View Full Version : Do We Need Another Big?

01-28-2011, 10:25 PM
Guys, we have to look forward to the playoffs now.....

We are going to fight against LA for the Western title......

and against Boston/Miami/Orlando for the NBA title....

Its my opinion that we need another critical big frontliner.....

these aforementioned teams are incredibly stacked in the frontline....

any ideas? thanks!

Go Spurs go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sean Cagney
01-28-2011, 10:30 PM
I agree...

01-28-2011, 10:40 PM
Elson! Party like a Rock Star!

01-28-2011, 11:28 PM
Guys, we have to look forward to the playoffs now.....

We are going to fight against LA for the Western title......

and against Boston/Miami/Orlando for the NBA title....

Its my opinion that we need another critical big frontliner.....

these aforementioned teams are incredibly stacked in the frontline....

any ideas? thanks!

Go Spurs go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If we have been blown out by LA in first meeting, I might have gone with you on this. I actually thought LA would crush us with their bigs, but they didnt.
Inside D has been lacking all year and the bigs rotations have been slow, but no team really has and USES their front lines. LA is only team in West we would have trouble with and with what ive seen , still dont use their advantage well.

The other thing is there really is noone who could come in at this point. Who is available? Slim pickings. The only way would be a trade AND that would only happen if Bonner doesnt get better soon.

To sum up, I think we can still win the title with a soso front line. Dont forget we won with Naz at center one yr.

01-28-2011, 11:33 PM
If we have been blown out by LA in first meeting, I might have gone with you on this. I actually thought LA would crush us with their bigs, but they didnt.
Inside D has been lacking all year and the bigs rotations have been slow, but no team really has and USES their front lines. LA is only team in West we would have trouble with and with what ive seen , still dont use their advantage well.

The other thing is there really is noone who could come in at this point. Who is available? Slim pickings. The only way would be a trade AND that would only happen if Bonner doesnt get better soon.

To sum up, I think we can still win the title with a soso front line. Dont forget we won with Naz at center one yr.

But how about Boston man? im worried about them....

PS...by the way, i love Yoda too...

keep cool!!!!!!!

01-28-2011, 11:40 PM
You beat size with speed. We are a fast team. This is how we have succeeded all year. Going big will slow us down. Instead of trying to match up with teams with inferior records we should stand pat and let them try to catch up with us.

01-28-2011, 11:45 PM
But how about Boston man? im worried about them....

PS...by the way, i love Yoda too...

keep cool!!!!!!!

We lost a hard fought one versus Boston on a back to back. I can live with that.

I like Yoda because of his Wisom, Teaching, goodness and if you piss him off, he can kick some ass.

01-28-2011, 11:49 PM
Splitter turned out to be a huge bust

01-28-2011, 11:49 PM
You beat size with speed. We are a fast team. This is how we have succeeded all year. Going big will slow us down. Instead of trying to match up with teams with inferior records we should stand pat and let them try to catch up with us.

I think David Lee pointed out we basically out smart most teams by doing the little things. If memory serves, during out championships, we had many different players step up on different nights. We really dont have a go to horse( best guess is Manu). but pretty much anyone could be the leading scorer this year. In fact, I thnk just about the whole team was at least once the socring leader for the game. (exception-Splitter and lowson)

01-28-2011, 11:54 PM
Guys, we have to look forward to the playoffs now.....

We are going to fight against LA for the Western title......

and against Boston/Miami/Orlando for the NBA title....

Its my opinion that we need another critical big frontliner.....

these aforementioned teams are incredibly stacked in the frontline....

any ideas? thanks!

Go Spurs go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well he's 7 feet tall...not undersized like so many of today's bigs including Blair and Okafor.

He actually played good defense in the 07 playoffs and finals.
I wouldn't call Miami & Orlando exactly frontline stacked...Ilgauskas, Magloire,Pittman,Bosh, & Damp may have size, but they certainly don't have the overall quality as the C's & Lakers. Same for Orlando. The only big man in Orlando to be afraid of imo, is Howard. Sure they have some big forwards & another rook C, but they really need another big just as bad as we do...maybe more. But to answer the question, yes a legit big man would be great & most likely necessary. We were all hoping that could have been Splitter, but that seems unlikely this year.

