View Full Version : Wikileaks cable reveals U.S. threat to retaliate vs European nations resisting GMOs

12-24-2010, 04:34 PM

Wikileaks continues to rock the political world by shedding light on conspiracies, corruption and cover-ups. The latest batch of diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks reveals what can only be characterized as a U.S.-led conspiracy to force GMOs onto European countries by making those countries pay a steep price if they resist.

The cable reveals the words of Craig Stapleton, the US ambassador to France, who was pushing the commercial interests of the biotech industry by attempting to force GMOs into France. In his own words (below), he expresses his frustration with the idea that France might pass environmental laws that would hamper the expansion of GMOs:

"Europe is moving backwards not forwards on this issue with France playing a leading role, along with Austria, Italy and even the [European] Commission... Moving to retaliation will make clear that the current path has real costs to EU interests and could help strengthen European pro-biotech voice."

Got that so far? His own words: "Retaliation" as a way to "make [it] clear" that resisting GMOs will have a price.

Stapleton goes on to say something rather incredible:

"Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits. The list should be measured rather than vicious and must be sustainable over the long term, since we should not expect an early victory..."

As you read these words again, remember that these are the words of the U.S. ambassador to France who is suggesting the US "calibrate a target retaliation list" in order to "cause some pain across the EU" that must be "sustainable over the long term."

The global GMO conspiracy is no longer a theory

Need we say anything more? This cable proves, once and for all, that there is a global GMO conspiracy where government operatives work in secret to push Monsanto's GMO agenda while punishing opponents of GMOs and adding them to a "target retaliation list."

This cable also proves that NaturalNews has been right all along about the GMO conspiracy, and that GMO opponents such as Jeffrey Smith are battling what can only be called an evil conspiracy to control the world's food supply. It also proves that when Alex Jones talks about the global conspiracy to control the world food supply, he's not just ranting. He's warning about the reality of the world in which we now live.

As Jeffery Smith said today in a Democracy Now interview:

"We’ve been saying for years that the United States government is joined at the hip with Monsanto and pushing GMOs as part of Monsanto’s agenda on the rest of the world. This lays bare the mechanics of that effort. We have Craig Stapleton, the former ambassador to France, specifically asking the U.S. government to retaliate and cause some harm throughout the European Union." (http://www.democracynow.org/seo/201... (http://www.democracynow.org/seo/2010/12/23/wikileaks_cables_reveal_us_sought_to))

Military terms

Do you notice something about these words used by the US ambassador to France? "Calibrate a target retaliation list" sounds eerily familiar, doesn't it? It's the kind of language you might find tossed around in a military bombing war exercise.

That's no coincidence: These government operatives quite literally consider themselves to be at war with the world, and they intend to conquer the world with their genetically modified poisons. They will do anything, it seems, to force-feed their deadly crops to the public.

Eight important realizations from these leaks

This Wikileaks cable brings up all sorts of issues that each might deserve a separate article, but here are the highlights of what comes to my mind on this issue:

Realization #1) Wikileaks is valuable for exposing the government lies in our world. Without Wikileaks, we never would have known about these cables which prove the existence of this GMO conspiracy.

Realization #2) US government diplomatic officials are working for the corporations! It's just as we've described here on NaturalNews numerous times -- Big Government is really just an extension of the most evil and most powerful corporations that now dominate our planet: The drug companies, the weapons manufacturers, the agricultural giants and so on. Here's what Jeffrey Smith had to say about governments conspiring with Monsanto:

"In 2009, we have a cable from the ambassador to Spain from the United States asking for intervention there, asking the government to help formulate a biotech strategy and support the government -- members of the government in Spain that want to promote GMOs, as well. And here, they specifically indicate that they sat with the director of Monsanto for the region and got briefed by him about the politics of the region and created strategies with him to promote the GMO agenda."

Realization #3) The US is willing to retaliate against European countries if they try to block GMOs. This brings up the question: Why is the US so desperate to push GMOs on Europe? Clearly there is another agenda behind all this (maybe we'll learn more in future Wikileaks releases).

Realization #4) No wonder the US government has declared war on Wikileaks because these dark secrets and "conspiracy notes" are never made public through any normal means. It takes a whistleblower to expose the true government corruption taking place in our world today.

Realization #5) The GMO conspiracy reaches to the highest levels of global control. This US ambassador Stapleton wasn't just a nobody. He was, in fact, the co-owner of the Texas Rangers with former President George W. Bush! His wife, by the way, is George Bush's cousin. This is a conspiracy involving the highest-ranking officials across multiple countries who are pushing a GMO agenda that's poisoning people across the planet.

