View Full Version : Kobe's teammates complaining about lack of touches

04-18-2011, 07:52 AM
By the time the game ended, Bryant had taken more shots — 26 — than any three teammates combined, and Gasol admitted it affected him.

"I let that get to me a little bit, I can't let that happen," said Gasol, adding, "I've got to make myself available whether the ball is coming or not, and I can't get discouraged if the ball is not coming."

Odom, while not mentioning Bryant by name, added, "We didn't get guys involved in the game … Everyone who is in this locker room, we have to use them."

When asked the usual questions about the disparity in shots — Bryant took nine shots in the fourth quarter even though he missed six straight — Kobe gave the usual answer. If he doesn't do it, who will?

"The effort wasn't there, and I'm not going to wait around if it isn't, especially in the playoffs," Bryant said.


Meltdown :lol

04-18-2011, 08:14 AM
Kobe only passes to those who pass it back.

This is Kobe's shot! This is Kobe's shot! This one's his! That one's his! This is Kobe shot!

04-18-2011, 08:15 AM
Kobe is right though. Pau should grow some nuts if he wants touches

04-18-2011, 08:16 AM
Kobe is right though. Pau should grow some nuts if he wants touches

With all his talent it's amazing how much of a pussy Gasol is.

04-18-2011, 08:20 AM
Kobe is right though. Pau should grow some nuts if he wants touches

With all his talent it's amazing how much of a pussy Gasol is.

This. Gasol just being the twat he's supposed to be, nothing to see here.

Ashy Larry
04-18-2011, 08:39 AM
What does touches have to do with giving up 109 points?????

04-18-2011, 08:40 AM
Kobe ball hog and takes to many shots? ...that can't be...it just can't!

04-18-2011, 08:43 AM
Kobe doesn't touch 'em anymore . . .

04-18-2011, 08:46 AM
If you want to make a positive impact on the game, you demand the ball and make something happen. You don't play like a pussy, and then complain after the fact that you didn't touch the ball enough. They've played with Kobe long enough. They should already know the drill. If you want to get more touches, be more proactive, more aggressive in finding your touches, shots. Otherwise, you're going to be a sideline playa.

Axe Murderer
04-18-2011, 09:01 AM
Why does it say originally posted by Fabbs?

04-18-2011, 09:16 AM
"Odom, while not mentioning Bryant by name, added, "We didn't get guys involved in the game … Everyone who is in this locker room, we have to use them."




04-18-2011, 09:22 AM
"Odom, while not mentioning Bryant by name, added, "We didn't get guys involved in the game … Everyone who is in this locker room, we have to use them."




Sad face

04-18-2011, 09:44 AM
"The effort wasn't there, and I'm not going to wait around if it isn't, especially in the playoffs," Bryant said.

Translation: What do you expect with teammates like THIS?!!!!!!!!!!

Didnt Kobe win that MVP back in 2008 because he supposedly had "changed"? :lol

04-18-2011, 09:47 AM
"The effort wasn't there, and I'm not going to wait around if it isn't, especially in the playoffs," Bryant said.

Bully, bully for Bryant.

04-18-2011, 10:17 AM
"Odom, while not mentioning Bryant by name, added, "We didn't get guys involved in the game … Everyone who is in this locker room, we have to use them."





This guy too

04-18-2011, 10:19 AM
"The effort wasn't there, and I'm not going to wait around if it isn't, especially in the playoffs," Bryant said.

He's right. It's the playoffs...man up or gtfo

04-18-2011, 10:29 AM
He's right. It's the playoffs...man up or gtfo
Come on, they have Aaron Gray and Landry down low. Kobe made a poor effort of involving the Lakers strength (Bynum, Odom, Gasol) and got trigger happy in the last 3 minutes. He went 0-6 with huge turnovers.

Kobe just wanted to be a hero again. That's not playoff basketball tbh.

04-18-2011, 10:38 AM
Pau Gasol was something like 1-for-8 for most of the game until a late bucket against Aaron Gray and Landry down low. If Pau wasn't playing like a bitch, he'd probably get more touches. Pau has played with Kobe long enough to know that's how things are going to be, right or wrong. Of course Kobe is a selfish ballhog. Always has been, always will be. If you play well, you'll find touches and shots. Of course Kobe wanted to be the hero again. He's always been that way. All the way back to his airballs against the Jazz until now. He's not changing. And his teammates should know this. So you either play aggressive and produce and demand the ball, or you're not going to see the ball. Stop being a bitch and man up.

04-18-2011, 10:39 AM
Stop being a bitch and man up.

Diareah of the mouth aside, Jammie with the goods.

