View Full Version : Post-Game Quotes Suns Game 4-3-11

04-03-2011, 04:55 PM
Post-Game Quotes (http://www.nba.com/spurs/gameday/110403.html).

Head Coach Gregg Popovich

(When asked about the three-point shots hitting tonight) “We shot it a lot better. It makes things a little bit easier that’s for sure.”

(When asked about a pass from an open Gary Neal at the three-point line to an open Matt Bonner at the three-point line, was Gary trying to get Matt going with a wide open shot) “No it’s just trying to make a good shot a great shot, sometimes that’s an extra pass. Without Timmy (Duncan) there those games I think a lot of our three-point shots were contested. That principal is even more important, but we didn’t follow it very well. I think it hurt us. Hopefully we can work on that and make good shots, great shots.”

(On George Hill’s game today) “George had another one of those games where he’s aggressive. When he comes off the bench and he gives what Manu (Ginobili) use to give us coming off the bench it really helps our group. I thought he did that very well today.”

(When asked if he liked what Tiago Splitter contributed to the rotation today) “Yes he was willing to play behind those big guys. He did a good job of battling. He’s a tough customer and he does a good job with that.”

(When asked if he got what he was looking for defensively in the first half) “I think we’ve played basically the defense we’ve played most of the year. It’s gotten to the point where we’re about as good as we’re going to get defensively. That wasn’t our problem during the six games we lost. We’ve talked more about decision making, free-throws, three-point shooting, contested shots versus non-contested shots that sort of thing. Defense was a focus, because given the fact that those other things weren’t happening the defense had to be there or they would have been 15 or 20 point losses. But we were in every game so the defense was good enough.”

(On Matt Bonner’s complete game tonight) “I thought that his activity on the offensive board was more impressive, then him making a couple of threes. He was very, very active for us in that regard. Against Phoenix it’s real important, but just in general his pursuit of what we call ’50-50 balls’ was real important, and he was great at it.”

(When asked because George Hill had to step up did that boost his confidence and scoring more these days) “Well he’s been a little bit inconsistent in that regard. We’re trying to get him to the point where every time he steps on the floor he knows that he’s a heck of a player, that we want him to be aggressive and that he has the green light to do that and be a scorer. It’s just a process, he’s a young guy and a respectful guy who defers and he wants everybody to be happy. In an ironic sort of way we’re trying to get him to be more selfish. {When asked is that hard to do} No, because he’s intelligent and he understands what it means when he does what he did tonight. He’ll become more and more consistent as the years go by.”

Tony Parker

(On getting their first win in a little while …) “It feels great to win. Everybody played well. George played great and Matt made some big shots. Overall we played some great defense.”

(On Bonner coming out of his shooting slump …) “It was huge. He’s a big part of what we do and he played great tonight.”

(On the weight off their shoulders after ending the losing streak …) “A little bit. At the same time we still have a lot of confidence and we’ll stay positive and hopefully we can finish in first place.”

(On the importance of momentum going into the playoffs or there being enough of a reset …) “It doesn’t really matter. I think for us it’s about staying positive and just making sure we play Spurs basketball.”

(On the Houston loss …) “It was a tough one. We had the game and we blew it again. We just needed to forget it and today play a lot better.”

(On Popovich wanting to see how the team responded to the Houston loss …) “Definitely. Everybody was very disappointed after the Houston game because we thought we played well enough to win the game. Today we came back and reacted very well and everybody played great.”

(On the importance of Hill being aggressive …) “Definitely. He needs to be aggressive, especially coming off the bench. Tonight he was great; being very aggressive, shooting the ball very well, playing great defense. He did everything tonight.”

(On their recent injuries affecting chemistry …) “We never lost confidence. I think overall the whole season we’ve been playing great. We had some tough game on the road, but at the same time you just have to forget it and focus on the next one. That’s what we did tonight.”

Matt Bonner

(On Matt’s overall game tonight …) “First off, it was great to get the win. Everybody on the team played pretty well and played with energy. We put the team first and the individual performances followed. For me personally it was great to get a few offensive rebounds early and get some easy put-backs to kind of get yourself going.”

