View Full Version : Make some Noise for Tim Duncan

06-01-2005, 11:59 AM
Make some noise for the quiet one
Mike Maniscalco

Tim Duncan is the best all around player in the NBA, but you wouldn't know it by asking him. Duncan is a throw back; he doesn't promote himself by yapping or using insane antics on or off the court. He is a mature, thoughtful man who leads the Spurs night in, night out. A caller recently made a point on my show; the reason why we don't appreciate a player like Duncan is because he makes greatness look easy. That might be the best way to sum up what Duncan does, so allow me to scream for Tim Duncan, because he won't for himself.

In a NBA that has players celebrated for off the court problems and on the court antics, this league is not a place for a guy like Duncan. Most people think he is as exciting as wallpaper, but that is not true. He does all the little things right, which isn't flashy for a big man, but it shows his dedication. He has never complained about minutes when he came into the league and had to share with David Robinson and he has never complained about touches, even as head coach Gregg Popovich has given bigger roles to Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili, he doesn't criticize teammates or coaches. Duncan is the model citizen of San Antonio and that just doesn't sell, unless you are fans of the Spurs, which enjoy sellouts almost every night since Duncan joined the team. Win or lose, fans know they will see number 21's best effort every night and he doesn't have to tell them about how good he is.. I noticed it in game four of the western conference finals against Phoenix. In a game where Duncan only scored four points in the second half and maybe the worst 24 minutes of play he has had in a while, I noticed the little things and saw that it wasn't Duncan not showing up, he still did all the little things to get the Spurs back in the game, even when the plays weren't being called for him, he was still out there, not pouting, but playing to win.

Duncan isn't your typical NBA player either, he could have left Wake Forest as a sophomore if he wanted, and instead he stayed for the full four years. All he has done in the NBA is win two championships, be named all-NBA 8 times and the MVP of the league twice. That is a resume that would put anyone else as the poster boy for their league, but you can barely find Duncan's name on the marquee. In a league that has a bad public image, this is their champion so why not advertise him more? I don't want to take away from the skills of Allen Iverson, LeBron James or Tracy McGrady but who else besides Shaquille O'Neal have that? I have often thought the problem with Duncan is the position he plays, center, the every day guy can't relate to a seven-foot-tall athlete, but how come Shaquille O'Neal is the closest thing to Superman? Shaq should have been the MVP this year, and I even wrote a column saying so, because I forgot about Tim Duncan we all do. Why was there was no public outcry simply Duncan didn't ask for it.

There has to be something more to it right. With all the credentials that Duncan has he should be selling Nike, hot dogs, cars, well anything that needs endorsements. I thought, he has played in San Antonio, not exactly New York City, but with 24-hours a day sports coverage, we know where he plays and that the Spurs have won consistently with him in the line-up. So that theory went out the window. I know he is boring in press conferences, but go back and listen to Michael Jordan, he never said anything of note in a press conference or anywhere and he sold everything under the sun.

Then it hit me, Duncan doesn't go out and grab the attention. He wants what fans want out of athletes, he just wants to win. He doesn't care about his fame or making movies and that's why we skip over him. The San Antonio Spurs have a leader who doesn't have to be the man if he knows it isn't best for the team; Duncan has the ability to raise the level of play around him without raising his voice. People have told me maybe Duncan should do something outrageous to gain notoriety, but that won't happen.

So if Tim Duncan won't do it, I will. He is the best player in the NBA win or lose, on both ends of the court. Any team that has him will win, not tomorrow, but today. So end the debate now; he is the one, the guy we should be telling our kids we saw play. I have also come to terms that Tim Duncan will never say these things publicly, so if he won't, we should do it for him. He is what every fan wants on their team: a winner.

06-01-2005, 12:03 PM
Excellent article.We do take Timmy for granted.....The best player in the NBA I love that. Thank You GOD for making Timmy a SPUR!!

06-01-2005, 12:14 PM
BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tim Duncan will show up tonight and he will take the Spurs along for the ride.

06-01-2005, 12:30 PM
I kinda hope the Spurs face the Heat in the finals. I want to see Duncan taking it to Shaq one last time before Shaq retires.

06-01-2005, 12:40 PM
" i always make noise for duncan!"

till i die......wish the spurs would retire his jersy every year...thats how good he is....

retire 21 in 98
retire 22 in 99
retire 23 in 00

best thing to happen to san antonio, the spurs, and the NBA!!!

06-01-2005, 01:57 PM
"Most people think he is as exciting as wallpaper"

Well, not me.

I realy love his style of playing. And his style of being

06-01-2005, 04:59 PM
Well, he *does* sell cars... :lol

On a serious note, I was thinking the other day about my childhood sports hero. He was truly a model citizen. Timmy's like that... he's like the story-book bigger-than-life guy I want my little boy to look up to and he's an amazing athlete. There really aren't many of those. My son's only 2. I hope I can get him to some games when he's old enough to remember the experience before Duncan retires. He'll get to say he saw the greatest.

06-01-2005, 05:03 PM
Awesome article!! Perfect read before game 5

06-01-2005, 09:47 PM
i have nothing to say, except there will be an


tonight in Phoenix


06-02-2005, 12:14 AM
thank you Timmy! thank you, Pops!

thank you, Manu!

thank you, Big shot Rob!

thank you for the big 3RD QTR, Tony!

...]for not letting us down...

06-02-2005, 12:17 AM
" we're not worthy"


06-02-2005, 12:18 AM
Its all on Tim.


06-02-2005, 12:24 AM
and thank you Suns for being such a good sport.

San Antonio Spurs' Tim Duncan, right, talks to Phoenix Suns' Amare Stoudemire after game 5 of the western conference finals Wednesday, June 1, 2005 in Phoenix. San Antonio won 101-95.

06-02-2005, 12:28 AM
Its all on Tim.

Everything.i was actually worried when i heard(i didn't see), they pulled a hard foul (or shall i say hilarious), on him. I thought we're done.....

06-02-2005, 12:31 AM
hey is that Western Conference Finals champs cap Manu & Tony are wearing available on ebay?


06-02-2005, 12:37 AM
It's too bad that even after that terrific article that SI had on Tim after he won the Sportsman of the Year with David, he is still an afterthought to most NBA fans. He's only the best player in the game for crying out loud.

3 Ring Timmy
06-02-2005, 12:45 AM
Tim is so competitive,huge heart:::::we are blessed to have you wearing a Spurs uniform. :king