View Full Version : Gaddafi says Obama is his buddy...

02-24-2011, 01:13 PM

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi considers the US president a blessing to the Muslim world. In a speech published in London-based al-Hayat newspaper on Saturday, Gaddafi praised Barack Obama, called him a "friend" and said there is no longer any dispute between his country and the US.

Speaking in the Libyan city of Sirt at an event marking the 24th anniversary of an American attack on Libya, he said, "At the time, we were the target of the American cannon, the American navy challenged us in the gulf of Sirt and attacked us all along Libya's shores. America tested Libya, and the Libyan people resisted the large country, but today, thank God, the difference is great."

He said, "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Gaddafi stressed that Obama's presidency is "a major historical gain" and said, "He is someone I consider a friend. He knows he is a son of Africa. Regardless of his African belonging, he is of Arab Sudanese descent, or of Muslim descent. He is a man whose policy should be supported, and he should be assisted in implementing it in any way possible, since he is now leaning towards peace."

He continued, "I urge all peoples to give him this chance and to support this policy, because America is a country that, when its policy is bad – harms the world, and when it is good – it helps the world."

The Libyan leader also expressed hopes that, "the dream that Obama has for a world free of nuclear weapons will come true. This is something that no previous American president has proposed. Obama is a man who opposes wars that previous American presidents were entangled in; he has declared that he will withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq – something which has never been proposed before."

Despite the warm sentiments towards the American leader, he stressed, "The Arabs hate America, there is no doubt. There is not an Arab that loves America, and even the leaders who the United States considers allies or friends – hate it. The external love is merely hypocrisy or pragmatism. The reason for this is clear – Palestine."

In this context he said, "The Palestinians today are like the Jews of the past – dispersed in exile and persecuted. Now the Palestinians are at a point where they deserve to have the United States on their side and not on the side of the Israelis."

He reiterated his demand to allow the millions of Palestinian refugees around the world to return to the land where, according to his vision, a nuke-free democratic state by the name of Isratine should be established.

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 01:46 PM
That's because Obama visited most of the 57 states (http://www.oic-oci.org/member_states.asp).

02-24-2011, 01:55 PM
Weren't these quotes from sometime like over a year ago when Ghadaffi was trying to suck up to lots of the western powers in order to obtain aid etc. for Libya? Remember when he was virtually apologizing for the Lockerbie fiasco, etc. Wasn't all of that part of his pr attempt during last year?

And then he went to the U.N. and let everybody see just how much of an insane man he (still) was?

Still crazy after all these years?

George Gervin's Afro
02-24-2011, 02:07 PM
Weren't these quotes from sometime like over a year ago when Ghadaffi was trying to suck up to lots of the western powers in order to obtain aid etc. for Libya? Remember when he was virtually apologizing for the Lockerbie fiasco, etc. Wasn't all of that part of his pr attempt during last year?

And then he went to the U.N. and let everybody see just how much of an insane man he (still) was?

Still crazy after all these years?

It would take intellectual honesty to remind us of when these comments were made and the actual context.. you can tell by who has posted in this thread who lacks this honesty..

02-24-2011, 02:09 PM

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi considers the US president a blessing to the Muslim world. In a speech published in London-based al-Hayat newspaper on Saturday, Gaddafi praised Barack Obama, called him a "friend" and said there is no longer any dispute between his country and the US.

Speaking in the Libyan city of Sirt at an event marking the 24th anniversary of an American attack on Libya, he said, "At the time, we were the target of the American cannon, the American navy challenged us in the gulf of Sirt and attacked us all along Libya's shores. America tested Libya, and the Libyan people resisted the large country, but today, thank God, the difference is great."

He said, "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Gaddafi stressed that Obama's presidency is "a major historical gain" and said, "He is someone I consider a friend. He knows he is a son of Africa. Regardless of his African belonging, he is of Arab Sudanese descent, or of Muslim descent. He is a man whose policy should be supported, and he should be assisted in implementing it in any way possible, since he is now leaning towards peace."

He continued, "I urge all peoples to give him this chance and to support this policy, because America is a country that, when its policy is bad – harms the world, and when it is good – it helps the world."

The Libyan leader also expressed hopes that, "the dream that Obama has for a world free of nuclear weapons will come true. This is something that no previous American president has proposed. Obama is a man who opposes wars that previous American presidents were entangled in; he has declared that he will withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq – something which has never been proposed before."

