View Full Version : Transcripción de la Conferencia Telefónica con Manu Ginóbili (translation needed)

Kori Ellis
06-06-2005, 05:18 PM
Transcripción de la Conferencia Telefónica con Manu Ginóbili

MIAMI, Florida (6 de Junio, 2005) – A continuación el texto de la conferencia telefónica que se realizó este lunes con Emanuel Ginóbili.

¿Cuál es tu rival favorito para las NBA Finals 2005?
Yo estoy muy feliz por jugar. Ambos son muy buenos equipos ofensiva y defensivamente. Contra quien nos toque jugar será muy duro y realmente no tenemos preferencia. Simplemente estamos esperando contra quién nos toca sin importar cuál equipo es.

Hace algunos días y con motivo del lanzamiento de la película La Guerra de las Galaxias se hacía un juego de palabras con tu apellido y uno de los personajes de la cinta. ¿Esto es un reflejo del nivel de tu popularidad en Estados Unidos?
Fue algo en San Antonio porque mi nombre rimaba y coincidió como dices con el lanzamiento de la película. Pero no creo que vaya más allá de lo que es la ciudad. Lo tomo como algo gracioso y nada más.

Esta semana juegan Brasil y Argentina por las eliminatorias al Mundial 2006. ¿Vas a seguir el partido?
Si no tengo entrenamiento trataré de verlo. Estoy acá con mis hermanos y trataré de verlo con ellos como en las viejas épocas. He estado muy desconectado de lo que es la selección. Pero como buen Argentino estaré apoyando a la selección.

San Antonio fue uno de los mejores equipos defensivos de la temporada, quizás lo peor que les podría pasar es enfrentar a Detroit, uno de los mejores en defensa de la NBA.
El hecho de jugar contra Detroit, si gana, será una final con un juego lento y defensivo, con marcadores más bajos. Creo que es bastante posible. No se verán partidos de 115 puntos como contra Phoenix. Pero este equipo está preparado para enfrentar a cualquiera. Si jugamos contra Miami no creo igual que sean partidos de marcadores amplios.

¿Cuál es el elemento que hace la diferencia de los Spurs con respecto a los demás equipos de la liga?
Creo que Tim Duncan, no hay duda. Pero el manejo de la franquicia ha sido fundamental. Gregg Popovich y R.C. Buford han logrado conformar un gran equipo y tienen claro los objetivos, el plan de juego. Todos quienes están en el equipo saben lo que necesitamos para llegar hasta donde hemos llegado.

Esta es será tu segunda final en la NBA. ¿Cómo comparas a este equipo con respecto al de la temporada 2003?
Son muy similares. Quizás lo que cambia un poco es que este equipo juega un poco más rápido en la línea ofensiva, no basándonos en el juego de Duncan. Ahora tenemos más variantes, pero la idea de juego y defensa es la misma y esperamos que sean iguales los resultados.

Se dice que Tim Duncan es clave en el equipo, ¿qué tan fundamental es Manu Ginóbili en este equipo?
Hay jugadores claves y que lo son más que otros. Duncan es uno de los mejores tres jugadores de la NBA y es una de las megaestrellas de la liga. Y cualquier equipo gira alrededor de este jugador, como por ejemplo Phoenix con Steve Nash, Minnesota con Garnett, Lakers con Kobe Bryant, eso está claro. Pero creo que tanto Tony Parker como yo hemos mejorado bastante y tenemos muchas más responsabilidades ofensivas que en años anteriores. El equipo necesita de nosotros pero hay que ser consiente que el equipo gira alrededor de Duncan.

¿Por qué San Antonio se acomoda tan bien a los estilos defensivos y ofensivos de sus rivales?
Hay que tener bien claro un sistema defensivo, como el de nosotros y hay que tener ganas de defender. Lo hemos hecho históricamente muy bien. Hay juegos donde se debe jugar más rápido y hay encuentros donde se necesitan las penetraciones de Tony o las mías u otros que necesitan el juego interior de Duncan. Creo que somos un equipo versátil: tenemos juego interior para un juego lento y tenemos jugadores para un juego rápido como con Tony y conmigo. Este equipo es versátil y capaz de hacer distintas cosas que en años anteriores.

