View Full Version : One of funniest moments on national TV...

Rick Von Braun
05-30-2005, 08:57 PM
... may be ever.

Rick Fox, Bill Russell, and Bill Walton are in the half time show with one of the ABC talking heads.

They are talking about how to defend Ginobili, and Bill Walton asked for Rick Fox's advice. He said (paraphrasing): "Well, first of all, you have to deny him the ball, put pressure on him before he even gets the ball".

At that time Bill Walton interjects Rick said and asked him: "Do you have to get physical with him? What was your experience as a Laker?"

Rick answered: "Well, of course you have to be very physical with him, as I was when playing him".

At that moment, Bill Russell, that was keeping quiet, breaks a loud laughter and said: "Rick Fox physical?!.... ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!"

Rick Fox didn't know what to do... he put his best Hollywood smile and they ABC people went for a commercial break.

Absolutely hilarious!

http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smilol.gif http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smilol.gif


Aggie Hoopsfan
05-30-2005, 09:01 PM
I thought this was going to be about the fact that Fox was wearing more makeup than his ex-wife, had a prettier perm than she ever had, and pretty much looked like a raging homo.

05-30-2005, 09:01 PM
:lmao damn it's a shame i missed that

05-30-2005, 09:01 PM
Poor Rick, first he loses Vanessa, now this humiliation.


05-30-2005, 09:47 PM
The actual quote from Bill Russell was "a Celtic not be physical?" referring to the fact that Fox, Russell, and Walton were all Celtics.

Your story would be funny, if only it were true.

Guru of Nothing
05-30-2005, 09:48 PM
For lack of a better term, Bill Russell was an embarassment = to his self.

Rick Von Braun
05-30-2005, 10:08 PM
The actual quote from Bill Russell was "a Celtic not be physical?" referring to the fact that Fox, Russell, and Walton were all Celtics.

Your story would be funny, if only it were true.
Nooooo!! I was listening with my wireless headphone from my office, and I couldn't believe it!

I thought I heard "Fox being physical?", but may be you are right. I got to the TV when they were laughing and went to the commercial break.

Oh well...