View Full Version : Apple 'gay-cure' app severely slapped

03-19-2011, 07:01 PM
Apple 'gay-cure' app severely slapped (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/03/18/apple_christian_conundrum/)
By Jane Fae Ozimek

Apple is today accused of anti-gay discrimination, following the release of an iPhone app that aims to help people find “freedom from homosexuality”.

A petition has been launched by Truth Wins Out, which describes itself as a non-profit organisation that fights anti-gay religious extremism on the change.org website, asking Steve Jobs to intervene to remove the app. The app is the work of the Exodus International ministry.

In a letter which those supporting their petition sign up to receive, they write: "Apple has long been a friend of the LGBT community, opposing California's Proposition 8, removing the anti-gay Manhattan Declaration iPhone app, and earning a 100% score from the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index.

"I am shocked that this same company has given the green light to an app from a notoriously anti-gay organization like Exodus International that uses scare tactics, misinformation, stereotypes and distortions of LGBT life to recruit clients, endorses the use of so-called 'reparative therapy' to 'change' the sexual orientation of their clients."

According to TWO, "reparative therapy" has been roundly condemned by every major professional medical organisation. The petition launched last week and has already attracted some 17,000 signatures: however, as word of the app spreads, the rate at which individuals are signing up appears to be snowballing.

Exodus International claims to be "the world’s largest ministry to individuals and families impacted by homosexuality". On its site, Exodus states that it "upholds heterosexuality as God’s creative intent for humanity, and subsequently views homosexual expression as outside of God’s will".

Their new smartphone app was released last week and is "now available through iTunes". According to Exodus, this app has received a 4+ rating from Apple and "applications in this category contain no objectionable material". They conclude: "This application is designed to be a useful resource for men, women, parents, students, and ministry leaders."

TWO are unimpressed. Describing the app as "unacceptable", and requesting its immediate removal, they warn Apple: "Your company would never allow a racist or anti-Semitic app to be sold in the iTunes store, and for good reason. Apple's approval of the anti-gay Exodus International app represents a double standard for the LGBT community with potentially devastating consequences for our youth."

We have asked Apple whether it intends to take any action in respect of this app, but so far have received no response.

Unfortunately for Apple, it may shortly have to chose between offending its Christian base and its gay base. Both have significant spending power, and we suspect this is an issue it would rather just went away.

However, when faced with a similar issue last November, after an app was created around the Manhattan Declaration which is hostile to gay marriage, Apple came down on the side of gay rights and removed the app.

Wild Cobra
03-19-2011, 07:36 PM
Damn authoritarians.

Is anyone being forced to use this app?

Why are they attempting to keep it from those who might want it?

03-19-2011, 08:01 PM
Petitioning a company about a controversial product is authoritarianism, how?

Wild Cobra
03-19-2011, 08:03 PM
Petitioning a company about a controversial product is authoritarianism, how?

Controversial... So what?

Their attitude certainly is authoritarian. They are attempting to put a halt to a product they don't approve of. They are attempting to deny others from receiving such a product if they want it.

Tell me. What do you call it?

03-19-2011, 08:15 PM
Free speech.

03-19-2011, 08:19 PM
Controversial... So what?

Their attitude certainly is authoritarian. They are attempting to put a halt to a product they don't approve of. They are attempting to deny others from receiving such a product if they want it.

Tell me. What do you call it?

Some might call it ethics.

03-19-2011, 10:08 PM
Damn authoritarians.

Is anyone being forced to use this app?

Why are they attempting to keep it from those who might want it?

How is it authoritarian when they have zero power to actually enforce a ban?

03-19-2011, 11:06 PM
Some might call it ethics.

or simply smart business.

Why do you hate capitalism, WC?

03-20-2011, 12:23 AM
Damn authoritarians.

Is anyone being forced to use this app?

Why are they attempting to keep it from those who might want it?

Wtf are you talking about? Why do you think "boycotts" are authoritarian? And you are aware that Apple has banned numerous other apps?

03-20-2011, 12:24 AM
According to WC, boycotts are examples of authoritarianism. Also, black is white.

03-20-2011, 01:11 AM

03-20-2011, 01:17 AM
I think WC wants this App. Really no surprise there.

jack sommerset
03-20-2011, 09:46 AM
"gay cure" We could only wish. Don't get the app if you don't like it. Pretty simple.

03-20-2011, 10:35 AM
on the other hand, if a new app helped people to embrace the possibility of homosexuality, it would be praised.

pro-homo good, anti-homo bad.