¿Sientes un trato diferente de los árbitros luego de tres años en la NBA?
Si, creo que luego de tres años con cierto éxito hace que puedas tener un mejor diálogo con los árbitros y un trato mejor. Eso pasa en todos lados. Más allá que te puedan cobrar más o menos, el hecho de poder sacarte una duda con ellos y hablar con ellos dentro de la cancha hace todo más tranquilo.

¿Por dónde se puede atacar a Miami o Detroit?
Los dos equipos son bastante similares. Con mucho poder tanto interno como externo. Creo que la clave es defender muy duro y después en ataque ser lo más altruistas posible. Creo que a este nivel donde las defensas son tan buenas gana el que hace un pase extra, el que no tiene egoísmo y al que busca al compañero mejor habilitado.

Si el rival es Miami, ¿hay una forma especial de jugarle a Shaquille O’Neal?
El tamaño de Shaquille hace que en algún momento sea necesario mandar a alguien que le ayude a marcarlo, porque es muy grande. No es lo mismo marcar a Shaq que a Ben Wallace. En general lo importante es ser agresivo y hacer buenas rotaciones defensivas. Pero igual a veces hay que hacer marcación fuerte con Rasheed Wallace o Tayshaun Prince.

Todos hablan del rendimiento de Shaquille O’Neal, pero Wade ha sido determinante para Miami…
No tengo dudas que Dwyane Wade tuvo una temporada igual o hasta mejor que la de Shaquille O’Neal. Creo que fue menospreciado al momento de elegir el MVP de la temporada, pues tuvo partidos claves y muy buenos. Es muy difícil de defender y junto a Shaquille tiene la misma importancia.

Ya ganaste un anillo de la NBA, ¿qué significa para ti buscar el segundo?
Es mantenerse arriba. A veces es más difícil llegar que mantenerse. Para mí sería algo increíble el poder repetir pero ahora con más protagonismo y siendo más importante que en el primer campeonato y ojalá podamos llegar al mismo final.

¿Se puede aprender algo de un equipo como los Lakers que llegó como uno de los favoritos y terminó perdiendo las finales por un equipo en teoría débil del Este?
Es un gran ejemplo de lo que es el deporte hoy en día. Ganan los buenos equipos, no las buenas individualidades. No importa quien sea el favorito, siempre ganará el que mejor juegue en equipo y el que sea menos egoísta. Detroit el año pasado tuvo un juego de equipo muy bueno, una gran defensa y esperamos copiar eso de las finales del año pasado.

¿Consideras esta pausa y el descanso antes de las finales un elemento positivo o negativo?
Un poco de las dos. Nos beneficia porque luego de una serie tan dura como la de Seattle y luego de correr tanto contra Phoenix logramos recuperarnos, unos por lesión, Duncan por su golpe en los tobillos. Así que seguro viene bien un poco de descanso. Por ahí ocho días hace que se juegue con la ansiedad y luego de venir jugando bien se quiere jugar en buena forma sin perder el ritmo. Considero que es mejor tener unos días de descanso y no estar en la situación que viven Miami y Detroit, que a este punto no se sabe quién avanzará a las finales.

06-06-2005, 05:19 PM
I can not read that! :angel

06-06-2005, 05:20 PM
In summary he is saying he is tired of playing in San Antonio and he would like to be traded to Portland.

06-06-2005, 05:23 PM
In summary he is saying he is tired of playing in San Antonio and he would like to be traded to Portland.
:rolleyes You Wish :rolleyes

06-06-2005, 05:31 PM
Awesome revealing article...!!!! too long to translate from work... If I go home and it is still unstranslated I'll give it a shot....

06-06-2005, 06:14 PM
In summary he is saying he is tired of playing in San Antonio and he would like to be traded to Portland.


06-06-2005, 06:16 PM
In summary he is saying he is tired of playing in San Antonio and he would like to be traded to Portland.


06-06-2005, 06:49 PM
Awesome revealing article...!!!! too long to translate from work... If I go home and it is still unstranslated I'll give it a shot....Please do!

