View Full Version : Why are asians so noisy?

Cry Havoc
03-14-2011, 11:08 AM
The impeccably timed rant of the month goes to:

http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2011/03/alexandra_wallace_ucla_girl_rant_asians_in_the_lib rary.php



4chan has grabbed this, local equal rights groups have reposted it, and Tosh.0 has already uploaded the video to his site.

03-14-2011, 11:16 AM
I see nothing wrong with this video except she has it wrong as to why their whole family lives in a one bedroom apartment. That's their culture to have their family live with them and they are not aware of a bigger place to live than a 1 bedroom apartment.

Everything else is correct and I'd like to add that once an Asian gets on the phone, they are never getting off of it. It's like they are just so happy to be speqaking with someone that speaks their own language, they talk just to talk.

03-14-2011, 11:19 AM
"You know what they don't also teach them? Is their manners. Which brings me to my next point: Hi. In America, we do not talk on our cell phones in the library! I swear, every five minutes I will be -- OK, not five minutes, say like, 15 minutes -- I'll be like deep into my studying, into my political-science theories and arguments and all that stuff, getting it all down, like typing away furiously, blah blah blah... and then all of a sudden, when I'm about to like, reach an epiphany -- over here from somewhere, 'OHHH! CHING CHONG LING LONG TING TONG? OHHH!'

"So being the polite nice American girl that my momma raised me to be, I kind of just gave him ... 'It's the library, like we're trying to study, thanks!' And then it's the same thing five minutes later. But it's somebody else, you know? I swear they're going through their whole families, just checking on everybody from the tsunami thing. ... Like, you seriously should go outside if you're going to do that."


03-14-2011, 11:22 AM
Wow. "Too soon" doesn't begin to cover this. (And, uh, from what we can remember of life at an Asian-heavy UC campus, the droves of Wallace clones were equally guilty of interrupting quiet time during finals week.)

I can vouch for that. Fuck, I had to give up studying at the student library in the latter part of my college career because of loud-mouth girls jabbering about their boyfriends on the phone. None of the offenders were asian, btw.

03-14-2011, 11:27 AM
:lmao @ "American manners" and "about to reach an epiphany"

The Gemini Method
03-14-2011, 11:27 AM
This is the inevitable causation of what happens when races that aren't Asian discover where the Library is...

03-14-2011, 11:28 AM
Asians are probably the most shy, well mannered race of all so I dont think this girl gets it...it's women, not asians that are noisy. College girls wont shut up, even their whispers are annoyingly loud.

03-14-2011, 11:29 AM
I like that early on she gives UCLA permission to accept Asian students.

Cry Havoc
03-14-2011, 11:33 AM
This is the inevitable causation of what happens when races that aren't Asian discover where the Library is...

Asians are probably the most shy, well mannered race of all

Both of these are my sentiments exactly. :lol

03-14-2011, 11:37 AM
I like that early on she gives UCLA permission to accept Asian students.

yeah like, she says its OK... so, yeah.

03-14-2011, 11:40 AM
are African-Americans very often noisy?

The Gemini Method
03-14-2011, 11:42 AM
The three or four times I used the library...2 of the times was to well, um, accomplish something on the side of cavalier college tradition so to speak...

03-14-2011, 11:43 AM
"Ching chong bang wong ting tong"

03-14-2011, 02:08 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, the frontrunner for the 2030 Alaskan Gubernatorial Election . . .

03-14-2011, 02:34 PM

03-14-2011, 02:48 PM
Those are pretty awesome tits.

Big mistake though to rant and post it on Youtube. That will never end well.

03-14-2011, 03:05 PM
maybe she meant southeast asians?

those mofos are loud as shit

The Gemini Method
03-14-2011, 03:28 PM
maybe she meant southeast asians?

those mofos are loud as shit

I take offense to that. I'm only loud when I say you number 2# ready! Pick up now...

03-14-2011, 03:49 PM
No only do most Asian's hate loud noise they compain to da prapa atoratees!


03-14-2011, 05:20 PM
But in all seriousness, those breasts on this chick are fucking spectacular. If I were Asian, I would try to hook up with her, and then tell her to punish me with those things. Is that sick? Am I sick person for thinking this? Then you know you are too because you secretly liked this idea, didn't you? You pervert, you disgust me.

The Gemini Method
03-14-2011, 05:27 PM
But in all seriousness, those breasts on this chick are fucking spectacular. If I were Asian, I would try to hook up with her, and then tell her to punish me with those things. Is that sick? Am I sick person for thinking this? Then you know you are too because you secretly liked this idea, didn't you? You pervert, you disgust me.


03-14-2011, 05:30 PM
I don't mean to offend anyone like my friends or anyone that i know but blondes shouldn't blog.

03-14-2011, 05:33 PM
But in all seriousness, those breasts on this chick are fucking spectacular. If I were Asian, I would try to hook up with her, and then tell her to punish me with those things. Is that sick? Am I sick person for thinking this? Then you know you are too because you secretly liked this idea, didn't you? You pervert, you disgust me.


03-14-2011, 05:33 PM
I don't mean to offend anyone like my friends or anyone that i know but blondes shouldn't blog.

No, this blonde should blog. She should blog all over my face.

