View Full Version : Caution, Men: Beware of Marrying an Anglo Woman

Homeland Security
01-12-2011, 05:07 PM
First off -- this doesn't concern my marriage. While I may obsess about killing large swaths of the U.S. population, I am a tender family man, and so far have been fortunate in love, much like Joseph Stalin.

However, in my observations of acquaintances, I have noticed very different patterns between Anglo and Latina wives. Keep in mind that YMMV.

First of all Latina, Latina wives appear to pull no punches when their man screws up. And often that is literal with the men sporting bruises to prove it. Either way, the man is in no way lacking for information about how the wife views the relationship and where he stands. But, he REEEEEEEAAAALLLY has to screw up enormously for her to leave.

On the other hand, typically a man with an Anglo wife will be swimming along quite happily in his marriage, spending lots of quality time with his wife and family, doting on her, making plans, only one day to have her say, "I want a divorce because seven years ago you made a comment/did something which I just can't get over." Of course, she will never have said anything prior to that, and the content of the offense will be something like a dirty pot left in the sink once.

So, based upon my observations, I have the following recommendations:

1) It doesn't matter how good of a husband you are or what you do. You have zero control over your Anglo wife leaving you. Don't harbor any expectations otherwise.

2) Just as men once dumped their wives for younger secretaries, etc., now women will dump their doting husband for a richer or better-looking man. Be very careful about marrying a woman much more attractive than you -- she may simply view you as the best guy "right now" until that war hero or wealthy businessman sweeps her off her feet.

3) Anglo women are much better at concealing their plans and putting up a false front. When she serves the papers, understand that this is the culmination of a multi-year plan. Don't waste your time asking her to go to counseling. Lawyer up ASAP and get ready for war; I guarantee she already has.

4) Understand that "asserting your authority" or "putting your foot down" about things like saving for the kids' college, or retirement, or giving to charity, rather than buying the big house or luxury car, probably will come back to bite you when some other guy with a big house and fancy car comes along. You have no authority except that which circumstances allow you.

5) All the talk about "being in this together" and commitment to the relationship, or being one person, etc., is every bit the song and dance it would be for the man who is manipulating his wife while dallying around outside. If you have suspicions, they are probably correct.

6) Trust should be given verrrrryyyyy reluctantly to an Anglo woman. The Anglo woman who wants to get married real fast because she just can't bear to be without you is at least as likely to be putting on the long con as she is just an impulsive "romantic." And if you're a second husband and you fall for that, you're just stupid, quite frankly.

7) And to you men who still buy in to the Christianity nonsense, if you think you're somehow exempt because your sweet little wife can't stop talking about all the wonderful things Jesus is doing in her life, and half the Bible is splattered all over the walls of your living room, and you let her drag you along to the last 24 marriage conferences at your megachurch, you're going to be in for a big surprise when she decides that God's plan for her life involves a much higher standard of living than what you are providing, and that God's plan for your life apparently involves your not seeing your kids very much.

Or, do the smart thing, and decide that while alabaster skin, blue eyes, and blond hair may be nice to look at, bronze is likelier to last. Marry Latina.

Homeland Security
01-12-2011, 05:12 PM
P.S. You are right to be concerned if your wife makes more money than you. It has nothing to do with your pride; it has to do with her eventually deciding that you serve no purpose if she has enough money to take care of herself. If you find yourself in that situation, I would recommend:

A) Take any action necessary to find a job where you earn more than she does, no matter how much you love your current job.

B) Accept that you are her slave and act accordingly.

C) Make your preparations to get out of the marriage first so you aren't left bent over with your pants down when she serves papers.

01-12-2011, 05:12 PM
some of those items are spot on...

01-12-2011, 05:20 PM
tl;dr version?

01-12-2011, 06:21 PM

01-12-2011, 07:08 PM
I seen some women keep men on a leash. A very short leash . Doesn't matter the race.

01-12-2011, 08:24 PM
most of those items are spot on...


01-12-2011, 09:18 PM
I didn't want to agree with the OP too much. He may be on a federal watch list somewhere.

The Reckoning
01-12-2011, 10:09 PM
beware of marrying anyone at all. white black yellow brown purple: all vaginas are the same.

