View Full Version : 4 in Louisiana Questioned by NCAA regarding Auburn

02-18-2011, 04:47 PM

There's still smoke on the horizon. Rumor has it that there has already been investigators in Little Rock as well questioning the coaching staff of LR Christian, where Michael Dyer played and that there is more coming.

A ruling may have already been made but it's no shock or secret the investigation is on-going and will continue for quite some time, probably a few years.

Many have found it quite odd in Arkansas and Louisiana that home grown players had little to no interest in their own states big time programs. Typically LSU and Arkansas wrap up in state recruits and have done quite well keeping that trend.

Last week I went to NE Arkansas to visit friends and have dinner, and this topic came up. My buddies dad who is a donor and owns a construction company said Lee Ziemba, another Arkansas recruit nabbed by Auburn while Tubs from Rogers had already been questioned via telephone by the NCAA. He also claimed the Tubs and Auburn breakup had more to do with information leaking and trying to avoid a near investigation from the NCAA on recruiting violations and such. Basically said Tubs left before anything went down, and amongst SEC guys it was no secret Tubs was full of tricks.

The same thing was said about Kodi Burns from Arkansas. He claimed his high school coaching staff was questioned after Tubs had already parted ways with Auburn.

Of course that is just hearsay so take it for what you want.

But a fact is rising to the surface of all these Auburn scandals and accusations, and that is the recruiting violations have been going on long before Gene Chizik and that not only is he under fire, the program is under fire from his recruiting and several years of Tubs recruiting. It appears to me that Auburn went after a coach that was far from any spotlight so they could continue rule bending tactics to the highest degree.

Obviously this would not be happening unless Auburn did do something wrong. Heads all over the SEC have already been questioned and the NCAA wants to know why Auburns recruiting has been so elite for a coach that had a more than ugly win/loss record before Auburn and why these players that committed did not give any local major university a shot at recruiting them much less show any interest in anything other than Auburn.

Michael Dyer didn't even want to take a visit to Arkansas until his HS coach pushed him to do it. And in his visit he totally played the actor card and was pretty apathetic about everything.

Same deal with the Louisiana recruits, and for the rest of their recruits well, they apparently have not been questioned yet [their HS coaches that is] and likely will be in the future.

I just find it odd that a no-name coach comes in and lands all these players, wins a title and there not be something going on. Auburn is not an SEC I hate or much care for, so no bias is coming from me. I specifically hate LSU and Florida.

This thing is long from over and what is new to me is the violations that might have been found with Tubs that has continued into Chizik's tenure. And none of this would be happening unless a player/former player for Auburn spilled some beans or someone close to Auburn got a deal to open their mouth IMO.

02-18-2011, 04:57 PM
Look, wake me up when AU gets an official letter of inquiry

SportsbyBrooks has been posting this kinda shit for a long, long time, and little if any of it has turned out to be worth a shit

I know it chaps your ass that Auburn gets some of the best recruits out of your state, consistently, but seriously. Maybe it has to do with Malzahn having been a high school coach there, or that he has a shitload of contacts in your state.

Explain this years recruiting class then...

No name coach? He only directed two undefeated defenses, one of which took part in a national championship

For someone who says he doesn't hate Auburn, your posting of this stuff endlessly says otherwise

02-18-2011, 05:04 PM
ugh, i should know better than to respond to this stuff

have at it folks

02-18-2011, 05:17 PM
Look bro, this is news. Big news to the common SEC fan. And I was referencing to his HEAD COACHING career obviously.

I could post every article that comes out about this stuff but I'd rather not post them every day three times daily lmao. I try to stick to the most interesting ones.

You are Auburnfan, so of course you are biased and think nothing of it. Maybe it actually chaps your ass that the entire sec and millions of fans on all the message boards and radio shows are going on about this endlessly. And will continue to do so until the investigation is no more, which won't be for years. Of course you're going to respond like that and truly believe nothing has gone on when endless amount of weirdo happenings and facts keep popping up.

Honestly man if you don't like it take your own advice and don't respond. Auburn already has a huge asterisk on the NT until this thing is fully settled.

02-18-2011, 05:21 PM
millions of fans on all the message boards and radio shows are going on about this endlessly

The most reliable sources of info, obviously

Now I'm done


02-18-2011, 11:00 PM
Look, Auburn had nice players but won because of one player. Just like UT when they won it won it solely on VY's shoulders, so did Auburn on Newton. You put that one player on Wisconsin or Ohio or Oregon or the like and they win it all.

So in reality it was players already at the school and Newton, and we all know how Newton got where he did and how his dad got the Escalade he has.

The Reckoning
02-19-2011, 07:54 PM
lol kodi burns from northside. he let rich, white southside push him around and then blew it at auburn. overhyped much?