View Full Version : Erin Barry: I did not have an affair with Parker

12-03-2010, 07:49 AM
Greetings all,

It has been brought to my attention that people who do not know me think that I have had an affair with Tony Parker. I have received hundreds of emails and phone calls from supportive friends who do know me and know that what is being insinuated about me is a complete lie. I am so busy with my children and law school studies that to take even a few moments out of my day to address this ludicrous issue is an annoyance. I only take the time to explain myself because apparently my silence, as a result of my indifference, has been construed as an admission of guilt. These are my words and this is the last you will hear from me on this subject because I have more important things to do.

I DID NOT HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH TONY PARKER, nor did I “pursue” Tony Parker. Unfortunately, because our divorces are occurring at the same time, great speculation has been cast on our friendship. My friendship with Tony Parker had nothing to do with the end of my marriage (which is painful enough without this added drama), and to assume that we had an affair is naïve, ridiculous, and completely misguided.

Every day I dedicate myself to being a good person and the best Mom that I can possibly be for my two beautiful children. I pride myself on being a Mom first, an advocate for abused children second, and a law student third. Those are the things that are of the utmost importance to me. I have spent my adult life fighting for children who have been victimized so forgive me for not caring when someone tells me that my name is being dragged through the mud.

Salacious rumors are not what keep me awake at night. What keeps me awake is wondering how the 5-year-old who was taken away from her abusive family is sleeping during her first night in a children’s shelter. I worry about friends fighting overseas and whether or not they will return home to their families. I worry about the health of my children, my family, and my friends. I worry about soccer uniforms, carpool, immunizations, baseball practice, paying the bills on time, grocery shopping, the kid’s homework, and so many other things that may seem menial to some people; but to me are everything. Right now I worry about my law school finals… being a first year law student is much scarier than dealing with gossip!

Happy Thanksgiving. My family and I want thank our troops and their families for their sacrifices that enable us to enjoy our freedoms this holiday season.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. While you are here I would encourage you to get involved with (or donate to) the children’s organizations that fight child abuse and neglect in San Antonio or your part of the world.

God bless you and your family,

Erin Marie Barry


Aww damn, does this mean no more topics by Laker fans about how Parker orphaned the Barry children? :depressed

12-03-2010, 07:56 AM
Stupid. Why take so long to post but don't trust it.

12-03-2010, 08:00 AM
cully will not approve of this.

but the fag's on a leave anyway.

12-03-2010, 08:01 AM

Aww damn, does this mean no more topics by Laker fans about how Parker orphaned the Barry children? :depressed

nope....makes it even worse... that skeezer sounds like Lebron: " I did it for the kids"...:lol

and even if they haven't actually fucked....we know for a certainty she's been bouncing quarters off Tony's ass....:rollin

12-03-2010, 08:01 AM

12-03-2010, 08:12 AM
Don't buy it. They fucked.

12-03-2010, 08:21 AM
sounds like Lebron: " I did it for the kids"...:lol

You honestly think he didn't do The Decision for the kids? He could have easily just announced it like any other player...but he saw the opportunity to raise MILLIONS of dollars for underprivileged children...and he took it. He sacrificed himself for the good of everyone...does that sound familiar?


12-03-2010, 08:24 AM
lol she mad. Hilarious how she tries to pull "I don't care if anyone's talking shit despite my long, typed out, proof-read response on the internet" card.

She's doing it for the children :cry :cry :cry

12-03-2010, 08:26 AM
Like I always said. It was never, ever confirmed by anyone of worth.

12-03-2010, 08:27 AM
You honestly think he didn't do The Decision for the kids? He could have easily just announced it like any other player...but he saw the opportunity to raise MILLIONS of dollars for underprivileged children...and he took it. He sacrificed himself for the good of everyone...does that sound familiar?

I guess you're doing the same by challenging King Kool..go ahead sacrifice your self for the good of the board...but I must warn you Kool delivers slow and deliberate beatings...and just when it seems you're about to pass out from my blows...I wake you up by pissing on you, pick you back up, and then kick that ass some more...

12-03-2010, 08:31 AM
I guess you're doing the same by challenging King Kool..go ahead sacrifice your self for the good of the board...but I must warn you Kool delivers slow and deliberate beatings...and just when it seems you're about to pass out from my blows...I wake you up by pissing on you, pick you back up, and then kick that ass some more...