Also, isn't Okafor a legit 6'10? I wouldn't necessarily call that undersized.

01-29-2011, 12:16 AM
Splitter turned out to be a huge bust


you can't qualify a rookie as a bust yet :lol

in that case Evan Turner is a bust :rolleyes

01-29-2011, 12:21 AM
Have to admit, people thought Splitter would have been a huge part of
Spurs this year. I bet 95% of all fans believed he would have been a huge success by now. Right now not looking any better then Ian was in past few years. Lets hope he can develop.

01-29-2011, 12:29 AM
Have to admit, people thought Splitter would have been a huge part of
Spurs this year. I bet 95% of all fans believed he would have been a huge success by now. Right now not looking any better then Ian was in past few years. Lets hope he can develop.

If all you're looking at is the box scores, you can make that case. They are miles apart in terms of basketball IQ however, and Splitter is just way more talented,
albeit not as athletic.

It's obvious Pop is easing him in, and that Splitter still has a ways to go to be integrated and up to speed, but he will contribute. I hope we start seeing him next to Timmy for small stretches as the season progresses. Wouldn't be a super quick defensive frontcourt, but I think those two would be a quality defensive 4/4 combo.

01-29-2011, 12:33 AM
If Tiago had Ian's athleticism, and Ian had Tiago's IQ then that would make an amazing player :lol

I think it's harder to find a smart big man then a athletic big man.

back to the subject I would love Dalembert, unfortunately I don't think he will be traded, and bought out if we could get any big.

I do think size is overrated, especially with the matchup against the lakers, and spurs need more help on perimeter defense than finding a big man, I think are big man are good enough if no one disappears in the playoffs "crosses fingers" .

01-29-2011, 12:40 AM
The only big I'd look at would be Sean Williams, but he's a nut who doesn't have the NBA body to play his style.

01-29-2011, 12:41 AM
develope splitter

Spurs da champs
01-29-2011, 01:29 AM
The only big I'd look at would be Sean Williams, but he's a nut who doesn't have the NBA body to play his style.

Nah dude is perfect for the spurs, he's a good defender to that dude shut Lebron down.

Capt Bringdown
01-29-2011, 02:01 AM
The playoffs are an entirely different matter, and I'm afraid we will be weighed in the balance and found wanting.
Duncan and Dice will be expected to do all of the heavy lifting, and I think this is where things will break down if we get in a long series.
Maybe we can roll like the '83 76ers, but I doubt it.

01-29-2011, 02:12 AM
Have to admit, people thought Splitter would have been a huge part of
Spurs this year. I bet 95% of all fans believed he would have been a huge success by now. Right now not looking any better then Ian was in past few years. Lets hope he can develop.

Master Yoda,

I also think Splitter can still help

tho i dunno how they can still integrate him at this late stage

perhaps Pop is holding him back and then unleash him later on??

Warm regards

01-29-2011, 02:21 AM
Have to admit, people thought Splitter would have been a huge part of
Spurs this year. I bet 95% of all fans believed he would have been a huge success by now. Right now not looking any better then Ian was in past few years. Lets hope he can develop.

last few years people here had been listing him as THE NUMBER ONE PRIORITY of the team, as the ONE THING WE MUST AQUIRE, claiming him as Crucial to our future success, saying things like 'wait till Splitter comes' and 'can Splitter be the next great Big we build around', etc etc etc......

so far he has been exactly what i always said he would be...the great white hope, a flat-footed, slow, unathletic mediocre White euro center.

so far i have been exactly right and the others have been tragically wrong.

01-29-2011, 02:46 AM
develope splitter

The Spurs FO has cold feet to trade Splitter because of the Scola burn. If they were smart, they would dish him to WAS for Blatche since he is on the block, and Splitter is going to end up a 12th man journeyman or otherwise go back to euroball and dominate teenagers again. Dude is worthless.

Ross Parrot
01-29-2011, 02:59 AM
I heard Blatche has low BBIQ. Anyway, they should hang on to Splitter because he's already shown potential, although he's very soft. He also can provide insurance in case McDyess retires. A lot of teams would kill to have Splitter on their team. A lot of positives by hanging on to him until the end of the season.e

01-29-2011, 03:21 AM
Splitter is getting paid Millions of dollars.

hahaha what a fucked up system we live in.