01-12-2011, 10:32 PM
beware of marrying anyone at all. white black yellow brown purple: all vaginas are the same.

says the guy who's never been near one. You'll have to move to California if you plan on marrying your significant other

01-12-2011, 11:17 PM
at the end of the day you must question urself who wears the pants in the relationship...

01-13-2011, 01:56 AM
Latina girls...a lot of them are very beautiful but they don't like white guys in this day and age. not since about 1990 ish. They'd go Black before white.

This is so fucking stupid. Like bang my head against a fucking wall stupid.

01-13-2011, 02:13 AM
what's it to u whiteboy?

lol self-hating black

The Reckoning
01-13-2011, 03:21 AM
says the guy who's never been near one. You'll have to move to California if you plan on marrying your significant other

it was a trick statement. youd know they were all the same because theyre all pink in the end.

but you didnt...sooo


01-13-2011, 09:12 AM
What about anglo men? I married one. :D

Homeland Security
01-13-2011, 09:28 AM
Absolutely right in this day and age. I talk to nothing but hispanic women but i see a strong trend of them also becoming more this way.
The longer a family has been in the United States, the more powerful the entitlement complex of the women becomes. A Latina immigrant may be very loyal, but also may lack self-confidence. A first-generation American Latina may be best overall. Past the second generation, the Latina has for all intents and purposes assimilated into either an ethnic white or a honey.

01-13-2011, 11:32 AM
P.S. You are right to be concerned if your wife makes more money than you. It has nothing to do with your pride; it has to do with her eventually deciding that you serve no purpose if she has enough money to take care of herself. If you find yourself in that situation, I would recommend:

A) Take any action necessary to find a job where you earn more than she does, no matter how much you love your current job.

B) Accept that you are her slave and act accordingly.

C) Make your preparations to get out of the marriage first so you aren't left bent over with your pants down when she serves papers.

This is actually in the back of my mind in my marriage. My wife is about to be a doctor while I have no plans to go beyond the bachelor's degree. I know I will never catch up to her in salary even if I got promoted to a very high position. I will probably never break the 100k mark but will be close to it.

None of those options apply for me. Being a spineless dweeb definitely will not work for me or her. Here are my options:

1) Let her know her money means nothing to you.
2) Don't ask her for anything and don't depend on her.
3) Pay your bills, fuck her good, and remember all the occasions.

Homeland Security
01-13-2011, 04:48 PM
This is actually in the back of my mind in my marriage. My wife is about to be a doctor while I have no plans to go beyond the bachelor's degree. I know I will never catch up to her in salary even if I got promoted to a very high position. I will probably never break the 100k mark but will be close to it.

None of those options apply for me. Being a spineless dweeb definitely will not work for me or her. Here are my options:

1) Let her know her money means nothing to you.
2) Don't ask her for anything and don't depend on her.
3) Pay your bills, fuck her good, and remember all the occasions.
So, to sum up...
1) Your wife does not need you financially.
2) She is going to be spending a lot of time at work, away from you, with men who share her professional and possibly intellectual interests, and who can empathize with her experiences directly.

Your prospects here basically depend on her looks. Is she going to get attention from other men? If she is a desirable catch in a target-rich environment, and she is an Anglo, then you might as well consider your exit strategy now. You can take your "trust" in her in one hand and shit in the other, basically, once Dr. McDreamy comes along.

01-13-2011, 05:21 PM
It's all about money, not skin color. Tons of bitches from decent income households are treated like spoiled princess brats. They grow up thinking only the best is good enough for them. Time and time again they are scorned by the most attractive men, ultimately settling with a match that's actually suited to their attractiveness and nature - unfortunately, they don't accept that reality, always looking for something better.

01-13-2011, 09:26 PM
When you have a big dick rules don't apply, tbh

01-14-2011, 12:45 AM
One of the posters in this thread suggested questioning who is wearing the pants in the relationship. I'd say that's the best to do. At the end of, say half a year (six months), a man should question whether he is wearing the pants in the relationship and is in control of the relationship, if the answer is yes then good for you, if not then you're weird shit out of luck.

