View Full Version : Dress/appearance code for players?

06-01-2005, 05:13 PM
Last night a friend of mine dropped by and we watched some of the Heat/Pistons game and chatted about different stuff. At one point, my friend said, "I think the NBA should do something about Europeans." So I got all defensive and said, "You don't like Europeans in the NBA?" And he said, "No, I said your appearance!" :lol

Anyway, he went on to say these are well-paid professionals and they should be required to shave, for example, before a game and to wear a suit to and from a game. He added that if he had a son looking up to these players, he'd want them to look clean and professional whenever they're in a public forum.

Just a few days ago when Stern was doing a press conference about whether or not there would be a meeting with the players union, some reporter asked him if he thought the NBA should institute a league-wide dress code. Stern said no, but added that some teams do have a dress code that requires players to wear suits. (That seemed like a weird, random question to me, by the way)

Anyway, it got me to thinking and I'm kind of leaning toward the who-cares-if-they-shave-and-what-they-wear side of this argument, but I was curious to see what y'all thought. Almost every job has a dress code. Do y'all feel like players should be required to adhere to a certain standard? (My friend said, "These guys have so much money, they could pay someone to shave them while they sleep!" :lol )

Edited to add this guy is a college basketball player, so he's not an outside observer, for whatever that's worth. He said if he made it to the NBA, he'd always dress nicely and look clean, etc. I didn't mention to him that I simply can't imagine Tim Duncan in a suit and that I think it would really throw off his game to have to wear a tie. :lol

06-01-2005, 07:48 PM
If Some High School Teams Have One, I Dont See Why Pros Cant.

06-02-2005, 01:57 AM
I'm totally against it. Players can wear a beer hat before games if they want, that won't make me wanna drink beer (I drink because I like it! :drunk )

Has ever a kid tried to impersonate Denis Rodman and went to his local playground with pink hair and wearing a skirt? I don't think so.

06-02-2005, 02:35 PM
Didn't Duncan wear some sweatshirt and jeans to his MVP acceptance or some major award?

06-02-2005, 02:38 PM
Damn, Sick. There you go again causing problems and talking shit. Duncan NEVER wore a sweatshirt and jeans to get any award!

Its usually an untucked button up shirt and jeans. :lol

06-02-2005, 02:49 PM
I saw a picture in here, otherwise i wouldn't have known.

But the post everyone then was saying how "cool" it was for him to be casually dressed.

Would the same people have a problem with AI doing something with his do-rag on or Stephan Jackson wearing his usually Bloods clothes with visible lettering that mentioned the Bloods?

How long would it be until Artest or others start auctioning off the rights to what they wear at DPOY award or other events?

I don't think they should have to wear a suit and tie as most NBA players look rediculous in them but they should have rules about they have wear something nice like button up shirts, sweaters, sports jacket, blazers, polo shirts and nothing with words or logos on it.

06-02-2005, 05:06 PM
But the post everyone then was saying how "cool" it was for him to be casually dressed.

Personally, I don't like it but I may be in the minority. At least tuck your shirt in.

06-02-2005, 07:27 PM
in highskool

we on game days had to wear shirts and ties or else u didnt play
I'm going through that right now.

There's really no point for it....

06-02-2005, 08:38 PM
Actually, don't the Pacers have that rule instituted that the players have to wear suits? I remember watching the Pistons-Pacers series this year, and seeing Reggie Miller showing up in a spiffy suit and tie to the game--IMO, I like the idea. They are, afterall, professionals making millions of dollars. This isn't some AND1 tourament or some HS varisty league.