(On getting multiple open looks on single possessions …) “It’s the offense we’ve been pushing all year. It’s called ‘Good to Great.’ Gary had a good look and he wanted to kick it to me for a great look. If I’m in the same position I have to return the favor. That goes for everyone on the team. We did a great job making the extra pass tonight and going from good looks to great looks.”

(On the weight being lifted from their shoulders after ending the losing streak …) “It’s definitely a weight lifted off my shoulders. I don’t take losing lightly. Six in a row, after winning so many games this year, it wears on you mentally. It’s always, first and foremost, get the win, end the losing streak, and try to build off that confidence.”

Suns Head Coach Alvin Gentry

(Opening Statement) “We got knocked on our heels early, obviously. We struggled at the end of the first quarter and then into the second quarter. When you get that kind of separation, it is hard to work your way back. They shot the ball extremely well from the three. We have to get in and get out and challenge the three point shooters. We had too many open three point shots. We missed a lot of shots early on, right at the basket. That could have kept the game close and we needed to make those and we didn’t. We didn’t come up with any stops, and when you don’t come up with stops, what happened happens. You end up giving up 70 points at the half.”

(On not making the playoffs) “I’m a realist. Even if we would’ve won every single game we played, that wouldn’t have guaranteed us getting in the playoffs. The chances of that were not good. It is what it is, but that doesn’t mean we can’t compete and play hard and finish on a real positive note. I think that is the thing we have to look at.”

(On the team’s effort in the first quarter) “We have to have all our guys playing hard, it cannot be just a selective few. The only thing I am obligated to do, is to have the team prepared to play and the only thing they are obligated to do is compete hard. They owe that to Robert (Sarver), to every fan that has come to our game, we owe that to Phoenix, and we owe it to everyone in the locker room. That has to be our goal right now, to compete hard and do the best we can and if we do that, then we can live with that.”

(On lead in first quarter) “We had to sustain. You have to be able to sustain that. We can’t let George Hill come in and get 24 points in 13 minutes. We can’t do that. He shot the ball well, but after the first couple you have to understand he must be having a pretty good day and we have to get our guard up. We didn’t come up with any of the 50-50 balls. Even on the misses, they ended getting them back and ended up scoring the basketball. After the first quarter, it was really difficult to get back in the game. When we did make a little run and have a chance, all of a sudden they make larger runs and get the same separation again. We knew they were going to have a reaction. They lost six straight games and obviously they are fighting like crazy to stay ahead of the (Los Angeles) Lakers and the (Chicago) Bulls. It obviously becomes really important to them, and they played that way. We just have to match that energy and be able to execute in the process also.”

Aaron Brooks

(How did you feel about the team’s overall performance today?) "I think we just got outhustled, outplayed, they were clicking on all cylinders offensively. They played a great game. They went on a run and we couldn’t get back.”

(What made George Hill so tough to stop today?) “He is a good player. You have games like that where it seems like everything you’re doing is working. They did a good job of finding him when he was hot. I think the whole team just played a good game. They found the open man, and when it was their turn to hit shots they did.”

(Does being eliminated officially make it any different?) “No, I never was thinking about it. I was just going out there playing every game. We let this one get away early and I don’t think eliminated even matters.”

Marcin Gortat

(How did you feel about the team’s overall performance today?) “I feel bad. We played really bad, no energy, no focus, no toughness, and no intensity at all. Missing your shots is one thing, but not playing hard is totally a different story. We just didn’t look today like a basketball team.”

(Do you think there was a reason for the team lacking in energy?) “I don’t know what was the reason, you would have to ask each guy what was the reason. I felt pretty all right, I tried to play hard, tried to get rebounds, and I made a couple mistakes also. Because of the lack of communication we lost a couple points, but at the end of the day we all have to play hard. We need ten players on the team to play hard and tonight we didn’t have that.” (Is the motivation getting harder?) “I don’t want to answer that question but I’ll just tell you one thing, I’m embarrassed. I’m glad in the second half we stepped up a little bit to not get blown out by forty or fifty, but it’s embarrassing.”

04-03-2011, 05:03 PM
“I think we’ve played basically the defense we’ve played most of the year. It’s gotten to the point where we’re about as good as we’re going to get defensively.


04-03-2011, 05:07 PM
“I think we’ve played basically the defense we’ve played most of the year. It’s gotten to the point where we’re about as good as we’re going to get defensively.


Well that sucks.

