View Full Version : Roflmao texans

Dr. Gonzo
12-19-2010, 11:19 PM
lol fighting each other
lol celebrating a sack when down 21-3
lol Kerry Collins
lol Bob McNair
lol Team on the "right track"


Dr. Gonzo
12-19-2010, 11:20 PM

Dr. Gonzo
12-19-2010, 11:21 PM

12-20-2010, 12:45 AM
And after that great start the Texans had, they have the same record as the Dallas Cowboys at this point...:lol

12-20-2010, 12:56 AM
And after that great start the Texans had, they have the same record as the Dallas Cowboys at this point...:lol


12-20-2010, 01:46 AM
Since I have quite a few Texans fans that are friends of mine, I've watched quite a few of their games so I will try and sum up what I feel about the Texans and their fanbase.

First of all they are clearly the most cursed franchise in the NFL since their inception in 2002. No doubt about it. There have obviously been worse teams in the NFL, but they just completely suck and don't put their fans through drama. Plus, most of these teams have had good seasons before in their history. The Browns, Bills, Rams, hell even the Lions were good at some point. You could say they're just going through a drought.

The Texans, however, seem to be at a level in the middle, a Purgatory if you will. If there is a football God, or omnipotent, I guarantee you he meant to make 31 teams and forgot he made the Texans. As a result, he decided for no apparent reason to keep giving their franchise and their fans one gutpunch after another week after week. For what reason we'll never know. Most teams get a chance to be on the other side of the fence at some point but this football god just decides to take a 24/7/365 smelly shit on the Texans with no breath of fresh air. Seriously, I've never seen an NFL team on the ass end of so many heartbreaking games every fucking time. There clearly is no other explanation. Whether it be David Carr, Rosencopter, late game interceptions, the Hail Mary, the pick 6, or last year when they finally broke through and beat the Pats only to watch their playoff hopes crumble hours away on the final week of the season. It just never ends. Like Charlie Brown's attempt to kick a football.

The best analogy I can give is you finally ask out the girl of your dreams. The date's going well and she finally takes you back to her place. You guys are getting it on, she's getting really wet, and just when you take off your pants her dad comes in, turns on the lights, and sticks a giant black dildo up your ass. The only difference is that the Texans experience that every damn week.

I don't understand how the players, or fans, even go through it anymore. On the first snap of the game the players should just bend over and admit defeat to avoid later embarassment. Take a "it's best not to fight it at this point" approach and call it a day.

For the true Texans fans I actually feel some sort of pity in my heart for you guys, even though it's just a sport. As for the others, like RocketFan, I could care less about :lol:lol:lol

12-20-2010, 09:31 AM
BUMP...with the goods.

As I said in another thread, it's like being in an abusive relationship that you think is going to get better but at the end of the season it's right back where you started. The start of the season is where you sit down together and talk about all the things that have gone wrong and decide that you love each other and you are going to make a new commitment to move on from the past.

Things are good for while...spending time together, great sex, good communication, etc. Then the small signs start...calls not immediately returned, arguments over small things, longer and longer between "quality time", etc. Then comes the denial. You see things are headed south again but just refuse to accept it. You are getting information from your friends that she is doing all kinds of things but when you ask her she always denies it and turns it back on you. When it's all said and done, you are at the end of the season again and she is sleeping with your buddy who has been your only true friend through all your issues. He's telling you to hang in there...and then inviting her over that evening.

Dr. Gonzo
12-20-2010, 10:19 AM
Since I have quite a few Texans fans that are friends of mine, I've watched quite a few of their games so I will try and sum up what I feel about the Texans and their fanbase.

First of all they are clearly the most cursed franchise in the NFL since their inception in 2002. No doubt about it. There have obviously been worse teams in the NFL, but they just completely suck and don't put their fans through drama. Plus, most of these teams have had good seasons before in their history. The Browns, Bills, Rams, hell even the Lions were good at some point. You could say they're just going through a drought.

The Texans, however, seem to be at a level in the middle, a Purgatory if you will. If there is a football God, or omnipotent, I guarantee you he meant to make 31 teams and forgot he made the Texans. As a result, he decided for no apparent reason to keep giving their franchise and their fans one gutpunch after another week after week. For what reason we'll never know. Most teams get a chance to be on the other side of the fence at some point but this football god just decides to take a 24/7/365 smelly shit on the Texans with no breath of fresh air. Seriously, I've never seen an NFL team on the ass end of so many heartbreaking games every fucking time. There clearly is no other explanation. Whether it be David Carr, Rosencopter, late game interceptions, the Hail Mary, the pick 6, or last year when they finally broke through and beat the Pats only to watch their playoff hopes crumble hours away on the final week of the season. It just never ends. Like Charlie Brown's attempt to kick a football.