04-18-2011, 10:42 AM
Pau Gasol was something like 1-for-8 for most of the game until a late bucket against Aaron Gray and Landry down low. If Pau wasn't playing like a bitch, he'd probably get more touches. Pau has played with Kobe long enough to know that's how things are going to be, right or wrong. Of course Kobe is a selfish ballhog. Always has been, always will be. If you play well, you'll find touches and shots. Of course Kobe wanted to be the hero again. He's always been that way. All the way back to his airballs against the Jazz until now. He's not changing. And his teammates should know this. So you either play aggressive and produce and demand the ball, or you're not going to see the ball. Stop being a bitch and man up.

This. Pau played like a twat, and got treated as such.

04-18-2011, 10:44 AM
Of course Kobe is a selfish ballhog. Always has been, always will be. If you play well, you'll find touches and shots. Of course Kobe wanted to be the hero again. He's always been that way. All the way back to his airballs against the Jazz until now. He's not changing. And his teammates should know this. So you either play aggressive and produce and demand the ball, or you're not going to see the ball. Stop being a bitch and man up.

The gods honest truth.

For better or worse, this is Bryant. If you show the slightest fear, teammate or opponent, he'll take your cajones and stomp on it, and you'll be left crying in the locker room. If Pau wants the ball more, he can't shoot 22 footers and pass it out against Jarret Jack. That just gives Kobe the greenlight he's always looking for.

Reminds me of a bitch who's always complaining about her husband beating her, but refuses to have dinner ready when he gets home.

04-18-2011, 10:45 AM
kobe shot 50% and gasol shot 2-9. Fucking pussy..get the rebound and shoot the ball bitch ass pau.

04-18-2011, 10:45 AM
So how woud you explain not involving Bynum who subbed for Gasol and Odom? Kobe's a great offensive player but those days of him taking over are over. He's a step slower with almost no lift in those legs.

I sincerely believe that had Kobe played team ball the outcome would've been different. His usage rate was most likely at 90% during those crucial 2-3 minutes. He kept chucking at an alarming rate and turned the ball over twice. Kobe disregarded his teammates once again ladies and gents and to no ones surprise, the Lakers lost. Expect a huge adjustment in ball movement in Game 2 and I can assure everyone will be praising how the Lakers are such a dynamic team.

04-18-2011, 10:45 AM
If you want to make a positive impact on the game, you demand the ball and make something happen. You don't play like a pussy, and then complain after the fact that you didn't touch the ball enough. They've played with Kobe long enough. They should already know the drill. If you want to get more touches, be more proactive, more aggressive in finding your touches, shots. Otherwise, you're going to be a sideline playa.

Pretty much right on.

I recall one time in a game a year or two ago, Kobe yelled at Gasol for messing something up on offense (cant remember if it was a crappy screen, or a turnover or something). Pau got right back in Kobe's face and yelled back. Kobe immediately looked pleased, clapped, and gave Gasol the ball the next trip down the court, where Gasol aggressively looked to score, and the Lakers went on a nice scoring run.

If they want the ball, they have to tell Kobe to fuck off and give them the ball, and he will give it to them. Not because Kobe is soft or anything like that, but because he will only give it to you if he knows you are going to do everything in your power to win the game. And that is something that Jordan used to do as well. The years that they had trouble getting past the Pistons, his teammates would play soft (lol Pippen faking a migrane), and he couldn't trust them. The year they finally grew some nuts, he had no issue getting them more involved, they swept Detroit, and went on to win three straight.

04-18-2011, 10:47 AM
Pretty much right on.

I recall one time Kobe yelled at Gasol for messing something up on offense (cant remember if it was a crappy screen, or a turnover or something). Pau got right back in Kobe's face and yelled back. Kobe immediately looked pleased, clapped, and gave Gasol the ball the next trip down the court, where Gasol aggressively looked to score, and the Lakers went on a nice scoring run.

If they want the ball, they have to tell Kobe to fuck off and give them the ball, and he will give it to them. Not because Kobe is soft or anything like that, but because he will only give it to you if he knows you are going to do everything in your power to win the game. And that is something that Jordan used to do as well. The years that they had trouble getting past the Pistons, his teammates would play soft (lol Pippen faking a migrane), and he couldn't trust them. The year they finally grew some nuts, he had no issue getting them more involved, they swept Detroit, and went on to win three straight.

