View Full Version : Majority of Republicans Want US to Fail

12-31-2010, 12:42 PM
Although a majority of Democrats knew Dubya was gonna fail In Iraq and Afghanistan I believe most of us still wanted the U.S. to succeed..

The GOP wants Obama to fail and by extension the U.S.

Poll: Majority rooting for Obama, GOP wants him to fail

Sixty-one percent of Americans, from all ethnic backgrounds, income groups and age levels, hope that President Obama's policies will succeed, according to a new Opinion Research poll for CNN.

Two groups disagree.

By a 61 percent to 27 percent margin - exactly the reverse of the poll's overall numbers - Republicans hope that the president's policies will fail. Fifty-one percent of self-described Conservatives are also hoping for failure.

The nation's 44th president gets positive marks as a person in the Opinion Research findings. "Would you say you approve of him or disapprove of him?" asked a question in the survey.

Seventy-three percent answered "Approve," and just 22 percent "Disapprove." In job approval, however, the latest Gallup Poll has Americans evenly divided: 47 percent give thumbs up to Obama while 46 percent disapprove.

Link (http://blog.seattlepi.com/seattlepolitics/archives/233657.asp)


12-31-2010, 01:11 PM

12-31-2010, 01:29 PM
No surprise.

jack sommerset
12-31-2010, 03:59 PM
so the dems wanting dubya to fail is not by extension wanting the US to fail but repugs wanting barry to fail is wanting the US to fail. and barry knowing dubya failed in the two wars still decided to send more troops to one of them. how can one argue with this. good job dan.

01-01-2011, 04:02 PM
Many Democrats knew it was a mistake to go into Iraq, so they were against Dubya invading Iraq...nothing wrong with that....compare that to Obama who has been largely, a pro-business centrists....where is Obama's Iraq for wingnuts? Healthcare? Does that even compare...

DJ Mbenga
01-01-2011, 11:40 PM
they want him to fail because they are super confident in their abilities to then pick up a supposed disaster and bring in unlimited prosperity, well for some not all. well mostly for the people they want to.

Wild Cobra
01-02-2011, 11:02 AM
No, read the thing better. They want his policies to fail, by that, to fail to be enacted. It's the same thing as what Rush Limbaugh said. The simple truth is that conservatives and Republicans do not want radical left wing policies enqacted.

To president Obama:

"Hey jackass... Get your government off my freedom!"

01-02-2011, 12:14 PM
totally typical WC bullshit.

The Repugs inflicted/prolonged maximum pain on US citizens as a 2010 campaign strategy, and they will continue their bad faith deficit-hysteria, the economy-killing policies and tactics as their main 2012 strategy. They really, really don't give a fuck about America, only about winning power, with which they screw up govt and enrich/protect the wealthy and powerful.

Wild Cobra
01-02-2011, 09:49 PM
totally typical WC bullshit.

The Repugs inflicted/prolonged maximum pain on US citizens as a 2010 campaign strategy, and they will continue their bad faith deficit-hysteria, the economy-killing policies and tactics as their main 2012 strategy. They really, really don't give a fuck about America, only about winning power, with which they screw up govt and enrich/protect the wealthy and powerful.

Sorry, but it's the last couple years of democrat policies that have kept this economy down.

01-03-2011, 04:06 AM
"last couple years of democrat policies that have kept this economy down."

bullshit. list those policies, troll

George Gervin's Afro
01-03-2011, 09:19 AM
Sorry, but it's the last couple years of democrat policies that have kept this economy down.

No it's the previous 10 yrs you idiot.

Jesus! Can you be this stupid?

01-03-2011, 10:07 AM
Sorry, but it's the last couple years of democrat policies that have kept this economy down.


01-03-2011, 10:10 AM
*yawn* another poll. :lmao

"In general, do you hope that Barack Obama's policies will succeed or do you hope that his policies will fail?"
WTF does that even mean? In general...policies... It's hilarious that you would buy into a Seattle blog's spin on the poll results. But, then again, critical thinking has not been one of your trademarks. Fatal confirmation bias will do that...but as an exercise in intellectual honesty consider this: Do you think the results would be any different if there was a Republican in office? *hint* Research previous "polls" for your answer.