01-14-2011, 08:44 AM
First off -- this doesn't concern my marriage. While I may obsess about killing large swaths of the U.S. population, I am a tender family man, and so far have been fortunate in love, much like Joseph Stalin.

However, in my observations of acquaintances, I have noticed very different patterns between Anglo and Latina wives. Keep in mind that YMMV.

First of all Latina, Latina wives appear to pull no punches when their man screws up. And often that is literal with the men sporting bruises to prove it. Either way, the man is in no way lacking for information about how the wife views the relationship and where he stands. But, he REEEEEEEAAAALLLY has to screw up enormously for her to leave.

On the other hand, typically a man with an Anglo wife will be swimming along quite happily in his marriage, spending lots of quality time with his wife and family, doting on her, making plans, only one day to have her say, "I want a divorce because seven years ago you made a comment/did something which I just can't get over." Of course, she will never have said anything prior to that, and the content of the offense will be something like a dirty pot left in the sink once.

So, based upon my observations, I have the following recommendations:

1) It doesn't matter how good of a husband you are or what you do. You have zero control over your Anglo wife leaving you. Don't harbor any expectations otherwise.

2) Just as men once dumped their wives for younger secretaries, etc., now women will dump their doting husband for a richer or better-looking man. Be very careful about marrying a woman much more attractive than you -- she may simply view you as the best guy "right now" until that war hero or wealthy businessman sweeps her off her feet.

3) Anglo women are much better at concealing their plans and putting up a false front. When she serves the papers, understand that this is the culmination of a multi-year plan. Don't waste your time asking her to go to counseling. Lawyer up ASAP and get ready for war; I guarantee she already has.

4) Understand that "asserting your authority" or "putting your foot down" about things like saving for the kids' college, or retirement, or giving to charity, rather than buying the big house or luxury car, probably will come back to bite you when some other guy with a big house and fancy car comes along. You have no authority except that which circumstances allow you.

5) All the talk about "being in this together" and commitment to the relationship, or being one person, etc., is every bit the song and dance it would be for the man who is manipulating his wife while dallying around outside. If you have suspicions, they are probably correct.

6) Trust should be given verrrrryyyyy reluctantly to an Anglo woman. The Anglo woman who wants to get married real fast because she just can't bear to be without you is at least as likely to be putting on the long con as she is just an impulsive "romantic." And if you're a second husband and you fall for that, you're just stupid, quite frankly.

7) And to you men who still buy in to the Christianity nonsense, if you think you're somehow exempt because your sweet little wife can't stop talking about all the wonderful things Jesus is doing in her life, and half the Bible is splattered all over the walls of your living room, and you let her drag you along to the last 24 marriage conferences at your megachurch, you're going to be in for a big surprise when she decides that God's plan for her life involves a much higher standard of living than what you are providing, and that God's plan for your life apparently involves your not seeing your kids very much.

Or, do the smart thing, and decide that while alabaster skin, blue eyes, and blond hair may be nice to look at, bronze is likelier to last. Marry Latina.

This post raises cynicism to an art form.

01-14-2011, 08:57 AM
Us Celtic caucasian woman can be quite the catch however. :spin

This thread makes me LOL.


01-14-2011, 09:45 AM
I've always simply loved women.

01-14-2011, 10:12 AM
Why bring race into the matter?
Just be wary of marrying a woman, period.

01-14-2011, 01:40 PM
This post raises cynicism to an art form.

He surpassed you, RandomCuckold

01-14-2011, 01:48 PM
Why bring race into the matter?
Just be wary of marrying a woman, period.


01-14-2011, 02:21 PM
From what I've seen, there's a lot of truth in the OP. Not going to agree with all of it, but caution is definitely warranted, regardless of race.

Oh, and at the end of the day, it really is all about dollars and sense (pun intended).

01-14-2011, 02:30 PM
my synopsis

OP is a fairly intelligent, democrat, Mexican.

Latina girls...a lot of them are very beautiful but they don't like white guys in this day and age. not since about 1990 ish. They'd go Black before white.