04-03-2011, 05:14 PM
:lmao @ Pop saying the defense wasnt the problem during the losing streak. Spurs gave up an average of about 108 pts.

Jesus christ what happened to this coach...

04-03-2011, 05:18 PM
Head Coach Gregg Popovich

(When asked if he got what he was looking for defensively in the first half) “I think we’ve played basically the defense we’ve played most of the year. It’s gotten to the point where we’re about as good as we’re going to get defensively. That wasn’t our problem during the six games we lost. We’ve talked more about decision making, free-throws, three-point shooting, contested shots versus non-contested shots that sort of thing. Defense was a focus, because given the fact that those other things weren’t happening the defense had to be there or they would have been 15 or 20 point losses. But we were in every game so the defense was good enough.”

Popobitch, you really are one giant steaming pile of shit. You fucking hack.

04-03-2011, 05:20 PM
Unreal. :wow

A little stat:
During this 6 games losing streak, opponents have shoot a combined 243/483 from the field that is to say a .503 FG%.
This year the worst FG% allowed is Detroit with .485 .
Over the last decade, the worst FG% allowed is Toronto is 05-06 .491 .

To sum up, during their 6 games losing streak, Spurs defense has been worst than the worst defense of the last decade. How can Pop says that D wasn't a problem? Has he lost his mind?

04-03-2011, 05:21 PM
Bruno with the goods. Spin it Pop Homers, spin it!

04-03-2011, 05:25 PM
Unreal. :wow

A little stat:
During this 6 games losing streak, opponents have shoot a combined 243/483 from the field that is to say a .503 FG%.
This year the worst FG% allowed is Detroit with .485 .
Over the last decade, the worst FG% allowed is Toronto is 05-06 .491 .

To sum up, during their 6 games losing streak, Spurs defense has been worst than the worst defense of the last decade. How can Pop says that D wasn't a problem? Has he lost his mind?

I'm sure he's taken into account that we were without our best defender for 4 of the games, our 2nd best defender for pretty much 2 of the games and were without 4 starters for 1 of the games.

04-03-2011, 05:25 PM
Pop went into to full crazy mode when last year he said that Bogans was the centerpiece of the team. at that exact point, i completely lost hope in him being able to coach this team to a championship. he's a damn fool for thinking that the team has reached its full defensive potential. he has lost it. even the great ones lose it, and he was great at one time, but he's King Lear right now, he's out of his mind.

04-03-2011, 05:25 PM
:lmao @ Pop saying the defense wasnt the problem during the losing streak. Spurs gave up an average of about 108 pts.

Jesus christ what happened to this coach...

He's speaking the truth...they were in every game but turned the ball over at the wrong time and relied too much on the 3 to get them out...any time that happens, any team will score on fast breaks... in the half court they played defense well enough. Not to mention they were missing their defensive anchor..but your completely right to feel the way you do because once again your a fan who probably watches enough basketball to label yourself an "expert" with a valid opinion...:rolleyes

04-03-2011, 05:29 PM
Has he lost his mind?

his sanity is still in question? :lmao

04-03-2011, 05:29 PM
If Duncan is not injured, we easily clinch home court and none of this bitching takes place...We got a win.. ended the streak and LA lost to Denver...it'll be okay.. Pop has 4 rings and knows how to win...they'll be ready come playoff time.. Let's see how the Spurs finish..the next game will probably be the toughest other then LA...they beat Atlanta and should be able to take homecourt...

04-03-2011, 05:32 PM
Bruno with the goods. Spin it Pop Homers, spin it!

I'm sure he's taken into account that we were without our best defender for 4 of the games, our 2nd best defender for pretty much 2 of the games and were without 4 starters for 1 of the games.

He's speaking the truth...they were in every game but turned the ball over at the wrong time and relied too much on the 3 to get them out...any time that happens, any team will score on fast breaks... in the half court they played defense well enough. Not to mention they were missing their defensive anchor..but your completely right to feel the way you do because once again your a fan who probably watches enough basketball to label yourself an "expert" with a valid opinion...:rolleyes

If Duncan is not injured, we easily clinch home court and none of this bitching takes place...We got a win.. ended the streak and LA lost to Denver...it'll be okay.. Pop has 4 rings and knows how to win...they'll be ready come playoff time.. Let's see how the Spurs finish..the next game will probably be the toughest other then LA...they beat Atlanta and should be able to take homecourt...

