View Full Version : Mike Huckabee agrees with Michelle Obama...

02-26-2011, 04:26 PM
Prepares to get ripped a new one by Republicans...

Watch Video. (http://fora.tv/2011/02/23/Monitor_Breakfast_Former_Arkansas_Governor_Mike_Hu ckabee#Huckabee_Defends_Michelle_Obamas_Anti-Obesity_Campaign_)

02-26-2011, 08:46 PM
Huckabee's unelectable, but he makes a good living shilling for Murdoch and with speech fees.

baseline bum
02-26-2011, 09:41 PM
Is this the part where we're supposed to act like his ideas are reasonable because he supports something so obviously good that the other right wing talking heads irrationally hate?

02-26-2011, 11:38 PM
Sarah Palin is not going to like that.

Wild Cobra
02-27-2011, 11:16 AM
Huckabee's unelectable, but he makes a good living shilling for Murdoch and with speech fees.
Even when he stays reasonable and defends the first lady, you cannot bring yourself to appreciate that?

What's wrong with you?

02-27-2011, 11:23 AM
I said nothing about the Fox Repug Propaganda employee's position on this specific issue. Even a blind squirrel ...

What's newsworthy here is that he deviates from his usual lies and bullshit to agree with a good-faith, reasonable policy.

More typically, he'd be right there with pitbull bitch and Bachman whining about tax policy that encourages breast feeding (rather than feeding babies pathogenic corporate shit) or a policy/position of trying to reduce childhood obesity, as govt nanny-ing.

But Huck has no problem with tax policy that let's, eg, his fellow "Christian" money grubbing hustler Benny Hinn declare his $10M Pacific Coast estate as a "parsonnage".

02-27-2011, 01:25 PM
Even when he stays reasonable and defends the first lady, you cannot bring yourself to appreciate that?

What's wrong with you?

It is clear, I believe, that Huckabee learned a great deal from his own difficult time with weight issues, and appropriately values the efforts of ANY national leader to help stem a real health care issue in this country.

I think that his comments are appropriate and well founded.

The real question, WC, is why Sarah Palin continues to get so much support from the Republican right wing when she makes what cannot be described as anything other than catty remarks about the first lady's attempts to address health care issues in our youth?

Why don't you, WC, call out Palin for her comments?

Wild Cobra
02-27-2011, 01:39 PM
The real question, WC, is why Sarah Palin continues to get so much support from the Republican right wing when she makes what cannot be described as anything other than catty remarks about the first lady's attempts to address health care issues in our youth?

Why don't you, WC, call out Palin for her comments?
I don't follow Palin. If you can show me some quotes that are in context, I will tell you what I think. Make sure there is enough material to place it in context. Snippets can appear the opposite of what they are.

Up front... We all say things others of the same general mindset don't agree with. Afterall, we are unique people.

Now on top of that, I don't know what Michelle said either that is debated, and if you notice, I responded to Huckabee's response. Not the topic. I did hear about organizations that want to take an authoritarian approach, but if that's tied to her or not, I don't know. Maybe others jump to that conclusion, and maybe it's wrong.

02-27-2011, 01:51 PM
I don't follow Palin. If you can show me some quotes that are in context, I will tell you what I think. Make sure there is enough material to place it in context. Snippets can appear the opposite of what they are.

Up front... We all say things others of the same general mindset don't agree with. Afterall, we are unique people.

Now on top of that, I don't know what Michelle said either that is debated, and if you notice, I responded to Huckabee's response. Not the topic. I did hear about organizations that want to take an authoritarian approach, but if that's tied to her or not, I don't know. Maybe others jump to that conclusion, and maybe it's wrong.

I categorically decline to do your due diligence for you on any topic, including this one.

Do you know what the first Lady's suggestions have been regarding this issue? IN CONTEXT?

Do you CARE what Sarah Palin's comments have been regarding the first lady's campaign in this area, IN CONTEXT?

If not, why bother to bring up Huckabee's response? What does it signal to you one way or the other?

02-27-2011, 01:54 PM
They both like BBQ ribs?

Wild Cobra
02-27-2011, 01:59 PM
I did a short search. the only things I found Palin to say is that it should be the parents choice. Now I grew up having school lunches that included deserts. I see no reason to take this away from kids. The fact that some kids get half or more of their nutrition from the schools shouldn't mean all the food should be bland, which seems to be what would happen.

Both views, of what little I heard have merit. However, the root problem lies in relying on government in the first place.

02-27-2011, 02:02 PM
you were raised on govt. reliance.....so, i don't know where you're goin with this.

Wild Cobra
02-27-2011, 02:04 PM
They both like BBQ ribs?
I'll bet one like BBQ sturgeon better than the other.

Wild Cobra
02-27-2011, 02:06 PM
you were raised on govt. reliance.....so, i don't know where you're goin with this.
There you go again, stuck on stupid, you mind numbed robot.

I don't think anyone here would agree with you that my mother taking food stamps for a few weeks between divorce to working on her own would call that being "raised" on government assistance. I don't think you will find anyone who disagrees with properly using programs as short measure stop-gaps.

Bug off, loser.

02-27-2011, 02:36 PM
just thank us and move on.

02-27-2011, 02:53 PM
and at the same time, we owe your ex an apology.

you see, once you're on the gravy train, it's an endless circle of giving.

02-27-2011, 04:33 PM
Nanny state run amok!