The best analogy I can give is you finally ask out the girl of your dreams. The date's going well and she finally takes you back to her place. You guys are getting it on, she's getting really wet, and just when you take off your pants her dad comes in, turns on the lights, and sticks a giant black dildo up your ass. The only difference is that the Texans experience that every damn week.

I don't understand how the players, or fans, even go through it anymore. On the first snap of the game the players should just bend over and admit defeat to avoid later embarassment. Take a "it's best not to fight it at this point" approach and call it a day.

For the true Texans fans I actually feel some sort of pity in my heart for you guys, even though it's just a sport. As for the others, like RocketFan, I could care less about :lol:lol:lol


And for some reason I will continue to watch every week. I'm sticking with it until it either pays off or until I die.

12-20-2010, 10:28 AM
McNair's gotta do something. You have players coming out and saying they don't have each other's backs, he can't be that dumb to keep Kubiak and crew

12-20-2010, 10:33 AM
Yeah, that was pretty fucking brutal.

Whole staff has to go and at least a quarter of the roster.

12-20-2010, 11:04 AM
I was hoping the Texans wouldn't pass up Tampa Bay as the most cursed franchise. But TB actually made the playoffs a few seasons into their existence.

As a former Oilers fan I watch the Texans because I'm not about to follow a damn team from Tennessee. The thing is the Texans are just kind of there. They still have no real identity.

But, hey, even Tampa Bay won a Super Bowl.

Duff McCartney
12-20-2010, 01:04 PM
I laugh at the Texans and their fans. They will always be the annoying little kid in Texas football. To the Cowboys they are like a kid who beats up on younger and smaller kids and thinks he is all that, then when he plays even a team that is playing horrible, they get smacked around like the Cowboys did the Texans when they were 0-2.

Even in a year where the Cowboys are god awful they are still a better team than the Texans. That says alot.

Dr. Gonzo
12-20-2010, 02:28 PM
Remember when Duff borrowed like $500 from Jim and never paid him back.

12-20-2010, 06:02 PM

And for some reason I will continue to watch every week. I'm sticking with it until it either pays off or until I die.
Well...there was that meltdown I had last year, but hey, I'm entitled to at least one every couple of seasons.

Greg Oden
12-20-2010, 09:11 PM
Remember when Duff borrowed like $500 from Jim and never paid him back.


12-21-2010, 01:27 AM
I laugh at the Texans and their fans. They will always be the annoying little kid in Texas football. To the Cowboys they are like a kid who beats up on younger and smaller kids and thinks he is all that, then when he plays even a team that is playing horrible, they get smacked around like the Cowboys did the Texans when they were 0-2.

Even in a year where the Cowboys are god awful they are still a better team than the Texans. That says alot.

The Yankees felt that way about the Red Sox in 04 too.

12-21-2010, 02:41 AM
I laugh at the Texans and their fans. They will always be the annoying little kid in Texas football. To the Cowboys they are like a kid who beats up on younger and smaller kids and thinks he is all that, then when he plays even a team that is playing horrible, they get smacked around like the Cowboys did the Texans when they were 0-2.

Even in a year where the Cowboys are god awful they are still a better team than the Texans. That says alot.

As for the Cowboys, they're like the middle aged guy in the gym still keeping up in a way but never actually winning anything, with only memories of glory and no current cred or skill. And as for their fans, they're like the middle age guy in the bar wearing a v-neck and half a bottle of cologne reminiscing about how they used to score all the time (but now go home alone every night and masturbate to those long lost memories)

to put it shortly, they're like Notre Dame except at least Notre Dame still leads its sport in championships

12-21-2010, 09:29 AM
As for the Cowboys, they're like the middle aged guy in the gym still keeping up in a way but never actually winning anything, with only memories of glory and no current cred or skill. And as for their fans, they're like the middle age guy in the bar wearing a v-neck and half a bottle of cologne reminiscing about how they used to score all the time (but now go home alone every night and masturbate to those long lost memories)

That's funny ! :lol

to put it shortly, they're like Notre Dame except at least Notre Dame still leads its sport in championships

Greg Oden
12-21-2010, 11:37 AM
:lmao cubansucks neutured somebody for the first time ever.

lol duff mccartney