01-29-2011, 08:10 AM
All this bad talk here about Splitter just makes me laugh at the stupidity of some people!
It reminds me of all the bad talk here about Manu when he first came into the league.
He ended up making a lot of fans eat major crow.
I have no doubt Tiago will do the same.

01-29-2011, 11:21 AM
It's almost surreal about how the Mavs and Carlisle keep talking up Mahinmi. They are even playing him alongside some of their other centers because they feel he is versatile enough to play there because according to Carlisle in today's DMN he is one of their better defenders and rebounders.

Carlisle also said something in their paper a few days ago about how the Spurs let him go because he couldn't grasp the offense and defense--eg, low basketball IQ.

I guess it depends on the coach and the system. We are system oriented and the Mavs are playing a lot of zone on defense which allows for more free-lancing.

01-29-2011, 12:31 PM
We should sign Cousin.

01-29-2011, 01:02 PM
Master Yoda,

I also think Splitter can still help

tho i dunno how they can still integrate him at this late stage

perhaps Pop is holding him back and then unleash him later on??

Warm regards

Lets really think about this. there is no way Pop would try to interegrate him at this point in the season. Most likely would be used ifthe others bigs are in foul trouble in playoffs or blow out games.

Why would Pop hold him back? Only way for him to learn is to play and he giving him limited minutes as it is. Its obvious his Basketball IQ is high, as seen in his rotations on D and how he uses the pick and roll, but there is something missing. The other players on team seem to have lost confidence in him. On pick and rolls, while done correctly, he doesnt seem to expect the ball or even call for it. I see hesistance to throw him the ball at all. Untill then, expect more of the same

Maybe the language barrier is causing him to not get to know alot of players on the team. Communication is the key in any sport or business and even with his knowledge, I find it hard that he could easily fit it.Maybe when he can talk fluently, he will be able to know his team mates better( just wild guesses here). Maybe its just me, but he seems to have lost some confidence in his play. Given time to develop, Im sure he can find that swagger again. IT wont be this year, but we got time.

The person I think Pop is really holding back is Dice. Correct me if Im wrong, but I dont think he even played(DNP) in the first Lakers game. (something to mull over as far as holding back)

On another note, I wonder if Bonners continued injury Might cause for a trade of some sort in the front court. when ever we hear nothing from Spurs is when I feel something is up, but its the SPURS, so who knows.

01-29-2011, 03:42 PM
All this bad talk here about Splitter just makes me laugh at the stupidity of some people!
It reminds me of all the bad talk here about Manu when he first came into the league.
He ended up making a lot of fans eat major crow.
I have no doubt Tiago will do the same.

He sure did and their was a lot of hate against Hill when Nash made him his bitch last year. People just love to hate which I don't understand since they are playing for us and like we have the best record in the league? Why bitch?

Every player has things they do good and things they do bad that is why we have a team. That is where the Spurs do well in putting all the parts together to make a good team. As far as Splitter he is a rookie who is playing on the best team in the NBA he is not going to get minutes which impacts how fast he can learn our system. That it is no suprise that almost all new first year players on our team do much better their second year "Blair, Hill, Jefferson" etc.........

Big P
01-29-2011, 05:09 PM
Spurs will go after Murphy as soon as he gets bought out. AJ is gonna do us a solid. Murphy is bigger, more skilled bonner who and rebound and post every now and then.

Spurs could look to develop splitter and tell guys to pass him the ball when hes on the court.

Spurs may look at Prince or Hamilton if they get released.

AJ ain't got shit to do with it....he is the coach..remember how he wanted GM/ coach...it didn't happen...he call's the plays, no say in personnel.

Old School 44
01-29-2011, 05:26 PM
You beat size with speed. We are a fast team. This is how we have succeeded all year. Going big will slow us down. Instead of trying to match up with teams with inferior records we should stand pat and let them try to catch up with us.

I agree 100%. While there's no doubt their front line is better, our speed and our shooters on the perimeter will be the difference...not to mention our overall depth. Let them try to match up with us. Their bigs will get tired trying to stop the penetration and closing out on the three point shooters.

