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View Full Version : Bruce Bowen named 4th dirtiest player in sports history

The Btown Spur
12-15-2010, 02:09 PM
I was watching 1st and 10 today and everyone was ripping on Bruce for being named the 4th dirtiest player in history. I dont believe it but according to this bruce is the dirtiest player in NBA history?


Mike Tyson, who bit someones ear off, was 40 on the list

12-15-2010, 02:21 PM
The writer must be a butthurt Suns fan

12-15-2010, 02:31 PM
The writer must be a butthurt Suns fan

I agree. That's just ridiculous. That's like a Spurs fan saying Juwan Howard is the dirtiest player ever.

12-15-2010, 02:37 PM
You cant hate on a player who works harder than the player hes defending. sometimes a kick to the face tells the opposing team you mean business.

12-15-2010, 02:48 PM
Crappy list. It doesn't make sense He's not even one of the dirtiest players in basketball, let alone In all 'sports history' :rolleyes If they don't know what to write, they should just not write at all.

12-15-2010, 02:48 PM
Bruce robbed of many DPOY awards. A shame.

12-15-2010, 03:10 PM
These lists are always so subjective because you could ask 10 people for the definition of "dirty" and get 11 different answers, but I can't possibly reverse engineer a definition of the word that is being consistently applied through out that list. Horry showing up at #29 for no apparent reason other than putting Nash on the floor seems to support the "butthurt Suns fan" theory.

Could just have titled it 50 guys that some fans don't like.

Cry Havoc
12-15-2010, 03:10 PM

It completely invalidates this list that Bowen is ranked 4th and Bill Lambeer isn't even in the top 10.

:lmao @ Tonya Harding being #9.

So what Bowen did is dirtier than hiring a hit man to destroy someone's knee? Wtf?! :wtf

Edit: Ty Cobb all the way down at #16!? These guys know nothing. :lmao

12-15-2010, 03:16 PM
Bobby Clarke
Dale Hunter
Ulf Samuelsson

Bill Laimbeer
Karl Malone
Denis Rodman
Kevin McHale

De Jong
Van Bommel

all those above are way, way more dirty than Bowen ever was.

what a sad pathetic list


gimme a break, if you did not put someone in the hospital you do not belong in that list.

Cry Havoc
12-15-2010, 03:18 PM
Bobby Clarke
Dale Hunter
Ulf Samuelsson

Bill Laimbeer
Karl Malone
Denis Rodman
Kevin McHale

De Jong
Van Bommel

all those above are way, way more dirty than Bowen ever was.

what a sad pathetic list


gimme a break, if you did not put someone in the hospital you do not belong in that list.

Cobb once got into a physical confrontation with a fan during a game.

The fan was in a wheelchair. Cobb jumped into the stands and started punching him.

12-15-2010, 03:20 PM
Well, ain't this some ol' bullshit..........

12-15-2010, 03:23 PM
Dirtiest Players in Sports History
By: Ray Allen

12-15-2010, 03:23 PM
Bad, bad Bowen :lol

12-15-2010, 03:24 PM
why? he didn't take a bath before games or what is the reason?

12-15-2010, 03:34 PM
Who gives a shit? I love watching that clip of BB12 karate kick Wally. Best shit ever.

12-15-2010, 03:55 PM
Ummm....where the hell is Kermit Washington?

Or is this considering only the overall body of work?

12-15-2010, 03:56 PM

that animal makes easily top 5 dirtiest sports person ever.

watch this sick video if you can(I couldn't and had to turn away), materazzi shows up 3 times


12-15-2010, 04:05 PM
#45 Kobe Bryant

The NBA has two types of dirty players: 1. openly aggressive ones, and 2. those who pull cheap plays when the refs aren't looking. As seen in the video, Bryant's a member of the latter group. Just ask around the league and you'll find out that hotel workers in Eagle County, Colorado aren't the only ones to have been violated by the Black Mamba

12-15-2010, 04:07 PM
#43 Raja Bell .... I have no objections here

Bell was always known as a scrappy defender, but his battle with Kobe Bryant during the 2006 playoffs gained him both notoriety and support from anti-Kobe fans worldwide. With one clothesline, Bell brought some WWE action to the NBA and justice for all enemies of Mamba. Protect ya neck!

12-15-2010, 04:17 PM
At least people (although still extremely butthurt) still remember Bruce. I was afraid they'd forget about how efficient he was after he had retired.

