View Full Version : I'm Calling You Out!

06-01-2005, 01:00 PM
Hey, I know we had a chance to sweep. I know we played a lousy game and gave Phoenix some confidence. I know we will have to get in done in hostile territory tonight. I also know that we will. Just like the last two series we played a bad game and let one get away from us. This is a microcosm of game 3 vs. Seattle. FT's cost us this game, end of story.

Get your asses off all the doom and gloom bullshit. We lost one freekin game. This is the Spurs, we always lose our concentration and killer instinct for one game of a series.

I sure as hell wouldnt be to proud of my fans if I was a Spur right now. Playing there asses off for three games. Going up 3-0 on the team with the best record in the league. Only to half a large majority of fans loose faith because of one tough loss. What the hell do the Spurs have to play for if you guys are all gonna jump after one game.

I know not all of you are saying its over, the Suns are coming back but too many of you are scared of the idea. Instead of getting down and hating on your team why dont you spin it another way. Get up in anticipation for tonight game, when we earn our shot at the finals! Spin some positive karma and energy for this team instead of the hate and doubt that has been rampant the last 24 hours.

I am calling every doubter out. When the Spurs wrap this thing up every single one of you need to post in one thread confessing your sins and professing what you learned from being so fickle.


06-01-2005, 01:03 PM
DOh, just saw GrandeDave's article. He said it much better than me. More faith and less doubt people. This team has brought you two titles in the last five.

06-01-2005, 01:06 PM
Amen, texbum. I mean, the Spurs lose one game and people are talking about the Suns winning 4 in a row! Crazy.

06-01-2005, 01:15 PM
I will collectively be giving the national media and every fickle Spurs fan the one finger salute after we wrap up.

Granted I guess I should be just as used to the fickle media and Spurs fans as I am to the Spurs blowing leads in the fourth, not hitting FT's and coming out flat every 3-4 games.

06-01-2005, 01:21 PM
It's not that they lost the game it's how they played in the game that pissed some of us off. This was an elimination game. You win, you're back in the NBA Finals. I don't give a damn about a sweep. But I do care about seeing a team take care of business in that situation. There was no excuse for that performance on Monday night. None. All of your fruity rah rah shit can't mask the foul stench of Game 4. Who the fuck chokes at home when a NBA Finals appearance is on the line?

We're the Spurs.™


06-01-2005, 01:28 PM
It's not that they lost the game it's how they played in the game that pissed some of us off. This was an elimination game. You win, you're back in the NBA Finals. I don't give a damn about a sweep. But I do care about seeing a team take care of business in that situation. There was no excuse for that performance on Monday night. None. All of your fruity rah rah shit can't mask the foul stench of Game 4. Who the fuck chokes at home when a NBA Finals appearance is on the line?

Well obviously Tim Duncan does from time to time just like he did in game 4 and just like the entire team did in game 3 against the Sonics. What I smell is the repugnant odor of fickle fans who give the team nothing to play for when they lose a tough game to the team with the best record in the NBA. This isnt some push over team. This is the Phoenix Suns. Hell yeah they out played us but they had every reason to. THEY are the ones on the brink of elimination. Tonight when the Spurs close out are you gonna be here saying "all is forgiven blah blah blah yakkity shmakitty" like all the other gitty up fickle fans? Teams have bad games. It happens, get used to it already.

06-01-2005, 01:29 PM
What smells is you kissing the team's ass after such an abysmal performance. No excuses.

06-01-2005, 01:31 PM
It was a bad game. But, SPURS WILL WIN THIS SERIES!!!!!

06-01-2005, 01:35 PM
What smells is you kissing the team's ass after such an abysmal performance. No excuses.

I never made excuses and I didnt kiss their ass. Its called being positive and realizing that except for one quarter the Spurs have outplayed the Suns essentially the entire series. Getting your panties in a twist and preparing to jump ship because of one bad quarter and an off FT night is just weak and fickle. Grow some man jewels, suck it up and move on! Would it make you feel better if we had our GTG at the park and sat around the camp fire and Sang Kumbaya during the game?

06-01-2005, 01:49 PM
It's not that they lost the game it's how they played in the game that pissed some of us off. This was an elimination game. You win, you're back in the NBA Finals. I don't give a damn about a sweep. But I do care about seeing a team take care of business in that situation. There was no excuse for that performance on Monday night. None. All of your fruity rah rah shit can't mask the foul stench of Game 4. Who the fuck chokes at home when a NBA Finals appearance is on the line?

Lots of teams. How many teams have swept the conference finals versus those who've won in 5 or 6 or 7?

As for the "no excuse" part, you're right. There was no excuse for Tim missing his free throws. Better trade him now, the choker. No excuse for Amare blocking his shot. Next time, Tim should shoot a jump shot rather than trying to Dunk it. No excuse for Bruce allowing that easy shot at the end. :rolleyes

The sooner you realize we were simply outplayed at the end by the desperate (and, a little lucky) Suns, the better off you'll be. Sure, the Spurs should have played a better 3rd quarter and not be in that situation. But you cannot come here and honestly say the Spurs didn't try to win. That's total bullshit, and you know it.

Jesus, Sparky, your act is getting old. You act like the Spurs choke all the time, but the only time a healthy Tim Duncan ever lost a series after being ahead was against the Lakers.

So chill out and enjoy the games. Or, would you rather be tied 2-2? Or down 1-3? Seeing the other options, the Spurs are in the best position of the other 3 teams in the playoffs. But people like you will always find a reason to bitch, I guess.

