View Full Version : Stunt doubles

05-27-2005, 09:34 AM
I saw on Sportscenter this morning that Mike Wilkes and T-Mass are practicing with the rest of the team to act as Steve Nash and Amare Stoudamire to tighten up loose ends. But I thought it was funny that Parker had mentioned that Wilkes and T-Mass are actually better than them. I know this idea has been used alot in the past to act as an opposing player but does Pop give them tape and tell them to move as they move or how do they do this?

05-27-2005, 09:37 AM
They give them some sort of advantage so it makes them more like the player they're doubling. Otherwise Mike Wilks = Steve Nash. :lol

05-27-2005, 09:39 AM

I can see Mike Wilks on rollerblades with a mop on his head, and Mass with flubber in his shoes.

05-27-2005, 09:40 AM
They give them some sort of advantage so it makes them more like the player they're doubling. Otherwise Mike Wilks = Steve Nash. :lolIf there is something we dont know maybe Wilks should have made the playoff roster to run around with Nash:lol :lol

05-27-2005, 09:41 AM

I can see Mike Wilks on rollerblades with a mop on his head, and Mass with flubber in his shoes.:lmao

05-27-2005, 09:41 AM
They shoot Wilks full of amphetimines and T-Mass gets a jetpack.

05-27-2005, 09:55 AM
They make the other Spurs try to defend them while hopping on one foot with their hands tied behind their back.

05-27-2005, 10:12 AM
To seriously answer your question, they get them to "take on" certain characteristics of the opposing players.

For example, Kiwi was always used as Dirk Nowitzki stand-in. He would ALWAYS shoot, no matter what. They didn't care if he made the shot or not, they just practiced guarding him the entire time because they didn't want him shooting. I assume they allowed him to take water breaks on defense as well for realism.

In the EN today, Horry was saying that T-Mass couldn't jump as well as Stoudie, and Wilks wasn't nearly as creative as Nash, but Massenburg was equally as strong, and Wilks equally as fast. I assume they have T-Mass doing a lot of pick and rolls, then just running straight to the hoop. If he catches the pass, great. If he makes it, even better. But what the Spurs try to do is keep themselves from getting in that situation. They try to keep "Nash" from getting the pass in, and they try to keep "Amare" from even making it to the low block.

It's a great idea, in my opinion. It's what earned Kiwi his contract. No better way to prepare for your competition than with your "competition."

05-27-2005, 10:19 AM
Maybe Wilks doesn't have to dribble. Tmass gets the Slam Man trampoline.

05-27-2005, 10:20 AM
This is what I did playing basketball in college. Since I'm left handed, I would get to be left handed players we would play against. I would watch endless film of an opponent, then play like that person in practice against our starters. :)

05-27-2005, 10:25 AM
In the EN today, Horry was saying that T-Mass couldn't jump as well as Stoudie, and Wilks wasn't nearly as creative as Nash, but Massenburg was equally as strong, and Wilks equally as fast. I assume they have T-Mass doing a lot of pick and rolls, then just running straight to the hoop. If he catches the pass, great. If he makes it, even better. But what the Spurs try to do is keep themselves from getting in that situation. They try to keep "Nash" from getting the pass in, and they try to keep "Amare" from even making it to the low block.

makes sence to me.

besides I *hope* thats what they are working on!! I was surprised after game 1 that Amare was still allowed to rack up near almost 40 points.
I'm crossing my fingers that they shut him down at least partialy in games 3 & 4 - casue to me that is just a no-brainer

05-27-2005, 10:29 AM
To seriously answer your question, they get them to "take on" certain characteristics of the opposing players.

For example, Kiwi was always used as Dirk Nowitzki stand-in. He would ALWAYS shoot, no matter what. They didn't care if he made the shot or not, they just practiced guarding him the entire time because they didn't want him shooting. I assume they allowed him to take water breaks on defense as well for realism.

In the EN today, Horry was saying that T-Mass couldn't jump as well as Stoudie, and Wilks wasn't nearly as creative as Nash, but Massenburg was equally as strong, and Wilks equally as fast. I assume they have T-Mass doing a lot of pick and rolls, then just running straight to the hoop. If he catches the pass, great. If he makes it, even better. But what the Spurs try to do is keep themselves from getting in that situation. They try to keep "Nash" from getting the pass in, and they try to keep "Amare" from even making it to the low block.

It's a great idea, in my opinion. It's what earned Kiwi his contract. No better way to prepare for your competition than with your "competition."One thing I hate the most is the way Nash is able to get into the middle for those damn little running jumpers. I thought our defense was geared toward forcing people away from the middle. I hope they find a way to limit his penetration and try to stop those amazing passes before they happen.

05-27-2005, 10:54 AM
I'm crossing my fingers that they shut him down at least partialy in games 3 & 4 - casue to me that is just a no-brainer

You know how park rangers will do "controlled burns" on some parts of the forest, so that if a fire ever does start, it doesn't burn the whole thing down? It's kind of like that. Kind of.

The Spurs are willing to let Amare get his points, because it requires too much energy to stop him. Amare is better than a lot of our guys, or at least he doesn't matchup well against them. The Spurs know he'll get his, and they know they can still beat PHX provided they shut down everyone else.

Marion and Q have both been struggling this series. This is due, in no small part, to the concentrated defensive efforts on behalf of the Spurs. See, it's more effective to put the lid on guys like Marion and Q, and keep them from adding to the destruction Stoudie and Nash create, than it is to concentrate energy on Amare and Nash. The Spurs can't stop the duo. And they know it. But they can stop the rest of them.

Does that make sense? I hope.

05-27-2005, 10:57 AM
I can see Mike Wilks on rollerblades with a mop on his head, and Mass with flubber in his shoes.

rack...that's hilarious man. :lol