View Full Version : TNB: Adrian Peterson "NFL owners bees like slave mastas an sheeit"

Cuckolded Sissy
03-15-2011, 04:05 PM

Just when you thought the rancor between the NFL and players had peaked, along comes Adrian Peterson.
In a wide-ranging interview with Yahoo! Sports (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Adrian-Peterson-gives-readers-a-8220-Double-Ta?urn=nfl-wp206), the star Minnesota Vikings running back compared the league's labor situation to slavery.
"It's modern-day slavery, you know?" Peterson said. "People kind of laugh at that, but there are people working at regular jobs who get treated the same way, too. With all the money ... the owners are trying to get a different percentage, and bring in more money."
Peterson's remarks were later removed from the Yahoo! Sports post. The interviewer, Doug Farrar, said he believed that Peterson did not literally mean to compare the NFL's contentious labor dispute with the institution of slavery.
"I want to give him the opportunity to provide context as opposed to just running with it," Farrar tweeted (http://twitter.com/FO_DougFarrar/status/47716919553429504).
At least one NFL player took issue with Peterson's analogy. Ryan Grant of the Packers tweeted that he "totally" disagreed (http://espn.go.com/blog/nfcnorth/post/_/id/25253/ryan-grant-totally-disagree-with-peterson) with the comments, adding that there is "actually still slavery existing in our world.. Literal modern day slavery.. That was a very misinformed statement."
"But I understand what point he was trying to make," Grant tweeted. "I just feel like he should have been advised a little differently."
It's worth noting Peterson was interviewed just 15 minutes after the union filed papers to decertify so emotions were running high - and words were coming out unfiltered. In fact, when discussing the hot-button topic, the player seemed to realize he should push the self-edit button mid-sentence:
"All some people see is, 'Oh, we're not going to be around football.' But how the players look at it ... the players are getting robbed. They are. The owners are making so much money off of us to begin with. I don't know that I want to quote myself on that..."

jack sommerset
03-15-2011, 05:54 PM
Slavery! You have to be fucking kidding me. Fuck all of them.

Kyle Orton
03-15-2011, 06:03 PM
The owners are acting an ass but so is any player who thinks getting millions = slavery.

Mr. Peabody
03-15-2011, 08:07 PM
Hasn't he made enough to walk away from his job at anytime and never have to work again? How exactly is that slavery?

03-15-2011, 08:29 PM
What do you expect...he's from Palestine. I have family there and they are idiots too.

03-15-2011, 08:38 PM
People making this comparison need to better understand what they are implying.

I understand that they don't like being treated like a number, or property. I understand that they feel like the fruits of their labor benefit the owners more than themselves. However, that's not any different than every other working stiff on earth who toil away at a job that pays them mere percentage points at what the collective earns the bosses.

Twist this and the attempt to get the rookie's to boycott the draft, the Players/Player's Association is really shooting itself in the foot.

All they need to say over and over and over is "Billionaires locking everyone out to get more Billions" and "Make money on the backs of players they'll one day stab in the back through lack of post-playing-career health coverage".

Paint the owners as the greedy, uncaring pricks that they are, not the hyperbole they are not.

03-15-2011, 10:05 PM
If getting paid millions of dollars to play a game 4 months out of the year is slavery, then I want to be a slave.

Dr. Gonzo
03-15-2011, 11:26 PM
I lost all respect for this prick. I hope he blows a fucking knee out and ends up like Earl Campbell.

03-16-2011, 05:43 AM
I'm already tired of watching millionaires squabble with billionaires. I really don't care too much if there's a lockout. CFB will still be on Saturdays

03-16-2011, 02:25 PM
Thanks Adrian, we've got the Patrick Ewing soundbite for this sports labor dispute now.

03-16-2011, 04:18 PM
The owners are acting an ass but so is any player who thinks getting millions = slavery.

If millions is slavery to them, where can a nigga like me sign up? I'll be a good field nigga boss!

