, Mason, Bonner.....Pop really?

Sean Cagney
12-03-2010, 02:17 AM
There is no coach I would rather have than Pop.........but the dude drives me insane sometimes! Udoka, Bogans, Mason, Bonner.....Pop really?


12-03-2010, 02:18 AM
Yeah 15-3 starts suck.

12-03-2010, 02:52 AM
Popovich did not win 4 championships without knowing something. We also did not start this season 15-3 without him being right about something.

I do not understand some of Pop's motives though. I can't imagine any sane person deciding that Bonner should guard Blake Griffin, although not sure anybody could guard him. Also, the Bonner/Splitter situation is frustrating, but I don't think Splitter is quite ready to start yet. He needs to see the floor more definitely and with the first team. George Hill is blind on the pick and roll where Splitter ends up open more often than not. I'd love to see more time with Parker, like in the Cleveland game. I, too, dream of a Splitter/Duncan frontline in the playoffs, especially against teams like the Lakers. I have no idea why Udoka was brought back and I don't really want to think about it any more than I have to.

And while I do question all that, I realize I'm the one sitting in my living room sipping on kool-aid watching the games, where as Pop is the one coaching an NBA team, winning 4 championships, and will probably enjoy a nice expensive wine after each game.

Pop is right.

12-03-2010, 03:33 AM
Pop is right.


12-03-2010, 03:38 AM
Why parade your best combination out there for every team to prepare and scheme on? It's the first half of the season, I would not reveal my trump card so all 29 coaches can take a crack at it.

12-03-2010, 04:28 AM
lol duplicate thread.

12-03-2010, 05:05 AM
Why parade your best combination out there for every team to prepare and scheme on? It's the first half of the season, I would not reveal my trump card so all 29 coaches can take a crack at it.

Very good point.

12-03-2010, 06:53 AM
Why parade your best combination out there for every team to prepare and scheme on? It's the first half of the season, I would not reveal my trump card so all 29 coaches can take a crack at it.

Splitter will be a fail card by the time he sees any steady minutes. :lol

12-03-2010, 07:36 AM
this hidden card idea is nonsense... Splitter is a smart player, he just needs playing time to adapt... I think it's clear now Pop doesn't think much of Splitter, he says good things about him on interviews, but when it matters most you see Pop just doesn't trust him enough, and don't believe in him enough to invest the minutes... it's that simple

Old School 44
12-03-2010, 09:22 AM
I for one think Splitter is our only shot at a title.

I agree with this somewhat, not because Splitter is going to be a superstar and carry the team, but if he's on the floor, it probably means Bonner is getting less minutes.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a Bonner hater, I just think he needs to be played more sparingly. Has Bonner every been in any game where he had a cold shooting first half, played in the second half, and with the game in the balance, start draining threes? If he's cold, pull him.

12-03-2010, 11:59 AM
this hidden card idea is nonsense... Splitter is a smart player, he just needs playing time to adapt... I think it's clear now Pop doesn't think much of Splitter, he says good things about him on interviews, but when it matters most you see Pop just doesn't trust him enough, and don't believe in him enough to invest the minutes... it's that simple

Can you blame Pop for not trusting someone who is new to the team and missed pretty much all of the offseason and preseason?

I don't trust Splitter either at this point, and I wouldn't be giving him more than 10-15 minutes a game, if I was Pop. (Note: Tiago has played in 14/18 games averaging 12.1 minutes. Not that far off from what George Hill was getting his first year).

I'd reevaluate after the RRT and try to increase his playing time, though.

Vito Corleone
12-03-2010, 12:10 PM
Stupid thread, ever think that maybe Splitter is not physically prepared to handle a full on 82 game schedule and Pop would rather have him at his best in April rather than hit a wall and lose his productivity when we need it the most around April and May.

Expect to see Splitter's minutes increase as the season wares on, if he warrants the extra minutes. I think he will. Splitter has so far proven to be a very nice asset on the court.

12-03-2010, 01:24 PM
I think Pop is saving Splitter for the playoffs. There's no way we can compete against the bigger teams without him.

12-03-2010, 01:30 PM
Stupid thread, ever think that maybe Splitter is not physically prepared to handle a full on 82 game schedule and Pop would rather have him at his best in April rather than hit a wall and lose his productivity when we need it the most around April and May.

