View Full Version : Fox News' Judge Napolitano on TSA, Ron Paul, Obama and Building Seven

12-04-2010, 02:46 AM
He recently joined the truther movement, and I wanted to see what could sway a Fox News host to openly come out and announce this. This first video is 90% about the constitutionality of the TSA's new measures, and is actually the reason I am posting.

Have at it.

12-06-2010, 12:47 PM
Because there just isn't enough material from prison planet here.

12-06-2010, 05:27 PM
...and is actually the reason I am posting.The 4th amendment does seem to pertain.

Is that really what you wanted to discuss? Your banner would seem to indicate otherwise.

(Putting a funny little disclaimer at the end of the OP affords you pitiful coverage: your real intent blares at the top of every page and every post.)

12-06-2010, 10:08 PM
I thought his reference to the "Jeffersonian" idea that we the people cannot grant any power to the govt that we ourselves do not enjoy (as a limit to the expression of governmental power) was pretty insightful. How can we permit our government to grope citizens (who are not criminals) to this degree, when we as citizens would never be permitted to do this, against a person's will, under any circumstances?

Its a pretty libertarian idea, and I thought that alone made the vid worth watching. It definitely made it worth posting.

And that, WH, is exactly what I wanted to post.

12-06-2010, 10:25 PM
I thought his reference to the "Jefferson" idea that we the people cannot grant any power to the govt that we ourselves do not enjoy (as a limit to the expression of governmental power) was pretty insightful. How can we permit our government to grope citizens (who are not criminals) to this degree, when we as citizens would never be permitted to do this, against a person's will, under any circumstances? Hmm. The reasons why matter very little little; whether we submit to the imposition more or less meekly or resist it will be decisive.

Its a pretty libertarian idea, and I thought that alone made the vid worth watching. It definitely made it worth posting.You learned something from it. You still like to compliment what you like and yourself for posting it. Great.

And that, WH, is exactly what I wanted to post.Do you like to brush your hair in the mirror?

Just curious. I thought you had a constitutional axe to grind and something to say about Ron Paul and WTC7. Apparently it was just another glittering generality. My bad.

12-06-2010, 10:45 PM
Hmm. The reasons why matter very little little; whether we submit to the imposition more or less meekly or resist it will be decisive.

this one point was more interesting than the moundful of shite Ive heard around these parts in the last while. That says nothing about me, but everything about libertarianism.

My interests dont give me any additional worth in my own mind, regardless what you want to believe.

Had you heard this before, WH?

12-06-2010, 10:48 PM
Had I heard what before?

12-06-2010, 11:09 PM
That says nothing about me, but everything about libertarianism. More handwaving. You just said nothing about libertarianism.

I am totally cool with that, but I wonder whether that is what you really intended to do.

12-06-2010, 11:11 PM
Had I heard what before?

yes, that is the question I was asking.

12-06-2010, 11:15 PM
If you don't want an answer that's fine with me too.

12-06-2010, 11:17 PM
More handwaving. You just said nothing about libertarianism.

should I have to map out the concept for the simplest reader? not interested in that. call it handwaving. I call it "I aint got a teacher's certificate."

Do you just question whether or not I understand the concept?

Did you? can you not see a connection between libertarian thought, and tying our government's power to a fundemental, intrinsic set of individual liberties enjoyed by each and every member of society?

12-06-2010, 11:22 PM
yes, that is the question I was asking.

12-06-2010, 11:38 PM
My interests dont give me any additional worth in my own mind, regardless what you want to believe.Bullshit.

The provocatively ignorant way you demean us for being collectively unaware of hackneyed, conspiranoid takes that medium term posters like me have probably already seen at least 100 times, longer term posters, maybe 1000 times;

Your premature touchdown dances;

Shamelessly quoting your own inanities;

Your hyper-reliance on glittering generalities;

-- all put the lie to your false humility, Parker.