Realization #6) Governments are literally trying to kill their own people. It is widely known in the inner circles of power that GMOs are deadly, but governments keep pushing them anyway. As Jeffrey Smith explains in his interview with Democracy Now:

"...the person who was in charge of FDA policy in 1992, Monsanto’s former attorney, Michael Taylor, he allowed GMOs on the market without any safety studies and without labeling, and the policy claimed that the agency was not aware of any information showing that GMOs were significantly different. Seven years later, because of a lawsuit, 44,000 secret internal FDA memos revealed that that policy was a lie. Not only were the scientists at the FDA aware that GMOs were different, they had warned repeatedly that they might create allergies, toxins, new diseases and nutritional problems. But they were ignored, and their warnings were even denied, and the policy went forth allowing the deployment GMOs into the food supply with virtually no safety studies."

Realization #7) The GMO conspiracy is always reframed as "science". At one point in the leaked cables, Stapleton warns that in opposing GMOs, France would "roll back established science-based decision making." The GMO conspiracy, you have to remember, is always hidden behind the term "science" so that anyone who opposes GMOs can be characterized as being somehow against "scientific thinking."

All this gives science a bad name, of course, but I suppose that since the history of science is filled with arrogant scientists poisoning people in the name of science (mercury, vaccines, radiation, plastics, medications, etc.), we shouldn't be all that surprised to observe this.

Realization #8) Spain has been a key co-conspirator to push the U.S. GMO agenda. Much of the conspiring taking place in the EU has been spearheaded by Spain, whose officials met personally with the head of Monsanto to plot their push of GMOs into Europe.

All of a sudden the Blackwater story adds up

This all reminds me of a story published a few months back by The Nation in which Jeremy Scahill exposed a link between Monsanto and the military contractor known as Blackwater. His article claimed that Monsanto had hired Blackwater spies to "infiltrate activist groups organizing against the multinational biotech firm." (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/09/... (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/09/disney-monsanto-discovered-blackwaters-hidden-clients/))

Monsanto vehemently denied the allegation. I looked hard at covering that story at the time but could not substantiate the accusations to my satisfaction. However, given the new information gleaned from these leaked diplomatic cables -- which blatantly state that the GMO conspirators plan to "calibrate a target retaliation list" -- all of a sudden the Blackwater story adds up.

This is the verbage of a military-style retaliation campaign, and that's exactly the business of Blackwater. Remember how Stapleton said the US needed to "cause some pain?" That's Blackwater's calling card!

Although these cables don't prove any connection between Monsanto and Blackwater, they do lend credence to the idea that such a link is not only possibly, but perhaps even probable. It clearly deserves additional investigation.

Regardless of whether the Blackwater / Monsanto link is ever proven, what's crystal clear from all this is that the global GMO conspiracy is very real and that GMO conspirators plot retaliatory actions against any nation that refuses to allow GMOs into their country.

The whole thing is then disguised as "science" so that anyone who opposes it can be branded as "non-scientific." This is the same sick way in which vaccines are pushed, too: They're called "scientific" even when they're based entirely on scientific fraud (as are GMOs).

How governments really operate

Above all, what these Wikileaks cables really reveal is that government conspiracies are, of course, not only real but that they are taking place right now. Diplomats and ambassadors are, in effect, government thugs who engage in the most unethical actions, full of threats and retaliation, in order to serve the financial interests of their corporate masters.

That's how the world really works, despite the Disney-like image portrayed by the mainstream media. Behind the scenes, the U.S. government is literally plotting with Monsanto to take over the world's food supply. That is not an exaggeration. It's not conjecture. It is a statement of fact based on the words of the government's own operatives (who obviously didn't know their words would ever be made public).

Through Wikileaks, we have been given a glimpse into the truth behind the Great Wall of government lies. And that truth, it turns out, is a lot uglier than most people could have imagined. (It's no surprise to me, because I've seen things that most regular people have never witnessed. But to a regular Joe Blow working his J.O.B. and watching the evening news, the hard-core truth about the world is a bit too much to handle...)

Personally, I can't wait to see what other dark secrets are buried in these Wikileaks cables. And it all makes me wish we had a Wikileaks for the FDA, too. Can you imagine all the dirty secrets that would come out of the FDA's offices if we could read their emails? We need an FDA leaker.

The other thought that comes to mind is how much I wouldn't want to be Julian Assange right now. His head is now the world's most powerful bullet magnet... especially when government rifles are anywhere nearby. If the U.S. government would conspire to create a "retaliation target list" of nations that are merely resisting GMOs, can you imagine what they will do if they ever get their hands on Assange?

