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View Full Version : A City upon a Hill

Marcus Bryant
04-03-2011, 11:13 AM

04-03-2011, 11:33 AM
"the maintenance of a civil social order is a work as doubtful and as dangerous as a journey into a dark, untrammeled wilderness."

huh? so he's agitating for an uncivil, anti-social disorder?

OK, that's what we got now. Good work!

Repug/conservative perverse, antithetical use of City on a Hill parallels the tea baggers appropriating the Boston Tea Party for their Corporate-American-financed anti-government stance, when the Tea Party was not anti-govt, but anti-corporate in the form of the East India Company granted a (tea importation) monopoly, well abused, by the King. The East India Company, rapacious, destructive colonial exploiter extraordinaire had thorgoughly corrupted the Kind and Parliament, much as Corporate-Americans have corrupted all 3 branches of federal govt.

"Every one of us needs to be willing to accept full responsibility for the evils we will experience in the times to come. Such austere self-criticism is the thing most needful now, and those voices should be most welcomed, and most approved, who urge us most strenuously towards that spiritual discipline."

There He Goes Again, MB criminalizing the citizens with no mention of the responsibility of Corporate-Americans and UCA capitalists in our fucked, unsustainable, train-wreck-a-comin country.

04-03-2011, 06:32 PM
I don't know what you take from this, M.B., but the author seems to go a very long way around to say we should repent for our sins of avarice and complacency. And, then, he seems to me to suggest something like a twelve step program.