View Full Version : Where were you six years ago Monday?

05-27-2005, 08:41 AM
Okay Spurs fans time to go back in time.

Read the article, http://www.woai.com/spurs/story.aspx?content_id=BE0F1F1B-A37B-4FA9-BEE0-2177C509FC13, and then post where were you on the day Sean Elliott's three pointer propelled this franchise into an elite company of NBA teams.

Give some tidbits about why this day will forever be ingrained in your memory as one of the best days of your sports fan's existence and then predict if this Monday coming up will come close or even compare to May 31, 1999.

05-27-2005, 08:46 AM
I was over at a buddy's house with about a dozen of our friends to watch the game. When the Spurs went down 18 we shut the TV off because based on past playoff experiences the Spurs didn't climb out of holes very well. So a little while later someone asks to turn it back on so we can check the score because he had laid a bet about covering the spread. We turned the TV back on just as the Spurs were breaking their huddle to set up "the play". The thing I will always remember is the sound of 15 voices yelling, "What the f***?" in unison as Sean put the shot up and then jumping up and down like morons when it went in.

05-27-2005, 08:50 AM
I was at the Service Bar in Fort Collins, Colorado. And after the game, I stayed all the way until it closed at 2:00.

05-27-2005, 08:55 AM
it was wrong to turn of the tv in the first place.....

good game that i didnt get to watch on free to air which shows one game of the week but however i got to catch all the finals game that year...

05-27-2005, 08:56 AM
I thought for the longest time I was in the car with my dad listening to that game on the radio. But that had to have been another great shot, cause Dad passed away in Nov 98.
I'm assuming I watched it t.v. but I believed the other for so long, I really can't be sure.
But I do know where I'll be this Memorial day- in my spot at the SBC center! Sweep Spurs Sweep!

05-27-2005, 08:59 AM
At home, laying on the couch.

David Robinson expressed my reaction exactly. I saw the shot go up, screamed "No! What are you doing? YEEEESSSS!!!!!"

05-27-2005, 09:00 AM
I was living in the wasteland also known as Dallas. Watching the game on TV..... Pissed off because we were loosing and then they started making the comeback...When Sean hit that 3 I almost peed on myself which wouldn't have been that hard considering I was 7 months pregnant! I will never forget that day...This monday, I will be watching the game from home,or a friends house, and will use the bathroom on a regular basis to avoid any accidents!!!

One Team, One Goal

05-27-2005, 09:03 AM
On a friggin airplane

05-27-2005, 09:26 AM
I was in section 108. Row 15 if I remember correctly. Great friggin' game.

05-27-2005, 09:32 AM
I was way up there on third deck.... Does anybody have the Radio sound byte for that shot? or know where I can get it? you know....

"Ellie to inbound......"

05-27-2005, 09:35 AM
I have that on CD I think. It wasn't on the Spurs championship CD?

05-27-2005, 09:45 AM
i had just got done playing in a summer league basketball game during my junior year of HS and had it on the radio with all my teammates listening to it. I remember stopping at the gas station to get some drinks and thats when it happened, we must have ran around that station like chickens with our heads cut off, just going absolutely crazy. Never forget it!!!

50 cent
05-27-2005, 09:50 AM
I was on the 3rd deck at the Alamodome. It's definitely one of those times that will be ingrained in my memory forever. People were crossing aisles to hug and high five other Spurs fans - it was pure greatness.

Reading this thread just gives me chills thinking about it.

We need pictures and audio links on this thread!

05-27-2005, 09:51 AM
I have that on CD I think. It wasn't on the Spurs championship CD?

I think it is.

05-27-2005, 09:51 AM
I agree with fity... about the links....

05-27-2005, 09:52 AM
Oh, man. That was after I became a Spurs fanatic. I'd always been a Spurs fan, but being in freaking Houston during the season, and not inundated with coverage is what made me realize how much I loved them. I sat in front of my computer and watched the updated boxscore as they won the game that clinched the best record in the NBA that year.

As for the actual game? I was in NB (home for the summer) and home from work in the living room. I was so mad at the Spurs, I was screaming at the TV, so my dad told me to shut up or turn it off.

Fuming at their poor play and lack of D, and knowing they wouldn't come back, I turned it off. Then back on. Then back off. Then on again to see the huddle, and then watch that shot, then scream NO FUCKING WAY! Then be yelled at by my parents for cursing.

That was such an amazing shot. I have watched it over and over.

I still talk about it to this day. Whenever someone from the SA area comes here to Houston, I ask them if they are a Spurs fan, and we always always talk about that shot.