Parker-Ginobili-Hill-Neal >>>>>>> Fisher-Blake-Bryant-Brown

Hoops Czar
01-29-2011, 05:56 PM
The Spurs FO has cold feet to trade Splitter because of the Scola burn. If they were smart, they would dish him to WAS for Blatche since he is on the block, and Splitter is going to end up a 12th man journeyman or otherwise go back to euroball and dominate teenagers again. Dude is worthless.

Scola burn? Scola isn't playing for the Spurs because they were to cheap to pay the buy out. Then, to cover it up, someone in management made the comment that he wasn't sure if Scola would be able to make the transition from Euroball to the NBA. The bigger crime was trading him within the division. Scola has more talent in his pinky finger than Splitter has in his entire body.

This sugar coated excuse that Tiago just needs more time to develop is bullsh!t. Splitter is pretty much developed. What you see is what you get. He still may need to make a transition from Euroball to the NBA but he isn't going to gain in athleticism or become a reliable staple in the Spurs offense for years to come. He's a third string center with very little upside as far as I can tell. If a trade presents itself, the Spurs should be all in.

On a scale of Mahimni to Scola, he is much closer to that of Mahimni.

01-29-2011, 06:01 PM
If Murphy or Prince get bought out they'd be great pick ups for the Spurs. Hamilton would as well to a lesser extent as well as McGrady. But the either of Murphy/Prince would be excellent.

I would like to see the Spurs pick up another developmental big out of the D League too as training camp fodder for next year. Marcus Cousin would be as good as anyone. But whatever they prefer.

Everyone thats talking smack about Splitter clearly is not remembering the story that is Fabricio Oberto. Dude did nothing his rookie year and just sat and watched making 2.5M per. People were screaming to trade him or cut him. But he spent the season sitting, watching and learning. The next year he came back with a vengeance. Splitter is very much the same player except younger and more athletic. The writing is on the wall.

01-29-2011, 06:31 PM
Scola burn? Scola isn't playing for the Spurs because they were to cheap to pay the buy out. Then, to cover it up, someone in management made the comment that he wasn't sure if Scola would be able to make the transition from Euroball to the NBA. The bigger crime was trading him within the division. Scola has more talent in his pinky finger than Splitter has in his entire body.

This sugar coated excuse that Tiago just needs more time to develop is bullsh!t. Splitter is pretty much developed. What you see is what you get. He still may need to make a transition from Euroball to the NBA but he isn't going to gain in athleticism or become a reliable staple in the Spurs offense for years to come. He's a third string center with very little upside as far as I can tell. If a trade presents itself, the Spurs should be all in.

On a scale of Mahimni to Scola, he is much closer to that of Mahimni.

I agree with all of this. I wasn't comparing Splitter to Scola, he is much more comparable to Mahimni. By "Scola burn" I mean the Spurs FO let him get away because they didn't grasp his potential, and they don't want to repeat that mistake with Splitter so they will be overly cautious to move him, which is a shame because he's worthless.

01-29-2011, 07:50 PM
We can hear you downstairs. Hello!!!!!!!!

TD 21
01-29-2011, 11:12 PM
The answer is no. This team has among the best big depth in the league, 1-5. Yeah, it would be nice if Blair were about a half a foot taller and to have a sixth body lying around just in case two of the five are injured simultaneously, but they can always bring someone in on a ten-day if that occurs.

Also, there's no readily available quality big that the Spurs could acquire without sacrificing quality assets and in the process limiting their depth or flat out gutting their team.

Why would you do that when this team has a good thing going?

And why would this team need Murphy? He'd expect minutes anywhere he goes and rightfully so, he's easily a legit rotation player. But this team can't offer that up. They're already not playing Splitter, what are they supposed to do, not play Bonner, too? Murphy would be redundant. I know he's a little taller and he's a better rebounder, but he's not quite as good a shooter as Bonner, is an even worse defender, doesn't know the system and can't be in game shape, considering how little he's played this season. Not worth the trouble.

No disrespect to guys like Murphy, Collison (not that he's available, but they were rumored to have interest a couple of seasons ago), or people of that ilk, but this team is passed the decent third big types at this stage. Unless it's a no-brainer type trade, they should stand pat. This group has earned the right to stay together.