The Gemini Method
03-14-2011, 05:50 PM
She has been reprimanded by UCLA...to which extent is unclear...however, she should just be sent to DMX and let him dole out a punishment that's both penetrating to her misguided self and stuff.

03-14-2011, 05:56 PM
I don't mean to offend anyone like my friends or anyone that i know but blondes shouldn't blog.

Do the drapes have to match the carpet?

03-14-2011, 06:01 PM
No, this blonde should blog. She should blog all over my face.


Good one!

You may have added to Carlie's catch phases.

"Blog my face!"


silverblk mystix
03-14-2011, 06:39 PM
I think the real issue here is that these UCLA white girls are pretty threatened with asian chix because asian chix are now more in demand by guys than these white girls...

and that fake blonde is pretty avg to be honest...fat arms, fat face,etc...

03-14-2011, 06:43 PM
I must say if you have ever seen a porno with an Asian chick they do kick it up a notch.
almost like over acting.

The Reckoning
03-14-2011, 07:32 PM
eh its not asians and loudness that iritates me, its that students who happen to know another language feel the need to SPEAK IT ALL THE TIME when they are around me, so i have no fucking idea whats going on. even the deaf girl in one of my classes signs to her friends and then they look at me and giggle.

they dont whisper it, they dont mix it with english, they full out throttle bar bar that shit nonstop. i consider it rude. i lived with several international students in high school, and one of my good korean friends said that his worst mistake in school was not speaking english 24/7 because thats what he came to the states to learn. he feels like he cheated himself out of the system.

idk, most of the time i feel like theyre talking shit. ive witnessed spanish, german, tagalog, redneck, korean, japanese, portuguese, jive, russian, mandarin, hindi, blonde talk and ASL all while riding the elevator just this past year. and they dont even adhere to standard elevator "shutthefuckup" protocol.

03-14-2011, 08:03 PM
eh its not asians and loudness that iritates me, its that students who happen to know another language feel the need to SPEAK IT ALL THE TIME when they are around me, so i have no fucking idea whats going on. even the deaf girl in one of my classes signs to her friends and then they look at me and giggle.

they dont whisper it, they dont mix it with english, they full out throttle bar bar that shit nonstop. i consider it rude. i lived with several international students in high school, and one of my good korean friends said that his worst mistake in school was not speaking english 24/7 because thats what he came to the states to learn. he feels like he cheated himself out of the system.

idk, most of the time i feel like theyre talking shit. ive witnessed spanish, german, tagalog, redneck, korean, japanese, portuguese, jive, russian, mandarin, hindi, blonde talk and ASL all while riding the elevator just this past year. and they dont even adhere to standard elevator "shutthefuckup" protocol.

Paranoid much?

The Reckoning
03-14-2011, 09:19 PM
Paranoid much?

yeah pretty much, which is why im still alive today

03-14-2011, 09:19 PM
eh its not asians and loudness that iritates me, its that students who happen to know another language feel the need to SPEAK IT ALL THE TIME when they are around me, so i have no fucking idea whats going on. even the deaf girl in one of my classes signs to her friends and then they look at me and giggle.

they dont whisper it, they dont mix it with english, they full out throttle bar bar that shit nonstop. i consider it rude. i lived with several international students in high school, and one of my good korean friends said that his worst mistake in school was not speaking english 24/7 because thats what he came to the states to learn. he feels like he cheated himself out of the system.

idk, most of the time i feel like theyre talking shit. ive witnessed spanish, german, tagalog, redneck, korean, japanese, portuguese, jive, russian, mandarin, hindi, blonde talk and ASL all while riding the elevator just this past year. and they dont even adhere to standard elevator "shutthefuckup" protocol.

Do you feel you are entitled to everyone's idea like you are a part of a committee that approves everything? ..or do you just want to eavesdrop on other people's business all the time?

The Reckoning
03-14-2011, 09:19 PM
Do you feel you are entitled to everyone's idea like you are a part of a committee that approves everything? ..or do you just want to eavesdrop on other people's business all the time?

yeah pretty much. this is a public forum, but youre not supposed to post in tagalog. if you communicate in public to where nobody else but your intended target can understand you, it seems sketchy.

unless, of course you or your target are only capable of communicating that way.

i can assure you if i were studying in a foreign country, i would try to absorb as much language and culture as possible.

to me, theyre either being sketchy or lazy. most likely lazy.

baseline bum
03-14-2011, 09:22 PM
Bitch needs to quit her whining and go down to the stacks if she wants quiet.

03-14-2011, 09:23 PM
Non-issue, in my opinion. I'm part asian myself, and the biggest thing I've noticed is that asians tend to aggregate. All cultures seem to do that. Haven't really noticed asians talking loudly or any of that however. Then again, I don't really go to a school with a ton of asians, though there is a sizable spanish-speaking community at my school. I've heard gripes from friends about them hanging out in the library and talking very loudly in spanish.

As for the girl, she is stressed out during finals week at a tough school and political science is a tough major from what I've heard.

As for her giving permission for the large acceptance rate of asians, it seemed more to me that she was just protecting herself, as she doesn't want this issue to be race-carded. People shouldn't be talking on their cell phones in the library, just like they shouldn't talk on their phones during a movie.

Also, can her school really hand out punishments for something she did unrelated to school? It wasn't a project or anything like that. She made a semi-controversial video about a common gripe during her free time.

