View Full Version : What will the left's plea be?

01-13-2011, 10:40 PM
What will the left's plea be? (http://www.examiner.com/tea-party-in-boston/what-will-the-left-s-plea-be)

Since the day Rick Santelli suggested we needed a new tea party, the left in general and the media in particular has done their level best to stop the phenomena known as the tea party movement.

First they called them insignificant; but when their numbers proved too large they attempted to portray them as cranks, when that failed they tried to paint them as violent and next came charges of racism.

When Scott Brown won in Massachusetts the left, while downplaying the strength of the tea party, re-doubled their attacks. They accused the tea parties of being “Astroturf” that is: being not actually a grass roots movement (never mind that their own protesters at events have not only been paid but on some occasions couldn’t read the signs they were holding). They even tried planting their own people at tea party rallies to make them appear extreme. None of it worked, too many people actually knew tea party members in person to make the charges stick.

Finally they took to staging their own rallies that managed nowhere near as many people but an awful lot more trash to clean up in the Capital.

After the midterm election where republicans netted 63 seats in the house and a lame duck session renewing Bush era tax rates the left was despondent, if only the people could see the tea party for what it was!

Then came the events in Arizona and the left was positive they had their issue:

* The person targeted was a democrat
* She voted for Obamacare
* She just defeated a tea party favorite
* The shooter was in a state without strict guns laws

The media went over the top, blaming the tea party and Sarah Palin for inciting the murders. On twitter calls for Sarah Palin to be shot were publicly made. The more restrained voices passive aggressively suggested the tea party “climate” made them indirectly responsible. One senator started fundraising based on it.

Alas for the left not only did the facts show otherwise but the polls showed the public wasn’t buying the narrative, particularly as the shooter’s obsession with the congresswoman began in 2007.

Yet as late as yesterday speakers at public events continued to blame Sarah Palin and the tea party.

The shooter in Arizona will likely cop an insanity plea for his actions. No word if the left will do the same for theirs.
Most of the points he makes are hyperlinked so, before you start asking where he got his information, go to the article and follow the link. I'm too lazy to move all the links over here.

Duff McCartney
01-13-2011, 10:46 PM
They are just grasping at straws. The fundraiser bit as stated in the other thread is a big stretch. He wasn't using it as a fundraising bit.

Also boutons pointed out a link that showed the Tea Party Express raising money from the killings as well.

When you speak of "the left" or at least when this person does..who is he talking about? What kind of "leftist leaders" or anyone with any power made claims Sarah Palin was responsible?

01-13-2011, 10:47 PM
blood libel lol

01-13-2011, 10:54 PM
You have officially derailed...

01-13-2011, 10:58 PM
They are just grasping at straws. The fundraiser bit as stated in the other thread is a big stretch. He wasn't using it as a fundraising bit.

Also boutons pointed out a link that showed the Tea Party Express raising money from the killings as well.
And, I agreed with that point. It was distasteful for either of them to exploit the tragedy in fund raising literature.

When you speak of "the left" or at least when this person does..who is he talking about? What kind of "leftist leaders" or anyone with any power made claims Sarah Palin was responsible?
With the media and Sheriff Dupnick carrying the water on that project, none of them had to. Their admonishments to wait until we know more before assigning blame were, however, noticeably absent.

01-13-2011, 11:36 PM
"done their level best to stop the phenomena known as the tea party movement."


Kock Bros and Dick Armey, World's Greatest Outsiders and Revolutionaires, have done their best to finance and fabricate the grass roots tea bagger movement.

Get back to us when the tea baggers actually accomplish something in the House. Voting down health care is a still-born, in practice and symbolically, so keep those tea bagger accomplishments significant.

This is just another article whining about The Big Bad Overwhelmingly Powerful Left picking on the wimpy, disorganized, victimized, innocent, good0-faith right-in-shining-armor. Pass me a Kleenex, sniff.