01-29-2011, 11:17 PM
Splitter is getting paid Millions of dollars.

hahaha what a fucked up system we live in.

Splitter gets 3.4 mil.
Darius Songalia gets 4.8 mil
Nick Collison 13.2 mil
Eddie Curry 11.2 mil
Johan Petro 3.2 mil
Hashem Thabeet 4.8 mil
Dan Gadzurek 7.2 mil
Brendan Haywood 6.9 mil
Nazr Mohammed 6.8 mil
DeSagana Diop 6.4 mil

For the price Splitter remains a good deal in today's NBA.

Capt Bringdown
01-29-2011, 11:22 PM
Splitter gets 3.4 mil.
Darius Songalia gets 4.8 mil
Nick Collison 13.2 mil
Eddie Curry 11.2 mil
Johan Petro 3.2 mil
Hashem Thabeet 4.8 mil
Dan Gadzurek 7.2 mil
Brendan Haywood 6.9 mil
Nazr Mohammed 6.8 mil
DeSagana Diop 6.4 mil

For the price Splitter remains a good deal in today's NBA.

Wow, that's stunning. I'll bet guys like Billy Paultz are thinking they were born too soon.
13.2 mill for Collison? The mind boggles.

01-30-2011, 11:34 AM
You beat size with speed. We are a fast team. This is how we have succeeded all year. Going big will slow us down. Instead of trying to match up with teams with inferior records we should stand pat and let them try to catch up with us.

I agree with this.

I'm actually excited to see Blair vs. anyone this playoffs. He will fight hard and use his bulk, plus I love how he has added steals to his game.

Blair > Luc Longley

Va Spur
01-30-2011, 09:45 PM
Is camby a possibility (more of the big we need if we need one). I know he is coming back from injury-- but due back in Feb. What would we have to give up to get him?

01-30-2011, 10:31 PM
i know this is a really simplified way of looking at it, but just on paper, the Spurs lack not neccessarily size, but overall production from their bigs in relation to the two top dogs of the league.

Bonner: 7 ppg
Blair: 8 ppg
McDyess: 5 ppg
Timmy D: 16 ppg

KG: 16
Perkins: 6 ppg
O'neal: 10
Davis: 12

Odom: 15 ppg
Bynum: 15
Gasol: 20 ppg

point differential b/w Spurs big and Celtics: 8
point differential b/w Laker's bigs and Spurs: 14

like i said, really simple way of looking at the "big" issue. there are other factors. but unless Tim Duncan plays like Tim Duncan of old and puts up 23-15-4-4 and holds fort in the paint for an entire series like he used to, the Spurs will not win "the paint" in a series against LA or Boston. i thought at the start of the season, Splitter would provide something significant, but it hasn't happened. it's the weakest point of the team, not horrible though.

where teams will have trouble matching the Spurs is on the perimiter, in terms of depth and overall talent. Ginobili, Parker, RJ, Hill, Neal and possibly even Anderson further down the road.

Hoops Czar
01-30-2011, 10:34 PM
Bonner is not a big. He gets next to zero points in the paint so he doesn't really qualify.

01-30-2011, 11:02 PM
And a decent wing....

TMAC and Ben Wallace for Bonner


TMAC and Ben Wallace for Splitter

In Big Ben's last two games he averaged 10.5 rebounds and 1.5 blocks in just 20 minutes. We could sure use that on this team.

In TMAC'S last 4 he has averaged 15 points and 6.5 assists.

Sounds allright to me:toast

01-30-2011, 11:03 PM
whos sean williams?

any data?

how about sheed?

01-30-2011, 11:03 PM

can we get ben wallace??

i like that guy

01-30-2011, 11:08 PM
Numbers work out. Who knows? Would sure help us out i reckon, i wouldn't mind a deal like that going down :-)

01-30-2011, 11:15 PM
Ok, just get two or three tutors to work with Tiago over and over and over, during, before, and AFTER practice on defensive rotations and assignments. Come on, we still have 3 full months of basketball for him to learn this.

If Splitter is so smart, if he has this great "Basketball IQ" like people say, then he should be able to figure this ONE thing out. Forget offense, just focus on defense. That's all we need, another interior defender with decent size.