03-14-2011, 10:20 PM
...it seemed more to me that she was just protecting herself, as she doesn't want this issue to be race-carded.

Really- from a girl who said ching chong ting tong!

03-14-2011, 10:25 PM
But in all seriousness, those breasts on this chick are fucking spectacular.

Have another look. She had another blog where she talked about some miraculous push-up bra, which she apparently was wearing in the vid.


03-14-2011, 11:23 PM
Really- from a girl who said ching chong ting tong!

That's what it sounded like to her, presumably. When I hear Vietnamese people speak in their native language for example, it literally sounds to me like they are shouting at each other in dog noises. My apologies to the people who speak it; that's just what it sounds like to the untrained ear.

03-14-2011, 11:25 PM
yeah pretty much. this is a public forum, but youre not supposed to post in tagalog. if you communicate in public to where nobody else but your intended target can understand you, it seems sketchy.

unless, of course you or your target are only capable of communicating that way.

i can assure you if i were studying in a foreign country, i would try to absorb as much language and culture as possible.

to me, theyre either being sketchy or lazy. most likely lazy.

It's not laziness. I call it a break. You dont even know how hard it is to think about how you should construct the sentence you are about to say making sure the grammar, diction and even the accent is correct. - Keep in mind I am speaking about Filipinos because unfortunately, we tend to be really brutal to each other when it comes to foreign languages. I dont know how anal the nationalities are about their speaking though.

An c'mon man, cant you just leave us this power of language so we can talk to each other about how you should wear a deodorant specially if you take the elevators everyday because you stink up the place.

The Reckoning
03-14-2011, 11:26 PM
im trying not to be offensive like saying you make dog noises to each other. i find it fascinating that people who speak foreign languages tend to not care about speaking in a situation that most english speakers would not (presumably because other english speakers know what theyre talking about).

practice makes perfect. if you learn to think in english all the time when in an english-dominated area, its much easier to make that quick transition to english when you need to. shit, i would love to have that opportunity to take on the challenge, but unfortunately im not from a bilingual family or had the resources available to me.

in alot of other countries, its usually polite to open up a convo in the regional language then ask if they know english. its like a gesture of cultural acceptance.

03-14-2011, 11:37 PM
Ah striking gently

03-14-2011, 11:49 PM
im trying not to be offensive like saying you make dog noises to each other. i find it fascinating that people who speak foreign languages tend to not care about speaking in a situation that most english speakers would not (presumably because other english speakers know what theyre talking about).

practice makes perfect. if you learn to think in english all the time when in an english-dominated area, its much easier to make that quick transition to english when you need to. shit, i would love to have that opportunity to take on the challenge, but unfortunately im not from a bilingual family or had the resources available to me.

in alot of other countries, its usually polite to open up a convo in the regional language then ask if they know english. its like a gesture of cultural acceptance.
If you lived in many places outside the U.S., it wouldn't be an issue...you would have the opportunity to realistically learn a foreign language. The problem with it here is they start teaching foreign languages in school way too late. Rarely do people actually continue learning a foreign language after their requirements are fulfilled, and even if they do continue, it's still much more difficult to perfect it and not speak with a terrible accent. Not even sure if I can call it an accent in most cases, just horrible and lazy pronunciation.

This is one thing I'd like to see change. I was lucky enough to learn 2 languages at the same time, and my cousins as well since in Argentina they had to. I'm still impressed with how good they can speak English even though they're never in real situations where they need it. Just a benefit of learning it in school at a very young age. If the U.S. doesn't do the same, it's just another way to keep people behind from their potential.

03-14-2011, 11:52 PM
Not much we can do anyway no matter how much we talk about it.
I guess if we/they will talk using their native language then they are fair game to be made fun of. Side who gets offended first and goes on a rage will be youtubed anyway and will be another thread here in the club.

03-14-2011, 11:54 PM
I agree with every point the reckoning has made, surprisingly.

This bitch in the elevator of the parking garage the other day was just screaming on the phone in spanish with total disregard to the others around her. She also had this damn "I don't give a fuck that I'm being loud" face on.. I might have just thought it was that face.. but I still wanted to tell her to STFU.

The Reckoning
03-14-2011, 11:59 PM
If you lived in many places outside the U.S., it wouldn't be an issue...you would have the opportunity to realistically learn a foreign language. The problem with it here is they start teaching foreign languages in school way too late. Rarely do people actually continue learning a foreign language after their requirements are fulfilled, and even if they do continue, it's still much more difficult to perfect it and not speak with a terrible accent. Not even sure if I can call it an accent in most cases, just horrible and lazy pronunciation.

yeah i started spanish my junior year of high school...that was wayyy too late. :pctoss

if i could go back, id learn spanish and an eastern language at a young age. turkish, mandarin, russian or japanese would have been cool. oh well...

03-14-2011, 11:59 PM
If you lived in many places outside the U.S., it wouldn't be an issue...you would have the opportunity to realistically learn a foreign language. The problem with it here is they start teaching foreign languages in school way too late. Rarely do people actually continue learning a foreign language after their requirements are fulfilled, and even if they do continue, it's still much more difficult to perfect it and not speak with a terrible accent. Not even sure if I can call it an accent in most cases, just horrible and lazy pronunciation.