Ask and you shall receive.

04-03-2011, 05:35 PM
He's speaking the truth...they were in every game but turned the ball over at the wrong time and relied too much on the 3 to get them out...any time that happens, any team will score on fast breaks... in the half court they played defense well enough. Not to mention they were missing their defensive anchor..but your completely right to feel the way you do because once again your a fan who probably watches enough basketball to label yourself an "expert" with a valid opinion...:rolleyes

:lmao If you think they played "well enough" defense in the half court during those 6 games then i dont think i can do anything else for you.

Just because a team is still in a game late in the 4th doesnt mean that them giving up 110pts/game and 50% shooting to the opponent is good enough defense.

04-03-2011, 05:41 PM
Unreal. :wow

A little stat:
During this 6 games losing streak, opponents have shoot a combined 243/483 from the field that is to say a .503 FG%.
This year the worst FG% allowed is Detroit with .485 .
Over the last decade, the worst FG% allowed is Toronto is 05-06 .491 .

To sum up, during their 6 games losing streak, Spurs defense has been worst than the worst defense of the last decade. How can Pop says that D wasn't a problem? Has he lost his mind?

That would be a nice stat if the Spurs played like this the whole season but your comparing a stat from two teams who did this in one season to a six game skid the Spurs just played, without TIM DUNCAN!!!!!!!!

04-03-2011, 05:44 PM
:lmao If you think they played "well enough" defense in the half court during those 6 games then i dont think i can do anything else for you.

Just because a team is still in a game late in the 4th doesnt mean that them giving up 110pts/game and 50% shooting to the opponent is good enough defense.

Can't wait to see what many of you'll have to say come playoff time...we're all here to see the Spurs win, but granted, everyone is entitled to their opinion, so let's just wait and see...to base your sole opinion on the Spurs because of a six game slide speaks volumes...:nope

04-03-2011, 05:51 PM
Can't wait to see what many of you'll have to say come playoff time...we're all here to see the Spurs win, but granted, everyone is entitled to their opinion, so let's just wait and see...to base your sole opinion on the Spurs because of a six game slide speaks volumes...:nope

Spurs have been a middle of the pack defensive team all season long.

They've shown that they can play pretty good defense for a quarter or so but they cant do it for a whole game.

Solid defense for a half or so every game should be enough to get this team to the WCF but they'd have to absolutely shoot lights out from 3 to have a chance at beating LA.

04-03-2011, 05:56 PM
Unreal. :wow

A little stat:
During this 6 games losing streak, opponents have shoot a combined 243/483 from the field that is to say a .503 FG%.
This year the worst FG% allowed is Detroit with .485 .
Over the last decade, the worst FG% allowed is Toronto is 05-06 .491 .

To sum up, during their 6 games losing streak, Spurs defense has been worst than the worst defense of the last decade. How can Pop says that D wasn't a problem? Has he lost his mind?

Come on!

You all know guys what he meant!
We haven' been blown out or something during that loosing stretch, we lost because of bad execution, stupid TO and missed FT...

Of course, the D wasn't good either, but THAT was not the reason we lost!!!

We could still have won those games (including without Timmy or the big 3) with a little more poise at the end of EACH games!

That was the difference maker!

+ Pop has to manage a team and is not an analyst, he can't go on them because of the D every day, it won't work at some point!

04-03-2011, 05:57 PM
Spurs have been a middle of the pack defensive team all season long.

They've shown that they can play pretty good defense for a quarter or so but they cant do it for a whole game.

Solid defense for a half or so every game should be enough to get this team to the WCF but they'd have to absolutely shoot lights out from 3 to have a chance at beating LA.

the key to beating LA is playing them physical and rebounding...Denver showed today exactly that...La got beat because of Denver's second chances..Denver plays smaller then us...additionally they did a decent job of being in Kobe's face and towards the end, he tried doing it himself while trying to rely on the refs to bail him out....the Spurs can play like this and have played like this....yes we do rely on the 3 a lil more then usual but I still think in the half-court, POP will go to Duncan to facilitate the offense out of the block more often in the playoffs then what we've seen lately....