12-15-2010, 04:25 PM
Bobby Clarke
Dale Hunter
Ulf Samuelsson

Bill Laimbeer
Karl Malone
Denis Rodman
Kevin McHale

De Jong
Van Bommel

all those above are way, way more dirty than Bowen ever was.

what a sad pathetic list


gimme a break, if you did not put someone in the hospital you do not belong in that list.

Matrix never did, so he doesn't belong.

12-15-2010, 04:26 PM
that animal makes easily top 5 dirtiest sports person ever.

watch this sick video if you can(I couldn't and had to turn away), materazzi shows up 3 times




12-15-2010, 04:26 PM
Bobby Clarke was dirty?

What a bunch of pussies

12-15-2010, 04:42 PM
Bobby Clarke was dirty?

What a bunch of pussies



12-15-2010, 04:47 PM
I wonder people would say if they were alive to see the NBA in the 80s. Everyone was dirty?

Jason R
12-15-2010, 04:47 PM
He probably wasn't the cleanest of players, but I doubt he was the fourth dirtiest.

12-15-2010, 04:48 PM

Back then it was normal

12-15-2010, 05:15 PM
I miss Bowen! That list is a joke.

Wish we had a tough seasoned son of a bitch like him on our team again though.

12-15-2010, 05:24 PM
Bullshit article. The person who made this obviously has no smarts to who is a "dirty player"

12-15-2010, 05:27 PM
A meaningless blog.

Bowen is the 4th dirtiest player in sport history? It's really funny.

12-15-2010, 05:27 PM
i had forgotten how many youtube videos clueless and bitter suns fans had made over the 07 series.

Bruce was pesky, not dirty. There is a big difference IMO. Raja bell's clothesline of kobe (even though i enjoyed it!) was way dirtier than anything bruce ever did.

12-15-2010, 05:30 PM
Joke list on a joke website.

12-15-2010, 05:44 PM
I love Bowen, he is one of my all time favorite spurs. But come on yall, every time he contested a jumper he scissor kicked so that his foot was underneath the offensive player. I don't think he was trying to injure people, but he damn sure wanted to get in there head and make them think about landing wrong. He also has a few outright dirty plays, like kicking Wally Sczerbiak(sp?) in the face. Due to this perception every little thing he did, like inadvertently kneeing Nash and "kicking" Paul while he was on the ground got more attention then they probably deserved. He will always be one of those players you loved to have on your team and hated if he was on the other team.

4th all time in all sports is obviously an exaggeration, but saying he wasn't at all dirty is an exaggeration also.

12-15-2010, 05:52 PM
Meh, Bruce got his 3 rings and that's all that matters.

12-15-2010, 06:00 PM
wait so they were rippin on bowen? did they talk about their opinions of the accuracy?

The Btown Spur
12-15-2010, 06:06 PM
Yeah on First Take they were playfully ripping on Bruce. Bruce took it well but you could tell he was a little embarrased ive been trying to find a video of it online but havent found it. Youd think ESPN would at least check the lists credibility before putting it on their shows but guess not.

12-15-2010, 06:12 PM
BB was a dirty mo'fucka and I loved every minute of it.

12-15-2010, 06:15 PM

12-15-2010, 06:23 PM

12-15-2010, 06:24 PM
lol Manny read my mind... :lol

12-15-2010, 06:27 PM
Bruce baby!!

We miss you

When is Pop going to stop beating around the bush and finally put his fucking jersey in the rafters?

12-15-2010, 07:11 PM
Don't know enough about sports to rank him relative to other players but Bruce was one dirty MF. Think about it like this, if somebody stuck their foot under your feet after you took a jump shot, how would you react?

I'm not talking about any of the kicking incidents with Ray Allen, Chris Paul, or whoever else. I'm just saying the sliding the foot under a jump shooter move was an extremely dirty play and he did it several times. Of course it got into players heads. I think anybody would be worried about spraining their ankle in that situation.

That's a really dirty play and I'm surprised no one beat the hell out of him.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drPQkEsM8uM -- does it to francis and crawford

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-ZPWnf9fKU&feature=related - another attempt at a dirty play on Iverson

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p29aGNsyBs&feature=related - tripping Amare

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KubRIzcLIA4 - mix with 2 VC incidents and others above

12-15-2010, 07:45 PM

12-15-2010, 07:51 PM
Maybe they meant hygiene?