Despite the warm sentiments towards the American leader, he stressed, "The Arabs hate America, there is no doubt. There is not an Arab that loves America, and even the leaders who the United States considers allies or friends – hate it. The external love is merely hypocrisy or pragmatism. The reason for this is clear – Palestine."

In this context he said, "The Palestinians today are like the Jews of the past – dispersed in exile and persecuted. Now the Palestinians are at a point where they deserve to have the United States on their side and not on the side of the Israelis."

He reiterated his demand to allow the millions of Palestinian refugees around the world to return to the land where, according to his vision, a nuke-free democratic state by the name of Isratine should be established.

Published: 04.17.10

Does this mean I get to dig up something similar about Bush?

Yet another pointless thread. 'Sokay, I have not come to expect any better. :depressed

02-24-2011, 02:12 PM
It would take intellectual honesty to remind us of when these comments were made and the actual context.. you can tell by who has posted in this thread who lacks this honesty..

"In a speech published in London-based al-Hayat newspaper on Saturday,..."

02-24-2011, 02:18 PM
Whatever Krazy Omar says Kosmic Kowboy, WC, Yoni believe.

Certainly, Barry not has busted into two Islam countries like dubya did.

dumb dubya sucked up Krazy Omar to access to his oil and gas.

George Gervin's Afro
02-24-2011, 02:31 PM
the speech was in April 2010..

are you purposely dishonest yoni?

02-24-2011, 02:32 PM
So ten months ago. Big deal.I didn't know it when I posted it. And that changes what?

George Gervin's Afro
02-24-2011, 02:33 PM
So ten months ago. Big deal.I didn't know it when I posted it. And that changes what?


situation is a bit differnt now than it was 10 months ago don't you think?

02-24-2011, 02:34 PM
If you click on the link provided in the OP, it clearly says it was taken from an article published :


02-24-2011, 02:35 PM

situation is a bit differnt now than it was 10 months ago don't you think?

Is it? Are you saying they aren't buddies now?

George Gervin's Afro
02-24-2011, 02:37 PM
Is it? Are you saying they aren't buddies now?

I don't know, do you?

02-24-2011, 02:38 PM
And that changes what?

Making you look like even more of a gullible idiot, for one thing. In addition to a fear-monger, partisan hack.

02-24-2011, 02:39 PM
the speech was in April 2010..

are you purposely dishonest yoni?

No. I think this was a case of being lazy/careless.

Shocker, I know.

02-24-2011, 02:41 PM
Is it? Are you saying they aren't buddies now?

Given Obama's rather clear recent remarks, yes I would say that.

No one is "buddies" with the asshat in Tripoli at this point.

02-24-2011, 02:44 PM
White House Responds to Critics of President Obama’s Libya Remarks (http://www.mediaite.com/online/white-house-responds-to-critics-of-president-obamas-libya-remarks/)

Officials analyzing Moammar Gadhafi’s rambling speech are concerned that the Libyan strongman is so untethered to reality he may “burn down the house with him,” as one put it, putting the Lybyan people — and hundreds of Americans — at risk, and prompting President Obama to carefully calibrate his words.

In his first public remarks on the crisis Wednesday, President Obama didn’t mention Gadhafi’s name, not wanting to personalize the crisis and feed into Gadhafi’s megalomaniacal worldview of this crisis as a showdown between him and President Obama.

Of course, that won't stop political hacks from trying to make points with the idiots who only get their news from Fox's regurgitated talking points.

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 02:45 PM
I see you liberals have a hard time disagreeing with my 57 state (http://www.oic-oci.org/member_states.asp) reference.

02-24-2011, 02:53 PM
I see you liberals have a hard time disagreeing with my 57 state (http://www.oic-oci.org/member_states.asp) reference.

Meh. You keep bringing up a minor gaffe on the part of a very tired man, and it keeps being unimportant.

Why bother?

Do you need some attention or something?

02-24-2011, 02:54 PM

02-24-2011, 02:54 PM
So are we just blindly believing whatever some crazy fuck says now...oh wait...

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 02:58 PM
Meh. You keep bringing up a minor gaffe on the part of a very tired man, and it keeps being unimportant.