04-03-2011, 05:59 PM
Unreal. :wow

A little stat:
During this 6 games losing streak, opponents have shoot a combined 243/483 from the field that is to say a .503 FG%.
This year the worst FG% allowed is Detroit with .485 .
Over the last decade, the worst FG% allowed is Toronto is 05-06 .491 .

To sum up, during their 6 games losing streak, Spurs defense has been worst than the worst defense of the last decade. How can Pop says that D wasn't a problem? Has he lost his mind?

B-b-but the games were still close!

04-03-2011, 05:59 PM
What does Pop mean by this:

'(When asked if he liked what Tiago Splitter contributed to the rotation today) “Yes he was willing to play behind those big guys." '

Does he mean that Tiago would rather front his covers? It's a strange comment, saying that "he was willing", implying that Tiago would prefer not to.

04-03-2011, 06:00 PM
the key to beating LA is playing them physical and rebounding...Denver showed today exactly that...La got beat because of Denver's second chances..Denver plays smaller then us...additionally they did a decent job of being in Kobe's face and towards the end, he tried doing it himself while trying to rely on the refs to bail him out....the Spurs can play like this and have played like this....yes we do rely on the 3 a lil more then usual but I still think in the half-court, POP will go to Duncan to facilitate the offense out of the block more often in the playoffs then what we've seen lately....

Denver also played their 7 footer Mozgov to match up against Bynum.

Good luck trying to beat them with physical D and rebounding with Bonner getting minutes in favor of Tiago.

04-03-2011, 06:04 PM
Unreal. :wow

A little stat:
During this 6 games losing streak, opponents have shoot a combined 243/483 from the field that is to say a .503 FG%.
This year the worst FG% allowed is Detroit with .485 .
Over the last decade, the worst FG% allowed is Toronto is 05-06 .491 .

To sum up, during their 6 games losing streak, Spurs defense has been worst than the worst defense of the last decade. How can Pop says that D wasn't a problem? Has he lost his mind?

I think it just reflects his shift in focus; he's now auditioning to be D'Antoni, Jr. I think he means that, yeah, the Spurs defense sucks, but the improvement in offense has compensated for the drop off. They've been winning, so the D part has been good enough to facilitate the win. But during the 6 losses, it was the offense that really went off and other miscues.

He's just admitting that he's given up on the defensive end and is more interested in focusing on the offense to compensate.

The Spurs have become the Suns without Nash.

04-03-2011, 06:04 PM
ACTUALLY, Mozgov played 15 minutes today and when he did, he subbed for Hilario...Bynum played 31 minutes today before he got injured....

04-03-2011, 06:05 PM
ACTUALLY, Mozgov played 15 minutes today and when he did, he subbed for Hilario...Bynum played 31 minutes today before he got injured....

Bynum got hurt? Details?

04-03-2011, 06:08 PM
ACTUALLY, Mozgov played 15 minutes today and when he did, he subbed for Hilario...Bynum played 31 minutes today before he got injured....

I don't think you're following me. I'm just saying George Karl let his 7footer get some time against Bynum while Pop's probably going to stick with Blair/Bonner over Tiago.

Go Spurs Go! :flag:

04-03-2011, 06:25 PM
“I think we’ve played basically the defense we’ve played most of the year. It’s gotten to the point where we’re about as good as we’re going to get defensively.


Well there goes that hope for people who thought they'd turn on the defensive "switch" for the playoffs. And as to the other comment Pop made, defense was definitely a HUGE reason why they lost to Boston. The clueless Rondo P&R defense/strategy led to the Spurs getting almost no stops at the end of the game.

04-03-2011, 06:26 PM
Come on!

You all know guys what he meant!
We haven' been blown out or something during that loosing stretch, we lost because of bad execution, stupid TO and missed FT...

Of course, the D wasn't good either, but THAT was not the reason we lost!!!

Disagree. If Spurs have played even average defense, they would have been up by double digits in crunch time in some of these games. Spurs, and especially Parker, have been dismal in crunch time but it's not a reason to forget the 46 or 47 minutes before it.


Defense was a focus, because given the fact that those other things weren’t happening the defense had to be there or they would have been 15 or 20 point losses

The defense was atrocious. The reason why these weren't blowouts losses was that the offense was still good. I don't get how Pop can say something like that.