12-03-2010, 08:35 AM
Not once did she say or attempt to insinuate being a good wife. Guilty as charged, bitch. So Brent is just going to wake up and walk away from this self proclaimed super woman... right.

No doubt she was the problem...most pretty model type Ho's are nasty but most can't fuck worth a shit...and there's is a difference...only real playas know that shit...:toast

Nice Summary though Luva on point with your take....


12-03-2010, 08:37 AM
I guess you're doing the same by challenging King Kool..go ahead sacrifice your self for the good of the board...but I must warn you Kool delivers slow and deliberate beatings...and just when it seems you're about to pass out from my blows...I wake you up by pissing on you, pick you back up, and then kick that ass some more...

So let me understand this...you "beat my ass slowly", then as I'm about to pass out from your..uh..."blows", you piss on me...


12-03-2010, 08:42 AM
So let me understand this...you "beat my ass slowly", then as I'm about to pass out from your..uh..."blows", you piss on me...


you keep this up and you'll be rivaling Einstein soon...:lol

12-03-2010, 08:47 AM
Don't buy it. They fucked.

12-03-2010, 08:50 AM
Dumb bitch. Why can't she keep quiet. What's next!!!!

12-03-2010, 08:58 AM
bitch we know what you did you broke up san antonio's royal family :cry

12-03-2010, 09:03 AM
tbh, you rarely, if ever, come out with a letter when smeared by gossip sites/magazines like TMZ.
You come out with a lawsuit, and that's how everyone finds out real quick that it's BS.

Was the letter written in Comic Sans? :lol

12-03-2010, 09:15 AM
bitch we know what you did you broke up san antonio's royal family :cry

I have to pat myself on the back is some of my best work yet....:lmao:lmao:lmao

The Making of "Royal"


12-03-2010, 09:36 AM
She might not have done the deed...but she thought about it.

12-03-2010, 10:03 AM
I find it hard to believe that Eva was pissed at normal texts. They had to of been salacious and provocative. Clearly, they had text sex or something else going on. Either way, no spouse can ever approve of that shit going on for a year!

So, whether or not Erin slept with Tony, the fact is she was texting a supposed "good friends" husband in a provocative and salacious manner intended to elicit a sexual response and meant to be hidden because of their content. Clearly they were not innocent texts. No one gets divorced over innocent texts.

Just saying, you can't be super mom and pretend you did nothing wrong. Own up.

12-03-2010, 10:08 AM
I have to pat myself on the back is some of my best work yet....:lmao:lmao:lmao

The Making of "Royal"


Now that is funny:lmao

12-03-2010, 10:31 AM
As Adam Carolla would say...white people problems. :lol

Cry Havoc
12-03-2010, 11:00 AM
Pretty sad how vindictive and hateful this thread is. :td Not to mention, pointless.


12-03-2010, 11:10 AM
Pretty sad how vindictive and hateful this thread is. :td Not to mention, pointless.


Exactly what I was thinking.

12-03-2010, 11:30 AM
We think that went really well. Takes notes.

-did it for the "abused" kids
-thanked the troops

Cry Havoc
12-03-2010, 11:36 AM
We think that went really well. Takes notes.

-did it for the "abused" kids
-thanked the troops

What, exactly, would you like her to say?

What could she say that you wouldn't instantly lambaste her for?

Nothing. Because she's an easy target and this is the internet, and god knows we love bringing other people down a notch. :rolleyes

12-03-2010, 11:44 AM
pretty sad how vindictive and hateful this thread is. :td not to mention, pointless.



12-03-2010, 11:51 AM
lol thanking the troops. Our military hasn't fought for our freedom in 50 years! :lol

12-03-2010, 11:52 AM
I did it for my kids? :vomit::vomit:

Jose Canseco
12-03-2010, 11:59 AM
What, exactly, would you like her to say?

What could she say that you wouldn't instantly lambaste her for?

Nothing. Because she's an easy target and this is the internet, and god knows we love bringing other people down a notch. :rolleyes

She was going to catch venom no matter what she said or wrote. But the letter did come off as disingenuous with her bringing up abused kids and thanking the troops and being too busy to type a 5 minute letter... but exchanging hundreds of dirty texts she had time for, right? In my opinion, her silence was better. Now she looks defensive and the letter looks contrived.

I won't cast judgment on whether she did anything with Tony for real. But she's painting herself as a saint and a great mother. But even if she didn't actually have sex with Tony, how much of a saint is she when she's a married woman sending nasty texts to someone else's husband?

