View Full Version : Senator Kerry, please kick some ass!

09-28-2004, 06:30 PM
During a conversation with my wife, she asked me what is the one thing that Sen. Kerry has to do Thursday night during the debates.

I said, “He must look GW in the eye and say, “You lied to me, to the senate and most of all to the American people. You, Mr. President, have killed tens of thousands of Iraqi women and children; please tell us for what, Mr. President?” We have lost over 1,000 of our beloved soldiers, we have spent over $200,000,000,000 of our children’s inheritance, we have lost the respect of the world, and we can no longer help the way Americans like to help others because of the lack of money. For what Mr. Bush---please tell the American people and me why did you invade Iraq?

I know that one candidate is not allowed to speak directly to the other under the rules that Bush insisted on, but screw the rules-----John, kick his ass and we will cheer! Sen. Kerry you must rattle this guy who would be King-----this is not the time for nice nice----kick his ass!

Tommy Duncan
09-28-2004, 06:33 PM
Well, at least you didn't suggest accusing Bush of being in on the 9/11 plot. I suppose that's progress.

09-28-2004, 06:46 PM
We can only hope John Forbes Kerry is that stupid.

09-28-2004, 07:33 PM
His campaign has been a total freaking mess so far, why change now?

09-28-2004, 07:34 PM
Why not?

09-28-2004, 07:46 PM
I just can't see how Kerry can win the debates on the issues or general likability. Ain't gonna happen cept for the died in the wool libsters. Bush has an opportunity to really shred Kerry in the debates.

Uncle Donnie
09-28-2004, 07:48 PM
I said, “He must look GW in the eye and say, “You lied to me, to the senate and most of all to the American people. You, Mr. President, have killed tens of thousands of Iraqi women and children; please tell us for what, Mr. President?” We have lost over 1,000 of our beloved soldiers, we have spent over $200,000,000,000 of our children’s inheritance, we have lost the respect of the world, and we can no longer help the way Americans like to help others because of the lack of money. For what Mr. Bush---please tell the American people and me why did you invade Iraq?

How can he say that when he has said he would also have removed Saddam? All Bush has to do is play the flip-flopper card and Kerry looks like an ass for saying that.

09-28-2004, 07:56 PM
Kerry is in a heap of trouble in the debates, period. He will not be able to finesse the rationale for his flip flops and win against Bush. He might break even with certain topics, but Kerry can't win. I agree with Dick Morris' prognostication: Bush wins debates, increases lead in polls, last 2 weeks Kerry surges, Bush wins by election by slim margin.

Tommy Duncan
09-28-2004, 08:12 PM
Kerry has nothing left but to play the nagging bitch. Nobody likes a nagging bitch and nobody likes someone who is clearly searching to say something that will get him elected.

I don't see much of a change between now and election day. It's not like by now that people haven't been exposed to John Kerry. It seems that the more people see of Kerry the less they like.

Barring a major terrorist attack which could really funk up the election (in either direction), I would have to say Bush wins by 51.5% to 45.8% with around 300 electoral votes.

Kerry has run one rather dumb campaign.

09-28-2004, 08:13 PM
"...last 2 weeks Kerry surges..."
Why would he surge?