View Full Version : Loss vs. Knicks

01-04-2011, 10:03 PM
The Spurs need to figure something out against a team that spreads the floor well.

This was virtually a repeat of the defensive performance from the Magic game after the Arenas trade.

What do you fellow Spurs fans think the Spurs can do about this issue?

I cannot figure anything out. :depressed

01-04-2011, 10:08 PM
Play fucking man to man defense. Amare is the only dude that may require double teams from time to time on the Knicks...they don't have many individually brilliant offensive playmakers.

fucking 2nd round of 2010 playoffs.

01-04-2011, 10:11 PM
Play fucking man to man defense. Amare is the only dude that may require double teams from time to time on the Knicks...they don't have many individually brilliant offensive playmakers.

fucking 2nd round of 2010 playoffs.

I don't think it is that simple.

If you notice how they were using Chandler, you would see that it wasn't possible. The Spurs didn't have anyone to match up with him in the paint. The Spurs could really use a serious athlete to cover the rim. That could have solved it, however, the Spurs don't have that in their current personnel.

01-04-2011, 10:15 PM
We only have to play them one more time. They won't be in the Finals. I'm not worried about them.

As for other teams that spread the floor, I think we'll be fine. The Knicks were on fire and Tony was horrible on D tonight. When a team is on fire like that, its hard to win against them.

Tim looks too disinterested at times for my liking. His D has been bad the last few years so its nothing new.

01-04-2011, 10:18 PM
I don't think it is that simple.

If you notice how they were using Chandler, you would see that it wasn't possible. The Spurs didn't have anyone to match up with him in the paint. The Spurs could really use a serious athlete to cover the rim. That could have solved it, however, the Spurs don't have that in their current personnel.
I didn't because I only catch the national TV games, but RJ should be able to cover him.

01-04-2011, 10:21 PM
We only have to play them one more time. They won't be in the Finals. I'm not worried about them.

As for other teams that spread the floor, I think we'll be fine. The Knicks were on fire and Tony was horrible on D tonight. When a team is on fire like that, its hard to win against them.

Tim looks too disinterested at times for my liking. His D has been bad the last few years so its nothing new.

I wouldn't count out the Knicks just yet. They have been playing the top teams pretty close IIRC. Don't take the Knicks record for granted, every playoff team is dangerous. It would be wise to figure that out and have a great gameplan for the next game, and potential finals matchup (unlikely, but until they are eliminated, you can't count them out)

01-04-2011, 10:22 PM
I didn't because I only catch the national TV games, but RJ should be able to cover him.

They didn't use that play when RJ was in the game much. Only if they caught RJ on a switch.

01-04-2011, 10:23 PM
As timvp says - burn the tape !
Nothing to worry about

01-04-2011, 10:23 PM
It's the god damn knicks. They will not shoot like this again for the rest of the season. Consider it an aberration and move on. Celtics now.

01-04-2011, 10:26 PM
Forget it move on...win some lose some...

01-04-2011, 10:30 PM
knicks are a very good team but not a team the spurs will have to face in the playoffs. these are the teams i prefer the spurs to lose to. win the easy games, win against teams the spurs will face in the playoffs, and lose to the meaningless games against good but not yet championship level teams. this loss will be forgiven if the spurs put in an effort to beat boston tomorrow.

01-04-2011, 10:34 PM
Magic-Knicks similarities:
1. Great 3 point shooting
2. Ability to execute the pick and roll well
3. One very good big man who can finish

Apparently, the combination of 1, 2 and 3 is the Spurs' kryptonite

01-04-2011, 11:04 PM
Knicks are a huge mismatch vs. Spurs. It looks like men vs. little girls out there.

good thing we won't see them in the post season.

But we might see the Magic who are similar kinda team

01-05-2011, 10:22 AM
Our defense was just horrible tonight. It's good to have these wake up calls to set things straight. A loss like this deflates the ego and reminds people that defense wins games. 115 pts should beat anyone. Was it just me or was Tony and Tim's defense particularly bad ? Same for Jefferson. WTH was Chandler and Felton doing going off like that ?

Chandler was grabbing rebounds between two of our guys. Why wasn't Jefferson on him ?

Ah well, its over. Bring on the Celtics.

01-05-2011, 10:25 AM
IMO our team D was complete garbage. And Tony was left to get raped. Tony was out there too long. Pop should have thrown bodies at Felton.

Usually Pop tries to stop 2 of their scorers and lets 1 get everything. Pop didn't have any gameplan vs. the Knicks. IMO you play Felton like you play Nash. Stay with everyone else and let Amare get his.

01-05-2011, 11:48 AM
Although our D was piss poor, NY's D was garbage as well. It was just their nite, they came out smoking and didnt let up. Hard to beat teams when they're shooting that well. Oh well, on to the Celts....

01-05-2011, 12:05 PM
Pop will use this loss as an excuse to bring the Spurs down to earth and chew their ass for the poor D and also as a motivation for tonight's game against the Boston so I'm expecting a better game and a win at Boston :flag:

01-05-2011, 12:11 PM
Looking at the Spurs' side of the stat sheet only, you would've thought they killed their opponent. 115 points, 60+ points in the paint, 20+ FT attempts...it just wasn't their night. The Knicks looked like an old ABA team and I don't think I can recall any team ever scoring like that for an entire game. I read that's the most points the Spurs have given up in 17 years (pre-Duncan era). I don't think this game is indicative of anything as the Spurs always have trouble with Amare Stoudemire. Forget about it.

01-05-2011, 12:13 PM
Thats the beauty of great ball movement. It destroys defenses and will get you an open look but what the Spurs failed to do was make the Knicks have to get that good look through multiple passes as the shot clock was about to expire. Knicks and even the Spurs were red hot last night.