This is one thing I'd like to see change. I was lucky enough to learn 2 languages at the same time, and my cousins as well since in Argentina they had to. I'm still impressed with how good they can speak English even though they're never in real situations where they need it. Just a benefit of learning it in school at a very young age. If the U.S. doesn't do the same, it's just another way to keep people behind from their potential.

We're at a HUGE geographic disadvantage when it comes to the rest of the world linguistically. In Europe you are neighbors with other countries that speak a variety of different languages. Here the majority of people haven't spoken any other language than English for generations.

People in Texas, Arizona, California, etc. are starting to pick up spanish because of an influx of mexicans in the south and that will happen more and more with time. But it just hasn't been of any use to learn anything other than english here because that's the only language most people speak.

My friends little nieces and nephews are already pretty damn good at spanish because they've been growing up with more people that speak the language. Schools (in my experience) have done just a horrific job at trying to teach students foreign languages.

03-15-2011, 12:01 AM
I agree with every point the reckoning has made, surprisingly.

This bitch in the elevator of the parking garage the other day was just screaming on the phone in spanish with total disregard to the others around her. She also had this damn "I don't give a fuck that I'm being loud" face on.. I might have just thought it was that face.. but I still wanted to tell her to STFU.

That doesn't have to do with shit....all kinds of lower class people act this way. You ever been to a walmart in a red neck area? I don't mean to pick on black people, but you never hear certain groups of black people being loud and obnoxious as fuck?

03-15-2011, 12:04 AM
That doesn't have to do with shit....all kinds of lower class people act this way. You ever been to a walmart in a red neck area? I don't mean to pick on black people, but you never hear certain groups of black people being loud and obnoxious as fuck?

It comes off even worse when it's in a language that's not understandable by anyone else. If you're unaware of what someone is saying, you're going to be curious as to what they're saying.

Lol "certain groups of black people"

03-15-2011, 12:04 AM
yeah i started spanish my junior year of high school...that was wayyy too late. :pctoss

if i could go back, id learn spanish and an eastern language at a young age. turkish, mandarin, russian or japanese would have been cool. oh well...

The age at which it'd be appropriate to start learning in order to actually become fluent is at an age where most kids would never be interested to do it on their own accord, or by choice. It has to be a requirement in school for it to work.

Would be cool if it could be implemented where the parents can decide on it...it may be too far to require all kids to learn a foreign language, but if the parents force them to do it at a public school, different story.

03-15-2011, 12:07 AM
We're at a HUGE geographic disadvantage when it comes to the rest of the world linguistically. In Europe you are neighbors with other countries that speak a variety of different languages. Here the majority of people haven't spoken any other language than English for generations.

People in Texas, Arizona, California, etc. are starting to pick up spanish because of an influx of mexicans in the south and that will happen more and more with time. But it just hasn't been of any use to learn anything other than english here because that's the only language most people speak.

My friends little nieces and nephews are already pretty damn good at spanish because they've been growing up with more people that speak the language. Schools (in my experience) have done just a horrific job at trying to teach students foreign languages.
How about South/Central America, where essentially only Spanish is spoken at large with the exception of Portuguese in Brazil? (not referring to Caribbean countries) Because all of my cousins can speak English pretty damn respectably, and they've all lived in Argentina their entire lives.

The Reckoning
03-15-2011, 12:09 AM
The age at which it'd be appropriate to start learning in order to actually become fluent is at an age where most kids would never be interested to do it on their own accord, or by choice. It has to be a requirement in school for it to work.

Would be cool if it could be implemented where the parents can decide on it...it may be too far to require all kids to learn a foreign language, but if the parents force them to do it at a public school, different story.

i tell my dad all the time i wish he wouldve enrolled me in foreign language courses at a young age, but he always says there was nothing available. i tell my brothers constantly about enrolling my nieces and nephews in foreign language courses. actually, i wouldve had a chance to learn spanish because our neighbor volunteered to teach me because she was from colombia...but then she moved :(. i really wanted to learn it so i could speak to her son in their language too.

young kids love to learn about stuff like that, believe it or not - especially when they can use it when playing with other kids.

its when they get into junior high that they dont give a damn.

03-15-2011, 12:12 AM
It comes off even worse when it's in a language that's not understandable by anyone else. If you're unaware of what someone is saying, you're going to be curious as to what they're saying.
Why? Just don't worry about it..ignorance is bliss.

If im in line at a store with my family with other people around and we're all speaking in Spanish, what's the problem? How's it much different from someone speaking on the phone...they're doing it in the language they're more comfortable in, perhaps the only language the person they're talking to can speak decently or period. I understand it can be annoying, but it also doesn't make much sense. They're probably not speaking about you at all, it doesn't even matter.

Lol "certain groups of black people"

Just felt as though I had to because I'm aware that I can come off as racist at times if people don't understand the context.

03-15-2011, 12:15 AM
i tell my dad all the time i wish he wouldve enrolled me in foreign language courses at a young age, but he always says there was nothing available. i tell my brothers constantly about enrolling my nieces and nephews in foreign language courses. actually, i wouldve had a chance to learn spanish because our neighbor volunteered to teach me because she was from colombia...but then she moved :(. i really wanted to learn it so i could speak to her son in their language too.

young kids love to learn about stuff like that, believe it or not - especially when they can use it when playing with other kids.

its when they get into junior high that they dont give a damn.