12-15-2010, 07:55 PM
Maybe they meant hygiene?

Full of Fail

12-15-2010, 08:08 PM
Bruce was effective. There are plenty of players in the league who hurt other players, but cannot actually defend anyone. Look at Pryzbilla. He's always throwing someone to the floor. Dirk's elbows have teeth in them from many different sources. Ewing was notorious for his elbows. If it works and the refs don't see it, go for it. That's how these bullshit fouls are called when someone flings their arms up after the know they were just fouled, like they were in the act of shooting. When everyone becomes honest, the Spurs will probably be leading the way.

12-15-2010, 10:01 PM

It completely invalidates this list that Bowen is ranked 4th and Bill Lambeer isn't even in the top 10.

:lmao @ Tonya Harding being #9.

So what Bowen did is dirtier than hiring a hit man to destroy someone's knee? Wtf?! :wtf

Edit: Ty Cobb all the way down at #16!? These guys know nothing. :lmao

After reading the comments, I'm not even going to look at the list. Ty Cobb at 16, seriously? Hell, Cobb took pride in being a dirty rotten bastard.

Doesn't anybody remember the second half of Danny Ainge's career where he came off the bench as a hatchet man? They put him into the game specifically to do the kinds of things Bruce gets accused of.

And when you start talking about all sports, what do you do with some of those L.A. Raiders teams? There's not enough room in the Top 20 to fit all the Raiders who belong there. And they didn't try and hide it either.

If you're including coaches, Buddy Ryan ought to be in the Top 5. Probably the dirtiest sonofabitch ever associated with football, and that's saying a lot.

Kermit Washington accomplished enough in one play to earn a high spot on the list.

Fuck'em for even mentioning Bruce in the company of those people.

12-15-2010, 10:22 PM
If people are naming Bowen as the dirtiest NBA player ever, that just solidifies the pussification of this generation.

Nathan Explosion
12-15-2010, 11:02 PM
Any of the Bad Boy Pistons make it? What about Rodney Harrison? Those guys are infinitely dirtier than Bowen ever was.

12-16-2010, 12:06 AM
Any of the Bad Boy Pistons make it? What about Rodney Harrison? Those guys are infinitely dirtier than Bowen ever was.

Yeah, you're right about that. The Pistons were basketball's version of those Raiders teams. And you can include Isiah Thomas on that list. He was chickenshit dirty if I've ever seen it.

12-16-2010, 04:36 AM
Don't know enough about sports to rank him relative to other players but Bruce was one dirty MF. Think about it like this, if somebody stuck their foot under your feet after you took a jump shot, how would you react?

I'm not talking about any of the kicking incidents with Ray Allen, Chris Paul, or whoever else. I'm just saying the sliding the foot under a jump shooter move was an extremely dirty play and he did it several times. Of course it got into players heads. I think anybody would be worried about spraining their ankle in that situation.

That's a really dirty play and I'm surprised no one beat the hell out of him.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drPQkEsM8uM -- does it to francis and crawford

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-ZPWnf9fKU&feature=related - another attempt at a dirty play on Iverson

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p29aGNsyBs&feature=related - tripping Amare

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KubRIzcLIA4 - mix with 2 VC incidents and others above

the bowen "sliding his foot under the jumpshooter" thing is totally overblown. Show me a video of bowen defending a jumpshooter by staying on the ground and placing his foot under. it doesnt exist. what happens is that bowen goes up to contest and lands before the shooter and it has happened, what 4 times? for a guy who played 500+ games for about 30 mpg, guarding scorers for the bulk of those minutes, that is a blip, less than 1%. Do you call nash dirty when he looks for a charge by "sliding" under penetrators, many times without giving them space to turn around and see him (as the rules require)? that is much more purposeful (he's certainly not trying to contest the shot) and fits the definition of undercutting to a T.

the 4th video has the iverson play from the 2nd vid, and the nash knee in the 07 playoffs. its a total double standard. in the iverson play, bowen is up close on iverson and iverson presses into him. that is a foul on bowen, but not a dirty play. yet when bowen has the ball and nash rides up on him, it is bowen that is invading nash's space? that is BS. Its either a foul on bowen and a foul on nash, or a foul on iverson and a foul on bowen, cant have it both ways.

