View Full Version : NIN Drops MTV Music Awards Over W Image

05-28-2005, 02:00 AM
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The rock band Nine Inch Nails said on Friday it canceled plans to appear on next week's MTV Movie Awards after the network questioned the band's plans to perform in front of an image of President Bush.

The band was slated to perform "The Hand That Feeds," the first single from its latest album.

A Los Angeles Times review called the song "a warning against blind acceptance of authority, including that of a president leading his nation to war."

"We were set to perform 'The Hand That Feeds' with an unmolested, straightforward image of George W. Bush as the backdrop. Apparently, the image of our president is as offensive to MTV as it is to me," Nine Inch Nails' leader Trent Reznor said in a statement posted on the band's Web site.

MTV said in a statement: "While we respect Nine Inch Nails' point of view, we were uncomfortable with their performance being built around a partisan political statement. When we discussed our discomfort with the band, their choice was to unfortunately pull out of the Movie Awards."

Yahoo News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050528/en_nm/leisure_nineinchnails_mtv_dc)

I wonder if MTV would have stopped Charlie Daniels, Toby Keith or Britany Spears from doing the same? [sarcasm]Why do musicians have to start getting all politically introspective in a time of war anyway, why can't they just stick to writing about drugs, cars, guns and bitches?[/sarcasm off]

05-28-2005, 02:03 AM
i didn't know NIN still performed.

05-28-2005, 02:20 AM
i didn't know NIN still performed.

The new album is pretty decent actually.

05-28-2005, 05:17 AM
I guess it would have been different if it were Toby Keith?

05-28-2005, 04:33 PM

Thats ok, it's not as though MTV is a haven for real artistry either way.

And yeah, NIN's new shit is awesome.

05-28-2005, 04:58 PM
I wonder if MTV would have stopped Charlie Daniels, Toby Keith or Britany Spears from doing the same?

Not that I agree with MTV's decision, but I would imagine that if we had a Democrat President in office and Toby Keith or Charlie Daniels chose to make a similar statement, the answer would be yes.

05-30-2005, 02:56 PM
off subject but I am disappointed with the new album. It sounds like he has gotten lazy in production.

05-30-2005, 03:49 PM
is anyone shocked that mtv elected to do this? i would make the same decision if i was an executive there ... most sane people would.

05-30-2005, 03:58 PM

05-30-2005, 04:06 PM
is anyone shocked that mtv elected to do this? i would make the same decision if i was an executive there ... most sane people would.

well it does make sense since, as was previously mentioned MTV sucks. If it didnt suck, I would probably be surprised.

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-30-2005, 05:02 PM
Talk about hypocritical Dan.

Where were you when MTV's "Rock the Vote" campaign had Puff Daddy, Paris Hilton, etc. lining up to kiss John Kerry's ass and push the whole "if you vote for W., you're voting for the draft" campaign that you linked to every single week last fall.

To be honest, I'm surprised MTV nixed this, considering how pro-democrat they are.

05-30-2005, 06:02 PM
Talk about hypocritical Dan.

Where were you when MTV's "Rock the Vote" campaign had Puff Daddy, Paris Hilton, etc. lining up to kiss John Kerry's ass and push the whole "if you vote for W., you're voting for the draft" campaign that you linked to every single week last fall.

To be honest, I'm surprised MTV nixed this, considering how pro-democrat they are.
rock the vote never even came close to endorsing a canidate

MTV is pro democrat?
VIACOM, one of the largest media conglomerates in the world
well ive heard liberal attached to nearly everything but conglomerate

05-30-2005, 06:06 PM
remember free speech doesnt apply to showing a regular picture of the president on tv

talk about thought police

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-30-2005, 11:07 PM
rock the vote never even came close to endorsing a canidate

LOL, they were running ads that said "a vote for Bush is a vote for the draft."

They had Paris HIlton and Puff Daddy or whatever the fuck he calls himself these days on during their studio shows wearing shirts that had John Kerry's face on them with the caption: "I'm voting for Kerry."

But if you don't think that qualifies as an endorsement, any time you want to join us in reality I'll be happy to talk more.

05-30-2005, 11:34 PM
I call that a resounding endorsement. . . by Puffy Father and hoebag.

As far as the ads, I couldnt tell you I dont watch MTV so I dont know if the democratic party PACs bought time on MTV or are you saying that the commercial said "HEY KIDS! MTV says dont vote for Bush." Because if you count political commercials being just run on a station meaning an endorsement, then ABC, CBS, and CNN all endorsed Bush (to name a few) since I saw his commercials on there.

