View Full Version : Does homecourt even matter Considering we can't get a call anywhere we play?

02-24-2011, 01:38 PM
TD is the most disrespected superstar to ever play in the nba and now that he's a little older he really gets no calls. We've all seen Parker just about raped-no call. And now even Manu is getting less calls, he was hammered on that "wild shot" maybe that's why he's taking so many 3's, he can't get calls.

02-24-2011, 01:41 PM
2/23/2011 fta
okc: 27
sas: 28

02-24-2011, 01:45 PM
2/23/2011 fta
okc: 27
sas: 28

Ok, sure there was some badly missed calls but you can't argue with FWD stat.

02-24-2011, 01:45 PM
TD is the most disrespected superstar to ever play in the nba and now that he's a little older he really gets no calls. We've all seen Parker just about raped-no call. And now even Manu is getting less calls, he was hammered on that "wild shot" maybe that's why he's taking so many 3's, he can't get calls.

I did notice they didn't get any calls towards the end.. I didn't quite catch Tony's layups or how he missed them.. but it did look like he was fouled... and Duncan did get fouled a couple of times..

it was hard to watch

02-24-2011, 01:51 PM
When it comes to the game last night, the officiating was piss poor for both teams and goes beyond just free throw opportunities since several calls and/or fouls don't end up as FT's but can still impact the game by setting the tone, letting some players get beaten up, who has possession, how much time is left, etc.

OKC in general gets a ton of trips to the FT line for some very weak and questionable stuff. I believe they're even going to make NBA history with the amount of FT's they shot this season and they're also an excellent FT shooting team %-wise too. Whereas those same calls just aren't whistled when the Spurs drive to the lane or get touched/bumped on the perimeter (at times it seems like just touching Durant will get ya a foul).

02-24-2011, 01:54 PM
the thunder get babied by the officials. there's no question about it.

02-24-2011, 01:54 PM
I didn't notice much of a disparity, but I have to agree with Sean Elliott's complaints about KD's super-flinch techniques. A defender (Jefferson) would reach his arm out to trace the ball and Durant starts having a seizure trying to get the whistle. He's only 22, it's going to be a long 10 years with this kid.

02-24-2011, 01:55 PM
I thought last night's game was poorly officiated, but I think it's pretty ridiculous to say that the calls were some sort of systemic disrespect for the Spurs. While the calls were frustrating at times, I think if you viewed the game objectively, both teams had plenty of reason to be frustrated by the calls.

The Thunder were called for 23 fouls last night; the Spurs were called for 18. Over the course of the season, the Spurs are called for an average of 18.5 fouls per game and their opponents are called for an average of 20.6 fouls per game -- so last night, the sheer number of fouls was right on average for the Spurs and actually above average for their opponents (and taking away intentional fouls at the end, the numbers line up almost exactly with the averages). Further, the Thunder are called for an average of 22.2 fouls per game, so they were also right on their seasonal average.

As curiously as that game was called, that correlation is pretty remarkable.

02-24-2011, 01:57 PM
LMAO @ gnsf whining ":cry we dont get any calls :cry :cry"

02-24-2011, 01:57 PM
2/23/2011 fta
okc: 27
sas: 28

Exactly. The Spurs should probably have had about 20 more attempts than the Thunder.

02-24-2011, 02:04 PM
When it comes to the game last night, the officiating was piss poor for both teams and goes beyond just free throw opportunities since several calls and/or fouls don't end up as FT's but can still impact the game by setting the tone, letting some players get beaten up, who has possession, how much time is left, etc.

OKC in general gets a ton of trips to the FT line for some very weak and questionable stuff. I believe they're even going to make NBA history with the amount of FT's they shot this season and they're also an excellent FT shooting team %-wise too. Whereas those same calls just aren't whistled when the Spurs drive to the lane or get touched/bumped on the perimeter (at times it seems like just touching Durant will get ya a foul).

Or in Duncan's case, Block all ball and get called!

02-24-2011, 02:06 PM
TD is the most disrespected superstar to ever play in the nba and now that he's a little older he really gets no calls. We've all seen Parker just about raped-no call. And now even Manu is getting less calls, he was hammered on that "wild shot" maybe that's why he's taking so many 3's, he can't get calls.

Parker got two trips to the line in the 4th quarter when he just ran into his defender who was back pedaling.
On the whole though, this game was terribly reffed both ways. It seemed like the NBA sent out a bunch of rookie refs to get them experience and they were just blowing calls. Some examples...the double tech on Tim and Durant, RJ gets tripped and knocks the ball out, ref doesnt want to call foul and calls it out on RJ, but realizes how bad of a call this is and changes it to off OKC despite it going off RJ. If anything, it had to be a foul.

