View Full Version : Death Panels in Crazy Tea Baggin, Red-State Paradise

12-03-2010, 03:10 AM
Arizona Cuts Financing for Transplant Patients

in Arizona: Death by budget cut.

Arizona stopped financing certain transplant operations under the state’s version of Medicaid. Many doctors say the decision amounts to a death sentence for some low-income patients, who have little chance of survival without transplants and lack the hundreds of thousands of dollars needed to pay for them.



Humane, "Christian" America The Beautiful is Getting Ever More Beautifuller By The Day.

Yoni, tell us again how this happens all the time in sub-human, socialist developed nations with national health care plans.

12-03-2010, 03:14 AM
"Christian" Repugs Just Doin' Their Thang

157 Republicans Vote Against Deficit-Reducing Bill That Gives Free, Healthy Meals To Hungry Kids

Well-versed in obstructing help to the hungry, House Republicans first blocked, then voted against the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act yesterday, a bill that “would give more needy children the opportunity to eat free lunches at school and make those lunches healthier.” The Senate passed this bill by unanimous consent in August — essentially a 100-0 vote in favor of providing school meals to the nation’s 17 million hungry kids.

But 157 House Republicans had a different message for hungry children: get in line. During the House’s first attempt to pass the bill yesterday, Republicans “used a procedural maneuver” to add an amendment requiring background checks for child care workers.



Mostly black and brown kids, but why would Repugs ever give a shit about ACORN customers?

12-03-2010, 08:35 AM
Arizona Cuts Financing for Transplant Patients

in Arizona: Death by budget cut.

Arizona stopped financing certain transplant operations under the state’s version of Medicaid. Many doctors say the decision amounts to a death sentence for some low-income patients, who have little chance of survival without transplants and lack the hundreds of thousands of dollars needed to pay for them.



Humane, "Christian" America The Beautiful is Getting Ever More Beautifuller By The Day.

Yoni, tell us again how this happens all the time in sub-human, socialist developed nations with national health care plans.

That is how we ration health care in this country. Ability to pay.

12-03-2010, 09:09 AM
It is ironic that it will be GOP states such as Arizona and Texas that will force us to get away from "death panel" talk to a more rational discussion about health care costs. If costs keep spiralling, rationing is the only choice.

12-03-2010, 09:12 AM
It is ironic that it will be GOP states such as Arizona and Texas that will force us to get away from "death panel" talk to a more rational discussion about health care costs. If costs keep spiralling, rationing is the only choice.

We already have rationing, at the risk of repeating myself.

Rationing is simply allocated limited resources. You can ration in any manner you choose "first come first served" or "highest bidder". We generally choose the latter, for our free market system.

George Gervin's Afro
12-03-2010, 09:17 AM
Is Palin going to protest the death panles in AZ?

12-03-2010, 09:28 AM
"If costs keep spiralling"


The insurance companies are using health reform as as lying pretext to hike rates by 30% in one year. Obviously, their costs have gone up 30% in one year.

Just another way the corps have been and always will fuck over citizens with the highest possible prices and shittiest possible product. And if they can find a way to rescind your policy after you've paid in 10s of $K for years, they will and do. They say your insurance policy in annulled from the beginning, you weren't insured because your application was wrong/incomplete, but your premiums aren't returned.

Nobody, esp not the Repugs, has any plan or intent to reduce medical/insurance costs.

$200K for a liver transplant?

$125K for a stent?

$16K for a simple hernia repair?

$140K for proton beam treatment?

It's insane, predatory exploitation, but that's how America rolls.

12-03-2010, 10:24 AM
"Christian" Repugs Just Doin' Their Thang

157 Republicans Vote Against Deficit-Reducing Bill That Gives Free, Healthy Meals To Hungry Kids

Well-versed in obstructing help to the hungry, House Republicans first blocked, then voted against the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act yesterday, a bill that “would give more needy children the opportunity to eat free lunches at school and make those lunches healthier.” The Senate passed this bill by unanimous consent in August — essentially a 100-0 vote in favor of providing school meals to the nation’s 17 million hungry kids.

But 157 House Republicans had a different message for hungry children: get in line. During the House’s first attempt to pass the bill yesterday, Republicans “used a procedural maneuver” to add an amendment requiring background checks for child care workers.



Mostly black and brown kids, but why would Repugs ever give a shit about ACORN customers?

I was waiting for somebody to post this....and like moth to a flame, here comes boutonski.:lmao

I can tell you haven't looked at the bill, but rather posted what thinkprogress has told you to post, but give it a look and try to post something approaching critical analysis.
Let me give you a head start: The central point of contention, that has been studiously ignored by thinkprogress, and obliquely addressed at least by the AP writer (who decided to editrorialize the lede:rolleyes) is this: had the bill contained 1.2 billion to expand the roster of kids who could take advantage of this program, it would've sailed right through. We have a fully funded program to feed needy kids at school..if we want to increase the number of kids, let's do it and let's pay for it. 1.2 billion for this is reasonable and completely defensible. It's the other 3-4 billion of unadulterated Fed. bullshit that gets it shot down. Let's feed kids. Let's let the school nutritionists, and every school district has one, discuss menu options on a local level. If the Ag department wants to send down recommendations, then let them do so. It really shouldn't cost 3 billion to do that. Stupidly conceived bill that was designed to fail and thinkprogress is surprised. :lmao

George Gervin's Afro
12-04-2010, 07:06 AM

what a dumb b*tch

12-04-2010, 08:44 AM
Hate to break it to you, but there will be "death panels" whether we have Obamacare or not.

Like Obama said to that one woman, whose elderly mother needed surgery: "Maybe you're better off not having surgery but taking a pain pill."

What's more laughable is when the liberal punditry went nuts when Palin first used that description.

12-04-2010, 09:09 AM
We already have rationing, at the risk of repeating myself.

Rationing is simply allocated limited resources. You can ration in any manner you choose "first come first served" or "highest bidder". We generally choose the latter, for our free market system.
if a price tag available to everyone is not allowed then it will be some form of favoritism.

12-04-2010, 11:08 AM
"there will be "death panels" whether we have Obamacare or not."

tell pitbull bitch and all ignorant tea baggin ignoramuses who love her ignorance and stupidity.

America's for-profit, suck-you-dry, then suck-some-more health care is One Big Death Panel, with 10s of 1000s dying every year for want of health care because they can't pay. It's huge shame on The Greatest Country In The History Of The Universe (that other poorer countries have solved and avoided), but those people are losers, browns, blacks, poor whites, who, WC tells us, really need to pay income tax like all Real Americans.

George Gervin's Afro
12-04-2010, 11:59 AM
Hate to break it to you, but there will be "death panels" whether we have Obamacare or not.

Like Obama said to that one woman, whose elderly mother needed surgery: "Maybe you're better off not having surgery but taking a pain pill."

What's more laughable is when the liberal punditry went nuts when Palin first used that description.

so it's already happening without obamacare.. why didn't sarah mention that this is currently going now? Any idea?

12-04-2010, 12:15 PM
GGA: Are you aknowledging that it will happen under ObamaCare?

12-04-2010, 02:48 PM
GGA: Are you aknowledging that it will happen under ObamaCare?Not the way Palin scared you with; the way it always has been done.

George Gervin's Afro
12-04-2010, 06:45 PM
GGA: Are you aknowledging that it will happen under ObamaCare?

you did know that healthcare in the US is rationed now? right?

I wonder is Sara did?