05-31-2005, 01:22 AM
remember free speech doesnt apply to showing a regular picture of the president on tv

talk about thought police

So, how exactly does free speach (I assume you're refering to the 1st ammendment) apply to this? At all?

05-31-2005, 09:20 AM
MTV just wants to be plain sugar/vanilla. They don't want to rock the boat. They want to appeal to the largest audiance as possible, and by letting them make that statement, they might be alienating some viewers. That's why they chose not to allow that. It's their right to do whatever they want.

05-31-2005, 09:48 AM
LOL, they were running ads that said "a vote for Bush is a vote for the draft."

They had Paris HIlton and Puff Daddy or whatever the fuck he calls himself these days on during their studio shows wearing shirts that had John Kerry's face on them with the caption: "I'm voting for Kerry."

But if you don't think that qualifies as an endorsement, any time you want to join us in reality I'll be happy to talk more.
I'm sure you understand how airtime works, and how it is sold to people who want to advertise.

Puff Daddy ran his own campaign called Vote Or Die. It had absolutely nothing to do with MTV's reoccouring election campaign, Rock The Vote. Before you start saying someone is biased, maybe you should actually find out what you're talking about.

I'm not a fan of MTV in the least, but Rock The Vote was nothing more than a dumbed down version of each parties talking points that was targted at MTV's viewing audience to them to vote. There was nothing biased in the LEAST about the programs they ran and they gave both parties equal time on the air. I don't think it was a very infomrative program, but nothing targeted at people of that age or demographic is ever going to be.

Vote or Die was obviously biased torwards Kerry, but that was Puff Daddy's own program and had nothing to do with what MTV was running. And frankly, I could care less what Puff Daddy says. He wasn't just on MTV, he was all over BET and even the major networks.

Oh, and before you bring up any videos they played that were biased, those are videos and expressions by artists and have no bearing on the opinion of the network that airs them. Mosh was no more indicative of a biased network than any stupid Toby Keith video on CMT is.

05-31-2005, 10:49 AM
Just reading about this pisses me off.....I like NIN and by showing a picture of Bush in the background is about as harmless as you can get while making a statement. MTV has no problem showing videos that depict overt sexual images on a daily basis and hip-hop groups rapping about jewelry and 20" rims...but I guess that's what the kids want....

05-31-2005, 12:28 PM
Just reading about this pisses me off.....I like NIN and by showing a picture of Bush in the background is about as harmless as you can get while making a statement. MTV has no problem showing videos that depict overt sexual images on a daily basis and hip-hop groups rapping about jewelry and 20" rims...but I guess that's what the kids want....

When did MTV start showing videos? :lol

05-31-2005, 01:31 PM
You've gotta be pretty old to recall something like that!

05-31-2005, 02:12 PM
Yeah no doubt...I'm 28 and still remember a time when they showed videos...well they have MTV2....anyways it's bullocks that what I say.

05-31-2005, 06:17 PM
LOL, they were running ads that said "a vote for Bush is a vote for the draft."

they didnt.

05-31-2005, 07:14 PM
they didnt.
Don't interrrupt AHF's misguided GOP rant.

06-01-2005, 12:22 PM
So, how exactly does free speach (I assume you're refering to the 1st ammendment) apply to this? At all?
100% ?

06-01-2005, 05:07 PM
How so? MTV isn't stopping NIN from saying anything, or limiting what they say, they just aren't letting them say it on their network. NIN can say whatever the hell they want, just not on MTV's dime on MTV's network during MTV's award show. Where does the Constitution say that TV stations need to hand over airtime to any celebrities who wish to make a statement? This has nothing to do with free speach and everything to do with MTV not wanting to deal with partisan politics after the election is over.

06-01-2005, 06:20 PM
That's the point...the election is over....so it won't sway potential voters will it.....it's a moot point....he hates Bush...nuff said. What if he put up a poster of Bin Laden, Hitler or Tipper Gore...what that be offensive to MTV.

06-01-2005, 06:50 PM
NIN rules, the new album rules

bush sucks big gaping ass
if life were a giant pizza, bush would be the traces of excrement that end up on it due to the employees dirty hands

06-01-2005, 07:50 PM
How so? MTV isn't stopping NIN from saying anything, or limiting what they say, they just aren't letting them say it on their network. NIN can say whatever the hell they want, just not on MTV's dime on MTV's network during MTV's award show. Where does the Constitution say that TV stations need to hand over airtime to any celebrities who wish to make a statement? This has nothing to do with free speach and everything to do with MTV not wanting to deal with partisan politics after the election is over.
No one is saying that MTV Is legally obligated to allow NIN to do what they want, so your point is moot. People are allowed to have expectations of networks and they are allowed to voice displeasure when the networks do not meet those expectations.

