View Full Version : Kool's 10 Step Program That Will Take Your Basketball Game To Another Level

02-26-2011, 06:44 PM
On a personal note I once got my feelings kinda hurt once when my cousin took a young Kool to play a pick-up game with some of his homies…I was balling I thought... and getting mad props from the other team when my cousin told them I was good and all but that I just couldn’t handle pressure…those nikkas started pressing me and I fucked the game off…it was just that simple and was a hard lesson…:ihit

Now I’m going to do something that’s never been done before. If you’re truly interested in improving your game put aside what I’m sure is genuine hate for me and take Kool’s advice so that you can reach that other level and impress your fam, friends, and possibly girl in the stands watching you...:lmao… if you're a couch potato just looking for a fight and want to talk some shit...( you know who your are) then this post isn't for you...

Below is my 10-step program that if you follow will yield immediate results.
When you leave the court people will be asking your name, what school you played for and giving mad props…Trust Me…

The Program:

First empty your bladder then eat a power snack such as an apple just under 2 hrs before the game.

Next drink 1/75 cup of warm water mixed with ½ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper – this will speed up your metabolism and make you focused aggressive. (this is one of the single most important steps)

Focus mainly on your stomach and lower body. Hit the legs hard (wear compression sleeves on your calves) work legs at least 3 times a week. 500 push-ups a day break them in sets of 50 if you must but get them in

Practice pressing. Cardio Cardio Cardio. Full court press. Pressure the ball the whole game until your legs give out

Only play ball with real players – fuck the dumb shit and couch potatoes and wannbe's…you want to improve your game...if you're running pick-ups at a public park or gym and no real ballers are present…then go to the gym and work out…don’t waste your time and possibly get hurt playing with scrubs. This is important because this is where you’re likely to learn the physical and mental toughness required to play with the “big boys”…

Become self-absorb ed. This step is also very important . Girls used to always tell me I was conceited …this will help you in the long run. (BTW it wasn’t conceit it was self-confidence) But you need this more than anything. You’ll have to learn when to hold em and when to fold em on this one.

Challenge your teammates and friends to a 1 on 1 game where there’s no scoring involved and / or no jump shots…just an exposition of you getting by your man and into the lane. This will help you develop mad handles…

During pick-up games focus intensely on moving without the ball…hard cuts to the basket and coming off of screens and double screens..just out cardio your opponent...like MMA fighting…

Practice defense only drills. In pick-up games you become the defensive enforcer of the man your guarding. Don’t call for the ball on the offensive end just let your man know your goal is to prevent him from passing by you…Let him shoot the jumper just don’t let him drive the lane.

Lastly find your sweet spot…This is my bread and butter advice right here…Find a spot on the court that is yours…not a spot within your range but a spot where the shot is automatic…I saw MJ do this a lot back in the day with his turn around J but I didn’t understand it until I saw Kobe perfect his own…A good example is last year when Kobe beat the Bucks he went to his sweet spot missed the shot…Got the ball again went back to his sweet spot which is the Corner – Top of the key on any side….and won the game.


Don’t mention it…:toast

Red Hawk #21
02-26-2011, 08:01 PM
Some good tips here tbh

02-26-2011, 08:15 PM
i'm sorry.. i dunno why but i was laughing before i even clicked the thread

02-27-2011, 12:59 AM
good tips, this is why im so good, truth be had

02-27-2011, 01:14 AM
On a personal note I once got my feelings kinda hurt once when my cousin took a young Kool to play a pick-up game with some of his homies…I was balling I thought... and getting mad props from the other team when my cousin told them I was good and all but that I just couldn’t handle pressure…those nikkas started pressing me and I fucked the game off…it was just that simple and was a hard lesson…:ihit

Now I’m going to do something that’s never been done before. If you’re truly interested in improving your game put aside what I’m sure is genuine hate for me and take Kool’s advice so that you can reach that other level and impress your fam, friends, and possibly girl in the stands watching you...:lmao… if you're a couch potato just looking for a fight and want to talk some shit...( you know who your are) then this post isn't for you...

Below is my 10-step program that if you follow will yield immediate results.
When you leave the court people will be asking your name, what school you played for and giving mad props…Trust Me…

The Program:

First empty your bladder then eat a power snack such as an apple just under 2 hrs before the game.

Next drink 1/75 cup of warm water mixed with ½ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper – this will speed up your metabolism and make you focused aggressive. (this is one of the single most important steps)

Focus mainly on your stomach and lower body. Hit the legs hard (wear compression sleeves on your calves) work legs at least 3 times a week. 500 push-ups a day break them in sets of 50 if you must but get them in

Practice pressing. Cardio Cardio Cardio. Full court press. Pressure the ball the whole game until your legs give out

Only play ball with real players – fuck the dumb shit and couch potatoes and wannbe's…you want to improve your game...if you're running pick-ups at a public park or gym and no real ballers are present…then go to the gym and work out…don’t waste your time and possibly get hurt playing with scrubs. This is important because this is where you’re likely to learn the physical and mental toughness required to play with the “big boys”…

Become self-absorb ed. This step is also very important . Girls used to always tell me I was conceited …this will help you in the long run. (BTW it wasn’t conceit it was self-confidence) But you need this more than anything. You’ll have to learn when to hold em and when to fold em on this one.