Perhaps you have a point, kids can be more willing to learn new crap like that but at the same time if they are faced with a choice:

Take this language course or classes, completely optional, or don't, either way, whatever is fine...I'm not sure most choose to learn a new language. I guess it all depends on many variables, where they live, how they were brought up, etc.

03-15-2011, 12:23 AM
How about South/Central America, where essentially only Spanish is spoken at large with the exception of Portuguese in Brazil? (not referring to Caribbean countries) Because all of my cousins can speak English pretty damn respectably, and they've all lived in Argentina their entire lives.

Right. But English is a focus there because it is the language of international business. It's almost a necessity. You have cousin's that can speak English, as you do and many more of your family members in Argentina do. For someone like me, not one person in my whole extended family speaks anything but English. This is the case with the majority of Americans. We just haven't had the need to learn another language because no one else does. However, like I said about Spanish, it's becoming used much more often and people are needing to learn it now. If you know Spanish here and need a job in retail, for instance, you're pretty much a shoe-in.

03-15-2011, 12:24 AM
The Reckoning:

If you truly want to learn a new language, I'm not so sure your window has passed. From experience posting here you seem like a bright dude and clearly you have strong interest, you'd be the type that would be dedicated and determined once you make this type of decision...I think it's worth a shot.

English, as I'm sure you're aware, is a pretty damn complex language with all of its irregular and special cases. Spanish might be the type of language you could be able to pick up with the proper amount of time and practice. What year are you in college? Once you have a job and your schedule becomes more fixed, you might be able to fit in regular learning time in the evenings, and it might not be the most desirable thing but it could work. I say go for it.

I've pretty much decided I'm going to try to learn at least another language, either Italian or Portuguese most likely, since they're similar to Spanish and they'd be relatively easy to pick up. I took 5 years total of French, but I simply have little desire to continue with it despite it being another Romanic language. I simply dislike the language. It's a tough decision because I'd already have a nice head start, still remember a decent amount and it would come back easily probably. And it has way more applicability, since French is spoken way more around the world than Portuguese and Italian...but I simply don't enjoy it.

03-15-2011, 12:27 AM
Why? Just don't worry about it..ignorance is bliss.

If im in line at a store with my family with other people around and we're all speaking in Spanish, what's the problem? How's it much different from someone speaking on the phone...they're doing it in the language they're more comfortable in, perhaps the only language the person they're talking to can speak decently or period. I understand it can be annoying, but it also doesn't make much sense. They're probably not speaking about you at all, it doesn't even matter.

I guess I'd say that it's not so much that she's speaking another language as it is that she's SCREAMING on the phone in another language. Sure, it pisses me off that I don't know WTF she's saying but the fact that I'm losing my hearing over it makes it even more frustrating.

Wait until you're at your damn car to talk. It's common decency here, at least.

As the reckoning implied earlier - be aware of the culture and try to respect it as much as possible. If I'm in another person's house that's foreign I'll try to learn what their cultures hold in high regard and conform to that out of respect. My exes family were all migrants from Poland so I made sure I didn't do anything that was disrespectful to their culture, especially at their house, because that's the polite way to act.

The Reckoning
03-15-2011, 12:28 AM
If im in line at a store with my family with other people around and we're all speaking in Spanish, what's the problem? How's it much different from someone speaking on the phone...they're doing it in the language they're more comfortable in, perhaps the only language the person they're talking to can speak decently or period.

see i knew this point would be brought up, which is why i addressed it earlier. however, i feel like it's a completely different situation in an academic context. if youre at a university in the US to take courses in English, shouldnt it make sense to practice it while youre outside of class?

all the examples i use are primarily college settings - the elevators in the dorm, classrooms, parties (that pisses me off the most because its a purposely drawn language and social barrier), computer labs, in that dumb bitch's example the library. they obviously know english if they are studying at the university, so they should practice it all they can. or else, theyll regret it when their education is finished.

i dont care if its a family matter or someone isnt able to communicate efficiently in english. i also dont care about a private setting. it's a country of free speech, and there is no official language.

however, in a context like academia that embraces the idea of free flowing information and social interaction, it's impractical.

03-15-2011, 12:29 AM
Right. But English is a focus there because it is the language of international business. It's almost a necessity. You have cousin's that can speak English, as you do and many more of your family members in Argentina do. For someone like me, not one person in my whole extended family speaks anything but English. This is the case with the majority of Americans. We just haven't had the need to learn another language because no one else does. However, like I said about Spanish, it's becoming used much more often and people are needing to learn it now. If you know Spanish here and need a job in retail, for instance, you're pretty much a shoe-in.


The U.S. however should change, as you seem to acknowledge. I'm afraid if certain things don't change, we'll never reach the same standard of living as a country that was at its peak. Maybe it wouldn't have much effect in standard of living, I haven't given it much thought, but there's still ways in which this country limits its potential. With so many years of dominating the globe in all areas, people naturally become complacent.