I mean, you're right in a way that she's in a no-win situation. But it's the internet and people talk shit. I'm not sure why you seem so upset at the people posting in this thread and making fun of her. It's pretty much par for the course around here.

Cry Havoc
12-03-2010, 11:59 AM
lol thanking the troops. Our military hasn't fought for our freedom in 50 years! :lol

Fuck your politics, they are fighting for our country and deserve respect. Go up to a marine and tell him he isn't fighting for our freedom. See how far your mouth gets you when you have the balls to speak your mind in public.

Cry Havoc
12-03-2010, 12:05 PM
She was going to catch venom no matter what she said or wrote. But the letter did come off as disingenuous with her bringing up abused kids and being too busy to type a 5 minute letter and thanking the troops but exchanging hundreds of dirty texts she had time for right? In my opinion, her silence was better. Now she looks defensive and the letter looks contrived.

I think what she meant by her time restriction is that she didn't have time to deal with the media every day of her life. She doesn't have time to go on Dateline and answer 2 hours worth of questions about what happened between her and Tony. She has time to write a letter, obviously, but not to get her entire life caught up in the process of defending herself. To me, that seems relatively honest. She could definitely be making a huge media circus out of this and getting interviews with just about any talk show in the nation. Save this letter, she's stayed completely out of the spotlight.

I won't cast judgment on whether she did anything with Tony for real. But she's painting herself as a saint and mother. But even if she didn't actually have sex with Tony, how much of a saint is she when she's a married woman sending nasty texts to someone else's husband?

I mean, you're right in a way that she's in a no-win situation. But it's the internet and people talk shit. I'm not sure why you seem so upset at the people posting in this thread and making fun of her. It's pretty much par for the coarse around here.

I'm not really upset about it. It's just annoying to see it on the front page of SpursTalk in the NBA forum. It's one thing if it's a Club thread, but this isn't basketball, and yet people are chipping in left and right, a lot of them choosing to spit vitriol at Erin for no other reason than she's a former Spurs wife and they harbor that much resentment toward the franchise. Or they're trolling.

Either way, I think it's a colossal waste of time and it further highlights how this forum has become more about smack talk and trolling than actual basketball discussion and relatively civil discourse. When I first joined ST, it was full of threads about people actually wanting to discuss the NBA. Now 50% of the threads are Lakers fans/trolls constantly trying to ridicule people, or "LOL Hornets/Spurs/Lakers/Mavs" threads that are composed of a single line of text.

Jose Canseco
12-03-2010, 12:08 PM
Dude you certainly seem pretty upset about it. Just let it die a normal thread death. I think your butthurt over the topic will only attract more people chiming in.

Bieber Fever
12-03-2010, 12:11 PM
me n old eriin babii roleplayed once where ii wuz da abused kiid. she kinda sexii when she swingin a belt. ya ii hiit dat shiit

12-03-2010, 12:27 PM
This chick isn't fooling anyone. I highly doubt this big breakup was over a few texts. Tony is a pussy & probably admitted to Eva that he had an affair lmao

12-03-2010, 03:01 PM
She shouldn't have posted. It complicated things....

12-03-2010, 03:04 PM
lol lying black dick whore

12-03-2010, 03:06 PM
He rapedPERIOD

12-03-2010, 03:09 PM
He rapedPERIOD


12-03-2010, 03:11 PM
Man, a lot of you really, really care about this.

12-03-2010, 03:23 PM
If she had put her husband on that list of priorities, two families would not be ruined right now...

12-03-2010, 03:23 PM
Fuck your politics, they are fighting for our country and deserve respect. Go up to a marine and tell him he isn't fighting for our freedom. See how far your mouth gets you when you have the balls to speak your mind in public.

What a bunch of bullshit!

regardless of whether a marine would be all butthurt and beat you to a pulp for it, its still the truth. The Iraq war never had anything to do with fighting for America's freedom. It is what it is, deal with it.

12-03-2010, 03:33 PM
lol lying black dick whore

She's gonna go on a shopping spree


12-03-2010, 03:36 PM
lol thanking the troops. Our military hasn't fought for our freedom in 50 years! :lol

i've heard some stuff man.. how bad the us is hated and stuff ppl have been planning / consipiring to do.. made me think about leaving the country.. they are fighting for our safety

Cry Havoc
12-03-2010, 03:37 PM
What a bunch of bullshit!

regardless of whether a marine would be all butthurt and beat you to a pulp for it, its still the truth. The Iraq war never had anything to do with fighting for America's freedom. It is what it is, deal with it.