05-27-2005, 09:53 AM
Working @ Fiesta Texas at the recording studio. Had the radio going and since people kept coming in to ask what the score was, I finally piped 'OAI into our outside speakers. There was nearly 100 people standing outside our store blocking the walkway to listen to the game and we all went wild when the shot went down. I still remember jumping up and around and high-fiving all the other fans there.

05-27-2005, 10:01 AM
I was at Hooters...no big shock right? We were watching the game and the time out was called right before Sean's shot....we were going over the different scenarios on what could be done. Then my friend James as a joke said "They will hit a 3 and win by 1" I was all "no way! They don't need a three they can do this and this.." I rambled off a bunch of stragtegies.....he looked at me and again said...."hit a 3 and win by 1" That was the playoffs when the "shock tarts" superstition reigned.

50 cent
05-27-2005, 10:03 AM



05-27-2005, 10:04 AM
I was a my folk's house watching the game.
Once Elliott made that clutch shot...I literally jump up and scraped my knuckles on the ceiling.
I even shed a tear or two because I was so thrilled on that comeback...
They were destined to win it all that year...and they did!

05-27-2005, 10:04 AM
Is that Jimmy Jacskon in the third picture? Good, he is used to this stuff.... SWEET !!!

50 cent
05-27-2005, 10:11 AM
I also remember Mario Elie running out of the Alamodome that day holding up 6 fingers for the 6 more wins they needed. There was no doubt at that point that the Spurs were going to win the Championship.

05-27-2005, 10:21 AM
It was my birthday. My whole family was watching the game on the big screen in our living room. I remember the play, and I remember one of my uncles with his hands in the air. The moment it went in was the single loudest moment to occur in my household.

05-27-2005, 10:29 AM
I was at Tapatio Springs that weekend with my dad, wife and son. I was driving back from SA listening to game on WOAI. I almost drove off the road when Elliott hit the shot. I had taped the game of course and watched it about 12 times that night. My dad came in and said, "Are you watching that again?" :lol

05-27-2005, 10:31 AM
I was wasted.

05-27-2005, 10:34 AM
The shot of Elliott running and pointing to Elie and saying "I told you so"?

I have an autographed picture of that. My most prized Spurs possession.

05-27-2005, 10:34 AM
This thread made me smile! I was at home with my mom, aunt and boyfriend watching the game. He wasn't a Spurs fan (he was from Houston) but that year I turned him in to one. He even went as far as to buy Spurs flags for his car. haha anyway...we were cheering and screaming like idiots.

This year I will be at the game cheering the boys on. :)

For those of you that want to see the shot you can view it on Seans video tribute...it starts at about 3:30 into the video. Here's To You #32 (http://aol.nba.com/spurs/history/elliott_050306.html)

05-27-2005, 10:35 AM
Section 105, Row 30. I screamed "NO!" then realized what was happening, jumped up and down like a little girl, and bear hugged the guy standing next to me -- I never did get his name!! ;)

Aside from seeing that play develop, my most vivid memory of that day is watching a stream of fans head for the exit right before the end of that timeout. The walkway behind the temporary seats in the Dome was packed with people trying to get out of the building to beat the traffic. As much as I was initially dismayed by the shot that Sean took, I had been so certain that something amazing was going to happen that I took a mental snapshot of the exodus from across the floor. Amazing.

05-27-2005, 10:39 AM
Didn't some guy have his eardrum burst when that shot went down? I read about it the next day. It must have been the loudest roar ever.

05-27-2005, 10:40 AM

"I slit my wrists and was taken to the emergency room."

05-27-2005, 10:41 AM
It was shown on late night TV over here in Australia. I was still in high school, so I had the game taped and went to school late the next morning. Needless to say I was very happy for the rest of the day :p

The image of the shot going through is burnt into my head, so much so that in one of the trivia contests here there was a question "who was on the floor during the MMD?" and I named every player. Best single Spur shot ever :)

05-27-2005, 10:42 AM

"I slit my wrists and was taken to the emergency room."
:lmao no words needed!!!!!!!!!!

05-27-2005, 10:46 AM

It looked as if Rasheed Wallace blocked his shot. Amazing how Elliott could focus on the basket with a tall person flying out at him with long arms, right in his grill as he released the shot with a high arc.

05-27-2005, 10:57 AM
Didn't some guy have his eardrum burst when that shot went down? I read about it the next day. It must have been the loudest roar ever.