03-20-2011, 12:22 PM
on the other hand, if a new app helped people to embrace the possibility of homosexuality, it would be praised.

pro-homo good, anti-homo bad.

I take it you're enjoying your Unfounded Sense Of Victimization app?

03-21-2011, 12:17 AM
As disgusting as these anti-gay religious nuts are, i agree its stupid to lobby Apple to take down the app, if you hate don't download it. Apple has to right to allow profitable apps regardless of whether it is offensive or not. What happened to free speech? Besides the gay community can just create an christian-cure app teaching people how to cure themselves of the sickness of being a christian

03-21-2011, 01:24 AM
As disgusting as these anti-gay religious nuts are, i agree its stupid to lobby Apple to take down the app, if you hate don't download it. Apple has to right to allow profitable apps regardless of whether it is offensive or not. What happened to free speech? Besides the gay community can just create an christian-cure app teaching people how to cure themselves of the sickness of being a christian

Let's explain "free speech" to the dummies on the board.

Free speech means you are allowed to complain about other people's speech.

If people were trying to lobby the government to curtail certain apps, that would be a violation of free speech.

If people are trying to lobby a BUSINESS to curtail certain apps, that is an example of free speech working.

03-21-2011, 01:26 AM
As disgusting as these anti-gay religious nuts are, i agree its stupid to lobby Apple to take down the app, if you hate don't download it. Apple has to right to allow profitable apps regardless of whether it is offensive or not. What happened to free speech? Besides the gay community can just create an christian-cure app teaching people how to cure themselves of the sickness of being a christian

You really think that would get approved? Apple has complete control of content.

03-21-2011, 12:51 PM
I think it's stupid for gay rights activist to be doing this shit. If gay people want to learn to enjoy pussy or cock, like the rest of the population, let them.

03-21-2011, 01:04 PM
I take it you're enjoying your Unfounded Sense Of Victimization app?

:lmao !!!!!!

03-21-2011, 01:16 PM
for once I agree Apple is not doing the wrong here.

They are not forcing the app on ppl. And the app is not calling for violence towards gay. I don't see a problem here.

03-23-2011, 12:48 PM
Apple removes “Gay Cure” app from iTunes (http://www.edibleapple.com/apple-removes-gay-cure-app-from-itunes/)

Apple’s policing of the iTunes App Store has drawn considerable amount of criticism ever since the store first launched back in July of 2008. At times Apple’s app rejections have been downright nonsensical (i.e when Tweetie was temporarily rejected due to an offensive trending topic on Twitter) while some of the apps that sneak their way into the app store are equally suspect on both moral and copyright grounds.

One of the more recent apps to bring Apple’s handling of its app store to the forefront was an app called “Gay Cure”. The app was submitted by Orlando based Christian group called Exodus International, and as the name implies, the app was dedicated to “helping homosexual strugglers”. Indeed, a quick perusal of Exodus International’s website shows an organization seemingly obsessed with “curing” homosexual behavior. Their “Exodus Students” section, for example, describes itself as ”a community of people who are choosing to honor God with their sexuality…”

In any event, folks were naturally incensed that Apple would approve an app that both homosexuals and heterosexuals find sof overwhelmingly offensive. The app first debuted on iTunes on February 15th and further roused the ire of the masses for sporting a 4+ rating, meaning that it housed no objectionable content.

Over the past few weeks, the pressure on Apple to remove the app started to snowball, culminating in an online petition initiated by Change.org which collected over 140,000 online signatures from people who wanted the app removed.

Now comes word that Apple did, in fact, remove the app late on Tuesday evening. Searching for the app now yields zero search result and Exodus International President Alan Chambers tweeted the following on Tuesday night.

It’s official, the @ExodusInl App is no longer in the @AppStore. Incredibly disappointing. Watch out, it could happen to you. #freedom

Apple’s removal of the app raises a number of issues regarding Apple’s sometimes murky guidelines for developers. Indeed, Apple’s app store rules are purposefully described in overarching terms to give Apple greater flexibility in exercising its discretion. Note, though, that “Gay Cure” isn’t the first app Apple’s removed for touting an “anti-homosexual” philosophy. Apple back in November removed an called the “Manhattan Declaration” which advocated the “dignity of marriage as the union of one man and on woman.”

In explaining its decision to remove the app, an Apple spokesman said at the time, “We removed the Manhattan Declaration app from the App Store because it violates our developer guidelines by being offensive to large groups of people.”

03-23-2011, 12:54 PM
OMG! A company removed an app which a large portion of consumers were offended by! Free speech is dead!