Theres a reason why Barnes and Artest are on this team. Kobe wants you to yell back at him. :toast

04-18-2011, 10:47 AM
kobe shot 50% and gasol shot 2-9. Fucking pussy..get the rebound and shoot the ball bitch ass pau.
Kobe shot 0% at the most crucial time of the game. All that matters if you ask me. Heck Artest scored 7 points in 2 minutes, they were doubling Kobe when he was driving in the lane leaving shooters wide open. Kobe forced some horrible shots and didn;t take advantage of open teammates like Fisher, Artest and Odom who mind you has been money on 3 ball in clutch situations this year.

04-18-2011, 10:48 AM
Theres a reason why Barnes and Artest are on this team. Kobe wants you to yell back at him. :toast

Exactly. He wants guys who will do anything to win games, even telling their team captain and best player to fuck off and quit shooting. That takes some nuts, and is a great measuring stick which Kobe uses to distinguish who needs more touches.

04-18-2011, 10:48 AM
Agreed JamStone…Its not like Lamar & Pau were even looking for the ball…

04-18-2011, 10:48 AM
Kobe shot 0% at the most crucial time of the game. All that matters if you ask me.

I'll just bet it is.

04-18-2011, 10:52 AM
Kobe shot 0% at the most crucial time of the game. All that matters if you ask me. Heck Artest scored 7 points in 2 minutes, they were doubling Kobe when he was driving in the lane leaving shooters wide open. Kobe forced some horrible shots and didn;t take advantage of open teammates like Fisher, Artest and Odom who mind you has been money on 3 ball in clutch situations this year.

then that means Kobe was higher then 50% before the crucial time. Do you give it to the guy over 50% or the guy going 22%?

You know what...Kobe vcomes with the good and the bad. Ballhog? Yes...but somehow he gets the rings...ill take that and his ballhogging anyday.

04-18-2011, 10:53 AM
Tell it to Kobe, faggot.

Dude shoots more shitty, Ill advised fadeaway 22 footers it's insane. Oh but that's right you're a laker fan, and Kobe always gets a free pass :rolleyes

5 rings gets a pass.

04-18-2011, 10:54 AM
but somehow he gets the rings

That's why Chris is here.

DJ Mbenga
04-18-2011, 10:56 AM
cant let scrubs like green and gray outscore your frontline. whatever personal problems pau has he has to leave them at the door and just play. this guys seriously goes through games where he looks like he had his period.

04-18-2011, 11:00 AM
Tell it to Kobe, faggot.

Dude shoots more shitty, Ill advised fadeaway 22 footers it's insane. Oh but that's right you're a laker fan, and Kobe always gets a free pass :rolleyes

He's shot those his whole career. Since '96. Nothing can be done about those shots. Pau, otoh, can man up and demand the ball.

This thread here is about things the Lakers can change. Kobe shooting ain't one of them. Gasol growing a pair is. Now lets see them.

04-18-2011, 11:02 AM
then that means Kobe was higher then 50% before the crucial time. Do you give it to the guy over 50% or the guy going 22%?

You know what...Kobe vcomes with the good and the bad. Ballhog? Yes...but somehow he gets the rings...ill take that and his ballhogging anyday.
I dont disagree with your logic, its sensible. But sometimes when defense collapses on you and after 3-4 attempts your shot is still not falling in, then maybe its not a bad idea to pass the rock to your teammates who has won games for you NUMEROUS times in the past. Fisher against Orlando, Artest GW shots against the Suns and Celtics etc.

Fisher and Artest were out there for a reason and that's because they can make big plays when the game is on the line.

04-18-2011, 11:03 AM
Gasol growing a pair is.


04-18-2011, 11:03 AM
Tell it to Kobe, faggot.

Dude shoots more shitty, Ill advised fadeaway 22 footers it's insane. Oh but that's right you're a laker fan, and Kobe always gets a free pass :rolleyes

tbqh most teams best player tends to shoot several bad shots a game, but gets a pass because of the fact that they are their best player. perhaps one of the very few exceptions to that is Dirk, whom we are accustomed to seeing. He takes bad shots at an unusually low rate for a superstar player. But look at Durant... that dude takes a ridiculous amount of bad shots. Lebron and Wade both have always taken their share of bad shots. Melo is perhaps the king of taking bad shots.

It may not be right for them to take bad shots, but at the same time, hitting bad shots is really demoralizing to an opposing team, and can take them out of rhythm on both ends, while getting the guy who hit the bad shot, into a zone. At times, taking and hitting a bad shot is a neccesary risk that results in your team getting back on track.

04-18-2011, 11:03 AM
What is this now, like the 10th time Pau had said the same exact shit through the media? lmao him & LO just dont get it. Hes getting annoying with his bitching. These are the playoffs now, not some bullshit game in February. If you're gonna play like pussies, than you arent gonna get many touches.