They're still risking their lives to serve the country. Recognize it for what a high honor that is, don't twist it with pointless squabbling about whether or not what they're doing is right. They are serving and at times are paying the highest price for that service. The real bullshit is that someone would say it's not important to support our troops just because you disagree with the orders they are being handed down.

12-03-2010, 03:47 PM
Whether it right or wrong, it's a pity that amongst lots of countries, US is hated most.

12-03-2010, 03:54 PM
They're still risking their lives to serve the country. Recognize it for what a high honor that is, don't twist it with pointless squabbling about whether or not what they're doing is right. They are serving and at times are paying the highest price for that service. The real bullshit is that someone would say it's not important to support our troops just because you disagree with the orders they are being handed down.

No problem with respecting American troops, at all. Just the premise that America's freedom has anything to do with why they are there, and I also thought the "pissed off marine" argument was a little lame.

12-03-2010, 03:56 PM
Whether it right or wrong, it's a pity that amongst lots of countries, US is hated most.

I'm a realist. I don't hate the US. I also don't think their shit don't smell, just that it does the same as everyone elses.

12-03-2010, 03:59 PM
The Spurs fans and their entire organization did everything in their power to suppress this issue, and here she comes opening her big fucking mouth forcing people like me and Kool to notice her again. Dumb bitch.

Oh no. If she only knew this statement would make you and your boyfriend notice her and talk about it again...

12-03-2010, 04:11 PM
The Spurs fans and their entire organization did everything in their power to suppress this issueExcept they didn't. You're presence on the board is proof they didn't do everything in their power.

and here she comes opening her big fucking mouth forcing people like me and Kool to notice her again.Why are you so weak that you had to read it?

What a pussy.

12-03-2010, 04:26 PM


...because no Erin Barry thread should be without pictures. And because only emos and women actually care about any of this.

12-03-2010, 04:27 PM
the whore is clearly lying

Trill Clinton
12-03-2010, 04:32 PM



12-03-2010, 04:34 PM
Fuck your politics, they are fighting for our country and deserve respect. Go up to a marine and tell him he isn't fighting for our freedom. See how far your mouth gets you when you have the balls to speak your mind in public.

I agree the military deserve respect but man, trust me, they're not all hung up on honor and all that shit. I worked with Marines for 5+ years on Camp Lejeune and a lot of them could give two shits about what they're fighting for. I know a lot of people eat up that "they're fighting for our freedom" stuff and think every Marine is Pat Tillman but from what I've seen the military is not the brotherhood of honor that people like to make it out to be. A lot of these guys are in the military for a guaranteed check every 1st and 15th and nothing more. These men and women all come from different backgrounds and don't even get along with each other half the time. Many are still immature kids and toss all kinds of racial slurs and shit at each other.

If you were to walk up to some of these guys and tell them they're not fighting for our freedom they most likely would shrug. They may even tell you you're right because they had no idea what the fuck they were fighting for. And I've heard those exact sentiments from many Marines and reservists who come back from a tour to find out a few weeks later they have to go back again....and then again. Try imagining a reservist being told he/she has to stay past the commitment they signed on for.You don't know the anger and frustration they have. I've seen it up close. I've seen men and women in tears man. It sucks. They don't feel "honor" and all that shit. They feel betrayed.

12-03-2010, 04:41 PM
sons just don't marry them. its ok if you're just a bum with nothing to lose, but if you have ANYTHING going for you in life financially, they will suck you dry once they get bored after a while and 90% of the time the justice system is pro-female no matter what. The moment you sign that contract, you're fucked. Marriage is basically a loophole that allows females to get away with theft. It is a legal contract that is completely one sided. the man has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose, the female has everything to gain and nothing to lose.

12-03-2010, 04:49 PM
I find it hard to believe that Eva was pissed at normal texts.

Or, maybe she is a batshit crazy Hollywood attention whore succubus. Pop needs put TP on lockdown every time the Spurs travel to L.A. this season.

