View Full Version : The "city of peace" is shrinking

05-27-2005, 05:29 PM

10,000 people flee city of peace in fear of lives


Yala _ Fear for their safety has pushed more than 10,000 people out of Yala, the southern city recognised as a ''city of peace'' last year by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco).

In March last year 77,000 people lived in the municipality. But the latest census reveals the city's population has dropped by 12,000 to only 65,000.

Pongsak Yingchoncharoen, mayor of the Yala municipality, said people have lost confidence in the safety of their lives and property after the arms robbery at a military camp in Narathiwat's Cho Airong district on Jan 4 last year.

The outflux of people is taking its toll on the city's economy and the municipality's tax collections. The municipal tax take was now 30% down.

Based on an assumption that one person has about 2,000 baht to spend a month, the amount of money circulating in the municipality had dropped about 20 million baht per month or at least 240 million baht a year, Mr Pongsak said.

Unrest in the area has had a bigger effect on the economy than the Dec 26 tsunami, he said.

''Basically, Yala is a good place to live in. It is one of five cities that won a prize from Unesco for being the most habitable. However, the prize has failed to stop local people from moving out. They do not feel safe any more,'' the mayor said.

Pote Paiboonkasemsut, president of the Yala Chamber of Commerce, said real estate businesses had been hit. Traders and business owners had asked for help from the government and the Southern Border Provinces Peace-building Command, but little had come. Many small-scale businesses had gradually closed.

Unesco mentioned the municipality's outstanding work in reducing violence and projects that promoted public participation, a green environment and child development when the UN agency picked the city for Prize of Honours as a City of Peace.

Why are these people leaving?????????? Who or what is causing the "city of peace" to shrink?


Read a few of these articles. It shouldn't take more than a nanosecond. NBADanAllah will need some help understanding.

Time to start :makemyday the "peaceful" fucktards.

Guru of Nothing
05-27-2005, 06:24 PM
Time to start :makemyday the "peaceful" fucktards.

Which begs the question, what kind of fucktard are you?

05-27-2005, 07:38 PM
By Surapan Boonthanom BAAN LUEMU, Thailand, May 16 (Reuters) - Students and teachers in Thailand's restive Muslim south began a new school year on Monday guarded by heavily armed soldiers after two schools were set ablaze by suspected militants on the weekend.
Why would a Muslim kill a Muslim, aren't they all supposed to get along and have common goals according to you?

Also, if you're so ready to fight then why not join the army and get going Mr. Badass.

05-27-2005, 08:51 PM

As soon as your politically correct blinders are removed, care to explain the massive showing of peaceful Muslims in the D.C. march?
I'm still waiting for the flower tossers to defend this. They can't.

Why would a Muslim kill a Muslim, aren't they all supposed to get along and have common goals according to you?

The article answers the question.

Security officials say schools are an easy target to be attacked in the region where Muslim separatists waged low key insurgencies in the 1970s and 1980s, because they are a symbol of Buddhist central government and not well guarded.

Either Muslims are not peaceful or are a bunch of pussies to not condemn these actions. I have seen ZERO from any organized efforts to condemn the WORLDWIDE ATROCITIES being committed DAILY by MUSLIMS against MUSLIMS, JEWS, CHRISTIANS, BUUDISTS and any one else who doesn't believe in their ways. The secularists are last on their list.

Pretty funny for you to pick one article of that Loooooooong string of them where Muslims killed Muslims. It happens everyday in Iraq.

Also, if you're so ready to fight then why not join the army and get going Mr. Badass.

Wow. Mister Badass. I am in a battle of ignorance. Some people just don't get the goals(World Domination) of Muslims. The sooner everone understands, the safer you, I, others on this board and world will be.

Which begs the question, what kind of fucktard are you?

This is probably as much as you have ever brought to a conversation. Congrats.

05-27-2005, 08:59 PM
There you have it. They're called terrorists. Anything to use as a scapegoat terrorists will. Did you know that the terrorists/taliban don't even follow half of Islam's main rules?
It's no point in replying back to you anymore and it's also best to ignore you since nobody except for maybe RO gives a damn on what you say.

Guru of Nothing
05-27-2005, 09:46 PM
This is probably as much as you have ever

Stick to quotes. Your words have no muscle at all.

05-28-2005, 07:53 AM

It's no point in replying back to you anymore and it's also best to ignore you since nobody except for maybe RO gives a damn on what you say.

Maybe, you'll give a shit about a nuclear packed Iranian president says or maybe I give you too much credit.


Tehran, 27 May (AKI) - Hojatolislam Gholam Reza Hasani, a representative of Iran's supreme spiritual leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in Iranian Azerbaijan, has no doubts as to who to vote for in the next presidential elections on 17 June. "You need to vote for Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani," said Hasani. "This way we will finally be able to have for ourselves the atomic bomb to fairly stand up to Israeli weapons," said Hasani.

"Freedom, democracy and stupidities of this type cannot be carried over to any part, and these concepts are out of sync with the principles of Islam," said Hasani, the imam who led Friday prayers in the main city of western Iranian Azerbaijian.

"Islam always spoke with the sword in the hand and I don't see why now we have changed attitudes and talk with the other civilisations."

I'll just stick to their own words. I'm sure this gives you the warm fuzzies.