Expect to see Splitter's minutes increase as the season wares on, if he warrants the extra minutes. I think he will. Splitter has so far proven to be a very nice asset on the court.

I find it funny how you consider my perceptions as stupid and yours as spot on when both of us have absolutely no clue what Popovich is ACTUALLY thinking. You bring up a good point but your argument has no more standing than my argument. Popovich has a history to not put rookies in unless he absolutely has to, for example Tony Parker and George hill.

But tbh, you shouldn't be acting like you know what popovich is doing anymore than I do...

12-03-2010, 02:00 PM
Saving Splitter for the playoffs? The guy is 25 years old not a worn out vet. He is a rookie and needs playing time to learn the flow of the NBA and the Spurs system.

What NBA team "saves" their rookies for the playoffs? That just sounds very contradictory to what a rookie is.

12-03-2010, 02:03 PM
If one looks at Splitter's career before this season, limiting his minutes to preserve his health becomes less of a crazy idea.

12-03-2010, 02:07 PM
If one looks at Splitter's career before this season, limiting his minutes to preserve his health becomes less of a crazy idea.


The long playoff run by Caja, followed by his stint with Brazil and then a preseason injury might have Pop worried about his health.

12-03-2010, 02:17 PM
Saving Splitter for the playoffs? The guy is 25 years old not a worn out vet. He is a rookie and needs playing time to learn the flow of the NBA and the Spurs system.

What NBA team "saves" their rookies for the playoffs? That just sounds very contradictory to what a rookie is.

Splitter is not a regular rookie. He's been playing non stop overseas. Did you see him in his first spurs game, he was so winded he was breathing out of his mouth the entire time.

Pop and his staff know more than us regular shit talking members, so: IN POP WE TRUST.

12-03-2010, 02:23 PM
Saving Splitter for the playoffs? The guy is 25 years old not a worn out vet. He is a rookie and needs playing time to learn the flow of the NBA and the Spurs system.

What NBA team "saves" their rookies for the playoffs? That just sounds very contradictory to what a rookie is.

great point....

If one looks at Splitter's career before this season, limiting his minutes to preserve his health becomes less of a crazy idea.

Thats a valid point also, but my opinion is, is that Popovich is not limiting his minutes because of Health. Like Chomag said, rookies are supposed to get solid minutes from the get go to learn a system and grow chemistry. The only reason rookies don't get minutes is if teams are contenders with veterans. This is the spurs case, but with out Splitter they aren't true championship contenders.

12-03-2010, 02:32 PM
Thats a valid point also, but my opinion is, is that Popovich is not limiting his minutes because of Health.You are entitled to your opinion.

In that case, Pop must think Splitter is a horrible basketball player.

12-03-2010, 02:46 PM
be patient guys

he's putting Splitter slowly, play on NBA is totally different than FIBA... Tiago is a great player and i 'm absolutely sure he will be a good player on NBA... playing at least 26 minutes he's a guy to make 10-12 points and 5-6 rebounds per game...

I want see him playing 25 minutes now, but Tiago had some injuries this year, the first was in february, later here in Brazil, later on FIBA WC versus Slovenia, later again but in Spurs... be patient... thats the reason Pop need be slowly with him.

the team need use more him on pick and rolls, screens etc... in Spain he always played with pick and rolls, i dont understand why here in Spurs the team mates dont pass the ball for him.

comparing him with other 2 big brazilians, now, he's better than Varejao, but worst than Nene.

12-03-2010, 02:50 PM
If one looks at Splitter's career before this season, limiting his minutes to preserve his health becomes less of a crazy idea.

Tiago had some injuries this year, the first was in february, later here in Brazil, later on FIBA WC versus Slovenia, later again but in Spurs.That's just this past year.

12-03-2010, 02:54 PM
A player can get injured playing any minute of any game, or even in just practice. It just goes with the nature of playing a physical sport.

Best solution if you are afraid a player will get hurt is to never play him I guess.

12-03-2010, 02:55 PM
Best solution is to play an injury prone player who has been injured several times this calendar full of basketball competitions year 48 minutes a game and just see what happens, I guess.

