View Full Version : So, where does Kerry get his information?

09-23-2004, 02:59 PM

Kerry: Allawi's Take on Iraq Unrealistic (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-4509663,00.html)

It takes a certain kind of stupid to come out and call Allawi a liar -- immediately after an impassioned speech where the Prime Minister was expressing his gratitude to the United States of America.

But, really, Allawi came from Iraq and gave that speech...where does Kerry get his information from which he can claim Allawi is lying?

Aggie Hoopsfan
09-23-2004, 03:56 PM
He gets it from his ass, which usually does most of the talking too.

The funny thing is, as I watched Allawi give his speech this morning, I figured Kerry wouldn't be far behind trashing the guy.

Don't we constantly hear how Bush has alienated international leaders and how Kerry would do a better job?

I don't see how calling someone a liar, when you haven't even thought about setting foot within a thousand miles of their country, achieves that supposed "strength" of Kerry.

09-23-2004, 04:13 PM
um, our own government came out with the recent reports saying iraq is a mess and has a bleak future, not kerry

Joe Chalupa
09-23-2004, 04:49 PM
Well if you dont want to hear a Democrat say that the situation in Iraq is deteriorating dangerously, listen to a Republican Senator instead. "The worst thing we can do is hold ourselves hostage to some grand illusion were winning," said Chuck Hagel, a Republican from Nebraska.
"Right now, we are not winning. Things are getting worse . The fact is, were in deep trouble in Iraq."

Tommy Duncan
09-23-2004, 04:57 PM
um, our own government came out with the recent reports saying iraq is a mess and has a bleak future, not kerry

Right. And a prior NIE said that Iraq had WMDs and Hussein was a major threat to the United States.

09-23-2004, 05:35 PM

Ruby Ridge
09-23-2004, 06:07 PM
Gee read the damn aritcle you linked and he says where he gets his information. Also where is the word "lied" used? Oh, in Yonibore distorted post that's where.

09-23-2004, 06:12 PM
"Lied" is a pretty loosely-used term these days.

Ruby Ridge
09-23-2004, 06:36 PM
I agree on that, lied is an overused term these days.

Joe Chalupa
09-23-2004, 07:21 PM
I prefer to get laid.

09-23-2004, 10:56 PM
Cheney 'appalled' by Kerry's 'lack of respect' for Iraqi leader

ST. JOSEPH, United States (AFP) - US Vice President Richard Cheney said he was apalled by what he described as the "lack of respect" shown by Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry (news - web sites) to the interim leader of Iraq (news - web sites) Iyad Allawi.

Allawi met President George W. Bush (news - web sites) at the White House earlier Thursday and addressed a rare joint session of the US Congress where he told lawmakers: "We are succeeding in Iraq."

Speaking in Columbus, Ohio, shortly after Allawi's speech, Kerry said the interim Iraqi premier was painting an unrealistically upbeat picture of the situation in his homeland.

Kerry's comments drew a sharp rebuke from the vice president just 40 days before Americans go to the polls on November 2 to cast their presidential ballots.

"I must say I was appalled at the complete lack of respect Senator Kerry showed for this man of courage when he rushed to hold a press conference and attack the prime minister, a man America must stand beside to defeat the terrorists," Cheney told an audience in St. Joseph, Missouri.

"John Kerry is trying to tear down all the good that has been accomplished, and his words are destructive to our effort in Iraq and in the global war on terror.

"As Prime Minister Allawi said in his speech, and I quote, 'When political leaders sound the siren of defeatism in the face of terrorism, it only encourages more violence,'" Cheney added.

Ruby Ridge
09-23-2004, 11:02 PM
:brotha Darth Cheney has spoken.:white

09-24-2004, 03:36 AM

How about the way Right-wing media is trying to portray Kerry and the Democrats as a bunch of closed-minded, loser, pessimists? All they ever do is complain about the war in Iraq and Georgie, why can't they say something nice for once? I wouldn't go to Iraq, but it's not that bad. They are clearly desperate. They can't win a election just because they hate George Bush and the war in Iraq, they have to love John Kerry.