the dirtiest plays i've seen from bruce is the kick to allen and a tussle with VC, but both of those came after some back and forth, with both VC and allen having complained about bowen before the game. the 3rd vid you posted of amare is also dirty as he had no chance at the ball, though he barely managed to lean into him precisely because he was late. I dont see how those incidents are any different than the MULTIPLE ELBOWS TO THE FACE kobe has thrown when frustrated (or many other players for that matter). how about when nash tripped felton, straight up turned around and kicked his legs? of the recent players, danny forston is easily much dirtier than bowen. the difference is no one makes little youtube videos to hate on a nobody, but for a champ like bowen they do.

also IMO chris paul's brand of flopping is dirtier than bowen's brand of pesky defense. bowen tried to contest shots while paul tries to foul players out.

12-16-2010, 04:54 AM
Seriously Spurs fans. Stop reading Dirty as the word dirty.
To casual fans Dirty= defensive prowess.

Just read the article as if it is listing him as the 4 best defender in sports history, which is what this really means. They just don't understand the words they are using.

12-16-2010, 07:27 AM
Terrible list....didnt Ty Cobb sharpen his metal cleats sitting on the dugout? Didnt he intentionally go after basmen with those cleats?

12-16-2010, 08:52 AM
Such utter bullshit.

12-16-2010, 09:46 AM
List was made by some noob who is too young to remember Maurice Lucas, Bill Lambier ect...

12-16-2010, 10:44 AM
Bobby Clarke
Dale Hunter
Ulf Samuelsson

Bill Laimbeer
Karl Malone
Denis Rodman
Kevin McHale

De Jong
Van Bommel

all those above are way, way more dirty than Bowen ever was.

what a sad pathetic list


gimme a break, if you did not put someone in the hospital you do not belong in that list.

Very good additions. The omission of these players really just invalidates the entire list.

One other add, former Cardinals and Saints offensive tackle, Conrad Dobler. For those who don't remember, Dobler played in the '70's and was annually and universally considered the NFL's Dirtiest player. He was a guy that would routinely resort to practicaly anything in order to get the best of an opposing defensive lineman. He just wasn't your average cheap-shot lineman, who would hold until officials noticed. Instead, he would pull back limbs into awkward positions, poke eyeballs, spit in faces, or intentionally punch or kick into the crotch area of an opposing player. He'd literally do anything to gain an advantage. A lot of his tactics occurred at the bottom of pileups, so as not to draw as much attention. He was reviled by opposing NFL defensive lineman and sometimes by even his own teammates, because he'd rack up an inordinate amount of penalties for his actions.

There just can NEVER be a discussion of dirty players, without mentioning this guy. He was one fo the all-time dirtiest.

12-16-2010, 10:46 AM
List was made by some noob who is too young to remember Maurice Lucas, Bill Lambier ect...

Exactly. Clearly a list made up by some who are "prisoners of the present".

12-16-2010, 11:37 AM
Bill Laimbeer, Karl Malone, Rick Mahorn, Reggie Evans, Dennis Rodman, Jeff Ruland. Those are just players immediately off the top of my head that are much dirtier than Bowen.

Mitch Cumsteen
12-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Robert Horry is #29 on that list. This person had to be a Suns fan, and a complete idiot.

12-16-2010, 11:56 AM
List was made by some noob who is too young to remember Maurice Lucas, Bill Lambier ect...

So EricD made that list?

12-16-2010, 12:28 PM
So EricD made that list?

Sad thing is you probably wish you were my age, so you can go back in life and correct all the mistakes your old ass has probably made.

At the same time, it probably makes you depressed that the internet is the closest you can get to the fine young ass I receive. Look at your right hand right now and he's probably telling you I'm right.

Get a clue.

12-16-2010, 12:35 PM
At the same time, it probably makes you depressed that the internet is the closest you can get to the fine young ass I receive.

how long have you been a priest?

Cry Havoc
12-16-2010, 12:45 PM
Sad thing is you probably wish you were my age, so you can go back in life and correct all the mistakes your old ass has probably made.

At the same time, it probably makes you depressed that the internet is the closest you can get to the fine young ass I receive. Look at your right hand right now and he's probably telling you I'm right.

Get a clue.


These new gray Spurs fans are a riot.

12-16-2010, 08:38 PM

These new gray Spurs fans are a riot.

What's that suppose to mean?