Challenge your teammates and friends to a 1 on 1 game where there’s no scoring involved and / or no jump shots…just an exposition of you getting by your man and into the lane. This will help you develop mad handles…

During pick-up games focus intensely on moving without the ball…hard cuts to the basket and coming off of screens and double screens..just out cardio your opponent...like MMA fighting…

Practice defense only drills. In pick-up games you become the defensive enforcer of the man your guarding. Don’t call for the ball on the offensive end just let your man know your goal is to prevent him from passing by you…Let him shoot the jumper just don’t let him drive the lane.

Lastly find your sweet spot…This is my bread and butter advice right here…Find a spot on the court that is yours…not a spot within your range but a spot where the shot is automatic…I saw MJ do this a lot back in the day with his turn around J but I didn’t understand it until I saw Kobe perfect his own…A good example is last year when Kobe beat the Bucks he went to his sweet spot missed the shot…Got the ball again went back to his sweet spot which is the Corner – Top of the key on any side….and won the game.


Don’t mention it…:toast

Some good stuff though im sure some foks will still hate ...

02-27-2011, 01:15 AM
The defensive stopper stuff that is me all day ...

02-27-2011, 01:20 AM
Next drink 1/75 cup of warm water mixed with ½ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

- 1/75 cup of water mean just a few drops?

- Do you recommend certain legs or abs exercises?

Thanks for the tips.

02-27-2011, 09:21 AM
Some good stuff though im sure some foks will still hate ...

Killa this is serious advice for the real ballers....I expect no hate on this one because truth be told there's nothing to hate...those with no game don't understand a gotdam thang about my advice...they realize if they hate this real playa advice they will be exposed as cats that just watch the game but never really seriously played it.....I posses the ultimate trump card this time...:lol

Kyle Orton
02-27-2011, 09:31 AM
Tbh, Kool is right about working your legs. The funniest basketball players are the gym rats who have swole upper bodies but a high center of gravity and weak lower body because they never work their legs out. If you actually have lower body strength it's easy to get position on them.

02-27-2011, 09:32 AM
Some good stuff though im sure some foks will still hate ...

Nah. I'm Kool's regulator on here, and I find nothing to hate.

Nice thread, Kool.

(notice I didn't call him AIDS)

02-27-2011, 09:48 AM
- 1/75 cup of water mean just a few drops?

- Do you recommend certain legs or abs exercises?

Thanks for the tips.

trollt thanks for the catch...expressed as a decimal as opposed to fraction it's .75 and as fraction it's 3/4

as for specific exercises i recommend you do 4 stations on your legs...start with the calves first you can donkey calves, standing, or sitting...either one...but work the calf in super sets...basically during a single set you will do 7 reps inner calf, 7 reps outer calf, and 7 reps normal calfs for a total of 21 reps within the single set...do this 8-10 times...

next lift 50% of your max ( if your max is 300lbs then lift 150lbs) on your quads 7-8 sets, hammy's 7-8 sets, and the squats to work your glutes...

most guys think working their glutes or ass is gay but it's not...it gives you power in your lower body and ladies dig a man with a nice ass...just ask Kori Ellis...:lol

your abs is the key to good health period!!!! and most important is your stomach...if it is flabby the rest your body will suffer...always finish any workout with abs...make it the last thing you do as the body will be in fat burning mode at the end of the workout this makes it easier to help burn fat in this area and tone...there's all kinds of ab workouts but I'll keep this simple....4 sets of ab crunches at 50% of your max do the first 4 at 25 reps each set and 2 sets at 75% max at 15 reps each and 1 final set maxed out with only 8 reps...but nothing helps a mid section like running...if you don't have the time to run and lift...I'd choose running for abs...it burns fat the fastest...you need to do a total of 3 hrs a week or 30 min/day running at a good pace...

this should get you...this some insight into my personal routine....:toast

02-27-2011, 09:53 AM
Nah. I'm Kool's under study on here, and I find nothing to hate.

Nice thread, Kool.

(notice I didn't call him AIDS)

fify...and thanks for the props...:toast

02-27-2011, 01:59 PM
Hell must be frozen over.

You have made a couple good threads Kool. Never knew you had it in you. Well done.


One thing I would change is to play against people who are BETTER than you are. I think it helps you learn faster.

Axe Murderer
02-27-2011, 02:02 PM
tbh, Kool actually has some good points.

I'll try the snack tip next time. I never quite figured out the best combination of what to eat and when to eat it before games

02-27-2011, 02:06 PM
Hell must be frozen over.