Generaly, Americans hold the freedom of speech and expression in very high regard. While what MTV is doing is by no means illegal, it most definetly goes against the spirit of the right.

The Ressurrected One
06-01-2005, 08:10 PM
remember free speech doesnt apply to showing a regular picture of the president on tv

talk about thought police
NIN is perfectly free to buy a network and air their picture. Until then, we're talking about MTV's free speech rights and their right to not air anything they don't want to, except paid political advertising that is.

Oh, and Toby Keith's music is primarily pro-military and pro-America and anti-Terrorist, not Pro-Bush or pro-War. Hence, MTV's "partisan" remark with respect to NIN's desire to depict the President.

The Ressurrected One
06-01-2005, 08:15 PM
No one is saying that MTV Is legally obligated to allow NIN to do what they want, so your point is moot. People are allowed to have expectations of networks and they are allowed to voice displeasure when the networks do not meet those expectations.
Where is the right to expectation found? I do, however, agree with the right to peacably assemble and protest things you don't like...so long as you don't violate anyone's rights in the process.

Generaly, Americans hold the freedom of speech and expression in very high regard. While what MTV is doing is by no means illegal, it most definetly goes against the spirit of the right.
No one has the freedom of speech guarantee on a privately operated television network. Whatever they want aired on their network, within the standards set by law, gets aired. Whatever they don't want aired...doesn't.

There is no "spirit" to the guarantee of free speech to be violated. As I said in my last post, it is within MTV's rights to air, or not air, whatever they see fit. NIN's had the right to withdraw from the broadcast or to conduct themselves within the constraints placed on them by the network owner.

06-02-2005, 03:04 AM
Well, thanks for trying to be a hardass and saying exactly what I did before, except...

If there is no spirit of free speech, why do people get upset when corporations enact forms of censorship?

06-02-2005, 08:56 AM
Well, thanks for trying to be a hardass and saying exactly what I did before, except...

If there is no spirit of free speech, why do people get upset when corporations enact forms of censorship?

I don't care if corporations enact censorship in their own property. I feel sometimes that, it's kind of a wussy way for them to avoid lawsuits. Just like everyone else, I want more of what I like and less of what I don't. When what I like is censored, it ticks me off. When what I don't like is dumped on me, that sucks too. There is no "spirit" of the freedom of speech when it comes to money. That is an illusion.

06-02-2005, 12:31 PM
its pretty sad when people have to argue for free speech so much,
and by people i mean myself and manny
add MTV to General Motors to bullshit TRO feels the need to take up for whenver they get questioned, I thought for conservatives MTV was teaching our children to be gay?

look at the facts
its an unadulterated picture of Bush?
how can they not let them do it
but NIN handled it, they told them to go f themselves which is the only thing they can do
again thats the definition of thought police

and i dont really want to be known as the toby keith hater around here, but regardless of his views on anything his music still is worse than avril lavinge and ahlee simpson combined.
dam he blows

06-02-2005, 12:59 PM
Word....but Avril is hot....

06-02-2005, 01:02 PM
its pretty sad when people have to argue for free speech so much,
and by people i mean myself and manny
add MTV to General Motors to bullshit TRO feels the need to take up for whenver they get questioned, I thought for conservatives MTV was teaching our children to be gay?

look at the facts
its an unadulterated picture of Bush?
how can they not let them do it
but NIN handled it, they told them to go f themselves which is the only thing they can do
again thats the definition of thought police

and i dont really want to be known as the toby keith hater around here, but regardless of his views on anything his music still is worse than avril lavinge and ahlee simpson combined.
dam he blows

I understand your views on freedom of speech. But you must remember it's just as much the right of MTV to refuse having the picture on their show, as it is for NIN to display it. NIN can display it all the want to in public. I'm all for that.

06-02-2005, 01:06 PM
ressurected one you have absolutely no chance against manny, pack up your conservative bags and leave

06-02-2005, 01:28 PM
ressurected one you have absolutely no chance against manny, pack up your conservative bags and leave

ummmm...why don't you pack up your liberal bags and leave?

The Ressurrected One
06-02-2005, 02:21 PM
If there is no spirit of free speech, why do people get upset when corporations enact forms of censorship?
I have no idea. Maybe they're whiners?

06-02-2005, 02:39 PM
ummmm...why don't you pack up your liberal bags and leave?

Because if i openly admit that i am liberal then people like you will assume im unamerican

06-02-2005, 02:41 PM
Because if i openly admit that i am liberal then people like you will assume im unamerican

I don't necessarily assume anything.

I was just remarking on your self-proclaimed "right" to order anyone who fits into some random niche away, that's all. If you have that right, then why doesn't anyone else?