12-06-2010, 11:44 PM
should I have explain my own comments? not interested in that. call it handwaving. I call it "I aint got a teacher's certificate."Fify. Not explaining your own vague comments is functionally indistinguishable from hand waving.

Do you just question whether or not I understand the concept? I wasn't sure what concept you were referring to. Are you sure?

Did you? can you not see a connection between libertarian thought, and tying our government's power to a fundemental, intrinsic set of individual liberties enjoyed by each and every member of society?Napolitano's comment, indirectly quoted by yourself. Thank you.

Can you furnish a more direct quotation of Mr. Napolitano? Your own gloss seemed a little chunky to me.

12-06-2010, 11:45 PM
prison planet..?

alex jones...?

no thanks.

12-06-2010, 11:52 PM
horseshit WH.

These "conspiranoid takes" meet resistance from the word go. So what you see as pompous is a resistance to resistance, from minute one. What you see as abusive is a fair rebuttal to "pompous" dismissal in my eyes. Tin hat wearer, since day one, in the eyes of a few of a handful or more.

Premature touchdown dances? You stepped into a fluoride issue without having read the board and got your ass handed to you. We cant go back and change the past WH.

And I dont know if you've noticed, but real life is giving us one conspiracy plotline after the other in the news. Wikileaks? Iran? Iraq? Wall Street bailout? Obama's hope and change [to follow]/ [to=] Bush's authoritarian regime? TSA's security measures?

12-06-2010, 11:55 PM
I thought his reference to the "Jeffersonian" idea that we the people cannot grant any power to the govt that we ourselves do not enjoy (as a limit to the expression of governmental power) was pretty insightful.

thats the fucking quote WH. IT IS NOT WORD FOR WORD, but it is the idea in flawless condition. correct it if you can. Pompous? no. intolerant of misinformation? yeah

12-07-2010, 01:00 AM
If you don't want to give it, that's fine.

12-07-2010, 01:08 AM

12-07-2010, 01:33 AM
Other than repeating it again or telling us how great it is, again, did you have any other observation on the supposed reciprocity of power b/w the government and the governed?

For example, do you think such a reciprocity exists now?

Do you think it has existed at any time in the past?

12-07-2010, 01:33 AM
More likely it was just an idle daydream of TJ's and a dog whistle for the tyranny response team, don't cha think?

12-07-2010, 01:46 AM
Other than repeating it again or telling us how great it is, again, did you have any other observation on the supposed reciprocity of power b/w the government and the governed?

For example, do you think such a reciprocity exists now?

Do you think it has existed at any time in the past?

If we stay loyal to that as a threshold for government power, it seems we might avoid messes like the one we face currently. I dont know if it has ever existed.

But the bullseye isn't important, imo. The important thing is that we get the pendulum moving back into the direction of limited govt.

I'll be the first to tell you I dont know jack shit about Jefferson, and had never heard this idea till I heard Napolitano lay it out on Infowars. The one and only. And I was blown away.

12-07-2010, 01:48 AM
More likely it was just an idle daydream of TJ's and a dog whistle for the tyranny response team, don't cha think?

or could it be a message in a bottle to future generations in need, because TJ had a hunch that tyranny will always be knocking at our door?

12-07-2010, 02:03 AM
If you don't want to give it, that's fine.

try this out hoss. its the droids your looking for.


12-07-2010, 02:43 AM
The TJ quote I asked for ain't in there, hoss. There's a Bastiat quote that kinda fits, but that's not what we were talking about.

Your bs fails at delivery, hoss.

12-07-2010, 03:14 AM
I dont know if it has ever existed.The answer you're looking for is "never."

But the bullseye isn't important, imo. The important thing is that we get the pendulum moving back into the direction of limited govt. Ratchet effect. The pendulum only swings one way. The government, once given discretion to do something, seldom yields the power back to the people.

I'll be the first to tell you I dont know jack shit about Jefferson, and had never heard this idea till I heard Napolitano lay it out on Infowars.Everything you know about Thomas Jefferson, you learned on Infowars. Revealing.