View Full Version : Post-Game Quotes Blazers Game 3-28-11

03-28-2011, 11:36 PM
Post-Game Quotes (http://www.nba.com/spurs/gameday/110328.html)

Gregg Popovich

On the game - It was a great game. I thought our players were fantastic; super competitive; communicated well. We just didn’t shoot the ball very well; from three or from the line. If we could have added a little bit of that to the competitiveness and the heart they showed, we would have been in great shape. I’m really proud of them. They were super.

On the way Tiago Splitter contained LaMarcus Aldridge - I liked the way everybody played. I thought everybody busted their noodles on defense and shared the ball on offense. George Hill and Tiago were really special for us tonight.

On the stretch where they only scored one point…was that not getting shots or just missing shots - It’s called 'game'. It’s a game that happens to everybody from time to time. Sometimes they don’t go down. We got a lot of shots.

On the play of the bench…did they start getting tired - Probably. They haven’t played that much. But they sure didn’t play like they were tired

On the play of Danny Green - How can you be disappointed in somebody who has never played here before and he goes out on the court and played competitively and wasn’t afraid to shoot it. He played “D”; he played physically and aggressively. What’s not to like?

On the timeline to bring back Tim, Manu and Tony - We’ll see how they are tomorrow. Tony will be the quickest coming back, I think. But we’ll just see how it goes.

Richard Jefferson

On the game tonight - It was a tough one. It’s the fourth game in a row having a lead in the fourth quarter and not being able to finish it, but I think we did some good things tonight. Some young guys got some good minutes and everybody contributed.

On the second unit - I believe our second unit is a great team. That’s why we’ve been so fortunate to have a good record this year and to have a good team is because our second unit, a lot of them are starters on other teams. For them to come out and play and get the opportunity to play like they did was no surprise. There was no one playing out of their mind, no one make miraculous shots or anything. We didn’t shoot the ball well from three and we didn’t shoot the ball well from the free throw line, so it was more just playing hard, playing good defense, and playing together

On if everyone got tired in the fourth quarter - No, there’s no need to make excuses for it now. We’ve struggled in the fourth quarter in the last few games. You’ve got guys like myself, Gary (Neal), George Hill, a lot of guys that have played a lot of minutes this year. Both teams are coming off a back-to-back. They (Portland) played later than us later last night. Fatigue happens but you can’t let it be an excuse

Tiago Splitter

On how much it helps him to start and get experience - Of course it helps for myself, but today I’m not happy at all. I think we could’ve won this game and we had it in our hands, but we let it slip in the end, so I’m not happy at all.

On if it says something about the team that the game was close with all the injuries - Yeah, we fight, we hustle, we do everything that Coach Pop asks us to do and we almost got it. I feel bad for the last three or four minutes when they hit a couple shots and we didn’t.

On his confidence level - Of course. I’m getting more confidence and feeling like I’m part of the team and I can play.

On if Tim Duncan is giving him advice - Of course. He is always trying to help, trying to cheer, and lift our confidence up.

George Hill

On what the attitude was like before the game with all the injuries - Actually it was fine. Our leadership really showed up and really encouraged us to go out and still play hard. I think the competitive nature of all the players and the guys we have in here showed and we played hard.

On what it was like without all the starters - I think we’re good enough to do that. I think the Spurs organization has enough guys that can go in and fill spots and give 100% every night. You have to give our guys credit for doing that tonight.

On if he has to be more aggressive when all the starters are out - A little bit. If they were still there, I would still be doing the same thing. It’s been in my head lately to just try and be aggressive, but I think it turns up a little bit more when you don’t have a lot of fire power that you normally have out there. I just wanted to be aggressive and get the other guys involved. I think we had great help from everybody, so that’s all you ask for.

Portland Head coach Nate McMillan

On taking the win - Yes of course we will take that win. We knew that was going to be a tough challenge and it was a trap game that we basically got information about as we got to the arena. All of the sudden Coach Popovich holds out a couple of his guys, and you throw in some scrappy players like they have, their whole team is good, and an opportunity for those guys and they play great basketball. Our guys coming off of a back to back—it was a gut check for us in the fourth quarter and having to refocus in that fourth quarter and make stops. You know a challenging game for us but we got it.