06-06-2005, 07:02 PM
translation in progress- stand by :smokin

06-06-2005, 07:03 PM
I did a spanish translation on altavista. Some of it makes sense, some doesn't.

Transcription of the Telephone Conference with Manu Ginóbili MIAMI, Florida (6 of June, 2005) - Next the text of the telephone conference that was made east Monday with Emanuel Ginóbili.

Which is your favorite rival for the NBA Finals 2005?
I am very happy for playing. Both are very good teams offensive and defensively. Against who is called on to us to play will be very hard and really we do not have preference. Simply we are hoping against whom touches to us without mattering which team is.

Some days ago and in the occasion of the launching of the film the War of the Galaxies became a game of words with your last name and one of the personages of the tape. This is a reflection of the level of your popularity in the United States?
He was something in San Antonio because my name rimaba and agreed as you say with the launching of the film. But I do not believe that it goes beyond which it is the city. The volume like something graceful and nothing else.

This week Brazil and Argentina by the eliminatory ones play World-wide the 2006. You are going to follow the party?
If I do not have training I will try to see it. I am here with my brothers and I will try to see it with them like at the old times. Been very I have disconnected of which it is the selection. But as good Argentinean I will be supporting to the selection.

San Antonio was one of the best defensive teams of the season, perhaps the worse thing than he could happen to them is to face Detroit, one of the best ones in defense of the NBA.
The fact to play against Detroit, if it wins, will be a end with a slow and defensive game, with lower markers. I believe that it is quite possible. Parties of 115 points like against Phoenix will not be seen. But this team is prepared to face anyone. If we played against Miami I do not create just as they are left from ample markers.

Which is the element that makes the difference of the Spurs with respect to the other teams of the league? I believe that Tim Duncan, is no doubt. But the handling of the tax exemption has been fundamental. Gregg Popovich and R.C. Buford have managed to conform a great team and know clearly the objectives, the game plan. All who are in the team they know what we needed to arrive to where we have arrived.

This is will be your second end in the NBA. How you compare to this team with respect to the one of season 2003?
They are very similar. Perhaps what it changes a little is that this team plays a little more express in the offensive line, not basing to us on the game of Duncan. Now we have more variants, but the idea of game and defense is the same one and we hoped that the results are equal.

One says that Tim Duncan is key in the team, what so fundamental is Manu Ginóbili in this team?
There are key players and who are it more than others. Duncan is one of best the three players of the NBA and is one of megaestrellas of the league. And any team turns around this player, like for example Phoenix with Steve Nash, Minnesota with Garnett, Lakers with Kobe Bryant, that is clear. But I believe that as much Tony Parker as I we have improved and we have many enough more offensive responsibilities than in previous years. The team needs us but it is necessary to be allows that the team turns around Duncan.

For which San Antonio complies so well to the defensive and offensive styles of his rivals?
It is necessary to know well clearly a defensive system, as the one of us and is necessary to have desire to defend. We have done it historically very well. There are games where more express is due to play and is encounter where the penetrations Tony or the mine or other are needed that they need the inner game Duncan. I believe that we are a versatile team: we have inner game for a slow game and have players for a fast game like with Tony and me. This team is versatile and able to make different things that in previous years.

You feel a treatment different from the referees after three years in the NBA? If, I believe that after three years with certain success it causes that you can better have a better dialogue with the referees and a treatment. That happens in all sides. Further on that can receive to you more or less, the fact of being able sacarte a doubt with them and to speak with them within the field makes everything calmer.

By where it is possible to be attacked Miami or Detroit?
Both team is enough similars. With much internal power as as much external. I believe that the key is to defend very hard and later in attack to be most altruistic possible. I believe that at this level where the defenses are so good it gains the one that do passes extra, the one that does not have egoísmo and that it looks for the companion better qualified.

If the rival is Miami, is a special form to play to him Shaquille ÓNeal?
The size of Shaquille causes that at some moment it is necessary to command which helps to mark it him, because he is very great. It is not the same to mark Shaq that to Horseradish tree Wallace. :lol In general the important thing is to be aggressive and to make good rotations defensive. But equal sometimes it is necessary to make strong bearing with Rasheed Wallace or Tayshaun Prince.