03-15-2011, 12:36 AM
see i knew this point would be brought up, which is why i addressed it earlier. however, i feel like it's a completely different situation in an academic context. if youre at a university in the US to take courses in English, shouldnt it make sense to practice it while youre outside of class?

all the examples i use are primarily college settings - the elevators in the dorm, classrooms, parties (that pisses me off the most because its a purposely drawn language and social barrier), computer labs, in that dumb bitch's example the library. they obviously know english if they are studying at the university, so they should practice it all they can. or else, theyll regret it when their education is finished.

i dont give a damn if its a family matter or someone isnt able to communicate efficiently in english. i also dont care about a private setting. it's a country of free speech, and there is no official language. however, in a context that embraces the idea of free flowing information and social interaction, it's insulting and impractical.
OK, well strictly in this sense I definitely agree and see your point. DEFINITELY applies at my school...it's largely white, the asians stick with the asians, blacks (essentially the athletes, lol) stick with the blacks, and that's just how it is.

I think some of it is a lot of these foreign students come from such rich families that they do not give a fuck. Doesn't apply to all, but a lot of them have the rich prick mentality and think all is well, spend daddy's money, my life will be fine. I had 2 rich suitemates my freshman year, one from Turkey who only hung out with Turkish kids, one from India who only hung/still hangs with Indian kids...it's just stupid. I'm not necessarily calling them dumb because they were both very good at English and had learned their whole life. I don't know...I'm rambling at this point and losing focus.

Maybe the Asian students who aren't very good at English are more timid by nature? I often have a decent amount of Chinese students in my business classes, and they all seem very shy, not only with speaking but also in body language.

03-15-2011, 12:37 AM
all the examples i use are primarily college settings - the elevators in the dorm, classrooms, parties (that pisses me off the most because its a purposely drawn language and social barrier), computer labs, in that dumb bitch's example the library.

I should've said this as well in that I'm thinking of a college setting (mostly) as well.


The U.S. however should change, as you seem to acknowledge. I'm afraid if certain things don't change, we'll never reach the same standard of living as a country that was at its peak. Maybe it wouldn't have much effect in standard of living, I haven't given it much thought, but there's still ways in which this country limits its potential. With so many years of dominating the globe in all areas, people naturally become complacent.

Of course, and we will change. It's going to be rough for the first couple generations because of natural resistance to any type of change. English speakers are going to be pissed with Spanish coming into play for a variety of reasons. Not just because of the "damn mexicans" aspect, but of the economic impact it could have on them (not knowing spanish could = losing their job) and the social aspect of it. There are a variety of reasons that the integration of Spanish in America will face resistance but eventually it's just going to have be accepted. Hell, the assumption is that the whites are the ones most upset with Spanish, but it seems like the Mexicans I know get more pissed about it than I do.

The Reckoning
03-15-2011, 12:40 AM
The Reckoning:

If you truly want to learn a new language, I'm not so sure your window has passed. From experience posting here you seem like a bright dude and clearly you have strong interest, you'd be the type that would be dedicated and determined once you make this type of decision...I think it's worth a shot.

English, as I'm sure you're aware, is a pretty damn complex language with all of its irregular and special cases. Spanish might be the type of language you could be able to pick up with the proper amount of time and practice. What year are you in college? Once you have a job and your schedule becomes more fixed, you might be able to fit in regular learning time in the evenings, and it might not be the most desirable thing but it could work. I say go for it.

I've pretty much decided I'm going to try to learn at least another language, either Italian or Portuguese most likely, since they're similar to Spanish and they'd be relatively easy to pick up. I took 5 years total of French, but I simply have little desire to continue with it despite it being another Romanic language. I simply dislike the language. It's a tough decision because I'd already have a nice head start, still remember a decent amount and it would come back easily probably. And it has way more applicability, since French is spoken way more around the world than Portuguese and Italian...but I simply don't enjoy it.

actually im traveling to portugal this summer for study abroad and doing work study. if they like me over there, i might start looking into portuguese, which i have no problem with, but it does have a shitload of accent marks. italian is pretty much the spanish language's twin.

i graduate next may, and ill probably go on to grad school (applying to A&M, surprise surprise). in grad school ill most likely have more resources to learn another language and chances for language application. ill probably choose whatever is most in line with my research interests. it sucks, though, because itll be difficult to shake my english stream of consciousness.

and like i said earlier about my korean friend, he's at a university in the US right now and his english has actually gotten worse. its because he only hangs out in a korean community, and he told me he's barely spoken english at all. his personality has dulled in the process...he cant crack funny ass jokes on the spot anymore because he cant think as quickly in english.

03-15-2011, 12:51 AM
actually im traveling to portugal this summer for study abroad and doing work study. if they like me over there, i might start looking into portuguese, which i have no problem with, but it does have a shitload of accent marks. italian is pretty much the spanish language's twin.

i graduate next may, and ill probably go on to grad school (applying to A&M, surprise surprise). in grad school ill most likely have more resources to learn another language and chances for language application. ill probably choose whatever is most in line with my research interests. it sucks, though, because itll be difficult to shake my english stream of consciousness.
That's awesome, are you gonna be in Lisbon? I've heard Portugal is a sweet place.

You say Italian is pretty much Spanish's twin, but I consider Portuguese to be right there. In fact, I've heard Portuguese soccer players speak in interviews and I could actually understand a surprising amount. I've been more into foreign films lately, and when I listen to Italian, I often have a harder time putting together the phrases on the spot. A lot of single words sound similar, but I think the three languages are pretty damn similar.

