View Full Version : The Karaoke thread!

04-01-2011, 08:01 PM
Post your favorite karaoke tunes or bar locations.

Here we go:




04-01-2011, 08:09 PM


04-01-2011, 08:20 PM


04-01-2011, 10:09 PM
Looks like I have the thread all to my self! Cool I'll keep it as a personal library.




04-01-2011, 10:35 PM


04-02-2011, 12:58 AM
i will acknowledge my karaoke skills
and the last place i did it regularly was the bennigans on wurzbach I-10 but that place closed. i think its a 50/50 bar now. if i was gonna hit it up i would prob go to the irish pub on a sat night

04-02-2011, 03:08 PM
So me and you are the only ones with enough cojones to post karaoke songs in the club? Oh well, glad you came along! I'll admit that i do not enjoy country music but I can tolerate some of it. However a good catchy tune always catches my ear every once in a while. I'll give these a listen and see what their about. By the way the Karaoke bar I've been going to lately is the Hidden Tavern on Patricia and west or is military??? It always a good crowd. Some people can hold a tune pretty well too so that enhances the experience.

04-02-2011, 03:11 PM
I did it once on a cruise ship. Sang Drift Away by Dobie Gray. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

04-02-2011, 04:13 PM
So me and you are the only ones with enough cojones to post karaoke songs in the club? Oh well, glad you came along! I'll admit that i do not enjoy country music but I can tolerate some of it. However a good catchy tune always catches my ear every once in a while. I'll give these a listen and see what their about. By the way the Karaoke bar I've been going to lately is the Hidden Tavern on Patricia and west or is military??? It always a good crowd. Some people can hold a tune pretty well too so that enhances the experience.
so far, we are the only ones. thats good that you keep an open mind even though country isnt your fav. its so annoying when people cry like babies about having to hear some music that isnt their fav. the tavern is cool, takin me waaaaay back. what nights do they do karaoke there? i dont drink but i never needed the liquid courage when i did. plus i sound so much better having quit cigs a yr and a half ago. lets meet up sometime for some tunes.

I did it once on a cruise ship. Sang Drift Away by Dobie Gray. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

would you do it again son? and what would be your next song?

04-03-2011, 09:48 PM
Damn dude after my last post I went to brack and grilled out with the kids and some fam. It was a late night. I woke up at noon today and went straight to my boys house and helped him lay soil in his front and back yard then we went to Riverside Golf course for 18 holes. Shit ton of people there today. This is the first time I log on in since my last post.

As far as music is concerned I have an open mind because I can appreciate talent first. There's talent in country music whether vocal or instrumental. I really enjoy jazz, Rock, oldies, pop, some rap(more old school) salsa, merengue, bachata and more. Tejano is on the same level as country music for me as far as tolerating it. I don't like it but I wont leave a party or event because thats the music playing. Really if it's live then its all good.

The hidden tavern is just some place that we end up at every once in a while and its always been a Saturday. I guess that's the best night. But I've also been to a little place called HOOZ bar on callahan and babcock. It's a little shithole place but they sale small pitches for $2.50. You get pretty nice real quick and I guess that's why people are so ready to wanna sing cause the alcohol is flowing.

Next time I'm going out to one of these places i'll bump this thread and invite. It'll be good times!