02-24-2011, 02:10 PM
Refs, schmefs...we fucking won...Neal with it! :D

02-24-2011, 02:16 PM
The refs called the game evenly, they just let the guys get more physical than they usually do.

I'm a little worried about a game in Feb being that physical, but I'm at least grateful they called it evenly.

DJ Mbenga
02-24-2011, 02:18 PM
if u want foul calls you need to have a crazy insane crowd like portland, utah or okc. remember last year the in games 3, 4 the thunder shot 40, 40! more ft's than the lakers.

02-24-2011, 02:20 PM
if u want foul calls you need to have a crazy insane crowd like portland, utah or okc. remember last year the in games 3, 4 the thunder shot 40, 40! more ft's than the lakers.

Dude...your sig is so tiny...could you please make it bigger??? :lol

02-24-2011, 02:25 PM
The reffing just seemed very inconsistent. They would call touch fouls (on both ends), and then let the teams maul each other later.

Hill and Neal each got hit while draining a three; it didn't look like acting to me, but that might just be black-and-silver-colored glasses.

And the double technical on Duncan and Durant while McDyess didn't get anything...wtf. Collison's foul, to me, looked worse than it actually was.

02-24-2011, 02:33 PM
Best record ever by the spurs, maybe stop whining about shit like that

02-24-2011, 03:01 PM
The league office has decided to instruct the refs to give preferential treatment to Durant. Its not that we do not get calls, its that Durant is a favored son.

But the NBA is not fixed. :rolleyes

It may not be fixed for teams but it most certainly is fixed for stars.

02-24-2011, 04:28 PM
if u want foul calls you need to have a crazy insane crowd like portland, utah or okc. remember last year the in games 3, 4 the thunder shot 40, 40! more ft's than the lakers.

I fuckin love when you post.

02-25-2011, 01:48 PM
LMAO @ gnsf whining ":cry we dont get any calls :cry :cry"
Go suck your mothers dick!:downspin:

02-25-2011, 01:50 PM
Just because the FT attempts are close does'nt mean we did'nt get jobbed. And I was talking more about our history, not just last night. Like 2006 Manu did'nt even touch dirk. 2004, how bout that? And Duncan has never gotten superstar call like other supposed "Stars"

02-25-2011, 02:15 PM
really cant complain, but we are called for fouls less then any other team in league on average. Check the stats. Cant argue it.

Cry Havoc
02-25-2011, 02:23 PM
2/23/2011 fta
okc: 27
sas: 28

No offense, but you only have to check the shot chart to see which team was driving inside and being aggressive. The Thunder shot jumpers all game yet got 1 fewer FT than we did, and 1 more if you discount the flagrant.

02-25-2011, 03:19 PM
Just because the FT attempts are close does'nt mean we did'nt get jobbed. And I was talking more about our history, not just last night. Like 2006 Manu did'nt even touch dirk. 2004, how bout that? And Duncan has never gotten superstar call like other supposed "Stars"

Wow how could ANYONE deny that Manu did foul Dirk??? Didn't even touch?! Are you fucking kidding? This thread has no credibility.


Yeah thats not a foul. :rolleyes

02-25-2011, 04:57 PM
Shit I'd rather the Spurs play 4 out of 7 in San Antonio in any 7-game series against any team, especially Dallas and the Lakers. So yes, home-court does matter...

02-25-2011, 07:12 PM
Just inconsistent calls throughout the night. sometimes the refs swallowed their whistles, and sometimes they called checks and bumps that usually go uncalled in play. Its a style that the refs play to keep the game close throughout and it worked, kudos to the Spurs for overcoming the challenge that would have easily derailed a few of the best teams in the league.

02-27-2011, 08:45 PM
I think the OP was referring to games like tonight where refs are going out of their way to treat us like we are playing in Los Angeles or something.

WTF is going on

02-28-2011, 01:49 PM
Wow how could ANYONE deny that Manu did foul Dirk??? Didn't even touch?! Are you fucking kidding? This thread has no credibility.


Yeah thats not a foul. :rolleyes
I don't even think that's the play I'm refering to and usually in the playoffs at the late stage of a close game you can rape someone especially at home and not get called.

02-28-2011, 02:01 PM
Shit I'd rather the Spurs play 4 out of 7 in San Antonio in any 7-game series against any team, especially Dallas and the Lakers. So yes, home-court does matter...
We had HCA vs the Mavs in 2006

Crawford fucked us deeeeep

02-28-2011, 02:36 PM
Cuban has paid millions to the refs under the table this year to make sure he gets the championship this time. He's not taking any chances this time!