View Full Version : Birthers can suck it: SCOTUS

01-10-2011, 02:12 PM
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The US Supreme Court refused Monday to take up the question of President Barack Obama's citizenship, which a core group of skeptics continues to challenge despite presentation of his US birth certificate.

The high court, without comment, rejected the request by Orly Taitz, a California lawyer who has emerged as a leader of the "birther" movement of mainly rightwing protesters who question where Obama was born.

She had asked the court to annul a federal judge's 20,000-dollar penalty for filing a "frivolous lawsuit" by her client, a US soldier who refused to deploy to Iraq because she viewed the commander in chief as illegitimate.

The US Constitution allows only "natural born" Americans to be elected to the presidency. Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in the US state of Hawaii.

Judge Clay Land in the southeast state of Georgia determined in October 2009 that Taitz's pursuit of the case was "breathtaking in its arrogance and borders on delusional," and scolded her for expressing "no contrition or regret regarding her misconduct."

She had filed a stay of deployment request on behalf of Captain Connie Rhodes, a US Army medic who challenged Obama's legitimacy as president. When Land threw the case out, Taitz publicly branded it "an act of treason."

In her petition before the Supreme Court, Taitz asked: "Is the whole nation de facto reduced to the level of slaves or serfs when one without valid vital records, without social security number of his own and without a valid long form of birth certificate is able to get in the position of president?"

On Monday Taitz said she would not let the case rest.

"I will file a motion for reconsideration," she said on her website, adding that she has "evidence of highly suspicious activity in several federal courts."

"If we don't clean up corruption in the judiciary, in the White House, citizens of this country will have no trust in the system and will take justice in their own hands. This is dangerous," she wrote.

According to a survey early last year of 2,000 Republicans, 36 percent said they believed Obama, the country's first African-American president, was not born in the United States.

Several complaints on the subject have been filed in various US courts but the motions have been rejected, although Obama's arch-conservative opponents continue to level the unsubstantiated charges.

Last week during a symbolic reading of the US Constitution in the House of Representatives, a woman screamed out "Except Obama! Except Obama!" when a lawmaker read the passage that spells out requirements for becoming president.

Hawaii has published the birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama, which states he was born August 4, 1961 at 7:24 pm in the maternity ward of Kapiolani hospital in Honolulu.



01-10-2011, 02:23 PM
First mistake was hiring that lawyer.


01-10-2011, 02:26 PM
I'd like to think this is the last we have to hear about this nonsense, but better judgement tells me otherwise.

01-10-2011, 02:31 PM
First mistake was hiring that lawyer.


"If we don't clean up corruption in the judiciary, in the White House, citizens of this country will have no trust in the system and will take justice in their own hands. This is dangerous," she wrote.


"If we don't get our way, people will die."

Talk about the wrong message at the wrong time.

Oh, Gee!!
01-10-2011, 02:33 PM
"If we don't clean up corruption in the judiciary, in the White House, citizens of this country will have no trust in the system and will take justice in their own hands. This is dangerous," she wrote.

unfortunately, sometimes people take these ideas too far

01-10-2011, 03:47 PM
we need to hear what darrin thinks about this.

01-10-2011, 04:07 PM

"If we don't get our way, people will die."

Talk about the wrong message at the wrong time.

Thats a mighty fucking loaded quote.

01-10-2011, 04:19 PM
She had asked the court to annul a federal judge's 20,000-dollar penalty for filing a "frivolous lawsuit" by her client, a US soldier who refused to deploy to Iraq because she viewed the commander in chief as illegitimate.

I would have liked to see the "wait.....wha?.." expression on their faces after getting hit with that.

01-10-2011, 04:21 PM
Thats a mighty fucking loaded quote. The founding of the republic included insurrectionary gumption, and this is reflected in the approved sentimentality of the foremost modern pretender to its original spirit, the Tea Party.

As trust in political and economic institutions declines, and indeed in the *system* overall, there will no doubt be more anti-system expressions that strongly imply the necessity of overthrowing an (axiomatically evil) political order, so that original principles can be reestablished.

Make no mistake: the anti-system game is a very dangerous game.

George Gervin's Afro
01-10-2011, 04:21 PM
"If we don't clean up corruption in the judiciary, in the White House, citizens of this country will have no trust in the system and will take justice in their own hands. This is dangerous," she wrote.

01-10-2011, 04:23 PM
...not much to be feared in the hands of Orly Taitz. lol.