Read the leaked cables right here: (

and (

(Note: These links may not be active for very long because the governments of the world are obviously trying to shut down all the websites that post this information. The truth, it seems, is just too dangerous to allow it to be openly published.)

How to turn all this around

Don't let all this get you down. You can take action to help turn this around!

Action Item #1) Don't buy GMO foods! Look for the non-GMO "Project Verified" label on foods.

Action Item #2) Urge lawmakers to oppose GMOs or require honest GMO labeling of foods.

Action Item #3) Help support the Institute for Responsible Technology and other non-profits working to oppose GMOs.

Action Item #4) Stay informed! Read NaturalNews and our Facebook GMO Dangers page (www.facebook.com/GMO.dangers (http://www.facebook.com/GMO.dangers)) to stay up on this issue. The IRT (above) will keep you even more deeply informed on GMOs.

Action Item #5) Share what you know! Share videos, cartoons, articles and websites with your friends and family members who also care about protecting their health from GMOs.

Action Item #6) Don't trust the government! They are pushing a GMO conspiracy. They don't want you to have natural food, and the FDA is now being unleashed under the new food safety bill to destroy small farmers who tend to use non-GMO crops. Fight against government encroachment of our natural right to grow honest food. Support food freedom!

Learn more about GMOs

Get the truth from Jeffrey Smith at: www.ResponsibleTechnology.org (http://www.responsibletechnology.org/)

See the GMO page on NaturalNews: www.NaturalNews.com/GMOs.html (http://www.naturalnews.com/GMOs.html)

Join our anti-GMO page on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/GMO.dangers (http://www.facebook.com/GMO.dangers)

Watch my Just Say No to GMO video! It's now available in four languages:

English: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnN6... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnN6FFjZBZQ)
Chinese: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz9s... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz9sNRdu5ek)
Spanish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mit-... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mit-oZ4QPjI)
Polish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2FL... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2FLUR0yqYM)

Spread the word! Educate yourself and your friends about the dangers of GMOs.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030828_GMOs_Wikileaks.html#ixzz194EeCK1r

12-24-2010, 05:54 PM
The latest batch of diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks reveals what can only be characterized as a U.S.-led conspiracy to force GMOs onto European countries by making those countries pay a steep price if they resist.It's called trade negotiation. Whether the interest promoted is paperclips or persimmons the dynamics were ever the same:

give us what we want. If not, bear the consequences.

This is the thing: the metaphor between trade negotiation and war works only as a metaphor. Not so well as an equation. Trade deals are indeed like war: "assault" and "reprisal" are ancient themes. But they are not literal war.

(It might take something like literal war to make Europe accept GMOs on competitive terms.)

The picture drawn by the OP is totally overblown.

12-24-2010, 05:54 PM
By stressing the identity of the terms of the figure, the OP undermines the figure itself.

The collapsed distance between the figurative and the literal is highly symptomatic of the more general breakdown of thinking, and heartily encouraged by the various interests which stand to profit therefrom.


12-24-2010, 06:02 PM
Merry Christmas, Parker. :toast

12-24-2010, 06:14 PM
The inference that Monsanto/Blackwater is waging literal war against US consumers and trade partners based on a strained overreading of routine trade negotiations revealed by Wikileaks, is pretty weak.

12-24-2010, 06:23 PM
That said, I have a pretty dim view of Blackwater and GMO producers. I just don't see the need to load up the wagon with a lot of overblown crapola, like the OP. But maybe they have something to sell too.

(fear fear fear)

12-24-2010, 07:18 PM
Merry Christmas, Parker. :toast

Merry Christmas to you WH! Hope you have a good one. All I got you were these crummy conspiracy-angled stories....:lol

12-24-2010, 10:18 PM
Merry Christmas to you WH! ... All I got you were these crummy conspiracy-angled stories....:lol

Thank you. We needed a new pinata. :lol

12-24-2010, 10:52 PM
GMO doesnt make sense from a trade perspective when ur govt heavy subsidize ur farmers/primary producers.....compared to competing growers around the world tryin to make a buck also when the cant compete on a even level....

12-24-2010, 11:03 PM
wikileaks is full of shit.Then why is everyone after Assange? For merely being a lying asshole?

At first blush it don't look so to me. Have you checked your glasses?

12-24-2010, 11:15 PM
GMO doesnt make sense from a trade perspective when ur govt heavy subsidize ur farmers/primary producers.....compared to competing growers around the world tryin to make a buck also when the cant compete on a even level....It's the potential effect on seed stocks in my book.