Why bother?
Minor gaff? I think it's very possibly a slip of the truth, of his Islamic teachings.

Do you need some attention or something?
Actually, yes.

My woman is visiting family in Seattle.

George Gervin's Afro
02-24-2011, 02:59 PM
White House Responds to Critics of President Obama’s Libya Remarks (http://www.mediaite.com/online/white-house-responds-to-critics-of-president-obamas-libya-remarks/)

Of course, that won't stop political hacks from trying to make points with the idiots who only get their news from Fox's regurgitated talking points.

Fox has brought all of the regulars in attacking Obama's handling of the Lybia deal... non stop, one after another...

02-24-2011, 03:01 PM
Fox has brought all of the regulars in attacking Obama's handling of the Lybia deal... non stop, one after another...

So you are an avid Fox watcher?

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 03:03 PM
So you are an avid Fox watcher?

Apparently they guys watch as much Fox news in a day as I do in a year.

George Gervin's Afro
02-24-2011, 03:03 PM
So you are an avid Fox watcher?

Yes. Where else would I get the Republican point of view?

02-24-2011, 03:03 PM
Minor gaff? I think [that Obama's minor mistake was] very possibly a slip of the truth, of his Islamic teachings.


Ok, I'll bite. What makes you think that?

02-24-2011, 03:05 PM
Yes. Where else would I get the Republican point of view?

Oh, maybe by reading quotes from Republican leaders maybe?

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 03:07 PM
Yes. Where else would I get the Republican point of view?

Republican point of view?

Really now. They are a profit making commercial enterprise. They air an alternate to the MSM's. Accurate or not, they have a larger audience than the big three combined. Seems more than just republicans like what ever view they have.

As for Brian... He often presents liberal viewpoints into the discussions. --- ooops--- wrong thread.

You think that's all it is? maybe you should grow a couple more brain cells.

I used to watch Fox news quite a bit. Any more, nothing interesting that I haven't already heard on the radio during my morning drive home. They can be inaccurate just like any other media, but to imply the things you do.

Pure idiocy.

George Gervin's Afro
02-24-2011, 03:17 PM
Oh, maybe by reading quotes from Republican leaders maybe?

Fox news does the GOP proud..

02-24-2011, 03:18 PM
Yes. Where else would I get the Republican point of view?
You have a point; the other television networks are not known for their fair and balanced coverage of politics or, for providing anything but the liberal point of view. Good on you.

However, there are a number of conservative blogs, conservative talk shows, conservative pundits, etc... to whom I could point you, if you're really looking for the conservative point of view from an source other than FoxNews.

I'm not much of a FoxNews fan either.

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 03:18 PM
Fox news does the GOP proud..
Only because all the other TV shows are slamming the GOP.

How many do the JackAsses proud?

George Gervin's Afro
02-24-2011, 03:19 PM

Republican point of view?

Really now. They are a profit making commercial enterprise. They air an alternate to the MSM's. Accurate or not, they have a larger audience than the big three combined. Seems more than just republicans like what ever view they have.

As for Brian... He often presents liberal viewpoints into the discussions. --- ooops--- wrong thread.

You think that's all it is? maybe you should grow a couple more brain cells.

I used to watch Fox news quite a bit. Any more, nothing interesting that I haven't already heard on the radio during my morning drive home. They can be inaccurate just like any other media, but to imply the things you do.

Pure idiocy.

I'll make simple for you..it's a matter of numbers... you have 5 'liberal' stations..hence 5 options for libs.. you 1 'conservative' channel therefore all conservatives watch it.. now you have a bigger audience because there is a the lack of choices..

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 03:22 PM
I'll make simple for you..it's a matter of numbers... you have 5 'liberal' stations..hence 5 options for libs.. you 1 'conservative' channel therefore all conservatives watch it.. now you have a bigger audience because there is a the lack of choices..

Didn't think you realized that.

However, you seem not to realize that conservative does not mean republican. There are also conservative democrats and conservative independents. Even conservative libertarians.

Now that you admitted they are outnumbered, why not issue the same level of criticism to the other 5, for their constant lack of integrity?

02-24-2011, 03:24 PM
I certainly don't blame you for watching Fox instead of MSNBC.