12-03-2010, 03:21 PM
i know this thread also has a lot to do with bonner too.. i'll explain what i believe is pop's philosophy.. i mean.. afterall i have him in my avatar lol..

when you put a player like bonner on the floor.. you have an edge because what you're doing is putting a lineup that will stretch the defense.. now this is granted of course if bonner is actually consistent and making his wide open shots or even slightly contested shots.. that's the problem.. if bonner actually produced.. you'd have games like that one where he went 7 for 7 against oklahoma city.. if you have bonner playing the C position.. Ibaka's going to have to pick him up on D.. instead of sticking to his comfort zone on D which is in the paint.. bonner is a longer range threat than most centers.. so instead of biting in and exposing your D.. what you tend to do rather is get your players to play zone D.. now 9 times out of 10.. u have a player guarding bonner who is actually shorter than he is.. so much for contesting his shot now.. espeically during zone D.. you've got players switching from one to another that a late switch might just leave someone open for the shot.. bonner or not.. pop's not being stupid by playing bonner instead of tiago.. it's more of 'personnel package' situation

as far tiago's case.. who knows for sure? one can make speculations here or there about whether he's not as healthy or doesn't understand the game well or this or that.. but basically for whichever reason tiago's minutes are limited.. i'm pretty damn sure it has nothing to do with his production.. he's already produced..

this isn't pickup basketball where you just throw your best players out there and score points.. sometimes it's a game of chess and if pop isn't putting a lineup to score more points.. it could possibly be for other things like 'experience' or 'show me you understand the playbook' or 'how do you handle this situation' or 'do you understand the 3 second in the paint rule'.

12-03-2010, 03:27 PM
There is no coach I would rather have than Pop.........but the dude drives me insane sometimes! Udoka, Bogans, Mason, Bonner.....Pop really?

12-03-2010, 03:30 PM

12-03-2010, 03:39 PM

^^^ this

12-03-2010, 04:01 PM

Yes basically this, or drinking too much wine I dont know.

Trill Clinton
12-03-2010, 04:06 PM
You're questioning Pop, really?


12-03-2010, 04:17 PM
You're questioning Pop, really?

Whats wrong with questioning him? Its a simple debate. Play Tiago more than Bonner, or Play Bonner more than Tiago. So I guess we all know you have blind faith in the man. I wonder how you felt when he traded Luis Scola for a spanoulis.

12-03-2010, 04:19 PM
After the two last games of course! You think he made the right decisions? He is a good coach, just incredibly stubborn and would need a real spanking.

12-03-2010, 04:20 PM
Whats wrong with questioning him? Its a simple debate. Play Tiago more than Bonner, or Play Bonner more than Tiago. So I guess we all know you have blind faith in the man. I wonder how you felt when he traded Luis Scola for a spanoulis.

You wonder if that trade was ordered by the owner, trying to save money?

12-03-2010, 04:22 PM
Whats wrong with questioning him? Its a simple debate. Play Tiago more than Bonner, or Play Bonner more than Tiago. So I guess we all know you have blind faith in the man. I wonder how you felt when he traded Luis Scola for a spanoulis.I felt like the owner was trying to avoid the luxury tax.

Trill Clinton
12-03-2010, 04:25 PM
Whats wrong with questioning him? Its a simple debate. Play Tiago more than Bonner, or Play Bonner more than Tiago. So I guess we all know you have blind faith in the man. I wonder how you felt when he traded Luis Scola for a spanoulis.

I think the Scola fiasco is way overblown, doesn't really bother me.

Just looking at the teams record it's obvious Pop knows what he's doing.

As far as the Tiago/Bonner debate goes, there are about 20,000 threads for your posting pleasure if you feel like going there.

:lmao@ blind faith...the man is the BEST coach in the league.

12-03-2010, 04:28 PM
Damn. Well, you can't argue with saving money, especially for the Spurs but quite honestly there were tons of hardcore spurs fan waiting 3 years to see this guy play. To trade this guy for nothing was sort of a slap in the face imo.

I'm still hoping Popovich will prove me wrong and eventually give splitter his immediate 15mpg now, and hopefully up it to 25, but quite honestly, does anyone really know?

12-03-2010, 04:29 PM
btw didnt we win a championship that same year we let scola go?

12-03-2010, 04:30 PM
btw didnt we win a championship that same year we let scola go?

No he was traded away after the spurs won in 2007.

12-03-2010, 04:36 PM
:lmao@ blind faith...the man is the BEST coach in the league.


