View Full Version : Spurs not about parades and champagne toasts

02-02-2011, 02:39 AM
AL HAMNIK: Spurs not about parades and champagne toasts (http://www.nwitimes.com/sports/columnists/al-hamnik/article_fc6e27b8-4a06-5e0f-b240-cd29a0e9b05e.html)
By Al Hamnik

Hey, how 'bout them Spurs?

It's time NBA fans and media give coach Gregg Popovich and his fundamentally-minded San Antonio Spurs some love.

They are a far cry from the "Showtime" Lakers teams of long ago despite a league-leading 40-7 record, best start in franchise history. And they don't care.

The Spurs are 25-2 at home and 15-5 on the road -- both league bests -- and have slowly worked their way into the conversation as possible NBA champs, which would give Popovich his fifth ring.

And if they still fail to excite you, they don't care.

If you're picking the Lakers, Celtics or Heat as your overall champ, the Spurs love the snub although it's difficult to fly under any radar at 40-7.

In an age of SportsCenter highlights, blinding star power and global appeal, they are the guy next door with a three-day beard cutting his lawn in sweats.

Outside San Antonio, the Spurs are neither loved nor hated by fans, just tolerated as someone you can't avoid on the schedule.

For Popovich, a 1966 Merrillville grad, impressive records don't matter as much as team health and a solid rotation in preparing for a long playoff run.

The Spurs have all three elements working in their favor. And thanks to a kick-butt combination of youth and veterans who are at the top of their game, they can run with anyone.

But save the drum roll. Douse the fireworks. Popovich's teams have never cared for the universal spotlight and that's an extension of his Air Force Academy/region background.

Work as a team, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, and you will be rewarded as in 30 playoff appearances the last 34 seasons, including 13 in a row, and the NBA's best record the last decade.

And humble? Pop knows no other way. He was chosen to coach the West squad in the Feb. 19-20 All-Star Game in Los Angeles but is more concerned with having Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili join him.

The Spurs began their annual "Rodeo Trip" -- nine games, 17 nights, 8,230 miles -- Tuesday night in Portland. They'll visit the defending champion Lakers on Thursday but many believe their Feb. 17 game in Chicago will be the toughest.

"Nobody really cares about the Spurs. This is Bulls country and I know that," Popovich said during a recent visit to the region. "Coming back on leave at the Academy, the first place I'd always go with my buddies was to The Chatterbox over there on Broadway in Merrillville.

"We'd get the Stroh's beer and the fried mushrooms, sit there and watch Jerry Sloan and Norm Van Lier beat people up on TV."

With new coach Tom Thibodeau stressing defense and Derrick Rose, Joakim Noah and Carlos Boozer knocking heads, the Bulls are back to giving beatdowns this 33-14 season.


02-02-2011, 10:21 AM
I wish they cared about defense a little more.

02-02-2011, 10:57 AM
Al should delve into the route Pop traveled to garner Neal, and vice versa.

"Little Towson State" is a quaint talking point & marching order mandated outta Spurs Central, but, it don't even begin to tell the "once upon a time", eh?

02-02-2011, 12:30 PM
If the spurs are not about parades then why did they throw one after they won their titles?

02-02-2011, 12:36 PM
The Suns threw their's anyway after they lost the '93 Finals.:rolleyes