All speak of the yield of Shaquille ÓNeal, but Wade has been determining for Miami... I do not have doubts that Dwyane Wade had one season equal or until better than the one of Shaquille ÓNeal. I believe that it was despised at the time of choosing the MVP of the season, because it had key and very good parties. It is very difficult to defend and next to Shaquille it has the same importance.

You already gained a ring of the NBA, what means for you to look for the second?
It is to stay arrives. Sometimes it is more difficult to arrive than to stay. For me the power would be something incredible to repeat now but with more protagonism and being more important that in the first championship and hopefully we pruned to arrive at the same end.

Can be learned something of a team like the Lakers that arrived as one from the favorites and ended up losing the end by a team in weak theory of the East?
It is a great example of which it is the sport nowadays. They gain the good team, not them good individualities. It does not matter who is the favorite, will always gain the one that better plays in team and the one that is less egoistic. Detroit the last year had a game of very good team, a great defense and we hoped to copy that of the end of the last year.

You consider this pause and the rest before the end a positive or negative element? A little the two. It benefits to us because after a as hard series as the one from Seattle and after running as much against Phoenix we managed to recover, by injury, Duncan by its blow in the ankles. So surely a little comes well from rest. That way eight days it causes that one gambles with the anxiety and after coming playing well is wanted to play in good form without losing the rate. I consider that he is better to have days of rest and not to be in the situation that live Miami and Detroit, that to this point is not known who will advance to the end.

06-06-2005, 07:07 PM
translation in progress- stand by :smokin

beat ya by a nose. :)

although if you've got a better translation, i'll delete mine.

06-06-2005, 07:10 PM

06-06-2005, 07:30 PM
If someone has a proper translation please post it, the altavista/google one always make it hard to read.

It hurts my head :lol

06-06-2005, 08:35 PM
It is not the same to mark Shaq that to Horseradish tree Wallace.

06-06-2005, 08:57 PM
Is anyone in the process of translating it? Cause I don't want to do it and find out it's already been done after I finish.
(It takes really long)


Jules Winnfield
06-06-2005, 09:25 PM

06-06-2005, 10:51 PM

Who is your favorite rival for the 2005 NBA Finals?
"I am just very glad to play. Both are very good teams offensive and defensively. Whoever we get to play against will be very hard and really, we have no preference. We are simply waiting for who we have to play; it's not important which team it is."

A few days ago, and with the motive of the premiere of the movie "Star Wars" there was a play on words with your last name and one of the characters from the movie. Is this a reflection of the level of popularity in the United States?
"It was something from San Antonio because my name rhymed and coincided like you say, with the movie premiere. But I don't think that it goes beyond the city. I take it as something funny, and nothing more."

Brazil and Argentina play this week for the elimination games (playoffs?) for the 2006 World Cup(?). Are you going to follow the game?
"If I don't have practice, I'll try to watch it. I am over here with my brothers and I will try to watch it with them like in the old days. I have been really disconnected from the team. But like a good Argentine, I will be supporting the team."

San Antonio was one of the best defensive teams of the season, maybe the worst that can happen to you all would be playing against Detroit, one of the best defenders of the NBA.
"Playing against Detroit, if they win, will be a finals with a slow and defensive game, with lower scores. I think it is very possible. You won't see games with 115 points like against Phoenix. But this team is prepared to go against anyone. If we play against Miami I don't think that they'll be games with high scores either."

What is the element that makes the Spurs different from the rest of the teams in the league?
"I think it's Tim Duncan, no doubt. But the way the franchise is managed has been fundamental. Gregg Popovich and R.C. Buford have been able to conform a great team and they have their objectives clear, the game plan. Everyone whom are in the team know what we need to get to where we are."

This will be your second Finals in the NBA. How do you compare this team with respect to the one in the 2003 season?
"They are very similar. Maybe what changes a little is that this team plays a bit faster in the offensive line, not relying in Tim Duncan's play. Now we have more variants, but the game and defense is the same one and we hope the results will be the same."