I'm a Spurs fan. I want us to maximise our possibility to win another championship, blind faith in Pop is not a priority.

Trill Clinton
12-03-2010, 04:46 PM
I was never that impressed with Splitter's play in Europe. He is a good defender but not a whole lot more than that other than what you would call an efficient offensive player.

He was never among the better players in Europe to be honest about it. He just played on a team that dumped the ball in the post on literally every possession. He is a good player but he was massively overrated. A good player in Europe, never a great one.

I am not surprised at all that Popovich is taking it slow with him. Splitter will be a big help IMO for the Spurs but the expectations really need to be lowered. He was always a role player in Europe and not a star. I know, he was "ACB MVP" but that award is bogus and always has been, as is just about every award that league gives out.

I do think Splitter will be a good player for the Spurs and his defense will be a big help, as will his size, but he isn't this great star in the making as has been advertised by "expert analysts" like Sean E. that greatly exaggerated about him and now because of it the fans are expecting too much from him.

The adjustment to the NBA is hard for these Euroleague big men because the NBA refs allow so much less contact. It's not easy to make that adjustment.

With all of this being said, Splitter, if he is indeed healthy right now, should definitely be playing more than he is.

Elegant post:toast

12-03-2010, 04:58 PM
I was never that impressed with Splitter's play in Europe. He is a good defender but not a whole lot more than that other than what you would call an efficient offensive player.

He was never among the better players in Europe to be honest about it. He just played on a team that dumped the ball in the post on literally every possession. He is a good player but he was massively overrated. A good player in Europe, never a great one.

I am not surprised at all that Popovich is taking it slow with him. Splitter will be a big help IMO for the Spurs but the expectations really need to be lowered. He was always a role player in Europe and not a star. I know, he was "ACB MVP" but that award is bogus and always has been, as is just about every award that league gives out.

I do think Splitter will be a good player for the Spurs and his defense will be a big help, as will his size, but he isn't this great star in the making as has been advertised by "expert analysts" like Sean E. that greatly exaggerated about him and now because of it the fans are expecting too much from him.

The adjustment to the NBA is hard for these Euroleague big men because the NBA refs allow so much less contact. It's not easy to make that adjustment.

With all of this being said, Splitter, if he is indeed healthy right now, should definitely be playing more than he is.

OK, he not will be a all-star, not now and not for next 3 years, maybe never, if you read this, not is true, he have a nice potential, he can be a good player, like i spoke.

in last 2 years Splitter was one of best player in Europe, his 2009-2010 season was amazing, I watched he playing many times... He was MVP of regular and Finals on Spanish League (best national league without NBA)...

now he need improve his game, training more medium shot and FT's, increase your muscle mass without losing mobility, adaptate to the NBA rules, refs and pace of the game... its not easy.

12-03-2010, 05:03 PM
[QUOTE=Manu_Forever;4795498]I was never that impressed with Splitter's play in Europe. He is a good defender but not a whole lot more than that other than what you would call an efficient offensive player.

He was never among the better players in Europe to be honest about it.

:lmao I guess he was among the worst players in Europe then, like the Finnish or Albanian scrubs. Come on :bang

12-03-2010, 05:16 PM
[QUOTE=Manu_Forever;4795498]I was never that impressed with Splitter's play in Europe. He is a good defender but not a whole lot more than that other than what you would call an efficient offensive player.

He was never among the better players in Europe to be honest about it.

sorry but youre not right in this commentary... :lol

Leonard Curse
12-03-2010, 05:59 PM
Yeah 15-3 starts suck.

ill tell you what ! that start has nothing to do with pop and everything to do with manu and the teams drive this year theyre the ones who play the game and win. pop thought he was going to win a championship last year with his AMAZING LINEUPS and genius rotations and we were total shit. wht happend this year?


when the team was losing manu saved our ass along with the team NOT POPS AMAZING ROTATIONS IF ANYTHING POPS HURT THIS TEAM with his rotations i cant imagine what our record would be if this was vintage pop not powertrip stubborn pop

12-03-2010, 06:08 PM
ill tell you what ! That start has nothing to do with pop and everything to do with manu and the teams drive this year theyre the ones who play the game and win. Pop thought he was going to win a championship last year with his amazing lineups and genius rotations and we were total shit. Wht happend this this year?