Engineering the seed so that it produces no usable seed, to profit the ag machine all the more, is a vile act of theft against the farmer, tends to make surer his servitude in debt, and should be prosecuted as a crime -- but alas, I am not in charge.

In fact, this sort of thing is openly practiced, socially acceptable and heartily encouraged by our representatives in the USA. Happy Hollandaise.

12-25-2010, 05:04 AM
wikileaks is full of shit.

I think you're a good kid, but I -- for one -- am going to have a hard time taking you seriously if you don't make specific objections. What about Wikileaks is "full of shit?" And what makes a 15-year-old privy to these insights?

12-27-2010, 11:19 AM
It's the potential effect on seed crops in my book.

Engineering the seed so that it produces no usable seed, to profit the ag machine all the more, is a vile act of theft against the farmer, tends to make surer his servitude in debt, and should be prosecuted as a crime -- but alas, I am not in charge.

In fact, this sort of thing is openly practiced, socially acceptable and heartily encouraged by our representatives in the USA. Happy Hollandaise.

This would have more weight if farms tended to still be individually/family owned. It's mostly corporate now.

12-27-2010, 11:51 AM
Tunnel vision. The US ain't typical of the whole world, Sully.

12-27-2010, 04:14 PM
Globalist agenda at work...wake up before it's too late people. Meanwhile joint police/military exercises go on all over the nation (unconstitutional) while TSA sticks their hands down yours and your families pants (literally) at the airports, or blasts you with harmful radiation. It's all about total control and the incoming martial law that will go into effect in the near future.

you forgot about the chips that will be inserted into newborns starting 2012

12-27-2010, 04:15 PM
GMO has no benefits for consumers, only benefits for Monsanto and other GMO assholes.

US farmers have already seen how GMO doesn't boost crop yields, and are back to the old-timey way of mechanically removing weeds that resist RoundUp.

Patented, sterile seeds you have to buy every year, often paying banks interest on loans to buy the seeds, RoundUp required in huge quantities, a treadmill to hell. Nature will beat the corps everytime, if only after the corps have totall fucked up land, air, water and humans.

"eating your seed corn" used to mean to natural farmers shooting yourself in the foot. Now they don't even have seed corn

12-27-2010, 04:41 PM
Tunnel vision. The US ain't typical of the whole world, Sully.

Fair enough. I really should know better considering my stepdad grew up on a farm that's been in his family, and almost continually worked, for 500+ years.:lol

12-28-2010, 06:52 PM
Eh, fuck off.

How the hell, at any point, would the US government get away with outlawing seeds to grow your own plants?

That won't be tolerated in 2010 nor in 3010. relax, gentlemen.

12-28-2010, 07:50 PM
In fact, this sort of thing is openly practiced, socially acceptable and heartily encouraged by our representatives in the USA. Happy Hollandaise.

its only acceptable in america, cause u clowns have a huge population to feed, doesnt make sense for other countries to adopt if there population is only 10% of yours....and has the land mass of PP to feed the country.

The only problem is the countries with big population or fkn poor ass countries who are beggers wannab choosers, not willing to accept GMO aid...remember back when some african country didnt wanna accept americas GMO aid packages cause they wanted the original thing.

Wild Cobra
12-28-2010, 10:32 PM
you forgot about the chips that will be inserted into newborns starting 2012
Can you back that up?

If so, please start a new thread on the topic.

12-29-2010, 03:43 AM
Can you back that up?

If so, please start a new thread on the topic.


Stupid ironic humor...

12-29-2010, 07:35 AM
There are posters who actually need WC to help them keep their heads on straight, and the conversation on topic.

(Let that sink in.)

12-29-2010, 07:35 AM

12-29-2010, 01:47 PM
US to Vatican: Genetically Modified Food Is a "Moral Imperative"

Like the "urgent, no-other-option" Iraq war was only about preventing Saddam from cutting US and UK oilcos out of oil contracts, the US military interventions everywhere are really about making the world safe for US corporate and capitalistic predations and exploitation, not about "bringing freedom and democracy" to the world.

http://www.truth-out.org/us-vatican-genetically-modified-food-is-a-moral-imperative66369?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TRUTHOUT+%28t+r+u+t+h+o+u+t+| +News+Politics%29


America is exactly like any other imperialistic empire throughout, nothing "exceptional" about it.

America make a "moral appeal" to the Vatican about humanitarian imperative of American GMO crap? :lol :lol :lol GMAFB