You have made a couple good threads Kool. Never knew you had it in you. Well done.


One thing I would change is to play against people who are BETTER than you are. I think it helps you learn faster.

thanks for the complimentary 'on tha house' cock suck....it felt great...:lmao

ok just fucking with ya...thanks for the compliment...:toast

02-27-2011, 02:10 PM
tbh, Kool actually has some good points.

I'll try the snack tip next time. I never quite figured out the best combination of what to eat and when to eat it before games

if your diet is good in general it should propel you through the game...if you're eating all kinds of fat and greasy foods but you're still slim because your metabolism is high...you're still missing from the benefits of a nutritious diet.

Eating apples, blueberries and yogurt...something light just less than 2hrs before the game (meaning at 1 hr 30 min before the game) should do it...but apples or a plum or even pineapple ...man u can't go wrong...

02-27-2011, 02:17 PM
son lemme add somethang 2:

- learn how 2 board properly, at least 60% shyte stuff comes on rebounds
- defend off da ball nigga. Deny ball will fuck yo enemy/opponent up.
- treat yo opponent lieak da enemy. Gang hiz azz outside da gym if necessary 2 show dat nigga who da bawss. Make a nayme 4 yoself nigg, when u go 2 gym niggas be scared of yo scowl like u mofoccin kobe bryant.
- learn cheapshots. Go 4 da ribs, 4 da eyes n 4 da ball5. It will make u efficient when yo legs are tired
- learn 2 biatch. Biatch wheneva possible. Niggas get bored of talkin n u get shyt 4 free.
- when u go 2 da game drop a bucket of water wit corn shampoo.. you'll look all sweaty n smell like a fuckin redneck n no nigga would be able 2 guard you.
- wear a glock as an accessory, it make dem niggas know u mean business on da block.

I could go on 4eva but i only share mo 4 playas dat want mentorin, like hakeem 2 kobe.

02-27-2011, 05:02 PM
son lemme add somethang 2:

- learn how 2 board properly, at least 60% shyte stuff comes on rebounds
- defend off da ball nigga. Deny ball will fuck yo enemy/opponent up.
- treat yo opponent lieak da enemy. Gang hiz azz outside da gym if necessary 2 show dat nigga who da bawss. Make a nayme 4 yoself nigg, when u go 2 gym niggas be scared of yo scowl like u mofoccin kobe bryant.
- learn cheapshots. Go 4 da ribs, 4 da eyes n 4 da ball5. It will make u efficient when yo legs are tired
- learn 2 biatch. Biatch wheneva possible. Niggas get bored of talkin n u get shyt 4 free.
- when u go 2 da game drop a bucket of water wit corn shampoo.. you'll look all sweaty n smell like a fuckin redneck n no nigga would be able 2 guard you.
- wear a glock as an accessory, it make dem niggas know u mean business on da block.

I could go on 4eva but i only share mo 4 playas dat want mentorin, like hakeem 2 kobe.

this is a sure fire way to get one to your dome in the parking lot after you leave the game....you're a nobody your opinion doesn't count...you don't exist..you're nothing but fat slimy smelly bastard with gravvy dripping out yo ass....:lol

01-23-2012, 06:06 PM
Kori when making your decision please remember all the good posts that I contributed to the site...they far out-weigh any thing perceived as negative...All the good times and totally unmatched valuable contributions...this post is but a large example...

01-23-2012, 06:09 PM
Kori when making your decision please remember all the good posts that I contributed to the site...they far out-weigh any thing perceived as negative...All the good times and totally unmatched valuable contributions...this post is but a large example...
Don't sweat it, we're going to the finals this year.

01-23-2012, 06:15 PM
If your going to copy Luva your name should be ClippaLuva not ClipperLuva...fucking prude...

01-23-2012, 06:31 PM
Kori when making your decision please remember all the good posts that I contributed to the site...they far out-weigh any thing perceived as negative...All the good times and totally unmatched valuable contributions...this post is but a large example...and Cully wants you to change your avata photo back to the one where the little girl is marching thru the playground. He does not like the current one...at all.


01-23-2012, 06:33 PM
I think Kori is going to show you her 1 step program that takes you to another level.

01-23-2012, 06:41 PM
I think Kori is going to show you her 1 step program that takes you to another level.

I would that DIMC baby :lol

01-23-2012, 07:05 PM
A basketball related, and not that terrible, post.

Mayans were right!

Koolaid_Man's Dad
01-23-2012, 07:57 PM
Boy, quitcha fibbing. You aint neva play no gotdamn basketball except on them video games I bought ya.

01-25-2012, 01:33 PM

lol did u swallow a balloon or something?

Koolaid_Man's Dad
01-25-2012, 01:42 PM

lol did u swallow a balloon or something?

You best bite your tongue bout my appearance or you gonna be digging a whole lot a yella toenails out your ass.