Actually, there was some guy who suffered a collapsed lung or a broken rib or something like that after the play.

If anyone has access to the E-N online archives, you might be able to find that story.

05-27-2005, 11:44 AM
Actually, there was some guy who suffered a collapsed lung or a broken rib or something like that after the play.

If anyone has access to the E-N online archives, you might be able to find that story.

That's right, a collapsed lung.

Damn, that is harsh.


05-27-2005, 11:47 AM
I was underwater reading about it because we don't get TV on submarines.

05-27-2005, 11:51 AM
I was a newlywed and we had come to SA for a "makeup" honeymoon since we didin't go when we'd gotten married in January.
We had plans to meet some friends at Hooters for the game...... but .. uh ... we never left the Emily Morgan that day.

05-27-2005, 11:58 AM
Please delete this thread.

05-27-2005, 12:05 PM
From the archives...


Paper: San Antonio Express-News

Title: Spurs fever gives fan chills, collapsed lung

Date: June 13, 1999

Jesse Alejos wanted the Spurs to hear him scream.
From his perch on the club level of the Alamodome last week, Alejos and his buddies watched with eagle eyes as it came down to the last seconds of the Spurs' second match against the Portland Trail Blazers.

With the home team down by two, Alejos was silent and tense.

Then it came, the now-famous Sean Elliott Memorial Day miracle 3-point shot in the last five seconds. The shot that led the Spurs to victory, launched the crowd of 35,260 fans into pandemonium and sent Alejos to his feet, punching his fist in the air and screaming - until it hurt.

That is, until his left lung collapsed.

"The whole game we were yelling and jumping up and down. Then when Sean made that last shot ... I mean, I was really freaking out," Alejos said, more than a week later from his bed on the second floor of the Santa Rosa Hospital. "I don't think I've ever yelled so much."

He stopped cheering about the time he felt stabbing pains in his chest and couldn't draw in enough air to speak. When he got home, he called an ambulance.

The athletic 20-year-old, who has never been a smoker nor had respiratory problems of any kind, said doctors diagnosed him with a serious case of Spurs fever.

"They told me that's what must have done it," Alejos said.

Nearly two weeks later, Alejos is still recovering, unable to breathe without the help of a machine.

If his condition doesn't improve, he's headed for surgery this week, he said.

No matter.

It hasn't darkened his devotion to the Spurs.

Alejos counts as the most comforting items in his hospital room a pair of Tim Duncan's Nike tennis shoes, size 16, which he keeps next to the bed.

After Alejos asked for his autograph last year, Duncan handed him the pair off his feet.

Now, Alejos is just hoping to recover in time for the upcoming championship series, which starts Wednesday at the Alamodome, as the Spurs take on the New York Knicks.

Next time, though, he said, he plans to turn down his volume just a notch.

Copyright 1999 San Antonio Express-News

Author: Karisa King

Section: A Section

Page: 12A

Copyright 1999 San Antonio Express-News


05-27-2005, 12:18 PM
I was over visiting my parents in Austin and we were all sitting in their den watching the game. Like, many, I was like WTF when Sean put up the shot, and when it went in I was jumping up and down so high that I swear I almost hit my head on the ceiling. To me, this was the single greatest moment of the playoffs that year. Yeah, winning it all was great, but it was not the same because it wasn't in front of the home crowd.

05-27-2005, 12:21 PM
Please delete this thread.please dont ruin this thread.

3 Ring Timmy
05-27-2005, 12:24 PM
50 cent,that pic of Sean shooting the miracle shot,looks like a blocked shot to be! Thats a double miracle shot,getting it off,and going in :elephant I also cant remember where I was at.After watching games from swen nater,louie dampier,kenon,gervin,silas,to david,and tim,and brain cells over the years,not like they used to be :smokin .....get the brooms out,the suns are going on vacation soooon!

05-27-2005, 12:36 PM
Out with my (then) girlfriend. :depressed I didn't even hear about until the next day. But she's now my wife, so I can't complain much.

05-27-2005, 12:38 PM
I was in my couch and screamed and jumped up in the air and hugged my brother when Sean Elliot made the shot.

05-27-2005, 12:44 PM
i was at a friends house. the three of us there managed to jump up and down so much on the 2nd floor that we scared his parents.

unfortunately, this monday i will be on a flight back to la from san antonio. stupid scheduling.

05-27-2005, 01:30 PM
I was one of the people running out from the upper deck but not to go to the parking lot. I think you will find that alot of people were running to get closer. A group of my friends ran down from the upper deck and were standing on the opposite side baseline entrance, just to watch the final shot. It was the most amazing game of my life.