On full time Nicolas (Batum) on George Hill at the end of the third quarter - We were mixing up the guys we were putting on (George) Hill because our guys have heavy legs. We started to look like we were in quicksand, so just started to substitute quickly and try and rotate guys in and out. Nicolas had live legs, he wanted Hill and did a good job of making him work, got beat a couple of times but did a good job of making him work

On what your game plan was to wear out George Hill - Well we just played our game. The one thing you don’t want is to go away from the things that you do when you are playing games like this. Play the game the right way. We don’t need guys to go off and try and do something that they don’t normally do and we need guys to do the things they normally do so we established LaMarcus (Aldridge) and Gerald (Wallace) in the post, Brandon (Roy) came off in the first half, so we tried to isolate him some. That worked for us and then down the stretch we tried to go with (Andre) Miller, LaMarcus (Aldridge) and (Gerald) Wallace. We felt like we had matchups, and they did a good job of double teaming and forcing us to scramble and as you always do is make shots. Nicolas made a big three and so did Wallace

On if Popovich sitting key players created a mind game - Well it was a challenge. Like I said it was a trap game once we got to the arena but he is in the position to do that. They are the best team in the league and he wants to rest some of his guys and they have somewhat of a cushion to do that but it does become a trap game. You come to the arena and Tony (Parker) is not playing and (Antonio) McDyess is not playing. For our guys you put pressure on yourself and you can’t do that.

On Andre Millers performance - He did put us on his back. We tried to to take advantage of our matchups and Andre made some big plays down the stretch and he had to carry us. We got a little stagnate with that second group and couldn’t get into our offense, so he had to play big minutes again. It seemed like he had good legs after coming off of a 37 minute game last night.

Brandon Roy

On the game - We needed the win. Now we have a big match up coming up in New Orleans.

On if he was surprised not to see Tony Parker and Antonio McDyess tonight - I can’t say I was surprised. I thought it was good for us, that they weren’t going to play those guys. It was important that we came out and got the win.

On if beating the Spurs three times boosts the team’s confidence - Yeah we’re confident, but for two of the games they didn’t have Tim (Duncan). We know they’ll be in the playoffs; they’ve been there a lot more than we have. They’ll be ready. You have to throw away the regular season with a team (the Spurs) like this and refocus in the playoffs.

On if it’s harder to play a team like the Spurs tonight when they had nothing to lose - I can’t say it’s harder, because Tim (Duncan), Tony (Parker) and Manu (Ginobili) are so good down the stretch, but tonight we had more experience going down the stretch. So that played to our advantage

LaMarcus Aldridge

On him not starting the second half - I was gassed the whole game. I tried to push through it. I couldn’t find my rhythm, because I was tired, dead tired. Luckily I found some of my teammates and they made some good plays. Guys played big for us tonight

On if he was surprised not to see Tony Parker and Antonio McDyess tonight - No. When you’re in first place and have an eight game lead, then why not. Why not get your guys healthy for the playoffs. They’re playing for something bigger then the playoffs, they’re playing for a championship. I wasn’t surprised at all.

03-28-2011, 11:47 PM
Tiago seems like the only one pissed off about losing. Popovich's comments are especially disconcerting.

03-28-2011, 11:49 PM
“Man, I was excited,” Green said. “Pop came in, told us what kind of game plan we had, and I was even more excited.”

..."I’m not going to lie, it was fun,” Green said. “We just got a little too happy, and we ran out of gas.”


03-28-2011, 11:50 PM
what 8 game lead?

Sean Cagney
03-28-2011, 11:52 PM
I fuck with Aldridge but an 8 game lead? NO it's down to around three now, but he is right! HE IS FULLY RIGHT! THIS IS NOT TONIGHT it is a title IMO they are searching for!

03-28-2011, 11:52 PM
Gregg Popovich - "It was a great game. I thought our players were fantastic; super competitive; communicated well. We just didn’t shoot the ball very well; from three or from the line. If we could have added a little bit of that to the competitiveness and the heart they showed, we would have been in great shape. I’m really proud of them. They were super."

Yep if only Spurs made all of their 3s then they would be 82-0
I guess keeping the other team from scoring more is not all the important anymore. Defence is yesterdays news. Spurs just missed their shots...