Manu told pop to get our ass in gear for the season. Manu i repeat is the real person you should be thanking when u look at this record. Pop hasnt done shit! (if so tell me what hes done to win games?) he calls timeout and says nothing!but play bonner and make retarted roster acquisitions!

When the team was losing manu saved our ass along with the team not pops amazing rotations if anything pops hurt this team with his rotations i cant imagine what our record would be if this was vintage pop not powertrip stubborn pop


12-03-2010, 06:33 PM


12-03-2010, 06:34 PM
I think the Scola fiasco is way overblown, doesn't really bother me.

Just looking at the teams record it's obvious Pop knows what he's doing.

As far as the Tiago/Bonner debate goes, there are about 20,000 threads for your posting pleasure if you feel like going there.

:lmao@ blind faith...the man is the BEST coach in the league.

No he is not.

12-03-2010, 06:36 PM
ill tell you what ! that start has nothing to do with pop and everything to do with manu and the teams drive this year theyre the ones who play the game and win. pop thought he was going to win a championship last year with his AMAZING LINEUPS and genius rotations and we were total shit. wht happend this year?


when the team was losing manu saved our ass along with the team NOT POPS AMAZING ROTATIONS IF ANYTHING POPS HURT THIS TEAM with his rotations i cant imagine what our record would be if this was vintage pop not powertrip stubborn pop

Don't forget about parker. He got off to a great start and now is struggling as the team is.

12-03-2010, 06:42 PM


12-05-2010, 09:01 AM
Im European and I have followed euro ball the last 25 years or so (I'm 42). I have watched Splitter a lot, in Europe and in international games. I can agree that he is more solid than spectacular and of course as a traditional big man he needs to have someone feed him the ball. As for the MVPs he got them because he was the best player, simple as that.

12-05-2010, 12:06 PM
No he is not.

May not be the best, but is certainly top 3...To say otherwise is foolish.

12-05-2010, 12:50 PM
I'm not sure if Splitter is one of those injury prone flops that gets hurt every month or two like Yao Ming or Gregg Odom, but I know Tiago needs to be getting more minutes. Pop is an outstanding coach, by far one of the best in the league, but like a lot of people on here, he can make me go mad.

12-05-2010, 01:16 PM
Pop has somewhat of new philosophy. I know many folks have noticed, but are probably a miss to the reason for it. Pop still believes in playing defense, but he also realizes the need for all 5 players on the court to be a decent offensive threat. Gone are the days when he could play 3 on 5. Guys like Bowen/Oberto couldnt really burn you by themselves or move the defense around. His system is still inside out, but that 3pt shooting percentage is almost everything to him. Look at the Examples

#1 Dick Jefferson - he is playing the way we expected him to last season. getting to rim, either finishing strong or taking plenty of free throws a game. In the Spurs system the only way its possible for him to do that is by hitting 3pointers at a solid percentage. Now when one of the big 3 are double teamed he can spot up and hit the 3 and if his defender comes running at him he can do what he does best. Namely, drive and throw it down or shoot free throws. Dont be fooled, the spurs really werent looking at him being a postup guy or a guy to score with tp in transition like they claimed. They were impressed by his 3pt accuracy the year before with the bucks(40% I believe) AND THEN that other stuff I mentioned was where he could be a better offensive fit than Bowen.

#2 Red Rocket - Yeah, I dont like him playing alot either. However for as bad as his defense is, he works wonders on offense. If he has it going from behind the arc, he spaces the floor for everyone to get easier buckets. He moves the defense around. On one play the opposing defense will double and he'll burn em from 3. The next play TP/Manu gets a layup cause no one wants to leave Bonner open. The third play RJ might get an open 3 cause the help has to come of him to prevent a bonner 3 or a tp/manu layup.

Bottom line, Splitter like Oberto is sound in many facets on O and D. But he cant move the defense around like Bonner can, and right now Pops philosophy wont allow an offense thats easy to defend. Lets face it, its easier to score alot and then take a good 3-5 straight possesions off lockdown defense and run up the score.

12-05-2010, 03:23 PM
Bottom line, Splitter like Oberto is sound in many facets on O and D. But he cant move the defense around like Bonner can, and right now Pops philosophy wont allow an offense thats easy to defend. Lets face it, its easier to score alot and then take a good 3-5 straight possesions off lockdown defense and run up the score.