05-27-2005, 01:52 PM
I was at my buddies house in Spring Branch, we watched that game and we were so pissed that Portland was going to win this one. But we kept the faith and watched the Spurs battle back and when they went to the timeout, I knew we were going to win it.

But not the way I planned it, I thought Dave or Tim were going to go inside and tie it, when I saw that Sean got the bal I was screaming out "3 shoot the 3" watched his feet and thought the refs were gonna call it, but they didnt. And then the shot went in!

We ran outside and screamed until we couldnt scream any more. That is one day I will NEVER forget!!!

05-27-2005, 02:07 PM
The shot of Elliott running and pointing to Elie and saying "I told you so"?

I have an autographed picture of that. My most prized Spurs possession.



Sean was a badass.

05-27-2005, 02:31 PM
Yesterday's News Forum

05-27-2005, 02:44 PM
Yesterday's News Forum

Same as your team, huh? :lol

05-27-2005, 02:58 PM
I was at my grandma's, my cable was out then too. When that shot landed I broke a 450 dollar vase on accident from jumping around.

T Park
05-27-2005, 03:14 PM
sitting on the New Jersey turnpike.

listening to the ESPN Radio feed.

not understanding a word cause of the crowd and Quinn Buckner saying YES YES YES YES

I was like WTF HAPPENED!!!

Until I saw the replay on tv at the hotel that night.....

05-27-2005, 03:58 PM
Ttlong.....maybe you need to see if the Trailblazers are looking for a few more jailbirds to have another losing season.

Old School Chic
05-27-2005, 04:06 PM
Believe It or not I was on my honeymoon...

I got married on Sunday May 30th 1999 and the next day It was (Memorial Day)

05-27-2005, 04:08 PM
i was rubin one out while that happened. i was watching one of the Peter North movies, like North Pole vol 3 or something. i saw the replay later on and was stunned.

05-27-2005, 05:02 PM
I had to skip out of work to watch the game...Was over at my best friend's house. Him, His wife and I were standing in front to the TV and went absolutly bat shit when Sean sunk the Memorial Day Miracle!

05-27-2005, 05:24 PM
Working at a residental treatment facility in Portland, OR.
I was the only one rooting for the Spurs, of course.
I watched the game with the kids till they went to bed at 9:00 PM, and then with the staff after that.
My co-worker Dennis posted a new screensaver on our computer - "The Spurs are the luckiest team in the world!"

People were pissed. Me, I was beside myself with joy.

I went on to have a lively playoff rivalry with another co-worker Kenan, who is a former New Yorker.

Dingle Barry
05-27-2005, 06:18 PM
That roar was indeed one of the loudest in sports history. Damn, I really miss the Dome sometimes.

05-27-2005, 06:49 PM
I was w/ my dad at his friends house, she FINNALY got her infant son to sleep! So the whole house was quiet, I was watchin the game and trying to be as quiet as I could. Whenever the Spurs scored I wanted to clap or something, but had to stop myself. So anyways, when Sean hit that shot, I totally forgot that Levi had just gone to sleep and I freaked out, jumped up and down screaming. Anyways, got in trouble because her baby woke up. But it was worth it. What a shot!!!

I can still remember it clearly, I remember the anouncers words and everything.

"...into Sean Elliot...who fires a three......AND HITS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!...What a shot!"

Never gonna forget that day. The baby, who is now about 6, goes to our church, so whenever I see that family, I am reminded of that awesome shot.

05-27-2005, 07:10 PM
Ironically, considering who hit the shot, I was watching it in a dialysis unit.

05-27-2005, 07:18 PM
I was at my parents home...

05-27-2005, 07:37 PM
Did i just see an avatar of Rex Chapman in a Suns jersey????

Bad omen....Bad, Bad Omen!!!!!

Duff McCartney
05-27-2005, 07:48 PM
I am not sure where I was watching it, it might have been at home or it might have been at my aunts house. That whole season was just a blur.

But I think my cousin Maxpower was with me watching it and when he hit the shot..man we went apeshit. I know I did.

05-27-2005, 08:21 PM
Wow reading this post gives me chills!
Do you guys realize we are only six games away from next years' " where were you when the Spurs won it all?" post? = )

05-28-2005, 10:36 AM
Okay Spurs fans time to go back in time.

Read the article, http://www.woai.com/spurs/story.aspx?content_id=BE0F1F1B-A37B-4FA9-BEE0-2177C509FC13, and then post where were you on the day Sean Elliott's three pointer propelled this franchise into an elite company of NBA teams.