Extra Stout
06-01-2005, 03:51 PM
I never made excuses and I didnt kiss their ass. Its called being positive and realizing that except for one quarter the Spurs have outplayed the Suns essentially the entire series. Getting your panties in a twist and preparing to jump ship because of one bad quarter and an off FT night is just weak and fickle. Grow some man jewels, suck it up and move on! Would it make you feel better if we had our GTG at the park and sat around the camp fire and Sang Kumbaya during the game?

I guarantee Pop reamed them after Game 4. They only played hard for six minutes the entire game. They abandoned their defensive strategy. They took shortcuts on offense. They wanted to get the game over with right away and became impatient. They treated it like a formality. They only had a lead at halftime because the Suns played like they were going through the motions.

In the second half, after getting reamed by D'Antoni to show a little fucking pride, the Suns came to life. The Spurs waited for them to roll over and die. It didn't happen.

If fans want to criticize them for that, so be it. If they'd felt like playing hard, they would have been up by 20+ at the half and the rest of the game would have been a formality. But they wanted to take shortcuts and try to get away with a half-ass effort against a team that won 62 games. They disrespected their opponent and got bit in the ass.

So now they open themselves up to unnecessary risk and have to keep on working.

That said, we as fans have no excuse to act like Armageddon is imminent because the Spurs fucked up one game. Being pissed at their lack of effort in one game is not the same as deciding that they're doomed to lose the series, and quitting, or shitting one's pants in fear. We truly, truly suck. Goddamned shittiest, lousiest, most faithless bandwagoning bunch of backwoods idiots, we are.

06-01-2005, 03:56 PM
That said, we as fans have no excuse to act like Armageddon is imminent because the Spurs fucked up one game. Being pissed at their lack of effort in one game is not the same as deciding that they're doomed to lose the series, and quitting, or shitting one's pants in fear. We truly, truly suck. Goddamned shittiest, lousiest, most faithless bandwagoning bunch of backwoods idiots, we are.

Agreed...although to be fair....a lot of us were not jumping off of cliffs or hanging ourselves. The sad thing is that if the Spurs drop Game 5...that minority will only get louder.

06-01-2005, 04:00 PM
It's like the Eagles message board after a loss, so I'm use to the fans acting like it's the end of the world, no biggie we'll win in 5, i jinxed us everytime i bet on something with the Spurs they lose just to spite my vbookie money.

06-01-2005, 04:01 PM
DOh, just saw GrandeDave's article. He said it much better than me. More faith and less doubt people. This team has brought you two titles in the last five.

Thanks, bro! Go Spurs Go and you bet your ass this series will be over tonight.

Extra Stout
06-01-2005, 04:08 PM
I think I have a different memory of Game 4 than most fans.

I remember a game where the Spurs came out flatlining and went down 7-1, and where Pop had to chew them out to start playing.

The Spurs got back in it when Stoudemire sat with fouls. They got seemingly every offensive rebound. Nazr was Nazr.

Pop had to chew out Manu because he was taking shortcuts on offense.

Pop had to chew out Tony Parker because his passes were lazy and off-target, rather than crisp.

In the second, when Manu got on track, the Suns' defensive effort level fell off. They let him get the ball wherever he wanted it, ands just shook their heads when he scored. While they kept scoring, you could tell they were starting to hang their heads.

The Spurs led by seven despite contributing a bare minimum of effort.

The Suns came out in the second half energized. You could tell D'Antoni did a number on them, and I would have too -- how do you give up 59 points to a team playing half-speed when your own backs are against the wall???

From there, the Suns played at a high level. The Spurs got impatient and stopped their defensive strategy of playing straight up inside and closing out on three-point shooters. They collapsed their defense whenever Joe Johnson tried to post up Tony Parker and gave up open threes. They failed to get back on transition defense after missed shots and gave up open threes. They got sloppy on defensive rotations and gave up open threes.

Open threes, open threes, open threes. That is what gets the Suns going. It's suicide to give those up.

Joe Johnson started doubling on Tim Duncan. Tim was passive because he didn't want to go to the foul line. His passes were slow, and the Suns had an easy time rotating back to shooters.

This persisted until the middle of the fourth quarter, when the Spurs became concerned that they might lose, and they started playing hard.

What do the rest of you remember?

06-01-2005, 04:24 PM
Yep, that's what I recall.

If fans want to criticize them for that, so be it. If they'd felt like playing hard, they would have been up by 20+ at the half and the rest of the game would have been a formality. But they wanted to take shortcuts and try to get away with a half-ass effort against a team that won 62 games. They disrespected their opponent and got bit in the ass.

So now they open themselves up to unnecessary risk and have to keep on working.

That said, we as fans have no excuse to act like Armageddon is imminent because the Spurs fucked up one game. Being pissed at their lack of effort in one game is not the same as deciding that they're doomed to lose the series, and quitting, or shitting one's pants in fear. We truly, truly suck. Goddamned shittiest, lousiest, most faithless bandwagoning bunch of backwoods idiots, we are.

The tenor of my posts is due solely to the level of volume of the 'shiny happy people' in this forum. Those who act as though the Spurs did enough. That the Spurs were jobbed by the refs or that they just had a bad night at the line or whatever. That performance was the most disgusting playoff performance they've managed to put together in recent memory when they had a shot at closing out a series and that includes Game 5 of the 2003 WCF.

Yes, I realize they are still in a commanding position in this series, but there are no excuses for such a weak effort. There's no way to just dismiss that debacle as a hiccup. And that effort definitely warrants a little bit of criticism...

06-01-2005, 04:26 PM
Yes, I realize they are still in a commanding position, but still, there are no excuses for such a weak effort. And that effort definitely warrants a little bit of criticism...

Amen. And that doesn't mean people are bandwagoners if they criticize as Stout is implying.

06-01-2005, 04:27 PM
What do the rest of you remember?

I remember a loss. I also remember the Spurs are up 3-1 and its not a time to panic.