03-28-2011, 11:58 PM
LaMarcus Aldridge

When you’re in first place and have an eight game lead, then why not.

What? :lol

03-29-2011, 12:00 AM
What you want Pop to say? "They made some shots"?

Without our best 4 players it's gonna be hard to win

Sean Cagney
03-29-2011, 12:01 AM
What? :lol

Hey atleast he is more delusional and more positive than us bro! He is a good dude! I like Aldridge alot, but damn we don't have an 8 game lead now, but he is in the right place in his heart.

03-29-2011, 12:13 AM
Pop: "It's called a basketball game. They made more shots than we did. They played with more energy than we did. He's Matt Bonner."

03-29-2011, 12:20 AM
...According to Danny Green, one of the newest Spurs, what Popovich told his players before the game was to keep things simple and have some fun.

“We’re going to run simple stuff, we want to get a lot of quick shots up, run a lot of pick-and-rolls, as soon as you get a rebound, whoever gets it, push it,” Green said of Popovich’s game plan. “We want to get something quick.

“I was like, ‘Hey, that’s my type of game.’ We had a lot of fun doing it. We were up by a little bit. We just let it slip out of our fingers a little bit.”

With stars sitting out, Spurs’ skid at four losses (http://blog.mysanantonio.com/spursnation/2011/03/28/with-stars-sitting-out-spurs-skid-at-four-losses/)
Mike Monroe


03-29-2011, 12:30 AM
So impressed by what I saw from Green. Doubt he'll get any time in the Playoffs though.

03-29-2011, 12:47 AM
Aldridge must not watch much TV or get on the internet much. :lol

03-29-2011, 03:07 AM
I didn't watch the game or the score this morning.

The Spurs won big time, right?

03-29-2011, 03:16 AM
I was hoping the spurs will win it tonight when we had an 8 point lead.

03-29-2011, 04:20 AM
Gregg Popovich

On the way Tiago Splitter contained LaMarcus Aldridge - I liked the way everybody played. I thought everybody busted their noodles on defense and shared the ball on offense. George Hill and Tiago were really special for us tonight.

:lmao ... never heard that phrase before

03-29-2011, 05:11 AM
[QUOTE][LaMarcus Aldridge

On if he was surprised not to see Tony Parker and Antonio McDyess tonight - No. When you’re in first place and have an eight game lead, then why not. Why not get your guys healthy for the playoffs. They’re playing for something bigger then the playoffs, they’re playing for a championship. I wasn’t surprised at all.


A Blazer sees the big picture atleast.

Gotta say even though 4 losses hurt, this spurs team has been playing pretty good lately. Offcourse they have to finish games off better but they are learning the hard way where they need to improve .Surely Pop has learned a thing or two as well about his players.

Compared to a couple of weeks ago , when they seemed to be coasting the team has gotten back on the right track in a playing sense. Once healthy, roles and rotations settled this team will be hard to beat going into the play-offs.

03-29-2011, 07:00 AM
"Popovich told his players before the game was to keep things simple and have some fun."

Sounds like the patented pep talk outta of a Suns locker room.

03-29-2011, 08:09 AM
"Popovich told his players before the game was to keep things simple and have some fun."

Sounds like the patented pep talk outta of a Suns locker room.

What the hell do you expect when you're missing all your best players? And hey they almost ended up winning it.

03-29-2011, 10:02 AM


Your Fandom & Suns Fandom are in love with "almost" & "fun."

03-29-2011, 10:46 AM

Your Fandom & Suns Fandom are in love with "almost" & "fun."


03-29-2011, 05:06 PM
Gregg Popovich - "It was a great game. I thought our players were fantastic; super competitive; communicated well. We just didn’t shoot the ball very well; from three or from the line. If we could have added a little bit of that to the competitiveness and the heart they showed, we would have been in great shape. I’m really proud of them. They were super."

Yep if only Spurs made all of their 3s then they would be 82-0
I guess keeping the other team from scoring more is not all the important anymore. Defence is yesterdays news. Spurs just missed their shots...

9 pts in the 3rd is pretty good defense. Of course you can blame that on the Blazers shooting... but then you are using a double standard.