Give some tidbits about why this day will forever be ingrained in your memory as one of the best days of your sports fan's existence and then predict if this Monday coming up will come close or even compare to May 31, 1999.

Watching the game at a bar in Portland. I was bought a couple of beers after the game, most Blazer fans were simply in awe over the shot. Was betting dinner on each game in that series, made out like a bandit!

05-28-2005, 10:53 AM
I was at college in Galesburg, Illinois. I was in my dorm room with my small 13 inch TV watching the game.

I went nuts but nobody else seemed to understand. Especially my girlfriend (now fiance). Once she learned about the "Spurs thing" she decided to stay away during most games.

She gets mad because I don't pay attention to her during games.

But anyway, it was an amazing shot. I'll never forget it.

05-28-2005, 11:26 AM
I was working at a movie theater. I recorded the game and watched it when I got home... pretty late.

My mom already knew what had happened, so she said she couldn't sleep because she was waiting to hear how I reacted at the end. Needless to say, I probably would have woken her up any way.

05-28-2005, 04:28 PM
I was at the game..at the opposite end of the court. That whole side from Sean's position down was leaning over, heads cranked to the RT trying to get a good look at the play..we couldn't see Sean's feet since everyone was standing..the entire Dome was holding their collective breath..swish..Pandemonium erupts!! I highfived everyone in sight, screaming my fool head off and wound up in some stranger's arms jumping around. I screamed so loud and long I almost fainted from lack of breath!! :lol

05-28-2005, 05:09 PM
I was in Rockport at one of those tourist court motels where they have the little houses all around the perimeter facing inside...a little swimming pool etc...a bunch of us had rented the whole place...there were about 60 guys there and we had a big smoker cooking ribs and briskets with all the trimmings...went fishing that morning but got back in time to clean fish and then watch the game...I had about 20 people in my room watching it on a little 20" color TV...the place went absolutely wild...we partied till about 2am and then went fishing again the next morning....

05-28-2005, 05:26 PM
that's the radio broadcast

that's the video of it

I have no idea where I was or even if I got to see it, and I'm still kicking myself for being too young at the time to care...

baseline bum
05-28-2005, 05:28 PM
I was at the Dome with my brother and a couple of friends, sitting pretty near to where FWD was. I think it was section 104, and the ticket cost me a whole $16.50. I remember the family next to me getting up and leaving when the Spurs were down like 6 or 8 with a minute and a half left. I remember the Dome was twice as loud as I ever heard even Hemisfair when Damon Stoudamire was shooting free-throws (he missed one) right before Sean's shot. Everyone was beating on the plastic seats in front of them and stomping on the floor. You'd never believe how loud it was unless you were there. NBC did it absolutely no justice on TV. I was shocked at how quiet it sounded on TV when I saw a replay of the game on NBAtv. My brother, my friend, and I were shocked that the team was going to drop one, but my homeboy's sister was going nuts the whole game and I remember a guy next to us telling us the whole time the Spurs were taking this game, even 18 down in the third. I just started watching the boradcast on one of those little tvs on the ceiling, and then the Spurs started getting stops, Sean hit like 2 threes, and they went on something like a 17-2 run and I made myself stay on the tv (i'm pretty superstitous when it comes to the Spurs), but out of that timeout I said no way, I'm watching the floor like I paid for. Of course I thought it was the worst shot ever until it went it, and I turned to my homeboy and chest-bumped him, high-fived my bro, we all went nuts and started chest-bumping and hugging everyone within reach. It took like 30 minutes to leave the arena because everyone was hugging and high-fiving down the aisle after the game ended. A lot of us stuck around just to cheer Sean when he came into the locker room after doing at least 20 minutes of interviews on the floor.

05-28-2005, 05:34 PM
I have a story about that day but I might be shot if I tell it.


baseline bum
05-28-2005, 05:40 PM
Why? Were you a Laker fan at the time or something? Because if you were, I know Kori would lend me her glock. :makemyday

05-28-2005, 06:14 PM
Of course I thought it was the worst shot ever until it went it
That was perhaps the biggest thing about it. Was there anyone who didn't say "WTF?" when he first let it go? Even watching replays, I'm tempted to yell, "what are you doing!"

Horry For 3!
05-28-2005, 07:11 PM
I was at my old house watchin it on TV going crazy :).

05-28-2005, 07:38 PM
Section 207, with my ears bleeding from the noise.