02-24-2011, 03:27 PM
I'll make simple for you..it's a matter of numbers... you have 5 'liberal' stations..hence 5 options for libs.. you 1 'conservative' channel therefore all conservatives watch it.. now you have a bigger audience because there is a the lack of choices..
You would think the other five networks would catch on and change their programming but, no, they double down on more and more left-leaning programming.

Oh well; what'cha gonna do?

02-24-2011, 03:28 PM
Minor gaff? I think it's very possibly a slip of the truth, of his Islamic teachings.


Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 03:31 PM
Hey, that's a cool gun you have. Wish you would try it out.

02-24-2011, 03:34 PM
Hey, that's a cool gun you have. Wish you would try it out.
Too late; shipped to Libya...

Gaddafi will take his own life and not flee - minister (http://uk.news.yahoo.com/22/20110224/tpl-uk-libya-gaddafi-minister-43a8d4f.html)

US official: US has no reason to think Gaddafi dead (http://uk.reuters.com/article/2011/02/24/libya-usa-gaddafi-rumor-idUKWAT01490220110224)

02-24-2011, 04:06 PM
I certainly don't blame you for watching Fox instead of MSNBC.



02-24-2011, 04:18 PM
Minor gaff? I think [that Obama's minor mistake was] very possibly a slip of the truth, of his Islamic teachings.


Ok, I'll bite. What makes you think that?

How would "57 states" be related to "islamic teachings"?

02-24-2011, 04:21 PM
I've heard WC's conspiracy theory before.

Fucking hilarious.

He was thinking 47 and said 57. That's it.


02-24-2011, 04:23 PM

Ok, I'll bite. What makes you think that?

How would "57 states" be related to "islamic teachings"?


02-24-2011, 04:25 PM

02-24-2011, 04:27 PM

I was asking WC to merely state why he thought that, and a google search won't tell me what he was thinking, would it?

02-24-2011, 04:30 PM
But since I did take the time to google it the first thing that came up was snopes:


Mixture of true and false information.

More paranoid dumbassery based on a chain e-mail.

That seems to be the standard of evidence required for WC to believe something.

02-24-2011, 04:32 PM
Saudis start pumping (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110224/ts_nm/us_markets_oil_41) and...

Price drop on rumor the idiot's been offed (http://www.cnbc.com/id/41747049).

02-24-2011, 04:33 PM
Saudis start pumping (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110224/ts_nm/us_markets_oil_41) and...

Price drop on rumor the idiot's been offed (http://www.cnbc.com/id/41747049).Thanks for further proving that these price moves have little to do with actual supply and demand.

lol drill baby drill

02-24-2011, 04:36 PM

Bush's gf made pie for Ghadafi...

George Gervin's Afro
02-24-2011, 05:03 PM

Weren't Rummy and Saddam buddies?

02-24-2011, 05:10 PM
CC, aren't you old enough to know better than to post something like that? I don't know, I always got the impression that you were older than 25. Did you also post any police reports when Bush got pulled over when he was in college?

If Yoni went out on a killing spree and someone dug up some posts from 3 years ago where the two of you agreed on stuff, does that make you culpable?

02-24-2011, 05:27 PM
Now we know why Omar likes to go raghead


Do you right-wing girly men (yeah bitch, I mean you) think he tints his hair?

02-24-2011, 05:31 PM
Now we know why Omar like to go raghead


Do you right-wing girly men (yeah bitch, I mean you) think he tints his hair?


That guy IS one UGLY motherfucker...

He could NEVER get elected in the US...

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 05:37 PM
I was asking WC to merely state why he thought that, and a google search won't tell me what he was thinking, would it?
There are 57 Islamic states that are members of the OIC. I don't think his remarks were just coincidence, with his other gaffs.

02-24-2011, 05:41 PM
There are 57 Islamic states that are members of the OIC. I don't think his remarks were just coincidence, with his other gaffs.Well, you're just stupid.

02-24-2011, 05:46 PM
There are 57 Islamic states that are members of the OIC. I don't think his remarks were just coincidence, with his other gaffs.


Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 05:54 PM
No, I'm not talking conspiracy.

02-24-2011, 06:00 PM
There are 57 Islamic states that are members of the OIC. I don't think his remarks were just coincidence, with his other gaffs.

According to the oic website there are 56.