Splitter is obviously the best fit for the spurs. I'm not saying Pop is a complete idiot and thinks Bonner is better than Splitter, but not playing Splitter early and more often is taking a risk of being a true contender to the Lakers/Celtics. Not playing Splitter more and earlier in the Clippers game was a retarded move. ANd its the retarded moves that causes me to question whether Popovich is truly the best coach to bring a championship post 2007.

12-05-2010, 03:34 PM
Yeah 15-3 starts suck.

12-05-2010, 05:14 PM
Im European and I have followed euro ball the last 25 years or so (I'm 42). I have watched Splitter a lot, in Europe and in international games. I can agree that he is more solid than spectacular and of course as a traditional big man he needs to have someone feed him the ball. As for the MVPs he got them because he was the best player, simple as that.

How would Matt Bonner do in Europe?

12-05-2010, 05:36 PM
Pop has somewhat of new philosophy. I know many folks have noticed, but are probably a miss to the reason for it. Pop still believes in playing defense, but he also realizes the need for all 5 players on the court to be a decent offensive threat. Gone are the days when he could play 3 on 5. Guys like Bowen/Oberto couldnt really burn you by themselves or move the defense around. His system is still inside out, but that 3pt shooting percentage is almost everything to him. Look at the Examples

#1 Dick Jefferson - he is playing the way we expected him to last season. getting to rim, either finishing strong or taking plenty of free throws a game. In the Spurs system the only way its possible for him to do that is by hitting 3pointers at a solid percentage. Now when one of the big 3 are double teamed he can spot up and hit the 3 and if his defender comes running at him he can do what he does best. Namely, drive and throw it down or shoot free throws. Dont be fooled, the spurs really werent looking at him being a postup guy or a guy to score with tp in transition like they claimed. They were impressed by his 3pt accuracy the year before with the bucks(40% I believe) AND THEN that other stuff I mentioned was where he could be a better offensive fit than Bowen.

#2 Red Rocket - Yeah, I dont like him playing alot either. However for as bad as his defense is, he works wonders on offense. If he has it going from behind the arc, he spaces the floor for everyone to get easier buckets. He moves the defense around. On one play the opposing defense will double and he'll burn em from 3. The next play TP/Manu gets a layup cause no one wants to leave Bonner open. The third play RJ might get an open 3 cause the help has to come of him to prevent a bonner 3 or a tp/manu layup.

Bottom line, Splitter like Oberto is sound in many facets on O and D. But he cant move the defense around like Bonner can, and right now Pops philosophy wont allow an offense thats easy to defend. Lets face it, its easier to score alot and then take a good 3-5 straight possesions off lockdown defense and run up the score.

Spurs were scoring great when Boner was out with an injury. The offense was beautiful, a lot of movement, fast breaks. The Spurs can score just fine without him. The whole spacing-the-floor concept is BS.

Bottom line, the Spurs don't need Bonner and are better off playing big men that can defend and rebound, neither of which Bonner can do.

12-05-2010, 05:55 PM
I am so glad we have a fresh topic to discuss. :rolleyes

12-05-2010, 08:42 PM
when you put a player like bonner on the floor.. you have an edge because what you're doing is putting a lineup that will stretch the defense.. now this is granted of course if bonner is actually consistent and making his wide open shots or even slightly contested shots.. that's the problem.. if bonner actually produced.. you'd have games like that one where he went 7 for 7 against oklahoma city.. if you have bonner playing the C position.. Ibaka's going to have to pick him up on D.. instead of sticking to his comfort zone on D which is in the paint.. bonner is a longer range threat than most centers.. so instead of biting in and exposing your D.. what you tend to do rather is get your players to play zone D.. now 9 times out of 10.. u have a player guarding bonner who is actually shorter than he is.. so much for contesting his shot now.. espeically during zone D.. you've got players switching from one to another that a late switch might just leave someone open for the shot.. bonner or not.. pop's not being stupid by playing bonner instead of tiago.. it's more of 'personnel package' situation

see: Emeka Okafor

12-05-2010, 09:06 PM
Splitter has never in his career been a lead player, nor anything close to it. He is a good defender and he is efficient on offense. He was no big star in Europe, trust me.

I trust the C.O.B naming him the "Best Basketball Player of the Year".