01-30-2011, 11:25 PM

02-01-2011, 02:01 AM
i heard the rumor Oberto may "unretire"

perhaps the vet minimum for him

Let Oberto tutor Splitter

what do you think guys?

02-01-2011, 02:12 PM
Just the quote, hit the link for the whole piece.

Clippers put Chris Kaman on the trade block (http://probasketballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/02/01/clippers-chris-kaman-is-on-the-trade-block/)
Kurt Helin

...There had been whispers around Staples Center that Kaman was available and Clippers coach Vinny Del Negro basically confirmed that (http://www.dailynews.com/sports/ci_17256004) in comments reported by Los Angeles Daily News.

“It depends on what is out there, if there is someone we feel makes us a better team,” Coach Vinny Del Negro of the 7-footer, whose contract (he makes something just short of $12 million annually) is due to expire after next season. “We’re not in a position not to take a look at everything. It’s nothing against Chris. He has tremendous skills. I love him and we need him. But if there is something that would help improve the L.A. Clippers, we would look at anything. The cornerstones of this team, obviously, are Blake (Griffin) and Eric Gordon. And as we move forward we want to have the best pieces around them. And Chris is a very good piece but we’ve not seen a lot of him because he’s been injured.”


02-01-2011, 03:47 PM
Playing the Celtics in the Finals with Bonner on offense is a matchup I like, having Bonner on defense is the problem. Bonner guarantees Shaq, Garnett, Perkins or Oneal will not be in the paint with Tim or else get burned from beyond the arc. That being said, defensively having Bonner guard any of those guys will require superb rotation on the part of ALL Spurs players, it can be done by the Spurs and the Celtics are beatable yet I'd like the Spurs to add some help before the deadline IF possible

02-01-2011, 04:06 PM
I like Kaman, he is a really poor mans version of Duncan. But he is injured and I don't know if he would truly help. He isn't a very good defender, but he is not a bum on that end.

Bottom line: He isn't good enough for the Spurs to give anything up for.

02-01-2011, 04:09 PM
And he looks like some hillbilly psychopath from a horror movie.

02-01-2011, 04:16 PM
we should be lookin at maybe foster...

02-01-2011, 04:57 PM
as entertaining as acquiring a free agent is.. i just cringe at the thought of having then "learn" the system.. that whole notion of a player needing at least 1 year under pop's system wouldn't benefit us during our playoff run this year.. i just wish tiago would develop or do whatever he needs to do to become more dominant on the floor

02-01-2011, 06:48 PM
Yes we do... though I do believe that Splitter is going make us eat crow at some point this season.

Trill Clinton
02-01-2011, 06:49 PM
Yea we do. I say we put Tiago on the trade block and see what kind of offers we get.

02-02-2011, 07:25 AM
Is there any rumor out there? are we going for someone?
Like the OP said, I do believe we need extra help in front teams suchs as MIA/ORL/NY, etc.

02-02-2011, 07:27 AM
our best shot is to develop Tiago quickly

Capt Bringdown
02-02-2011, 07:55 AM
our best shot is to develop Tiago quickly

Agreed, but if Splitter can't get a look against the Blazers in February, he's essentially done for the season. You can forget about him being developed this year, he won't touch the court in the POs, save for garbage time. I wish this wasn't true, but if anything, Pop is extremely predictable.

Not a great night for Dice to say the least - he looked like a mummy out there.

02-02-2011, 08:01 AM
i dont think we need a big. we just need to develop Tiago. i think we need manu to give up 3 or 4 FG attempts in favor of RJ. 7 attempts for a starter playing 31 mins game is too damn low. he should be utilized more often. RJ's AFG% leads the spurs starters at .57

02-02-2011, 08:11 AM
our weaknesses were exposed tonight in the game against portland

and the playoffs are beckoning

the coaching staff should see it, we need to match up better against boston

i hate to lose this opportunity this year

02-02-2011, 11:36 AM
The All Star break is usually when Pop and coaching staff start to fine tune team.
Problem is they'll be busy this year AT the All Star game coaching, and not coaching the Spurs.

02-02-2011, 03:20 PM
Agreed, but if Splitter can't get a look against the Blazers in February, he's essentially done for the season. You can forget about him being developed this year, he won't touch the court in the POs, save for garbage time. I wish this wasn't true, but if anything, Pop is extremely predictable.

