View Full Version : Tonight's Key: Sense of Urgency

06-01-2005, 10:31 AM
Spurs have to want this game from the get go tonight. No fucking around. No timidness. The cuts need to be crisp. Don't be afraid to put the ball on the floor and go to the rim. Do it like you mean it. Don't be afraid to take the open shot, Boner. The last thing the Spurs need is to allow the Suns to get off to a hot start and get the crowd into it. Defensively there better be a determined effort on the transition D. Pop needs to come up with a better plan for the perimeter defensive assignments. The Spurs are up 3-1 in large part due to their ability to stifle the Suns' running game.

Lastly, no team should ever shoot 57.1% in a game against the San Antonio Spurs. No team.

06-01-2005, 10:32 AM
Amen to that.

06-01-2005, 10:33 AM
Agreed, Sparky. The first quarter of this game should give us a good idea of which Spurs team showed up. BRING it, Spurs!

06-01-2005, 10:43 AM
Whoever wins 1st quarter, wins tonight.

That is the key, as this has proven to be true in each of the 4 games thus far.

06-01-2005, 10:59 AM
Spurs have to want this game from the get go tonight. No fucking around. No timidness. The cuts need to be crisp. Don't be afraid to put the ball on the floor and go to the rim. Do it like you mean it. Don't be afraid to take the open shot, Boner. The last thing the Spurs need is to allow the Suns to get off to a hot start and get the crowd into it. Defensively there better be a determined effort on the transition D. Pop needs to come up with a better plan for the perimeter defensive assignments. The Spurs are up 3-1 in large part due to their ability to stifle the Suns' running game.

Lastly, no team should ever shoot 57.1% in a game against the San Antonio Spurs. No team.

No, I disagree.

Tonight's key is a sense of ANGER. The Spurs seem to play their best when they're playing their most PO'd. I want to see an angry, hard-charging, chest-bumping, crowd antagonizing Spurs team tonight! :cuss

06-01-2005, 11:02 AM
I don't agree on the 1st qt bit.

NO,whoever makes the stops in the 4th qt and scores wins.

give the ball to the assassin in the last 4 minutes and they will win!

06-01-2005, 11:40 AM
I don't think it even needs to be that dramatic, really. They need a solid first quarter and a solid fourth quarter. They do need to play with urgency, but not so much that it gets in their heads and makes them concentrate on how badly they need to win - then they overthink the game and make mistakes.

Their defense needs to be solid throughout. They need to contain the perimeter and let Amare score, but only Amare. Limit Nash's assists and force him to score.

They need to be accurate with their shots and they need to get into the paint. Drive in. Until it's forced on them, they shouldn't try to jump start their shooting game (I think part of what got them into early trouble was opting for a couple of jump shots early on they didn't need. They missed those. Which made them keep taking them in hopes of getting it going). Pheonix is hardly impenetrable in the lane, so get in there.

They will run, but the Spurs need to control the pace. Stop the fastbreaks, and it's done. Pheonix will have spurts, but the Spurs need to keep it close if they are behind, and not get rattled if they are ahead.

If they play smart and play good D, they don't need a stellar fourth. But they do need a good one.

06-01-2005, 11:52 AM
They need a solid 48 minutes....not just 12 or 24. They can't afford to get themselves into a hole at any point, not against Phoenix.

No mercy. :fro

06-01-2005, 11:54 AM
I don't agree on the 1st qt bit.

NO,whoever makes the stops in the 4th qt and scores wins.

give the ball to the assassin in the last 4 minutes and they will win!

The facts belie your statement.

The 1st Q is the best barometer in this series.

The Spurs won the 4th Q last game, and where did it get them?

06-01-2005, 11:57 AM
Really we just need to get back to playing Solid D(pun intended). The weak transition D lead to wide open 3s.If we can hold them to around 6 fastbreak points we have it made.

06-01-2005, 11:58 AM
I don't think it even needs to be that dramatic, really. They need a solid first quarter and a solid fourth quarter. They do need to play with urgency, but not so much that it gets in their heads and makes them concentrate on how badly they need to win - then they overthink the game and make mistakes.

Totally agree with this. Really, Spurs have NO REASON to be nervous or scared. They know they just need to win one.

Patient and methodical execution on both ends of the court will ensure victory.

06-01-2005, 12:03 PM
Tonights Key: Stay away from sports news. The media made a big deal about the way we played in the first 3 games and I think the media attention sort of threw the players off(TD in particular) because they're not used to being talked about on sportcenter.

06-01-2005, 12:34 PM
Tonights Key: Stay away from sports news. The media made a big deal about the way we played in the first 3 games and I think the media attention sort of threw the players off(TD in particular) because they're not used to being talked about on sportcenter.

What?!? No, Spurs are too professional for that.

Look, I can't explain why Tim missed 9 free throws on Monday. Or why the Spurs were late on defense. But I don't think Sportscenter had anything to do with it.

06-01-2005, 12:40 PM
The Spurs need to show Phoenix who is boss from the get go, just like the Lakers did to the Spurs in 2001, 2002 and 2004. Ignore the crowd, be extremely, extremely aggressive and smart. Concentrate and win the game.