View Full Version : New Manu Article Translation 3-31-2011

03-31-2011, 11:35 AM

There is no Crisis in San Antonio. If we don’t get the number 1 seed we’ll be ok anyway.

2011-03-31 / by Manu
Translation urunobili

I imagine that you’d first like to know how am I from the left quad injury and if I can play vs. Boston tonight. Truth is I’m feeling much better, it almost doesn’t hurt while touching it and I was able to practice with the team for a while yesterday. I felt my leg slightly weak and I didn’t want to force the issue too much though. The day before I did a mild cycling and a treadmill workout. Anyway, official word is that I’m “doubtful” for tonight’s game. Like many times happens, these situations are resolved minutes before the game. We will then decide if I’m playing or not. I think I have chances, but if I don’t play this game, I’ll be active for the next one for sure.

Last Sunday I had a collision with Marc Gasol from Memphis that hit my thigh and I couldn’t stretch my leg and hurt a lot, that’s why they immediately iced the area on the bench and I couldn’t play the following day versus Portland. It was the first game I missed this season but that’s normal, in 82 games of the regular season you always miss some.

The rest of the guys recovering from their injuries are doing fine too. Tony Parker (left knee contusion) and Antonio McDyess (Back spasms) that also didn’t play against Portland will play, and surely their absences were more for being on the cautious side. Tim Duncan however is still doubtful. He has gotten a lot better from his left ankle sprain and also did some basketball practice with us yesterday for a while but that’s another game time decision. Obviously he wants to play but coach Pop is worried. He prefers to have him 100% for the playoffs.

We’ve been having a very good season with few injuries, like never before but always at some point it happens.
Tonight’s game against Boston at home is really important because now the possibility of being the number one seed overall is jeopardized and we need a victory after four straight losses. Boston is a great team, very experienced and that defends really well, but we believe that we also are and that we can beat them. We’re already in the final stage of the season and we need to play each day better, because if you get distracted in the Playoffs you’re out in the first round.

More so, we have a very tough schedule to end the season. Eight very difficult matches and we’re coming from critical mistakes at crunch time committing errors and imprecisions too. This is something that hadn’t happened to us during the season this year. But there is no crisis in San Antonio; we simply have to go back to our best level. We know that we didn’t lose because we played bad or that we were off. We could have won those four games and we didn’t because of the way we closed them. We know that in 82 games you can have losing streaks. But anyway, we’re ok. If at the beginning of the season you would have told me that we would be leading the league with a 3 game advantage just 2 weeks from the end of the regular season I would have signed up for it immediately!

We know that it’s complicated, but if we lose the number 1 seed nothing happens. We have won the championship without that number one seed; though we understand that today we have a great opportunity to assure it and we want to do it. Anyway, any of the rivals that we’ll be facing on the first round will be tough because the west is very competitive. If the playoffs started today we would be facing Memphis which has defeated us already, but as they’re all so close in between them it could also be Portland (currently number 6) that have defeated us twice. Also Houston (9th) if they’re able to gain a spot in the first eight could be tough. We once went to overtime with them and in the other Luifa Scola didn’t play. Maybe the most accessible rival today could be New Orleans (7th) because they just lost David West for the season, but only because of that.

Truth is that the Lakers got really close in our conference and Chicago on the east; they’re both 3 losses behind us. The Lakers run doesn’t surprise me because they started slowly. They found their rhythm when it was necessary. What I find more unexpected is Chicago’s positioning that is first on its conference. I think Derrick Rose has been the main factor; it is incredible how he generates spacing and how well he drives to the hoop; a Superstar, for real. Chicago took advantage of the ups and downs of both Boston and Miami to be on top.

The most difficult is about to come, but also the nicest part the one that I always want to be a part of.


03-31-2011, 11:46 AM

03-31-2011, 11:52 AM
Thanks for the translation uronubili :tu

03-31-2011, 11:57 AM
Fixed Translation:

Tony & McDyess IN for tonight.
Manu & TD still OUT.
Another loss :bang

03-31-2011, 12:22 PM
Cia pop

03-31-2011, 12:26 PM
definitely TD, Manu out tonight

03-31-2011, 12:32 PM
I think TD is out today and tomorrow, he'll be back for the PHX game more than likely.

Manu might play tomorrow and not today.

that's the gut feeling right now, 6 game losing streak is possible.

03-31-2011, 12:38 PM
I think TD is out today and tomorrow, he'll be back for the PHX game more than likely.

Manu might play tomorrow and not today.

that's the gut feeling right now, 6 game losing streak is possible.

you really cleared things up for us.

03-31-2011, 01:13 PM
you really cleared things up for us.
:lol could've cleaned it up no doubt.

03-31-2011, 02:07 PM
Not encouraging. Judging by our previous 4 games without Tim alone......

03-31-2011, 02:14 PM
Not sure why he's trying to tell people the Gasol collision is where he got hurt. He got kicked before flopping into Gasol.

03-31-2011, 02:19 PM
well if manu and duncan is out for tonights game I still think spurs can win against boston....spurs are now well rested with full of energy....Spurs will win tonight

03-31-2011, 03:16 PM
Not sure why he's trying to tell people the Gasol collision is where he got hurt. He got kicked before flopping into Gasol.

Maybe it's my bad? he said " I had a collision with Marc Gasol and I received a hit on my thigh"

03-31-2011, 03:21 PM
Keeping the "edge" and conditioning are always factors when players are out for any extended period of time. I hope Pop is truly concerned about the health of the players and not playing CIA games.