12-03-2010, 04:52 PM
I agree the military deserve respect but man, trust me, they're not all hung up on honor and all that shit. I worked with Marines for 5+ years on Camp Lejeune and a lot of them could give two shits about what they're fighting for. I know a lot of people eat up that "they're fighting for our freedom" stuff and think every Marine is Pat Tillman but from what I've seen the military is not the brotherhood of honor that people like to make it out to be. A lot of these guys are in the military for a guaranteed check every 1st and 15th and nothing more. These men and women all come from different backgrounds and don't even get along with each other half the time. Many are still immature kids and toss all kinds of racial slurs and shit at each other.

If you were to walk up to some of these guys and tell them they're not fighting for our freedom they most likely would shrug. They may even tell you you're right because they had no idea what the fuck they were fighting for. And I've heard those exact sentiments from many Marines and reservists who come back from a tour to find out a few weeks later they have to go back again....and then again. Try imagining a reservist being told he/she has to stay past the commitment they signed on for.You don't know the anger and frustration they have. I've seen it up close. I've seen men and women in tears man. It sucks. They don't feel "honor" and all that shit. They feel betrayed.

They're fighting for each other. It doesn't matter how you, me, or anyone else perceives it. They're doing something that most of us won't - and deserve respect for that. For those fighting (firefights) next to each other, it's absolutely a brotherhood.

12-03-2010, 04:53 PM
Fuck your politics, they are fighting for our country and deserve respect. Go up to a marine and tell him he isn't fighting for our freedom. See how far your mouth gets you when you have the balls to speak your mind in public.

If they are fighting for our freedom, are they not in turn, fighting for our rights to express ourselves freely. Being in the military is a job. I'm not saying they don't deserve respect, but so do firemen, emts and oil-rig workers.

12-03-2010, 05:11 PM
This thread is way off topic.

I don't see why we can't just talk about Erin....and by talk, i mean post pictures of her.

12-03-2010, 05:52 PM
sons just don't marry them. its ok if you're just a bum with nothing to lose, but if you have ANYTHING going for you in life financially, they will suck you dry once they get bored after a while and 90% of the time the justice system is pro-female no matter what. The moment you sign that contract, you're fucked. Marriage is basically a loophole that allows females to get away with theft. It is a legal contract that is completely one sided. the man has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose, the female has everything to gain and nothing to lose.


God bless

12-03-2010, 08:05 PM
Fuck your politics, they are fighting for our country and deserve respect. Go up to a marine and tell him he isn't fighting for our freedom. See how far your mouth gets you when you have the balls to speak your mind in public.

Since you feel so strongly about it to derail a perfectly good fuck the Spurs and Parker and his mistress bitch thread...tell us Cry Baby Havoc...tell us all the name of the military service men & women who died in the line of duty whose names you remember...Fact is you don't know not a single name...Why because deep down you really don't give a fuck either....Hey they're over their dying for us dog...Why don't you have a rolodex of all their names or even just the ones from your State...I'll tell you why you don't...because you're a fucking hypocrite...I've seen your kind before nothing but Billboards and Platitudes will do...you just wanna post on ST and act Patriotic...

It's Howdy Doody or Yankee Doodle Time


12-03-2010, 08:07 PM
I find it hard to believe that Eva was pissed at normal texts. They had to of been salacious and provocative. Clearly, they had text sex or something else going on. Either way, no spouse can ever approve of that shit going on for a year!

So, whether or not Erin slept with Tony, the fact is she was texting a supposed "good friends" husband in a provocative and salacious manner intended to elicit a sexual response and meant to be hidden because of their content. Clearly they were not innocent texts. No one gets divorced over innocent texts.

Just saying, you can't be super mom and pretend you did nothing wrong. Own up.


OPP how can i explain it? I'll take it frame by frame it ...
O is for other
P is for People's
the Other scratch your temple, the other P?
not THAT quite simple ... LOL

12-03-2010, 08:10 PM
This thread is way off topic.

I don't see why we can't just talk about Erin....and by talk, i mean post pictures of her.

amen. loyal wife or smelly pirate whore she is hot ...hotter than Eva ...

12-03-2010, 08:24 PM
Who cares...she stupid. Don't act like a good mother.

12-03-2010, 08:59 PM
So we're just assuming something happened?

It could have been an emotional affair :lmao

12-04-2010, 12:26 AM

is this luva?

12-04-2010, 01:31 AM
They're fighting for each other. It doesn't matter how you, me, or anyone else perceives it. They're doing something that most of us won't - and deserve respect for that. For those fighting (firefights) next to each other, it's absolutely a brotherhood.That sig video is hilarious. Why are the cheerleaders fat?

