View Full Version : The Grades Are In For Laker Players and Coaches

01-31-2011, 03:22 PM
The grades are in and here's what I see:

Kobe = B++. Like MJ Kobe is age-less in mentality when it comes to new comers trying to take his throne. Meaning he has the same cut-throat mentality he's had since he was playing back yard hoops. He's given good effort considering he's been non-stop to the finals since 08 + Team USA. Kobe is the main scorer and assists leader because we have no true effect point. He has to get his while helping the point gaurd, force feeding the post, showing guys how to D up their man, coaching the Tri while on the floor, and serving as part time Muse for those new to Phil's way of coaching

Gasol = F Minus. No effort, No energy, No hustle, No desire...I don't think he's been the deciding factor in a single game this season. He runs the floor lack-a-dasical, and takes shots that he has no chance of making. He's hi-jacked the team on the defensive side of the ball until he gets more touches on the offensive end that he doesn't know what to do with.

Bynum = F Minus. He gets an F for several reasons. First for going to the dam World Cup instead of getting surgery right away. Next for being lazy and having no intestinal fortitude. For not continuing to work with CAP on his low post game or even bothering to call Hakeem for advice. For basically looking like he gives a fuck out there.

Artest = D. Ron Ron will never get it. He can't grasp basic concepts so he just does whatever comes to mind at any particular moment. I'm not really upset with the guy because I accept he's a mental case who just happens to play for the Lakers. This one is on Phil to control...maybe Ron should run upon Kobe naked in the showers again and beg to help him again..:lol


Fisher = C. We all know Fish is old but he's still effective in spurts. He's still the vocal leader and motivational presence of sorts. Fish can still play decent Defense in big playoff and title games and he gives Ray Allen trouble for some reason. There's a reason Pat Riley recruited him and Lebron waited for him at the airport in Miami last summer. :lol

Lamar Odom = B++. Given his strange rotations at times Lamar has been a breathe of fresh air more often than not. This is his most consistent season as a Laker. If Phil would do the right thing and bench Bynum and start LO the lakers might just become a better team. Good job thus far Lamar. :toast

Steve Blake = F I couldn't even grade this fucker on a curve if the ladies of ST gave me a blowjob to do so. Abysmal failure. He plays like a Terrapin out there. Mitch fuck this one up based on last seasons Triple Double against the Lakers. He's an MJ proclaimed "flamming faggot" of Kwame Brown proportions. But I will say this about Steve...I didn't give him an F minus because he does seem like he's trying he's just not worth a shit.

Shannon = C - Shan-fool is aight just needs more playing time and confidence and needs to keep practicing but I'd trade his ass for JR Smith in a heart beat.

Matt Barnes = A. Right out of the gates Matt have us some and then more. Matt should be starting when he gets back and Artest to the bench with Bynum. Matt before the knee surgery was the lone bright spot and I have no reason to believe he won't pick up where he left off. Dude is a pleasant surprise and will be vital for the 3peat. Had Matt played yesterday Paul Pierece wouldn't have scored 20. He has a good knack for the ball on offense and defense and he doesn't back down. He's our new junk yard dog and yeah he'll fight a woman and man alike...so bitches beware...:lol

Walton = N/A. This guys grade is always a not complete.

Phil Jackson = C - Phil said yesterday after the loss that he's not worried because it's not the playoffs...ok fine but he shouldn't say that just keep it to himself and re-group. When lazy ass players like Pau and Bynum hear this they take it to mean ok we can half-ass it out there until the playoffs. Phil needs to coach his bigs more because they're getting away with murder out there. Bloody lazy bastards.

it's me
01-31-2011, 03:25 PM
lol at Kome and MJ in the same sentence.

01-31-2011, 03:27 PM
Good job as always, Timvp

01-31-2011, 03:31 PM
Good job as always, Timvp

stop with the TimVP shtick will ya...I'm not hittin Kori....not at this time anyway...:lol

01-31-2011, 03:36 PM
stop with the TimVP shtick will ya...I'm not hittin Kori....not at this time anyway...:lol

01-31-2011, 04:29 PM
B++? Double charged B? Wouldn't that be the same as A-?

If it really is just the regular season and it doesn't really matter because of that, why can't they half ass it? Are you trying to have your cake and eat it too? Basically, if you the fan and Phil the coach think it doesn't matter, then why should the team believe it does?

01-31-2011, 05:20 PM
Kobe with a B+ even though it's obvious his attitude/play is the cause of all the Lakers grief.

01-31-2011, 05:22 PM
When do the troll grades come out?

01-31-2011, 05:24 PM
lol at clown trying to compare bean to Jordan

01-31-2011, 05:27 PM
lol at clown trying to compare bean to Jordan

Kori will scold him at dinner. :lol

01-31-2011, 06:03 PM
Kobe with a B+ even though it's obvious his attitude/play is the cause of all the Lakers grief.

Says you the hater. Real Laker fans are much more concerned with the lacking effort of the bigs. In fact, Kobe is actually having one of his better years with respect to effeciency etc.

But you can keep hating... it's expected...

01-31-2011, 06:04 PM
lol at clown trying to compare bean to Jordan

He simply compared their mental attitude. Get a grip already.

01-31-2011, 07:24 PM
Pretty sure Pau had some key double-doubles in a few early games this season.