No matter what anyone says, the home team advantage throughout the playoffs could be a huge factor in one series or all of them. This is not a team that can dominate with 4-0 series. I think most of them will be at least six games or seven.

03-31-2011, 03:26 PM
Again, for the Spanish speakers on the board: (PS: Sorry it took so long, I have been busy)


Imagino que lo primero que querrán saber es cómo estoy de la lesión en el cuádriceps izquierdo y si puedo jugar esta noche contra Boston. La verdad es que me siento mucho mejor, al tacto ya casi no me duele y pude entrenarme un rato ayer con el resto del plantel. Sentí un poco débil la pierna y no quise arriesgar forzando mucho. El día anterior había hecho bicicleta y un poco de trote, apenas. De todos modos, lo oficial es que para el encuentro de hoy estoy "en duda". Como muchas veces ocurre, estas situaciones se resuelven minutos antes del partido. Entonces definiremos si juego o no. Yo creo que tengo chances, pero si no llego a jugar, en el próximo estaré, seguro.

El domingo pasado, cuando me chocó Marc Gasol, de Memphis, y recibí el golpe en el muslo, realmente no podía flexionar la pierna y me dolió mucho, por eso inmediatamente me pusieron hielo en el banco y no pude jugar al día siguiente frente a Portland. Es cierto que fue el primer partido que me perdí en esta temporada, pero es normal: en 82 juegos que tiene la serie regular siempre alguno uno se pierde.

También el resto de los "averiados" está muy bien. Tony Parker (golpe en la rótula izquierda) y Antonio McDyess (dolor en la espalda), que tampoco estuvieron ante Portland, van a jugar, seguramente, porque las ausencias de ellos fueron más por previsión; en cambio Tim Duncan todavía está en duda. Mejoró muchísimo de su esguince en el tobillo izquierdo y también se entrenó un rato ayer con nosotros, pero ésa es otra decisión que se tomará sobre la hora del juego. Obviamente, él quiere estar, pero el DT Pop está un poco preocupado; prefiere tenerlo 10 puntos para los playoffs.

Habíamos tenido una temporada muy buena, con escasas lesiones, como pocas veces, pero en algún momento del año, toca.

El enfrentamiento con Boston, el de esta noche en casa, es muy importante porque ahora se nos complicó un poco la posibilidad de asegurarnos el Nº 1 y necesitamos victorias después de estas cuatro derrotas consecutivas. Boston es un gran equipo, muy experimentado y que defiende muy bien, pero creemos que también nosotros lo somos y que podemos ganarle. Ya estamos en la recta final de la temporada y tenemos que jugar cada día mejor, porque si en los playoffs uno se distrae, queda afuera en la primera rueda.

Además, nos espera un calendario final (ocho partidos) difícil y venimos de equivocarnos en varios desenlaces cerrados, cometiendo errores e imprecisiones. Eso es algo que nunca nos había ocurrido en la temporada. Pero no hay crisis en San Antonio; simplemente, tenemos que volver a nuestro mejor nivel. Sabemos que no perdimos porque hayamos jugado mal o la hayamos pateado ; podríamos haber ganado estos cuatro encuentros y no lo hicimos porque se nos escaparon al final. Sabemos que en 82 compromisos se puede tener rachas negativas. Pero, de todas maneras, estamos bien. Si al principio de la temporada me hubieran dicho que estaríamos punteros con tres partidos de ventaja a dos semanas del final de la serie regular, ¡habría firmado inmediatamente!

Sabemos que se complicó, pero si perdemos el Nº 1 no pasa nada. Hemos salido campeones sin haber conseguido el 1; aunque entendemos que hoy tenemos una gran oportunidad de lograrlo y queremos asegurarlo. De todos modos, cualquiera de los rivales que nos toque en el primer cruce será difícil, porque el Oeste es muy parejo. Fíjense que hoy estaríamos enfrentándonos con el 8º, Memphis, que ya nos ganó; pero como están todos juntos también podría ser con Portland (ubicado 6º), que nos venció dos veces. También Houston (9º), si queda entre los ocho de arriba, puede ser duro: una vez le ganamos en tiempo suplementario, y otra, sin Luifa Scola en el rival. Quizás el único un poco accesible sea hoy New Orleans (7º) porque perdió a David West por el resto de la temporada. Pero sólo por eso.

Lo cierto es que se nos vinieron encima Los Angeles Lakers en nuestra conferencia y Chicago en la del Este; ambos están tres derrotas debajo de nosotros. En realidad, lo de Lakers era previsible; no me sorprende, porque tenía que rehacerse de un comienzo tibio. Encontró el ritmo cuando debía hacerlo. Lo que si me resultó inesperado fue lo de Chicago, que está primero en su conferencia. Creo que Derrick Rose ha sido determinante; es increíble cómo genera espacio ese chico y lo bien que penetra. Una superestrella, realmente. Chicago aprovechó los altibajos de Boston y de Miami para ponerse arriba.

Se avecina lo más difícil, pero también la parte más linda, en la que uno siempre quiere estar.


03-31-2011, 03:46 PM
Maybe it's my bad? he said " I had a collision with Marc Gasol and I received a hit on my thigh"

Oh, that's a possibility. Perhaps he was talking about the sequence. Still an excellent translation, so I'm certainly not complaining. :toast

After I posted it occurred to me that he may have actually gotten hurt in the collision with Gasol, or in the heat of the moment didn't know where it happened.