Meanwhile, W and Cheney are busy playing good cop - bad cop with people. W. constantly reminding all of us that we haven't been attacked again since 911 (never mind that he was in charge during 911) and Cheney warning anyone who's willing to sign a loyalty oath, that if they vote for John Kerry they might as well be voting to be attacked again.

It's all laughable.

09-24-2004, 02:06 PM
"um, our own government came out with the recent reports saying iraq is a mess and has a bleak future, not kerry "
Um, as has already been pointed out in this forum and by the President, that Intelligence Estimate was issued in July and based on information from the Spring. Things have changed...according to Allawi.

As he pointed out, the terrorists and violence are contained in 3 of Iraq's 18 provinces. (that's actually a smaller area than even I had imagined).

So, has Kerry done a more recent Intelligence Estimate?

09-24-2004, 02:08 PM
"Well if you dont want to hear a Democrat say that the situation in Iraq is deteriorating dangerously, listen to a Republican Senator instead. "The worst thing we can do is hold ourselves hostage to some grand illusion were winning," said Chuck Hagel, a Republican from Nebraska.
"Right now, we are not winning. Things are getting worse . The fact is, were in deep trouble in Iraq."
And I would say the same thing...where's Hagel getting his information?

I recently posted a blog from a Marine Corp Colonel, at central command in Baghdad, who said things are getting better.

Who are you going to believe, Joe?

09-24-2004, 02:26 PM
"Gee read the damn aritcle you linked and he says where he gets his information."
Okay, let's look at that...

From the Article:

"'The prime minister and the president are here obviously to put their best face on the policy, but the fact is that the CIA estimates, the reporting, the ground operations and the troops all tell a different story,' Kerry said."
A CIA Intelligence estimate published in July and based on information collected in the Spring. Not exactly information as fresh as what a man who had just flown from Iraq might possess.

The reporting... Ah, yes, the reporting. Would this be reporting from the hallowed halls of CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC, BBC, et. al. who barricade themselves in one of the embattled provinces and ignore what is happening in the rest of the country? That reporting? The reporting that says, "if it bleeds it leads?" That reporting? The reporting that recognizes that blood and violence and scandal drive ratings, not peace and progress? That reporting? The reporting that is coming under growing scrutiny because of a perceived bias, in favor of one Presidential candidate over another? That reporting? No thanks...I'd rather get my news from an Iraqi that lives there.

Ground Operations? Who's? He wasn't very specific and the U.S. Military "ground" operations say we're kicking ass.

The Troops. Yes, there is a contingent of troops, in Iraq, that are not happy about being there and that are very pessimistic about the future of their operations. However, overwhelmingly (based on my sources of information and several polls) the U.S. military, including soldiers in Iraq, just back from Iraq, or ready to be deployed to Iraq, we're kicking ass.

Again, from what legitimate and verifiable source did Senator get his information on the state of Iraq?

"Also where is the word 'lied' used?"
Let's see...

Again, from the article:

"Shortly after Allawi, the interim government's prime minister, gave a rosy portrayal of progress toward peace in Iraq, Kerry said the assessment contradicted reality on the ground."
Kerry said the assessment [given by Allawi] contradicted reality. That is a "nuanced" way of saying Allawi lied.

And, I re-posted the entire paragraph for, yet, another reason.

"...[Allawi] gave a rosy portrayal of progress..."

He did no such thing. Prime Minister spoke of the difficulties and hardships with candor and honesty. Was he optimistic? Sure. But, did he whitewash the realities? Read the transcript of his speech...I don't see that.

I think this just shows the media bias. Trying to paint as wide a contrast as possible between a grateful Allawi and Kerry, who does not benefit from a grateful, more peaceful Iraq.

Kerry only wins if we lose (or are perceived as losing) in Iraq.

09-24-2004, 02:31 PM
Is this the same Allawi who recently murdered 6 prisoners in cold blood by shooting them in the back of the head? Why was he even let into the country? He can get in, but Cat Stevens, who filed a lawsuit in court today, cant?

What up wit dat?

09-24-2004, 02:59 PM
You're changing the subject. Nice try, but I'm tired of chasing you all over threads with your diversions.

Where did Kerry get his information?