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02-25-2011, 01:59 AM
The movie fucking sucked!

I decided to pick up the book....

Its amazing!

The movie should have rivaled LoTR... OK, maybe not, but the books are fucking good!!!

Hollywood REALLY fucked this one up bad.

The movie is NOTHING compared to the book.

I seriously cant believe how much they screwed up the story in the movie after reading the first book.

SO MANY plot points where missed in the movie....

oh crap
02-25-2011, 02:05 AM
wasn't it written by some 17 year old world of warcraft nerd or some shit?

02-25-2011, 02:09 AM
wasn't it written by some 17 year old world of warcraft nerd or some shit?

No. It was writen by Christopher Paolini.

He started writing the story at age 15 I think.

If your into high fantasy, I suggest reading it, ignore the movie.

I just finished the first book tonight... Its REALLY good IMHO.

For the record, I kind of liked the movie (who WOULDNT want a pet dragon like Saphira???), but after reading the first part of the novel, I can understand why people hated the movie.....

Read the book if you are into high-fantasy, its really good IMHO and shits all over the movie.

02-25-2011, 02:23 AM
That movie wasn't the worst I've ever seen but it was close.

03-03-2011, 02:51 AM
Just finished reading the other 2 books in the series....

Let me say this... My favorite Authors are now a 3 way tie between R.A. Salvatore, David Gemmel and now Christopher Paolini.

Salvatore, obviously because of Drizzt and his descriptions for the battles that his characters have had... No one, in my belief, can match his descriptions of battle scenes in print.

David Gemmell because of the dark, hard core realism and fatalism he imbued the character Druss with. Just a Man with an Axe and the determination to see things through.

Christopher Paolini though is different.... After reading the first 3 books about Eragon, its probably the one story that has brought me close to tears more than any other.

For those that love fantasy novels and have not read the 3 books of Eragon, I suggest that you do.

For those that refuse to read it, imagine being so connected to another being that your minds are fused together, you feel every emotion they feel and vice-versa. It becomes so normal that when you are out of reach, you feel half of yourself. Without the other mind you are not whole.

I finished books 2 and 3 within 3 days. about 470 pages each book.

I cant wait for the 4th book to come out.....

It's such a shame how much they fucked up the movie. :depressed

The Reckoning
03-03-2011, 03:05 AM
this has to be a troll thread

three shittiest authors of all time. terrible. we should have a nationwide book burning.

Greg Oden
03-03-2011, 03:10 AM
this has to be a troll thread

three shittiest authors of all time. terrible. we should have a nationwide book burning.

drop the new act bro. i might be taking a trip to austin to whip some ass otherwise.

03-03-2011, 03:10 AM
this has to be a troll thread

three shittiest authors of all time. terrible. we should have a nationwide book burning.

3 best selling authors are obviously shitty. :depressed

The Reckoning
03-03-2011, 03:14 AM
drop the new act bro. i might be taking a trip to austin to whip some ass otherwise.


alright DMC/Koriwhat. go for it.

ill be between 18th-3rd street at noon on friday. look for the dude with bacne.

03-03-2011, 03:28 AM
lol its not a bad book series but the first one was just a star wars rip off. And fuck that asshole for turning what was supposed to be a 3 part series to a 4 part series. And lol his dumbass can't figure out how to end it. BTW the movie sucked cause it was basically fast tracked to get into a potterless holiday season

03-03-2011, 07:04 PM
I watched it and didn't know what to think. I always give fantasy and sci fiction movies a chance. When i was done with this one I didn't understand if it was that horrible on purpose or they were actually trying to make it good.
Then somema co workers explained to me the books were good and the movie was one me the most epic fails me all time. It was hilarious, they told me that when eragon throws his baby dragon into the air and it becomes mature, the movie skipped like half the whole book, and they all knew it was gonna fail. ROFL

03-04-2011, 02:01 AM
I watched it and didn't know what to think. I always give fantasy and sci fiction movies a chance. When i was done with this one I didn't understand if it was that horrible on purpose or they were actually trying to make it good.
Then somema co workers explained to me the books were good and the movie was one me the most epic fails me all time. It was hilarious, they told me that when eragon throws his baby dragon into the air and it becomes mature, the movie skipped like half the whole book, and they all knew it was gonna fail. ROFL

Exactly... I had never heard of "Eragon" until the movie came out... Saw it and was like "What the fuck did I just watch?" The movie fucking sucked....

They deleted SOOO Many key moments from the book, its fucking insane how they thought that piece of shit movie was going to succeeed. Even the few "deleted" scenes didnt help to encompass the scope of the novel. The first book could have easily been a 3-part movie like LoTR was, and thats just the first book.

The cow


Murtagh Morzansson

The Twins

The blessing of Elva

my suggestion, read the books. The movie was a complete piece of shit (even if they had kept the deleted scenes), but if you are into fantasy novels, the books are quite good. Cant wait for book 4 to come out.