Italian will probably be the language I decide to attempt to learn, simply because I like the way it sounds. And maybe because nearly half of my ancestry can be traced to Italy, a couple cousins have dual citizenship with Italy, etc. I just wish it had more applicability :lol

BTW, what are you going to grad school for? I also graduate next may.

03-15-2011, 12:53 AM
i graduate next may, and ill probably go on to grad school (applying to A&M, surprise surprise)

Haha. Thanks and gig 'em, right?

What are you going to study?

03-15-2011, 12:56 AM
Sarah Palin has issued a response via Twitter:

@Alexandra Wallace: "You've got a point."

The Reckoning
03-15-2011, 01:03 AM
to me italian is exactly like spanish but with a longer drawl on pronunciation.

ill shoot yall a pm saying what im really studying :lol

pftt, hook 'em all the way. ill be wearing my ring proudly through grad school. im planning to go to 4th street and dunk my ring in a bigass glass of absinthe. taking the t-sip to the max.

The Reckoning
03-15-2011, 01:37 AM
That's awesome, are you gonna be in Lisbon? I've heard Portugal is a sweet place.

ill be near Porto for a month and Lisbon for a few weeks after that.

i want to make most out of my time in Europe, but i have no idea what to do outside of Portugal - especially since im traveling alone.

Harlem Preach
03-15-2011, 01:41 AM
looks like the death threats are in. she cant even take her finals:

http://www.dailybruin.com/index.php/article/2011/03/ucla_student039s_youtube_video_039asians_in_the_li brary039_prompts_death_threats_violent_responses_c

03-15-2011, 01:50 AM
looks like the death threats are in. she cant even take her finals:

http://www.dailybruin.com/index.php/article/2011/03/ucla_student039s_youtube_video_039asians_in_the_li brary039_prompts_death_threats_violent_responses_c


I wonder what % of death threats actually occur.

.000000000000000000000000000000000000001%? Maybe?

pftt, hook 'em all the way. ill be wearing my ring proudly through grad school. im planning to go to 4th street and dunk my ring in a bigass glass of absinthe. taking the t-sip to the max.

That sounds terrible.

The Reckoning
03-15-2011, 02:02 AM
That sounds terrible.

like chugging a pitcher of bud light?

03-15-2011, 02:30 AM
Once you get your credentials, you can drink whatever the heck you want!

03-15-2011, 03:09 AM
So asian gangs put a hit out on her now? People are overly sensitive.
"ooohh ching chong ling long ting tong"
translation: "oh im in the library, cant talk, bye"

Cry Havoc
03-15-2011, 11:58 AM





03-15-2011, 12:02 PM
I like that early on she gives UCLA permission to accept Asian students.

A correction: not just Asian students, but HORDES of Asian students. They must be charging over the hills on horseback, swords-a-swinging.

The Gemini Method
03-15-2011, 12:03 PM
A correction: not just Asian students, but HORDES of Asian students. They must be charging over the hills on horseback, swords-a-swinging.

Genghis and Kublai Kahn would've been proud of such a moment. Though, I'm sure they'd rather of been Trojans and not Bruins...

Cry Havoc
03-15-2011, 12:04 PM
So wait a second....

In the video, third-year political science student Alexandra Wallace


The fuck.

The Gemini Method
03-15-2011, 12:10 PM
She's in the right discipline tbh...

03-15-2011, 12:37 PM
She's in the right discipline tbh...

:tu :tu :tu

right on par to join the force of retards that run this nation

Oh, Gee!!
03-15-2011, 12:56 PM
I couldn't sit through more than a couple of minutes. I really hate the way, like, um, young people, like, talk and, like, stuff.

03-15-2011, 01:40 PM
^Heh heh. People my age do say 'like' a lot.

Ed Helicopter Jones
03-15-2011, 01:57 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, the frontrunner for the 2030 Alaskan Gubernatorial Election . . .


Ed Helicopter Jones
03-15-2011, 01:58 PM
This is the inevitable causation of what happens when races that aren't Asian discover where the Library is...

:lol :lol

This thread is full of winners.

03-15-2011, 02:04 PM
I couldn't sit through more than a couple of minutes. I really hate the way, like, um, young people, like, talk and, like, stuff.
young dumb sluts tbqfh

03-15-2011, 02:06 PM
^Heh heh. People my age do say 'like' a lot.

I dunnoooo, I just feel like ..so and so .. and like, I dunnooo I can't really explain it but I just feel like, ya knoe, like I feel like this .....etc.

I can't even count how many times I hear stupid bitches answer one question with 5+ "I feel like"s.

03-16-2011, 11:20 AM


The Gemini Method
03-16-2011, 11:21 AM
tsunami...alexandra, its not sushi lol

03-16-2011, 12:45 PM


That was actually pretty darn awesome.

03-16-2011, 04:45 PM
always gotta be a blonde..

03-16-2011, 06:59 PM

The Asians responses to this are full of WIN.

03-16-2011, 07:18 PM
always gotta be a blonde..

Lol stereotyping while butt hurt about stereotypes.