Wild Cobra
03-23-2011, 12:57 PM
OMG! A company removed an app which a large portion of consumers were offended by! Free speech is dead!
Free speech can be detestable. Those pushing to get an application that didn't do them any harm have no problem pushing their ideals on others. When free speech trumps over what other people want, it's sad. Makes me think of the Westboro church.

03-23-2011, 01:04 PM
Free speech can be detestable.

That's why we have it.

Those pushing to get an application that didn't do them any harm have no problem pushing their ideals on others. When free speech trumps over what other people want, it's sad. Makes me think of the Westboro church.

So, what you're really saying is, I have no idea what a boycott is, or why a company would want to avoid that.

Oh the poor people who want to cure gays! They're not hurting anyone!

Not sure if you're aware, but that is highly offensive to many. So what, you're upset that people are using their powers as consumers?

Dont you love free markets? What do you think this is an example of?

03-23-2011, 01:06 PM
Or are you just mad that Apple chose to side with "teh gays"?

03-23-2011, 01:21 PM
Apple suing Amazon for confusing stupid customers with Amazon's "app store", which is Apple's extremely valuable Intellectual Property.

Apple should sue Amazon changed to Bamazon, since Apple and Amazon both start with A, again confusing stupid customers.

Wild Cobra
03-23-2011, 02:27 PM
It went beyond a boycott.

03-23-2011, 02:39 PM
It went beyond a boycott.

Please explain how it went beyond a boycott, when it, in fact, never even got to the boycott stage. Mere public opinion was enough to make Apple remove the app.

03-23-2011, 02:40 PM
Free speech can be detestable. Those pushing to get an application that didn't do them any harm have no problem pushing their ideals on others. When free speech trumps over what other people want, it's sad. Makes me think of the Westboro church.

You honestly don't ever know what you're talking about, don't you?

When free speech trumps over what other people want?? Free speech didn't trump over anything, Apple's desire to keep making money did. Do you have a problem with free markets?

Hey WC, you don't really have to opine on every new post you see, you know that, right? I mean, it is within your rights to keep your two cents to yourself when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about... Christ!

03-23-2011, 02:43 PM
I swear, I've never met anyone who writes with as much conviction on shit he's completely oblivious about.

Wild Cobra
03-23-2011, 02:49 PM
A boycott is simply abstaining from purchasing a product. It went past that when there was an organized voice to have it removed. In the attempt to remove the free market item for those who might want it, the so called boycotters became dictatorial. A disgrace to the American ideals.

03-23-2011, 03:14 PM
A boycott is simply abstaining from purchasing a product. It went past that when there was an organized voice to have it removed. In the attempt to remove the free market item for those who might want it, the so called boycotters became dictatorial. A disgrace to the American ideals.

Nothing about this vitiates the principle of a free market. Apple, after all, was free to maintain the availability of the application or to withdraw the application from its offerings. It chose the former course, based upon the outrage expressed by those who opposed the application.

It could have simply ignored the outrage. It didn't. It seems to me that's precisely the sort of thing that the free market contemplates -- not just a free market in tangible products, but a free market in ideas that lead to those tangible products.

Apparently, you'd simply prefer that people just not be permitted to express that outrage. Talk about authoritarian.

Wild Cobra
03-23-2011, 03:31 PM
I think all parties involved exercised bad judgment. What the hell. It's a free nation.

03-23-2011, 04:32 PM
A boycott is simply abstaining from purchasing a product. It went past that when there was an organized voice to have it removed.

Really? Tell me how do people start boycotts then. Is it some massive psychically linked phenomena where everyone individually decides to boycott?

In the attempt to remove the free market item for those who might want it, the so called boycotters became dictatorial. A disgrace to the American ideals.

Honestly WC, this is just idiotic. The company itself removed the product because a majority of consumers were offended. You can't get a better example of free market works.

Hey, what about when that guy wanted to create a mosque near the 9/11 site? Was it a violation of free speech when people got together to criticize him?

You're saying that people shouldn't use their FREE SPEECH to criticize an app they don't agree with, and they shouldn't use the FREE MARKET to put pressure on a company to not sell a product.

Wild Cobra
03-23-2011, 06:26 PM
I find it ironic how people can accept such intolerance.

03-23-2011, 06:58 PM
I find it ironic how people can accept such intolerance.

I find it ironic that you're mentioning TOLERANCE in a thread about an app that was trying to convince gay people to become straight.

03-23-2011, 07:03 PM
I think someone here is really just mad because he wanted that app. I wouldn't say who though.