My Mexican wife would disagree. :lol

01-14-2011, 04:48 PM
My Mexican wife would disagree. :lol

It doesn't count if she's from mexico, these posts pertain to American bitches

01-14-2011, 05:08 PM
they have mexicans in Boston?

I was stationed in San Antonio, where my wife was a student.

01-14-2011, 05:08 PM
Also, there are probably some Mexicans in Boston. It's kinda a big town. There's probably even some Mexicans in Lynn, where I grew up.

01-14-2011, 05:09 PM
if she's from mexico, how do you communicate with her? and also, you shouldn't call yourself an american if you can't even have enough pride to marry an american-born woman.

1. She speaks English. Amazing, eh?

2. You're an idiot.

01-14-2011, 05:09 PM
It doesn't count if she's from mexico, these posts pertain to American bitches

Fair enough :toast

01-15-2011, 12:19 AM
blame men.....a semi-good-looking white girl goes out in San Antonio, she gets hit on by Mexicans, blacks, Caucasians, rich and poor ....and if she is bringing home a decent paycheck herself why does she need you?

This isn't true North of Denver Cwhere the number of Mexican and black men decrease...and the ratio of white women to white men increases...white women are a dime a dozen there....

01-15-2011, 06:48 AM
like from hotel rwanda... according to americans, the black hutu guy isn't even a N*****...he's an African. He's well below that. Your "wife" isn't even a Mexican-American. She's a fucking wetback. How dare you degrade yourself so much to stoop down to that level. Your mom should feel insulted.

Wow you stupid neo nazi wannabe Jared Loughner faggot. Your mom is the one who would be insulted that she popped out a nazi degenerate form of a human being out of her jew vagina. That has to be a nightmare for a jew woman.

01-15-2011, 07:01 AM
Also, there are probably some Mexicans in Boston. It's kinda a big town. There's probably even some Mexicans in Lynn, where I grew up.

Do you have a heavy Bostonian accent, like in all those crime movies set in Boston?

La Migra
01-15-2011, 08:29 AM
Also, there are probably some Mexicans in Boston. It's kinda a big town. There's probably even some Mexicans in Lynn, where I grew up.

I'm on it.

01-15-2011, 10:06 AM
I married the love of my life. Nothing else mattered.

01-15-2011, 11:08 AM
This is all garbage. My wife is amazing and I love her more than anything!

01-15-2011, 01:37 PM
This is all garbage. My wife is amazing and I love her more than anything!

lol your feelings for her aren't the issue

01-15-2011, 09:29 PM
jared loughner is a nazi

im racist against nazis you know

First of all, Nazi is not a race. It's a stupid failed ideology that stems from hatred, ignorance, and prejudice that resulted in millions of casualties. Really, I'm ashamed that you call yourself an American. You spit in the face of the American soldiers that died in WWII to fight against an evil that you so readily try to keep alive. You sir, are an infestation to America.

01-16-2011, 12:31 PM
First of all, Nazi is not a race. It's a stupid failed ideology that stems from hatred, ignorance, and prejudice that resulted in millions of casualties. Really, I'm ashamed that you call yourself an American. You spit in the face of the American soldiers that died in WWII to fight against an evil that you so readily try to keep alive. You sir, are an infestation to America.

I call bullshit on this.

You wouldn't say this about socialist in america who sympathize with Soviet expansion and intervention in the americas.

International Soviet socialism killed more people and starved more innocents than the nazis. Infact, Stalin ordered some of the nazi camps to be reinstituted as internment camps for prisoners of his regime.

01-16-2011, 12:59 PM
I call bullshit on this.

You wouldn't say this about socialist in america who sympathize with Soviet expansion and intervention in the americas.

International Soviet socialism killed more people and starved more innocents than the nazis. Infact, Stalin ordered some of the nazi camps to be reinstituted as internment camps for prisoners of his regime.

Fuck Stalin and his murderous socialist regime too! But who here is constantly slobbing on his knob all across these boards for me to rail against?

01-16-2011, 08:26 PM
Infact, Stalin ordered some of the nazi camps to be reinstituted as internment camps for prisoners of his regime.

wow he recycled before it was the in thing to do, what a trend setter this stalin was, he set trends