They say Tim Duncan is the key in the team. How fundamental is Manu Ginobili in this team?
"There are key players and who are more so than others. Duncan is one of the three best players in the NBA and is one of the megastars in the league. And any team revolves around this player, like for example Phoenix with Steve Nash, Minnesota with Garnett, Lakers with Kobe Bryant, that is very clear. But I think that Tony Parker and I have gotten a lot better and we have much more offensive responsibilities than in years past. The team needs us but we have to be consistant in that the team revolves around Duncan."

Why does San Antonio adjust/mold so well with the defensive and offensive styles of their rivals?
"You have to have a really clear defensive system, like ours and you have to have the motivation/drive to defend. We have been doing it historically very well. There are games where you have to play faster and there are others where what is needed are Tony's penetrations or mine or others which need Duncan's interior game. I think we are a versatile team: we have the interior game for a slow game, and we have players for a faster game like with Tony and I. This team is versatile and able to do more different things than in years past."

Do you have a different treatment from the refs after three years in the NBA?
"Yes, I think that after three years with certain success makes you be able to have a better dialogue with the refs and a better treatment. That happens everywhere. More than charging you more or less, the fact that you can be able to get yourself out of a doubt with them and talk with them in the court makes everything more calm."

Where can you attack Miami or Detroit?
"Both teams are very similar. With a lot of power both internal and external. I think the key is defending very hard and then in attacking, being the most altruistic possible. I think that in this level where the defenses are this good, the one that wins is the one who does an extra pass, the one who has no egotism, and who looks for the best able teammate."

If the rival is Miami, is there a special way of playing Shaquille O'Neal?
"Shaquille's size makes it necessary that in a certain moment we send someone who will defend(?) him, because he is so big. It's not the same defending Shaq and Ben Wallace. In general, what's important is being agressive and doing good defensive rotations. Yet, sometimes you have to make a strong post(?) with Rasheed Wallace or Tayshaun Prince."

Everyone talkes of Shaquille O'Neal's contributions, but Wade has been determinating for Miami...
"I have no doubt that Dwyane Wade had a season as good or even better than Shaquille O'Neal. I think he was underrated in the moment of the MVP election, since he had pivotal games and very good ones. It's very hard to defend and with Shaquille, has the same importance."

You already won a ring from the NBA. What does it mean to you to look for a second one?
"It's remaining at the top. Sometimes it is very hard to get there than to stay there. For me, it would be something incredible being able to repeat, but for now with more starting time, and I feel more important than in the first championship and hopefully we can get to the same final."

Can you learn something from a team like the Lakers who came in as one of the favorites and finished losing the finals to a team theoretically weak from the East?
"It's a great example of what is the sport today. The great teams win, not the great individuals. It doesn't matter who is the favorite, the one who plays better as a team and the onw who is the least egotistical will win. Detroit last year had a very good team group, a great defense, and we hope to copy that of the finals from last year."

Do you consider this pause and the rest before the finals a positive or negative element?
"A bit of both. It benefits us because after a hard series like Seattle and then of running that much in Phoenix we get to recouperate, some for injury, Duncan for his ankles. So of course a little rest is welcomed. 8 days makes you play with the anxiety and then after playing well, you want to keep playing in good form without losing the rhythm. I consider that it is better to have a few days of rest and not be in the situation that Miami and Detroit live in, that at this point you don't know who will advance to the finals."

06-06-2005, 10:52 PM
You Are The Man Or Women (whatever One You Are) :fro

06-06-2005, 10:57 PM
I don't think a man would use "Cherry" in any part of his screename. ;)

06-06-2005, 10:59 PM

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

Kori Ellis
06-06-2005, 11:00 PM
Top Cherry, thanks a lot for the translation.

06-06-2005, 11:01 PM
No problem, just a little sweat. ;)

06-06-2005, 11:01 PM
I don't think a man would use "Cherry" in any part of his screename. ;)

I DO NOT EITHER ;) :smokin

06-06-2005, 11:02 PM
It is not the same to mark Shaq that to Horseradish tree Wallace.

I think my translation was better. :lol

06-06-2005, 11:08 PM
^ :lol

06-07-2005, 02:21 AM
Thanks for the translation! I loved the article, especially the revealing part about the refs. And saying Dwyane is as important as Shaq...!