View Full Version : The first thing the Suns should do

05-29-2005, 09:46 AM
If they really want to improve next year, the very first thing the Suns should do in the offseason is take the freakin' microphones off the baskets in America West Arena. Don't you wonder whose brilliant idea that was? Take a kid with a lot of talent and athleticism (and an attitude) right out of high school, throw him directly into the NBA... and then use him like a circus sideshow act.

Tim Duncan would never have been the kind of person that Amare is. But he definitely benefitted from having David Robinson, and the rest of the Spurs' organization, around when he came into the league. Watching the way David Robinson gave up the spotlight, for the benefit of the team's success, was probably the best example any player has ever had. And having a coach that demanded discipline and team excellence helped Duncan get the most out of his incredible talent. And this year, when Pop limited Tim's minutes through the regular season, there was never even a hint of dissatisfaction. Tim didn't complain because his individual numbers were down - he was focused on the job of winning a championship... along with the rest of the team.

Amare Stoudamire came to a team that put microphones on the baskets, so that the crowd could cheer his thunderous dunks. But apparently no one has ever bothered to mention that they still only count 2 points. Amare puts up great individual numbers, and he will get plenty of credit for his accomplishments. He doesn't need the baskets miked up to call extra attention to his performance. What he could use is a little David Robinson and Gregg Popovich in his life. But where is he going to get that in Phoenix? It should be a little scary for Phoenix fans to realize that Stoudamire is going to be the team's leader, and he actually cares how loud his dunks are.

05-29-2005, 09:52 AM

And the second thing Phoenix should do in the offseason is to teach Amare to play a little defense. It kills me to watch this fantastic physical specimen stand there with his thumb up his ass while our backcourt blows past him, time after time.

05-29-2005, 09:53 AM
Amare Stoudamire came to a team that put microphones on the baskets, so that the crowd could cheer his thunderous dunks. But apparently no one has ever bothered to mention that they still only count 2 points.

Sometimes dunks change the momentum, but ... at the end are only 2 point

05-29-2005, 10:48 AM

And the second thing Phoenix should do in the offseason is to teach Amare to play a little defense. It kills me to watch this fantastic physical specimen stand there with his thumb up his ass while our backcourt blows past him, time after time.

Great defensive plays don't make the highlight reels - unless it's somebody blocking a shot up into the fifth row. Bruce Bowen is the best defensive player on the best defensive team in the league. (I know... Duncan is a great defender too. Spare me the flame throwers.) But Bowen is only mentioned like some kind of footnote, unless Ray Allen is calling him a sissy.

Stoudamire has no reason to learn to play defense. He's getting everything he wants right now. (With the possible exception of that MVP award.) If he starts spending time playing defense, he won't make as many highlight reels. The crowd isn't going to go wild whenever he makes a great switch off a pick and roll.

In Amare's mind, if the rest of the team would just play as good as him, they would win the championship. Until then, he'll just keep Standing Tall And Talented.

And about those dunks changing the momentum of the game... not against the Spurs. Three or four quick buckets might change the momentum against the Spurs, and dunks are a good way to get those quick scores. But you won't see the Spurs getting rattled because somebody throws one down hard. Because to them, other than the fact that it signals a defensive breakdown, a dunk is still just 2 points... and pushups don't count at all.

05-29-2005, 10:59 AM
Eh, double post

05-29-2005, 11:00 AM
Funny thing about Stoudamire's defense is that in 2002-2003 First Round against Phoenix, when Amare was still a rookie, I thought he was pretty effective defensively most of the time.

Funny how a player can take on the character of the team.

3 Ring Timmy
05-29-2005, 12:07 PM
First thing is to go perch jerking.Old school style,tie your string to one of the broom handles from "the sweep series 2005"http://http://www.vayner.net/shiffman/2002%20July/tn/Fishing%201.jpg.html