View Full Version : LIVE BASKETBALL TV - MANU GINOBILI @ LNB (Liga Nacional de Basquet)

01-23-2011, 03:37 PM
These are some cool videos from an Argentinian Show (from Cordoba, to be more precise), featuring some film about a young Manu Ginobili playing on the LNB (Liga Nacional de Basquet) of Argentina.

We can see him playing from 1995 to 1997 for Club Andino of La Rioja and for Club Estudiantes of Bahia Blanca.

(It's in spanish)
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:
(this one is really cool, playing against Oberto. Some hard fouls included :P)

Well, I hope you enjoy it :toast

01-23-2011, 05:19 PM
thanks for the videos, you can already see early on the same charactersitics he now shows in the NBA, fearlessness on drives, quick hands, a good stroke.

I've also noticed his body make-up hasn't really changed all these years, which brings me to the question: What does he do for conditioning ? It dosen't seem he hits the weight room like typical guards, wade, MJ, Kobe or even Rey allen, If so how does he keep conditioned, you have to admit he has had a relativily injury free career inspite of his fealessness style of play. How has he been able to do that? thats baffles me, and it's not like he plays a reggie miller type of game with minimal contact, this guy is one of the most fouled players in the league, how has he lasted ?

01-23-2011, 05:38 PM
thanks for the videos, you can already see early on the same charactersitics he now shows in the NBA, fearlessness on drives, quick hands, a good stroke.

I've also noticed his body make-up hasn't really changed all these years, which brings me to the question: What does he do for conditioning ? It dosen't seem he hits the weight room like typical guards, wade, MJ, Kobe or even Rey allen, If so how does he keep conditioned, you have to admit he has had a relativily injury free career inspite of his fealessness style of play. How has he been able to do that? thats baffles me, and it's not like he plays a reggie miller type of game with minimal contact, this guy is one of the most fouled players in the league, how has he lasted ?

Allen Iverson

01-23-2011, 06:39 PM
"...un jugador con muy interesante futuro (D. Carlin)..." :lol

01-23-2011, 10:38 PM
But something tells me , Manu unlike Iverson will be productive in his latter years and can play at a high level up to 35 years old just like Rey Allen and Jason Kidd. ( remember unlike Iverson Manu is not just a one dimensional scorer but can faciitate like Kidd, I also beleive Manu is a better outside shooter compared to Iverson.

Allen Iverson