12-04-2010, 03:23 AM
Oh no. If she only knew this statement would make you and your boyfriend notice her and talk about it again...

cowbell girl is blind

classless move on ur part tbh

Death In June
12-04-2010, 05:42 AM
She sounds like a bitch.

12-04-2010, 07:23 AM
Having an affair sucks major ass....unless you get to bang Erin.

12-04-2010, 07:57 AM


...because no Erin Barry thread should be without pictures. And because only emos and women actually care about any of this.

I'm trying to figure it out....something looks funny with Erin's ass...even with all the air brushing her ass looks kind of wide and her thighs look baby fatish... something is fucked up bout it...Almost looks likes she just took a diaper off...also if you look at her closely she has sort of a pig's snout look about her nose...and her hands...good grief her hands look like they belong on a 60 yr old...look at this shit closer and you'll see what I'm talking bout...only thing I really like bout her is the curvature of her lips...other than that she's a dime a dozen...Parker likes fucking with the photoshop type I see....

12-04-2010, 08:58 AM
sons just don't marry them. its ok if you're just a bum with nothing to lose, but if you have ANYTHING going for you in life financially, they will suck you dry once they get bored after a while and 90% of the time the justice system is pro-female no matter what. The moment you sign that contract, you're fucked. Marriage is basically a loophole that allows females to get away with theft. It is a legal contract that is completely one sided. the man has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose, the female has everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Hard to argue with this I married a beautiful lady from Panama and it is working out x 16 years and going strong, but that was after a previous mistake that I am still financially paying for that in my younger days I should of steered clear of from day one.

12-04-2010, 09:38 AM
Hard to argue with this I married a beautiful lady from Panama and it is working out x 16 years and going strong, but that was after a previous mistake that I am still financially paying for that in my younger days I should of steered clear of from day one.

talk about fucking yourself....she was from Panama...at least I could sympathize with you more if she was from the Mainland...but Panama...she should've been grateful that you rescued her from such a wretched place..
she gets to the Mainland of the US and then turns on you...gotdam man you really fucked that one up...that bitch should still be thanking you...these Ho's get to the US and go ape shit nuts as if they forget about what it used to be like back home...

12-04-2010, 10:28 AM
Okay, so why did Erin get a divorce? Enquiring minds want to know.

12-04-2010, 11:02 AM
I'm trying to figure it out....something looks funny with Erin's ass...even with all the air brushing her ass looks kind of wide and her thighs look baby fatish... something is fucked up bout it...Almost looks likes she just took a diaper off...also if you look at her closely she has sort of a pig's snout look about her nose...and her hands...good grief her hands look like they belong on a 60 yr old...look at this shit closer and you'll see what I'm talking bout...only thing I really like bout her is the curvature of her lips...other than that she's a dime a dozen...Parker likes fucking with the photoshop type I see....

Still hot as hell.

12-04-2010, 11:05 AM
Okay, so why did Erin get a divorce? Enquiring minds want to know.

Asked her, she will post another long explaination

12-04-2010, 11:11 AM
Asked her, she will post another long explaination

well I guess if I believed Bill I must believe Erin....even if Bill stuck a cigar in that pussy he didn't have sex with the bitch...:lmao


12-04-2010, 11:16 AM
and finally:


Jose Canseco
12-04-2010, 12:03 PM
I'm trying to figure it out....something looks funny with Erin's ass...even with all the air brushing her ass looks kind of wide and her thighs look baby fatish... something is fucked up bout it...Almost looks likes she just took a diaper off...also if you look at her closely she has sort of a pig's snout look about her nose...and her hands...good grief her hands look like they belong on a 60 yr old...look at this shit closer and you'll see what I'm talking bout...only thing I really like bout her is the curvature of her lips...other than that she's a dime a dozen...Parker likes fucking with the photoshop type I see....

More your type?


12-04-2010, 01:58 PM
the Saudis would know how to handle this.

12-04-2010, 02:28 PM
"I did not have an affair with Tony Parker"

My response: "Women lie."

12-04-2010, 02:53 PM
Hey Kori dear...when are we gonna talk in private...

12-04-2010, 05:46 PM
cowbell girl is blind

classless move on ur part tbh

I know she is. I'm admiring her skill and impressed by her ability. You're implying you found it funny. Leaving you and you alone the classless SOB TBH IMHO

God bless.