View Full Version : 54 percent and 79 percent of the money in the stimulus bill’s key wind energy program

01-21-2011, 01:11 PM
...had been spent overseas.


it all goes back to the principle that patriotism may play well with voters on the campaign trail, but corporate cash ultimately rules the day in our nation’s capital.

the U.S. Chamber of Commerce fiercely lobbied against the “Buy America” provisions when Congress debated them, just as the group lobbies against similar proposals today. That may seem strange coming from an organization whose name pays homage to this country. But don’t be fooled: The chamber is a front group for huge multinational firms whose first priority is not this nation’s economy, but a profit-maximizing business model based on exporting jobs and production facilities to low-wage countries abroad. Those firms, of course, make massive campaign contributions to both parties and such donations come with the expectation of legislative favors—like, say, killing initiatives to strengthen “Buy America” laws.

supposedly the world’s most powerful country, begging the WTO to intervene on our behalf so as to prevent an economic competitor from making basic investments in its own economy. And we’re doing this all because our political system is too corrupt to permit a similarly competitive posture here at home.



UCA vs USA, USA loses again, and again, and again.

01-21-2011, 01:16 PM
Just further proof what a piece of shit the stimulus bill was and still is.

01-21-2011, 01:21 PM
Proves nothing of the sort, but your risible errors are expected.

01-21-2011, 01:44 PM
Oddly enough, I read an interesting article about how we have ceded a lot of technological advantage to other countries, because we are so far behind the ball when it comes to setting clear policies when it comes to energy sources.

Europe and China have clear programs and government rules for alternative energy, with clear goals. This has allowed their industries to make solid plans and predictable investments, thus giving their renewable energy sectors some solid leads in technology and experience.

In this light, the OP makes a helluva lot more sense. The US just isn't the leader in this kind of technology, and will have to rely on others to do it for us.

Stick that in yer pipes and smoke it.

Wild Cobra
01-21-2011, 06:08 PM
Oddly enough, I read an interesting article about how we have ceded a lot of technological advantage to other countries, because we are so far behind the ball when it comes to setting clear policies when it comes to energy sources.

Europe and China have clear programs and government rules for alternative energy, with clear goals. This has allowed their industries to make solid plans and predictable investments, thus giving their renewable energy sectors some solid leads in technology and experience.

In this light, the OP makes a helluva lot more sense. The US just isn't the leader in this kind of technology, and will have to rely on others to do it for us.

Stick that in yer pipes and smoke it.
We have lagged in education for a decade or more. No wonder other countries are turning out better engineers and ideas.

Do you people really think in the stealth thread, that China isn't capable of better technology advances than us?