View Full Version : Kevin Love's breakout year...

02-02-2011, 05:08 PM
Obviously this year's production has a lot to do with Al Jefferson being gone, but I wonder if being coached by Coach K during FIBA has anything to do with the level he's been playing. He's shooting the ball (mainly 3's) at a much higher % than his first two seasons in the league. Rebounding was one of the top things Coach K emphasized with the US team though, I wonder if he got a lot better learning from him. Granted, he was already a great rebounder, put up 11 a game with around 10 less minutes last season. Just wondering what ya'lls take on it is. Is he having a great year solely because Jefferson's departure, or is there more to it than that? Just something to think about.

02-02-2011, 05:50 PM
number 1 fantasy pick next year, book it

02-02-2011, 06:01 PM
To be really honest, I might think that he's having a great year because they really don't have another big to help him out. Darko, Beasley, and really no one else comes to mind after that. He's producing great stats, but he's not all that defensively.

Don't get me wrong, I like Kevin Love and believe he's an all-star this year, but there were other stars that looked legit in the beginning of their career and turn out to be bust or mediocre when they were on a winning team. Hopefully this isn't a one time thing and he produces like this every year or numbers only go down slightly, it is great to see a UCLA alumni do well in the NBA

02-02-2011, 06:09 PM
He also broke his hand back in Oct 09 so he hasn't been completely healthy in the past season; having time to recover from that probably helped a lot. The Team USA experience seemed like it was great for all those young players especially since Love came into the NBA via the crappy T-wolves organization. When it comes to his breakout year its all that plus having more opportunities with Jefferson gone; latter being the biggest reason.

Not to mention he's playing alongside the next Vlade Olajuwon


02-02-2011, 06:14 PM
^:lol How does someone connect the two like that?

If Coach K could make that much of a difference in a few weeks he would be the basketball god himself. Doubt it.

02-02-2011, 06:16 PM
He was already the best rebounder in the league a year ago (behind Camby), just didn't see the court enough.

That Team USA thing has only given him Confidence...and without Jefferson, he can rip the boards out of the hands of every wolf (On D). They won't complain. The big thing is more minutes, though.
His Off. Rebounding is actually stagnant at 14.5%

02-02-2011, 07:08 PM
^:lol How does someone connect the two like that?

If Coach K could make that much of a difference in a few weeks he would be the basketball god himself. Doubt it.

You've got a point, but a good coach can teach you stuff that you should already know in about a day. For example, if you're a football player who's never had a legitimate athletic trainer in strength and conditioning, go train with one and with just basic teaching about posture and movement he'll have you twice the player/athlete in a matter of weeks. Same principal goes for basketball. Obviously Coach K's not an athletic trainer, but you get my point...:lol

02-03-2011, 12:06 AM
his just waiting for the wolves to hand out a KG type of deal to him, +100m contract