04-03-2011, 06:30 PM
:wow:wow:wow WTF was Pop watching during those last 6 games?

Defense had to be "there"? Are you fucking kidding me?

04-03-2011, 08:00 PM
Gortat always going in on his team

The Truth #6
04-03-2011, 08:12 PM
Pop is right in the sense that our defense was never the reason for our great record. It was always offense, and specifically shooting. BUT, obviously the defense is below average recently.

04-03-2011, 11:43 PM
Come on!

You all know guys what he meant!
We haven' been blown out or something during that loosing stretch, we lost because of bad execution, stupid TO and missed FT...

Of course, the D wasn't good either, but THAT was not the reason we lost!!!

We could still have won those games (including without Timmy or the big 3) with a little more poise at the end of EACH games!

That was the difference maker!

+ Pop has to manage a team and is not an analyst, he can't go on them because of the D every day, it won't work at some point!

I'm not that pissed off about not having the best defense and I agree with most of what you said as the defense didn't cost us those games, it was all the other stuff you mentioned, but still you can't be happy with that defense at all.

I just want Tiago in the rotation and never to see a Bonner and Blair combo out there. I think if Pop stuck to that rule and played a big at all times like Tim and Tiago the defense would improve.

The rotation is what was really bothering me, not the 6 game losing streak itself.

04-04-2011, 02:46 AM
Interesting stats.

I didn't know Detroit played 66% of their games on the road and ONLY against playoffs teams.

Same for Toronto: 55 games on the road is tough in a season.

04-04-2011, 02:49 AM
Pop is just toying with the SA media, a bunch of clowns that ask nothing but a prechewed question.
On top, Parker has questioned the defense several times now (he should start with HIS defense, by the way): so Pop goes out and let everybody know what he thinks of Parker's thoughts.

04-04-2011, 07:41 AM
Lol this thread.

I'm sure we'd all love to see the defense tighten up a little more but its too late for that now. We have to go with what we have now, and that is strong offense with decent defense. Comparing pop to d'antoni is a fuckin disgrace. If I had suggested that the spurs would be where they are now at the beginning of the season, you would have all been saying it would take a miracle coaching job from pop.

Cmon bruno. You know comparing a 6 game skid on the road against good teams to entire seasons if bad teams is fuckin apples and oranges. Anybody buying into that crap should be ashamed.

04-04-2011, 07:50 AM
The defense has been average most of the season, but during the streak it was pretty much nonexistant. Pop's answering the questions the way he is because he knows the inevitable follow-up questions will center around the guy he's trying not to give minutes to.

In other words, he's not stupid, he's just dishonest. He wants to be Mike D'Antoni.

04-04-2011, 08:00 AM
The defense has been average most of the season, but during the streak it was pretty much nonexistant. Pop's answering the questions the way he is because he knows the inevitable follow-up questions will center around the guy he's trying not to give minutes to.

In other words, he's not stupid, he's just dishonest. He wants to be Don Nelson.

04-04-2011, 08:02 AM
The defense has been average most of the season, but during the streak it was pretty much nonexistant. Pop's answering the questions the way he is because he knows the inevitable follow-up questions will center around the guy he's trying not to give minutes to.

In other words, he's not stupid, he's just dishonest. He's been Don Nelson all along but was unable to run off David Robinson and Tim Duncan.

Fixed again.

04-04-2011, 08:28 AM

04-04-2011, 11:00 AM
Disagree. If Spurs have played even average defense, they would have been up by double digits in crunch time in some of these games. Spurs, and especially Parker, have been dismal in crunch time but it's not a reason to forget the 46 or 47 minutes before it.


The defense was atrocious. The reason why these weren't blowouts losses was that the offense was still good. I don't get how Pop can say something like that.

Everything you say is true, but...

Those games could still have been won without the mental mistakes and bad execution in the money time!!

That's when you win championships and sucking at closing a game is far worst IMO than the overall D (who is also important obviously).

I'd prefer winning thanks to our D, but you can only notice that this team can have a great O (and raining 3s) that can make up for an average D during some quarters, AS LONG AS you know how to close a game!
That's the way this team won 57 times in 70 games...

They have shown some amazing D during the season, even if it was only for a quarter, it allows me to believe that they can make stops when it's needed.