02-24-2011, 06:00 PM
No, I'm not talking conspiracy.You absolutely are. You are insinuating that Obama was taught about the OIC in Indonesia at 10 years old when there were at most 30 members, then he slavishly kept tracks of the membership changes the rest of his life as his programming dictated.

It's just as stupid as it sounds.

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 06:10 PM
According to the oic website there are 56.
No, they have 57, unless they recently lost one member. And I mean very recently. Just last week, there showed 57 members.

02-24-2011, 06:12 PM
Well, it's official. Wild Cobra is an Islamist sleeper agent.

No one could possibly have that knowledge and not be one.

Why do you think John Kerry married into the Heinz family?


02-24-2011, 06:12 PM
No, they have 57, unless they recently lost one member. And I mean very recently. Just last week, there showed 57 members.

Im sorry, I just looked. You don't even have to click on their page to see, here is the google result.

Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
Association of 56 Islamic states promoting Muslim solidarity in economic, social, and political affairs. [Arabic, English, French]
www.oic-oci.org/ - Similar

02-24-2011, 06:17 PM
According to the oic website there are 56.

Depends on whether you count the observer states or not.

Snopes noted 3, wiki notes 4.

Not that a chain email that says "coincidence? I think not!" is valid simply because they got the number right.

Comedy gold.

02-24-2011, 06:19 PM
Im sorry, I just looked. You don't even have to click on their page to see, here is the google result.

Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
Association of 56 Islamic states promoting Muslim solidarity in economic, social, and political affairs. [Arabic, English, French]
www.oic-oci.org/ - Similar


Didn't bother to count it, but 3 even columns means the number is divisible evenly by 3. 57 works, but not 56.

02-24-2011, 06:30 PM

Didn't bother to count it, but 3 even columns means the number is divisible evenly by 3. 57 works, but not 56.

I was wrong, you are right. 19 columns of 3. Obama is a damn conservative muslim.

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 06:32 PM
Looks like 57 to me:

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x262/Wild_Cobra/Politics/57states25pct.jpg (http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x262/Wild_Cobra/Politics/57states.jpg?t=1298590305)

Click above image for 1700 x 1000

02-24-2011, 06:36 PM
I was wrong, you are right. 19 columns of 3. Obama is a damn conservative muslim.

It's decided then. :lol


1) New York City has 11 letters
2) Afghanistan has 11 letters.
3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy
the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters.
4) George W Bush has 11 letters.

This could be a mere coincidence, but this gets more interesting:

1) New York is the 11th state.
2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11.
3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11
4) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 passengers. 6+5=11
5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9+1+1=11
6) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911. 9+1+1=11.
Sheer coincidence..?!

Read on and make up your own mind:

1) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254. 2+5+4=11.
2) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year. Again 2+5+4=11.
3) The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3+1+1+2+4 =11.
4) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the Twin Towers incident.

Now this is where things get totally eerie:

The most recognised symbol for the US, after the Stars & Stripes, is the Eagle. The following verse is taken from the Quran, the Islamic holy book:

''For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allahand lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace."

That verse is number 9.11 of the Quran.

Still unconvinced about all of this..?!

Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end:

Open Microsoft Word and do the following:
1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers.
2. Highlight the Q33 NY.
3. Change the font size to 48.
4. Change the actual font to WINGDINGS

What do you think now..?!


02-24-2011, 06:36 PM
Yes, getting the current member count right makes this conspiracy theory airtight.

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 06:37 PM
Depends on whether you count the observer states or not.

Snopes noted 3, wiki notes 4.

Not that a chain email that says "coincidence? I think not!" is valid simply because they got the number right.

Comedy gold.
Actually, there are 57 member states and 5 observer states for a total of 62.

02-24-2011, 06:39 PM
I was wrong, you are right. 19 columns of 3. Obama is a damn conservative muslim.

Fucking libtards with your long division!:ihit


Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 06:40 PM
Open Microsoft Word and do the following:
1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers.
2. Highlight the Q33 NY.
3. Change the font size to 48.
4. Change the actual font to WINGDINGS
Oh No...

You mean Bill Gates was in on it too?

02-24-2011, 06:56 PM
But didn't Obama go to a christian church for about 20 years? If Obama is a muslim, why would he go to a christian church? Aren't the two religions basically mortal enemies to each other?