03-16-2011, 11:58 PM

03-17-2011, 01:13 AM
lol @ the parody...great asian jugs BTW

lol @ hitler pic in the background, didn't notice right away

The Franchise
03-17-2011, 02:39 AM
The impeccably timed rant of the month goes to:

http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2011/03/alexandra_wallace_ucla_girl_rant_asians_in_the_lib rary.php



4chan has grabbed this, local equal rights groups have reposted it, and Tosh.0 has already uploaded the video to his site.

Dumb white bitch. :(

03-19-2011, 12:35 AM

Morons need to stop hating on Alexandra. She delivers the nail on the head time and time again in her short video though you quivering assholes may be afraid to admit it. The bottom line is that Asians DO act like that and the communist-based politically correct police jumping on her head like that for being right has to signify somewhere just how ****ed up and backwards society is today.

And to the retards that say, well, if freedom of speech is protected under the 1st amendemnt, then all the death threats she has been receiving are too? Ha! I've got news for them, death threats ARE against the law. And it's absolutely barbaric, and Jihadist Muslim-esque to threaten to kill someone for speaking their mind (and the truth!). I really hope Alexandra is spared from punishment as the school wakes up and realizes it's in ****ing America where freedom of speech is one of the chief principles of our free society. **** political correctness, environmentalist radicals, socialists, communists, and all the like. All radicals that are as backward as the Jihadists.

On a side note, Alexandra's beautiful, seriously. I could only dream to have someone awesome like that who has the ultimate courage to speak her mind in the face of radical political correctness as a girlfriend, or life partner. Be safe, and you go, you true American girl you!

03-19-2011, 01:03 AM
You dont get it. Everyone is secretly racist.
It's just that she has to be the one to speak up about it. A "dumb" blonde with big tits and bleach colored hair. - A stereotype stereotyping other races.
I know its unfair. Blacks, browns, yellows can talk shit about whites but when whites do it, everyone cries foul.

Neal with it!

03-19-2011, 04:19 AM

Morons need to stop hating on Alexandra. She delivers the nail on the head time and time again in her short video though you quivering assholes may be afraid to admit it. The bottom line is that Asians DO act like that and the communist-based politically correct police jumping on her head like that for being right has to signify somewhere just how ****ed up and backwards society is today.

And to the retards that say, well, if freedom of speech is protected under the 1st amendemnt, then all the death threats she has been receiving are too? Ha! I've got news for them, death threats ARE against the law. And it's absolutely barbaric, and Jihadist Muslim-esque to threaten to kill someone for speaking their mind (and the truth!). I really hope Alexandra is spared from punishment as the school wakes up and realizes it's in ****ing America where freedom of speech is one of the chief principles of our free society. **** political correctness, environmentalist radicals, socialists, communists, and all the like. All radicals that are as backward as the Jihadists.

On a side note, Alexandra's beautiful, seriously. I could only dream to have someone awesome like that who has the ultimate courage to speak her mind in the face of radical political correctness as a girlfriend, or life partner. Be safe, and you go, you true American girl you!

In addition to death threats, apparently she is also getting marriage proposals.

Cry Havoc
03-19-2011, 11:59 AM

Morons need to stop hating on Alexandra. She delivers the nail on the head time and time again in her short video though you quivering assholes may be afraid to admit it. The bottom line is that Asians DO act like that and the communist-based politically correct police jumping on her head like that for being right has to signify somewhere just how ****ed up and backwards society is today.

And to the retards that say, well, if freedom of speech is protected under the 1st amendemnt, then all the death threats she has been receiving are too? Ha! I've got news for them, death threats ARE against the law. And it's absolutely barbaric, and Jihadist Muslim-esque to threaten to kill someone for speaking their mind (and the truth!). I really hope Alexandra is spared from punishment as the school wakes up and realizes it's in ****ing America where freedom of speech is one of the chief principles of our free society. **** political correctness, environmentalist radicals, socialists, communists, and all the like. All radicals that are as backward as the Jihadists.

On a side note, Alexandra's beautiful, seriously. I could only dream to have someone awesome like that who has the ultimate courage to speak her mind in the face of radical political correctness as a girlfriend, or life partner. Be safe, and you go, you true American girl you!


Rock your colors, Guitardude.

Cry Havoc
03-19-2011, 12:00 PM
Side note: Is it still considering Godwinning a thread when one of the individuals in said thread is actually a white supremacist?

03-19-2011, 12:22 PM
I don't know, but I DO knowJay_shs is a stupid fucking troll.

03-19-2011, 02:01 PM
Dumb blonde said she will no longer attend classes at UCLA. Future down the drain over what she thought would be a "humorous" youtube video. GG blondie.

Cry Havoc
03-19-2011, 03:16 PM
Dumb blonde said she will no longer attend classes at UCLA. Future down the drain over what she thought would be a "humorous" youtube video. GG blondie.

Can you imagine being Japanese and sitting in a class next to her after what she said about the tsunami? Yikes.

03-19-2011, 03:21 PM
Free speech is protected in that the government will not arrest you for what you said, but there are consequences that you must be ready to face.

03-19-2011, 11:54 PM
That she is leaving UCLA is on the front page of the N.Y. Times, and at a time when we're bombing Libya and Japan is having a nuclear meltdown. I'm happy to say America and its media still has its priorities in order. :)