View Full Version : The Plutocracy Goes After Glenn Greenwald

02-11-2011, 09:23 PM
the ruling elite apparently don't like their lies and tyranny making headlines..


Inside Salon A disturbing threat against one of our own
By Kerry Lauerman

A bizarre plan for an attack on the whistle-blowing site WikiLeaks and journalists construed as sympathetic to it -- first reported by the Tech Herald -- clearly targets Salon's Glenn Greenwald, saying that his "level of support" for WikiLeaks "needs to be disrupted." The report (you can download the purported final draft here) is listed as an "overview by Palantir Technologies, HBGary Federal and Berico Technologies," and according to a string of e-mails also leaked, was developed following a request from Hunton and Williams, a law firm that represents, among others, Bank of America.

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For a complete breakdown of what it all means, Glenn has a thorough, illuminating report (http://www.salon.com/news/wikileaks/index.html?story=/opinion/greenwald/2011/02/11/campaigns). But what the authors of the report meant when they plotted how Glenn and the others could be "disrupted" or "pushed" is as unclear as it is ominous -- and has us deeply concerned. The report was exposed by Anonymous, the pro-WikiLeaks hackers who went after the companies that dropped services to the whistle-blowing organization last year. Anonymous was apparently acting in retaliation to HBGary, whose head of security services, Aaron Barr, had earlier claimed to have infiltrated the Anonymous network. HBGary has since responded, claiming that "information currently in the public domain" from the leak "is not reliable because the perpetrators of this offense, or people working closely with them, have intentionally falsified certain data."

- snip -

We have no reason not to take the report seriously. As a result, I've asked both Hunton and Williams and Bank of America to explain any role they played and address whether HB Gary (or any of the firms) were being paid, or promised payment, for its development. I'll update this post when we hear their responses.

As bumbling as this whole saga sounds -- Internet security firm can't keep its shadowy dirty tricks campaign from being hacked -- what's outlined in these sets of proposals, as Glenn points out, "quite possibly constitutes serious crimes." And as it relates to Glenn and the others, it constitutes an unconscionable attempt to silence journalists doing their jobs. We'll continue to stay on this story until we get some real answers.

Link (http://www.salon.com/news/wikileaks/index.html?story=/about/inside_salon/2011/02/11/threats_against_glenn_greenwald_wikileaks)

02-11-2011, 11:56 PM
...there is a tech spear-headed revolution similar to Egypt going on in America today that the MSM won't tell you about... it centers around a group of hackers led by Anonymous..

Anonymous has already posted around 50,000 emails of Aaron Barr, the CEO of sister organisation HPGary Federal, which revealed a report by the firm looking at ways to sabotage WikiLeaks in collaboration with Palantir Technologies and Berico Technologies. The emails also show that Bank of America, a potential target of WikiLeaks, was to hear the proposal via its outside law firm Hunton & Williams.

A source from Anonymous says that most of the new e-mails from Hoglund are still unchecked and it is unclear who will be most liable when the information is made public, but added that briefly skimming the emails had revealed “three different malware archives, two bots, an offer to sell a botnet, a genuine stuxnet copy, and various malware lists.” Not entirely surprising given that HBGary is a security firm, but the source speculates that botnets aren’t typically rented out for “research.”

“Judging by the fact that they’d attack WikiLeaks’ operations, wouldn’t be surprised if they’re up to something fishy,” the source added. “We’ll let Anon and other public devour the emails.”


The revelations about HBGary and WikiLeaks came about by accident, after supporters of Anonymous hacked into Barr’s web site and servers in retaliation for telling the Financial Times that he had managed penetrate the group and learn the identities of senior figures. It later transpired that some of Barr’s initial research was incorrect, and Anonymous posted a link to one of his documents purporting to show names and addresses of active supporters to prove its point.

forbes (http://blogs.forbes.com/parmyolson/2011/02/11/anonymous-ready-to-dump-more-hbgary-e-mails-launch-anonleaks)

This is gonna be fun...

Capt Bringdown
02-12-2011, 01:52 AM
Greenwald is a national treasure, one of the few remaining journalists who dare speak truth to power.

02-12-2011, 07:14 AM
His animadversions on Obama seem to have drawn some attention, for sure.

02-15-2011, 02:15 PM

02-15-2011, 04:29 PM
Greenwald is a national treasure, one of the few remaining journalists who dare speak truth to power.


02-15-2011, 04:30 PM
His animadversions on Obama seem to have drawn some attention, for sure.

I don't see as many conservatives challenging him nowadays. I guess they weren't aware that Greenwald wasn't just an Obama Kool-aid drinker.

02-15-2011, 08:06 PM

Gotta love this comment....by Louise H Mowder...

Goodbye HBGary Federal.

It seems like Barr thought this would be his shot to finally cash in and become a member of the top 0.5%. All he had to do was produce the "screw innocent people" programs that had worked so well in the past: harassment, intimidation, false flags, spying, and forging identities. He became more desperate as the company didn't produce. Finally, he proposed doing the lowest kind of rat-f@cking - the type that the Corporations and the GOP have specialized in since the 1970s, if not before.

What this article makes *very* clear is that there is indeed a class war. Corporations and the Plutocrats at the very top of the economic food chain have decided that they are going to literally destroy the middle class. The purpose of firms like Hunton & Williams is to eradicate any opposition to the crushing Corporate dominance of American citizenry. The Department of Justice is apparently in on this game.

The Koch Brothers fund a whole "Tea Party" movement, from Santelli's rallying cry to the current Congress. Supreme Court Justices like Thomas and Scalia pal around with the Kochs and other Right-Wing Plutocrats. They then issue decisions that give these corporations the same rights of free speech as humans, so that humans can be overwhelmed even further. Corporations pay specialized firms to destroy any glimmers of organized resistance on the part of the future serfs.

Is America's future to be just one more Oligarchy, competing against or allying with other Oligarchies, such as China and Russia? All of the wealth of the American middle class has been sucked into the bank accounts of the Plutocrats on top. We can't win on development or manufacturing. As an oligarchy, we may not produce much, but we are still a force to be feared. We can cause a lot of physical damage. We have the largest military ever assembled by Man, fortified by an annual budget more than 7 times as large as the nest nearest country. We have those 5,113 nuclear weapons (count as of May 2010) that could ruin a large percentage of the planet.

We all know what is happening. But apparently we have no power to stop it.

Despite all our rage, we are still just rats in a cage.

02-15-2011, 11:42 PM
This is pretty cool. It will be interesting if this actually becomes known.

02-16-2011, 12:02 AM
This is pretty cool. It will be interesting if this actually becomes known.

....but Christian Angular messed up the pledge....

....get your priorities together....



02-26-2011, 01:03 AM
....and now...this


Oh, Gee!!
02-26-2011, 02:24 AM
deport him, then kill him