Wild Cobra
02-24-2011, 06:58 PM
But didn't Obama go to a christian church for about 20 years? If Obama is a muslim, why would he go to a christian church? Aren't the two religions basically mortal enemies to each other?
For a public image.

I know a girl that goes to church every Sunday just because she is going though a divorce, and wants custody.

02-24-2011, 07:14 PM
For a public image.

I know a girl that goes to church every Sunday just because she is going though a divorce, and wants custody.

And to think...if she keeps it up for 20 years she can run for President!


02-24-2011, 07:17 PM
For a public image.

I know a girl that goes to church every Sunday just because she is going though a divorce, and wants custody.

So, Obama risked eternal damnation for being an infidel and helped out the christian enemy's cause through organization and community care for a better image but how does this image look towards the muslim people? Do you think muslims think he's muslim? Americans weren't as judgemental towards muslims 20 years ago as they are now so why couldn't Obama help out the Muslim cause instead and help get them get a foothold in America? That would be the better plan.

Even if he was muslim, why can't you accept that he changed religions? People convert all the time.

Marcus Bryant
02-24-2011, 07:17 PM
If the president is hiding any religious views, it's most likely that he's atheistic or agnostic, though I could see him holding some sort of watered down deist viewpoint. Sure, he probably went to that church in Chicago out of political considerations.

That is, his socio-political views seem to fall in line with mainstream liberal Protestantism. How one gets from his left-liberal views on a range of social issues to him being a hardcore Islamic fundamentalist is beyond me.

His religious views were likely shaped by his time in NYC, Boston, and Chicago, and in particular his time in academia.

02-24-2011, 07:20 PM

That guy IS one UGLY motherfucker...

He could NEVER get elected in the US...

Whatever...he's like a crazier Carlos Santana with hot female body guards. I'd vote for him.


02-24-2011, 07:28 PM
If the president is hiding any religious views, it's most likely that he's atheistic or agnostic, though I could see him holding some sort of watered down deist viewpoint. Sure, he probably went to that church in Chicago out of political considerations.

That is, his socio-political views seem to fall in line with mainstream liberal Protestantism. How one gets from his left-liberal views on a range of social issues to him being a hardcore Islamic fundamentalist is beyond me.

His religious views were likely shaped by his time in NYC, Boston, and Chicago, and in particular his time in academia.

I hear you. It's like people are trying to force connect the two like two mismatched puzzle pieces. Why are people so adamant on doing so to this day? I understand that before, Obama just rose to the top and people were like "Who is this man with a muslim sounding name??" But after 2 years, I don't see any muslim ideologies that he's projecting that should continue this type of talk.

Marcus Bryant
02-24-2011, 07:38 PM
The man reads Niebuhr. He's probably as religious as the average Whole Foods customer, perhaps finding God during the formulation of his socio-political views, though it makes plenty of sense that he picked up on the prevailing attitudes of his surroundings during his intellectual formation and rejected God.

Marcus Bryant
02-24-2011, 07:50 PM
Further, for such a closeted Manchurian Muslim, he really has changed American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yeah.

02-24-2011, 08:17 PM
this is fucking stupid

02-24-2011, 08:45 PM
If the president is hiding any religious views, it's most likely that he's atheistic or agnostic, though I could see him holding some sort of watered down deist viewpoint. Sure, he probably went to that church in Chicago out of political considerations.

That is, his socio-political views seem to fall in line with mainstream liberal Protestantism. How one gets from his left-liberal views on a range of social issues to him being a hardcore Islamic fundamentalist is beyond me.

His religious views were likely shaped by his time in NYC, Boston, and Chicago, and in particular his time in academia.

Yup. I doubt he is very devout.

George Gervin's Afro
02-25-2011, 09:38 AM
But didn't Obama go to a christian church for about 20 years? If Obama is a muslim, why would he go to a christian church? Aren't the two religions basically mortal enemies to each other?

he knew in 20 yrs he would be president so he hatched a plan to play a christian and sleep at holiday inns.

02-25-2011, 10:48 AM
Ya know guys, this op began as inane, and that was its high point.

02-25-2011, 11:49 AM
Ghadafi also says the Libyan kids have been drugged with hallucinogens in their Nescafe.

Another Ghadafi saying Yoni believes without question.