01-10-2011, 04:49 PM
The founding of the republic included insurrectionary gumption, and this is reflected in the approved sentimentality of the foremost modern pretender to its original spirit, the Tea Party.

As trust in political and economic institutions declines, and indeed in the *system* overall, there will no doubt be more anti-system expressions that strongly imply the necessity of overthrowing an (axiomatically evil) political order, so that original principles can be reestablished.

Make no mistake: the anti-system game is a very dangerous game.

You know the biggest problem with the Tea Party trying to compare this to what happend in the 1770s is the fact that there is no monarch in power and each person has a say in what happens in our government at every level.

Changing the system is fine because there's already a system set in place to do so. There's no need for a fucking revolution there's just a need for people to make smarter decisions and hold their leaders accountable.

01-10-2011, 05:07 PM
"each person has a say in what happens in our government at every level"

"Changing the system is fine because there's already a system set in place to do so"

No! corporate/capitalist money has disenfranchised citizens.

Barry's voters wanted a public option, he ran clearly on a public option, but he killed it because the sick-care industry saw it a a threat to their status quo, also the secret deal with BigPharma.

Citizens really have no influence via the ballot box.

01-10-2011, 05:13 PM
Citizens as a majority may answer a public poll saying they want a public option. Why? Because its easy to answer a public poll.

Did a majority of Obama's constituents make it loudly clear to Obama that they wanted a public option? No. Not even close.

01-10-2011, 05:34 PM
More importantly will he pay for it at the ballot box? Yeah fucking right.

Duff McCartney
01-10-2011, 05:40 PM
You know the biggest problem with the Tea Party trying to compare this to what happend in the 1770s is the fact that there is no monarch in power and each person has a say in what happens in our government at every level.

Changing the system is fine because there's already a system set in place to do so. There's no need for a fucking revolution there's just a need for people to make smarter decisions and hold their leaders accountable.

You should watch the interview John Oliver (who is British) from the Daily Show did at a Tea Party rally when it first started. It's classic. Basically saying these Tea Party activist didn't know fuck all about tyranny and that we (the British) worked hard to earn the label of tyrannical and they are giving it to Obama after only a few months in office. One of the most telling questions he asked one guy was "Does it feel like taxation without representation?" to which he replied "It really does." and then he says "Even though it isn't because you are represented."

To which the guy had no reply. Hilarious.

01-10-2011, 10:57 PM
don't see no point relighting the old shtick tbh. dude's been president for two years and will step down in 2 years more likely than not, then i believe he will be honest and give the public an official answer as to whether he was born in Hawaii or somewhere else. even if the lawyer could prove the illegitimacy of obama's presidency, it would still take the chamber quite a while to discuss a potential impeachment or something. by the time they unveil their decision, the Hawaiian (or Kenyan) trigga would have already retired from the white house.

01-11-2011, 03:39 AM

Lose the pretentious, college-y colon that led you to abandon SVO word order for a rather awkward/unlikely inversion of emphasis in the banner.


SCOTUS tells birthers to 'suck it'

01-11-2011, 05:01 AM
don't see no point relighting the old shtick tbh. dude's been president for two years and will step down in 2 years more likely than not, then i believe he will be honest and give the public an official answer as to whether he was born in Hawaii or somewhere else. even if the lawyer could prove the illegitimacy of obama's presidency, it would still take the chamber quite a while to discuss a potential impeachment or something. by the time they unveil their decision, the Hawaiian (or Kenyan) trigga would have already retired from the white house.Do you believe Obama is a natural born US citizen?

Yes or no.

01-11-2011, 08:04 AM

Lose the pretentious, college-y colon that led you to abandon SVO word order for a rather awkward/unlikely inversion of emphasis in the banner.


The emphasis on the first word was quite deliberate. I backspaced over the exact phrasing you listed in favor of a title that grabbed the eye with the word I wanted to grab it with. "Birthers" gets more of an emotional hook than the more obscure "SCOTUS" especially when titles get abbreviated on the main page.

That and I got to put in a title that could have just as well been *my* opinion.

Birthers can suck it. :p:

As for being a bit pretentious, mea culpa I guess. All part of the sublte art of thread titles. :)

01-11-2011, 01:09 PM
Eh, I just thought it was awkward. Your way it almost looks like SCOTUS is an appositive to "it" and therefore something to be sucked. Also the S-K-T order of 'suck it' and 'SCOTUS' works better as bookends than slammed together, JMO.