It's also funny (and by funny I mean pathetic) what the cherry picked blog spin left out:

Question 8
"Thinking about the major issues facing the country today, who do you have the most confidence in -- Barack Obama, or the Republicans in Congress, or the Democrats in Congress?"

……………………………………...Total Men Women White Non-White

Obama….......................35% 34% 36% 30% 46%
Republicans in Congress…40% 41% 39% 46% 22%
Democrats in Congress…. 15% 14% 17% 14% 20%
All equally……………………... 2% 4% 1% 1% 5%
None………………………………..7% 6% 7% 7% 6%
No opinion……………………...1% 1% * 1% *
Sampling Error…………… ..+/-3.0 +/-4.5 +/-4.5 +/-3.5 +/-8.

I'm sure you can guess how this breaks down by voter self-identification (which is also an asinine methodology for delineating populations unless your are specifically looking for a subjective answer).
Fuck! Think for about 5 minutes before you buy into ridiculous polling exercises like this.

Wild Cobra
01-03-2011, 11:14 AM
"last couple years of democrat policies that have kept this economy down."

bullshit. list those policies, troll
The Obama Health care for one. Now I may have misspoke in the fact that intent is not policy.

Consider a simple scenario. You want to purchase a new car, but your employer keeps talking about having to have layoffs in a few months. Are you going to put yourself into the position of buying a car, making $300+ monthly payments, when 3 month you may not have job? How many employers have laid off, or talked about lay offs?

Nobody in their right mind would. This is haw employers react to the policies the the democrats want to put in place. They don't make capital purchases or endeavors they may otherwise do, because the democrats want to make more regulations, taxation, etc. that effect their ability to plan for the future.

I know, you think I'm talking out my ass. Any libtard would. Don't believe me. Just ask those who are business professions, who make such decisions.

George Gervin's Afro
01-03-2011, 11:37 AM
The Obama Health care for one. Now I may have misspoke in the fact that intent is not policy.

Consider a simple scenario. You want to purchase a new car, but your employer keeps talking about having to have layoffs in a few months. Are you going to put yourself into the position of buying a car, making $300+ monthly payments, when 3 month you may not have job? How many employers have laid off, or talked about lay offs?

Nobody in their right mind would. This is haw employers react to the policies the the democrats want to put in place. They don't make capital purchases or endeavors they may otherwise do, because the democrats want to make more regulations, taxation, etc. that effect their ability to plan for the future.

I know, you think I'm talking out my ass. Any libtard would. Don't believe me. Just ask those who are business professions, who make such decisions.

Dollar General to hire 6,000
By Aaron Smith, staff writerJanuary 3, 2011: 11:02 AM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Dollar General plans to create 6,000 new jobs in the next year, the discount retailer said Monday.

The increased hiring is part of Dollar General's (DG, Fortune 500) plan to open 625 new stores during the year, the company said in a statement.

68Email Print CommentThe retailer said the hiring is the latest phase in its ongoing expansion. Dollar General will have created more than 15,000 new jobs from 2009 to 2011, the company said.

In addition to the 35 states where Dollar General already operates, the retailer will open stores in Connecticut, Nevada and New Hampshire. It is also planning to "remodel or relocate" 550 stores.


Wild Cobra
01-03-2011, 11:43 AM
Dollar General to hire 6,000
By Aaron Smith, staff writerJanuary 3, 2011: 11:02 AM ET


One example isn't indicative on the general average.

01-03-2011, 02:41 PM
"I'm talking out my ass"

we know

"Don't believe me."

superfluous advice, thanks anyway, much appreciated.

The Banksters' Great Depression, and lowered US demand, lowered US employment, lowered US tax base, are the overwhelming reasons businesses aren't hiring or investing, and is 100% due to Repug/conservative multi-decade smash-mouth push for financial "free market" deregulation, and the defunding, non-enforcement of any vestigial, puny financial regs.

You always miss the forest because you got a tree stuck up your ass.