View Full Version : Ron Artest wants to be traded

02-02-2011, 02:41 PM

One source close to the situation insists that Ron Artest wants out.

Asked to react to that, Artest's agent David Bauman declined comment.

This is where I'm obligated to remind you that no one in the NBA can change his mind faster than the famously fickle Ron-Ron. Another pertinent disclaimer: Artest's play has been sufficiently sluggish in the second season of a five-year deal that whatever he wants is bound to be greeted by shrugs and scoffs, no matter how much he gave the Lakers in the epic final game of last season.

I've nonetheless been assured this week that Artest -- though he hasn't outright demanded a trade and is likely to publicly deny it -- is serious about wanting to be dealt somewhere "he can have fun again" less than a year removed from the pivotal role he played in that ring-clinching Game 7 with Boston that the Lakers so nearly squandered.


02-02-2011, 02:42 PM
damn didnt see the thread.....merge it please