Not a great night for Dice to say the least - he looked like a mummy out there.

I agree it is quite frustrating, on paper Tiago is our best fit against a guy like Lamarcus.

02-02-2011, 03:29 PM
I agree it is quite frustrating, on paper Tiago is our best fit against a guy like Lamarcus.
Tiago cant shoot 3's so he is pretty worthless. Sure he can move his feet; defend the pick n roll; defend face up 4's and the like; oh and he is 6'11, but he just doesnt stretch the floor. And if were going to win a championship its gonna be from behind the arc. lol

02-02-2011, 03:38 PM
Tiago cant shoot 3's so he is pretty worthless. Sure he can move his feet; defend the pick n roll; defend face up 4's and the like; oh and he is 6'11, but he just doesnt stretch the floor. And if were going to win a championship its gonna be from behind the arc. lol

fortunately our lethal weapon Matty Bonner will be back soon

02-02-2011, 03:40 PM
fortunately our lethal weapon Matty Bonner will be back soon
I heard it might be a while. On the radio here in SA they said his injury is a freak-injury and worse than they expected.

02-02-2011, 03:45 PM
Splitter is getting paid Millions of dollars.

hahaha what a fucked up system we live in.

Creating a thread to voice this opinion wasn't enough? Glad we've already got a frontrunner for president of the Anti-Splitter club. We'll see if you go on to glory like the former leaders of the Anti RMjr or Finley groups, or shame like those who led/lead the charge against Richard Jefferson, or Tony Parker.

02-02-2011, 03:46 PM
I heard it might be a while. On the radio here in SA they said his injury is a freak-injury and worse than they expected.

Pop, last night.

"He’s out until he’s in,” Popovich said. “I know that sounds crazy, but there’s no structural damage, so it’s just a matter of where it is, pain-wise. When he’s ready to play, he’ll play.”


02-02-2011, 05:03 PM
"He’s out until he’s in,” Popovich said. “I know that sounds crazy, but there’s no structural damage, so it’s just a matter of where it is, pain-wise. When he’s ready to play, he’ll play.”

Pop seems pretty pissed about the Matty Bounhair situation, if I remember well he did a similar like ironical quote few days ago. I'm not sure to get it, it means Bonner could play if he was able to handle the pain ?

02-02-2011, 05:57 PM
We don't need ANOTHER big, we need a GOOD big....

02-02-2011, 07:28 PM
Yes we do... though I do believe that Splitter is going make us eat crow at some point this season.

I hope so, cuz he's disappointing alot of his fans with his shitty college-level play....

02-02-2011, 07:47 PM
Splitter's p&r defense, team defense and defense against perimeter bigs has been solid, any time he's received a chance..his flaw on D is that he's soft and gets pushed around against post-up bigs, which isn't really an issue for this team, since Duncan usually guards those types anyways, and Blair/McDyess can at times, as well..

It's difficult for a guy to develop when he isn't getting minutes..realistically, the Spurs aren't going to acquire a good enough big man to fill their needs, developing Splitter is by far the best option..

If he ends up being shitty, then live with it..if he doesn't even get a chance, you just wasted one of the last few season of the big 3 playing at a high level..

TD 21
02-02-2011, 08:33 PM

As for Bonner, he needs to get in the lineup. Going on 9 games with a bone bruise? Bynum has the same thing, missed a game and is supposedly going to play tomorrow and he has a lot more weight to carry and has had a lot more knee problems than Bonner has.

On the other hand, if he sits out it presumably forces Pop to play Splitter against the Lakers. Although, you never know, I'm sure he'll be tempted to play small ball against long, mobile post players for the umpteenth time . . . and watch it fail miserably.

Splitter needs to get stronger to be a better post defender, but I still think he can be useful right now against the long, non overpowering types, like Gasol, Nowitzki and Aldridge. He has no chance against a guy like Bynum, who can basically put him under the basket. I'd rather the Spurs play Duncan, Blair and McDyess on Bynum than Splitter. Splitter should be used on Gasol and maybe some on Odom, particularly with Bonner out.