03-17-2011, 09:39 PM
Unless you're running through the woods with harriot tubman leading you through the underground railroad to safety, you're not a slave.

unless the white slave master is chasing you through some empty field in alabama with dogs, you're not a slave.

unless you're being tied to a tree and whipped have to death and left with horrific scares for life, you're not a slave.

when you go to a resturant and if you don't see a sign that reads " no negros will be served here" then no ones being a racist.

when you get on your city bus and no one tells you to directly to the back, then no ones being a racist.

if you're not told to go use the colored drinking fountain, then no ones being a racist.

what i've come to realize, is no matter how hard " the white devil " tries to correct what our forefathers did, some of fucktards will never let go or move on. As long as their are white apologists you will never overcome. the truth, is i don't think many of you really want to.

here are some things you all can do to " over come.''

1. stop calling each other naggas. It's demeaning and don't tell me i don't understand. it makes you sound like a stupid ass nigga.

2.stop joining gangs and selling drugs on the street corner.

3. stop treating bitches like hoes and hoes like bitches.

4. the white devil isn't out to get you anymore.

it's not hard to be a black man in america anymore, it's hard to be a man plain and simple. Get your head out of your asses, it's 2011 not 1860.
what some of you need to think about also is how many white devils faught to free slavery also. abraham lincoln who was killed because he wanted to end slavery. i guess he was just another white devil.

i think whats really going on is that, it's all you people have got left to fall back on.

03-18-2011, 08:34 AM
Unless you're running through the woods with harriot tubman leading you through the underground railroad to safety, you're not a slave.

unless the white slave master is chasing you through some empty field in alabama with dogs, you're not a slave.

unless you're being tied to a tree and whipped have to death and left with horrific scares for life, you're not a slave.

when you go to a resturant and if you don't see a sign that reads " no negros will be served here" then no ones being a racist.

when you get on your city bus and no one tells you to directly to the back, then no ones being a racist.

if you're not told to go use the colored drinking fountain, then no ones being a racist.

what i've come to realize, is no matter how hard " the white devil " tries to correct what our forefathers did, some of fucktards will never let go or move on. As long as their are white apologists you will never overcome. the truth, is i don't think many of you really want to.

here are some things you all can do to " over come.''

1. stop calling each other naggas. It's demeaning and don't tell me i don't understand. it makes you sound like a stupid ass nigga.

2.stop joining gangs and selling drugs on the street corner.

3. stop treating bitches like hoes and hoes like bitches.

4. the white devil isn't out to get you anymore.

it's not hard to be a black man in america anymore, it's hard to be a man plain and simple. Get your head out of your asses, it's 2011 not 1860.
what some of you need to think about also is how many white devils faught to free slavery also. abraham lincoln who was killed because he wanted to end slavery. i guess he was just another white devil.

i think whats really going on is that, it's all you people have got left to fall back on.

Not every black sells dope or joins gangs. Not only black men treat women like shit either. You make a good points nut sound like your stereotyping while your at it. The word nigga is just another word to some of us.(if one knows the real meaning) You think its demeaning because of the way you feel when you hear it. I drive a city bus, so yes we have come along way. No I don't have to sit in the very back, I got the first seat an the most important seat. Yes I Hung with a gang but never joined one. I drink, but its in the privacy of my home with my old lady. My line of work I hear whites, blacks, Mexicans, & all other races call themselves nigga.
1. If you've never been walking by an someone just lock their door cuz you walked by, No you don't understand!
If you've never been pulled over by a police after they seen who you was but you wasn't doin snug wrong, No you don't understand!
3. If you've never walked in the store an all eyes or on you like a hawk as you shop, on after you walk in an you get ignored as if you was invisible, then No you don't understand.
I can go on & on but why!?! My point is we're(blacks) not all the same, everyone uses the word "nigga", & as a person of a different race then black, you have no clue of what its like. Nor the I have a clue what's its like to be you race. We all bleed red, an we all gone die one day & answer to the same god.

03-18-2011, 04:48 PM

Just when you thought the rancor between the NFL and players had peaked, along comes Adrian Peterson.


03-18-2011, 10:12 PM
what do you mean "you people"?
