View Full Version : Girls: 13 ways to score free drinks

02-27-2011, 03:08 AM

The link is long b/c it's google's cached page. I think the author saw all the negative comments and deleted the article :P so here it is:

13 Ways to Score Free Drinks
Monday, February 14, 2011
By Carrie Franklin
Scoring free drinks is easier than you think. Give these fail- proof ways a try, and enjoy night after night of free drinking. Just remember, picking the right guy is crucial. You can't go for a guy who is there with his girlfriend. Pick a guy who is chilling near the bar. You can always count on “bros” because their frat bothers will usually be there cheering them on to get chicks.

1. Use intense eye contact. (The most obvious and most important) As soon as you walk in, start by making seductive eye contact with the bouncer to get started. The bouncers are friends with the bartenders, so this can help for next time. Sit by the bar, and look around until you make eye contact with a cute guy who catches your glance. Soon enough, he'll come over to you, and get you a drink.

2. Look hot, but innocent. You know the drill. Show off your best features in a sexy outfit and work your stuff. Sadly, batting your eyelashes and flipping your hair still works as well as it did when your Mom was in college. Don't forget the cleavage.

3. If a guy opens up a tab next to you and only orders one drink, casually say, “Isn't there a $10 minimum?”He knows he's going to have to spend the money anyways, so he might as well buy you a drink, and possibly get your number.

4. You're dancing with a guy on the dance floor and he has a drink in his hand. You say, “What are you drinking?" while casually taking the drink from his hands and taking a sip. Keep dancing and then walk away. He won't have the balls to ask for it back.

5. Go up to the bartender, point to some random guy, and say, "That guy over there spilled my drink.” Then give him puppy eyes and “remind” him of what drink you had. He's going to make you a new one.

6. Befriend an older man at the bar. Um, hello... old fashioned manners. He'll have to offer. And you will graciously accept.

7. You're sitting down and mingling with a friend, and a guy comes and talks to you. You smile, and say, “Aren’t you going to buy me a drink before you start hitting on me?” He will take this as flirting and will always agree.

8. If you have already flirted with the bartender, and he's already made you a drink, you can try this. After you've finished the drink and he's pouring a drink for someone else, flirtatiously tilt your glass and say, “You know where to put the extra.” If he doesn't do it right away, give him a few minutes and he will.

9. FLIRT. Never forget what using your mojo can get you. Talk to a guy for 5 minutes. It's surprising how little it takes. If he's looking for some action, he's going to ask you if you want a drink.

10. At midnight, when your buzz is getting low, order yourself a glass of water at the bar, while staring at a guy drinking next to you. Lean in, and wait for the guy to say, “Is that all you’re drinking? You'll say, “Yeah, but a vodka sprite sounds better.”He will orderit for you.

11. Tap a guy on the shoulder who is ordering a drink. Say “how about you order me a drink, and I’ll leave the tip?” He’s not going to make you leave the tip.

12. Pretend it's your birthday. If you're really going for it, wear a crown. You will probably get a drink “on the house” from the bartender or a guy you talk to will offer.

13. Sit down by the bar and take on a bet that you know you will win. After a few minutes of conversation, switch to the subject you want to bet on. Then you can make the bet. Winner buys the drink. Ask him a guy question that a “man” would think he knows the answer to like a question about the 1991 Super bowl. He's not going to know that you have planned the question. And you're talking to him, so he's not going to care.

It's not hard to get free drinks; guys just can't help themselves (the poor schmucks). Try these techniques, strut your stuff, and you'll be set. Don’t feel bad; they want to talk to you. And hey, maybe you’ll end up going for them.

More in:Arizona Free Drinks

Dim-witted, self-indulgent, self-centered karma-sucking whores like this author and the women she characterizes need to be sterilized immediately upon discovery lest their obviously defective genetic material be added to the burden we place upon the shoulders of future generations.

Portraying predatory, deceitful and manipulative practices as acceptable etiquette diminishes humanity as a whole, furthers negative stereotypes against women, and empowers men to continue treating women as vassals useful only for sexual intercourse and cooking.


Submitted by AllHAilGumby on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
Another fine example of Americas younger generation in action. You just sound like a bimbo with a serious drinking problem. Wear a crown and pretend It's your birthday? How old are you, 16?

Submitted by Drunken Bimbo (not verified) on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
I bet you're the same kind of girl who labels guys who don't give you what you want as "Douchebags".

Please remove yourself from the gene pool. Society doesn't need any more human waste such as yourself.

Submitted by Herp derp hurrr (not verified) on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
for degrading woman's status, you are doing a great favor to female population

Submitted by Steve-O (not verified) on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
Tucker would approve, you whining hypocrites.

Submitted by Anonymous and a half (not verified) on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
Wow! Is it really how American women are? I'm shocked. Seems like American men are the less fortunate.

Submitted by Fernando (not verified) on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
I've gotta agree with most of the comments. I despise you. It people like you that lower guys opinion of females in general. If i ever see you in a bar, I will happily buy you a drink, just to throw it in your face. You like straight vodka right?

Submitted by Disgusted Reader (not verified) on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
I had some faith in the opposite gender until I read this filth.

Carrie Franklin, I hope you are proud of yourself. From now on I will treat every woman I meet like the whore you describe in this article until she proves she is different.

How you sleep at night is beyond me.

Submitted by William (not verified) on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
Nice. Really classy.

Not only is this terribly written and formatted, but it's pretty much furthering the stereotype of women being manipulative and conniving, like Anonymous mentioned beforehand.

Instead of trying to get men to buy you drinks and then getting huffy when they (gasp!) expect something from you, perhaps you should look into getting a better day job so you can buy yourself drinks.

You think you're being cute, but you're ruining it for the rest of us.

Submitted by Alexandra (not verified) on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
Ugh, disgusting. Thanks for undermining all the efforts that real women make all over the world for respect and equality.

Submitted by Shiela2003 (not verified) on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.

02-27-2011, 03:36 AM
Dim-witted, self-indulgent, self-centered karma-sucking whores like this author and the women she characterizes need to be sterilized immediately upon discovery lest their obviously defective genetic material be added to the burden we place upon the shoulders of future generations.

Jeez, this guy really must like the article.