02-02-2011, 08:40 PM
That's another problem..last time these 2 teams played, Pop put Splitter on Bynum, which is a horrible match up for him..Bynum is one of the most powerful bigs in the NBA, Splitter has no chance against him right now..when Pop does put Splitter in, he seems to be putting him in against the more powerful players, which obviously isn't his game..maybe to send him a message, I don't know, but he's obviously better at defending mobile bigs, while guys like Duncan and Blair are obviously more suited to defend the post..

Gasol and Odom are both much more favorable matchups, so hopefully Pop will throw him in there against them tomorrow..

02-13-2011, 05:44 PM
Steve Kerr's opinion.

As deadline nears, former GM Kerr dishes on possible deals (http://www.nba.com/2011/news/features/art_garcia/02/13/kerr-trade-observations/)
Art Garcia

...San Antonio and Orlando are two teams often mentioned as needing size. The Spurs complement Tim Duncan with undersized centers/power forwards in DeJuan Blair, Antonio McDyess and Matt Bonner, and a rookie 7-footer Tiago Splitter struggling to get his footing.

San Antonio is also cruising along with the league's best record.

"They likely won't get anybody who would play ahead of Splitter," Kerr said. "Splitter is hardly getting any minutes, but who do they get to come in? Splitter has now been there half a year and he's familiar with the system and what they're trying to do.

"That's the tricky part with these things. When you say who we can get, you have to get somebody better than who you already have on the bench. I don't see anybody out there better than Splitter for San Antonio."


02-14-2011, 08:27 PM
If its not Gortat, Marc Gasul, Zaza, or Dalembert, then we don't need another big man. It ain't any others out there worth a look.

02-14-2011, 09:33 PM
That's another problem..last time these 2 teams played, Pop put Splitter on Bynum, which is a horrible match up for him..Bynum is one of the most powerful bigs in the NBA, Splitter has no chance against him right now..when Pop does put Splitter in, he seems to be putting him in against the more powerful players, which obviously isn't his game..maybe to send him a message, I don't know, but he's obviously better at defending mobile bigs, while guys like Duncan and Blair are obviously more suited to defend the post..

Gasol and Odom are both much more favorable matchups, so hopefully Pop will throw him in there against them tomorrow..

I completely 100% disagree with your first paragraph. If anything, Pop has been protecting him from the more athletic front lines. The only reason he played Bynum is that DeJuan was in foul trouble and Timmy and Dice need rest.

02-14-2011, 10:00 PM
Troy Murphy, if he gets bought out, is a 6'11" 3 pt. shooting big who can rebound.

02-14-2011, 10:01 PM
Yes, we need another big. But are we going to get one? Doubtful.

In years past we've had guys like Kevin Willis and Theo Ratliff as insurance policies. This year we have Splitter as that guy, and unfortunately Splitter doesn't exactly have Pop's confidence.

We have four serviceable bigs, and all four of them are going to have to play extremely well for us to win the title.

02-14-2011, 11:01 PM
hope we can Troy Morphy

02-14-2011, 11:01 PM
then trade our 2012 first round draft pick perhaps...................

K-State Spur
02-14-2011, 11:14 PM
You beat size with speed. We are a fast team. This is how we have succeeded all year. Going big will slow us down. Instead of trying to match up with teams with inferior records we should stand pat and let them try to catch up with us.

Good point. If we try to match up big with LA or Boston - we're going to come up short. There is simply isn't anybody available to us that swings that match-up in our favor.

The Spurs best chance against those 2 teams is to play their game and force the opposition to match up with them.

For all the talk about the Lakers size (which is significant) - if you can play with them for 42 minutes, they're finishing with a Gasol/Odom front line - which isn't near the physical mismatch that Bynum/Gasol presents.

K-State Spur
02-14-2011, 11:19 PM
hope we can Troy Morphy

i don't see the murphy angle. the only thing he does better than Bonner is rebound (which is not really an issue with this team). both can shoot, but bonner is having a better year from the perimeter than murphy has ever had. neither is a great defender, but Bonner at least gives effort on that end. And then there's the issue that Bonner knows this team's offense and defense.

I am worried about how well he will contribute in the playoffs - but I'm no longer of the mind that we need him to be shooting 50% to be successful given Neal's emergence along with Blair and Hill continuing to progress.