1. Pau- 8 pts 6 rebounds (0 offensive rebounds & didnt play a lick of defense)
2. LO- 10 pts 1 rebound (lol 1 rebound & 0 offensive rebounds)

04-18-2011, 11:05 AM
LO stat-padded at the end too with the 3's. They both just need to sac the fuck up...I don't see how this is debatable.

04-18-2011, 11:05 AM
1. Pau- 8 pts 6 rebounds (0 offensive rebounds & didnt play a lick of defense)
2. LO- 10 pts 1 rebound (lol 1 rebound & 0 offensive rebounds)

& I ain't surprised at Gasol's line, but, Odom? It was astounding.

04-18-2011, 11:05 AM
He's shot those his whole career. Since '96. Nothing can be done about those shots. Pau, otoh, can man up and demand the ball.
I see a huge double standard here. So Kobe can be a ballhog and a d-bag and his teammates are supposed to accept this but when Gasol wants to be unselfish he gets scrutinized for it?

Anyway, I'm not defending Pau here, he was a huge pussy in the game, but Kobe's option doesn't stop at Gasol. There are 3 other players there that can put the ball in the basket.

04-18-2011, 11:06 AM
I see a huge double standard here. So Kobe can be a ballhog and a d-bag ad his teammates are supposed to accept this but when Gasol wants to be unselfish he gets scrutinized for it?

It ain't the 5 rings that drive Chris. Just the last 2.

tee, hee.

04-18-2011, 11:08 AM
What is this now, like the 10th time Pau had said the same exact shit through the media? lmao him & LO just dont get it. Hes getting annoying with his bitching. These are the playoffs now, not some bullshit game in February. If you're gonna play like pussies, than you arent gonna get many touches.

1. Pau- 8 pts 6 rebounds (0 offensive rebounds & didnt play a lick of defense)
2. LO- 10 pts 1 rebound (lol 1 rebound & 0 offensive rebounds)

Its amazing, isnt it? You'd think these charmin pushers hadn't been playing with Kobe Bryant the last few years. You don't show up, you might not see the ball. Maybe not Bryants best attribute but one that ANY and EVERY one should know by now.

Tina just keeps leaving dishes in the sink and dinner at the store. You're gonna do that, don't run and tell me about the blood on your lip after Ike gets home. Not unless you want a divorce.

04-18-2011, 11:11 AM
I see a huge double standard here. So Kobe can be a ballhog and a d-bag and his teammates are supposed to accept this but when Gasol wants to be unselfish he gets scrutinized for it?

Anyway, I'm not defending Pau here, he was a huge pussy in the game, but Kobe's option doesn't stop at Gasol. There are 3 other players there that can put the ball in the basket.

we dont have 2 other top 20 players to pass it to when gasol isnt doing good.

04-18-2011, 11:12 AM
I see a huge double standard here. So Kobe can be a ballhog and a d-bag and his teammates are supposed to accept this but when Gasol wants to be unselfish he gets scrutinized for it?

Anyway, I'm not defending Pau here, he was a huge pussy in the game, but Kobe's option doesn't stop at Gasol. There are 3 other players there that can put the ball in the basket.

and yes its a double standard. Thats how life is. Neal with it.

04-18-2011, 11:12 AM
& I ain't surprised at Gasol's line, but, Odom? It was astounding.

:lol LO basically had a 4 pt & 1 rebound game. Its the reality show. Right when it premiered his focus & numbers fell off. Too many distractions are not good for a player like him. I expect much better numbers in game 2 but no excuses for a player with his skill to be putting up Luke Walton stat lines.

04-18-2011, 11:13 AM
Its amazing, isnt it? You'd think these charmin pushers hadn't been playing with Kobe Bryant the last few years. You don't show up, you might not see the ball. Maybe not Bryant's best attribute but one that ANY and EVERY one should know by now.

Tina just keeps leaving dishes in the sink and dinner at the store. You're gonna do that, don't run and tell me about the blood on your lip after Ike gets home. Not unless you want a divorce.


04-18-2011, 11:15 AM
I see a huge double standard here. So Kobe can be a ballhog and a d-bag and his teammates are supposed to accept this but when Gasol wants to be unselfish he gets scrutinized for it?

Anyway, I'm not defending Pau here, he was a huge pussy in the game, but Kobe's option doesn't stop at Gasol. There are 3 other players there that can put the ball in the basket.

Not exactly praising Bryant for his ways here. But there are two things on this earth - constants, and non-constants. Bitching about Kobe shooting doesnt do no good, its like crying over spilled milk.

Sure it makes you and the boys upstairs feel alright about yourselves, but us Laker fans are like a family who know each others in's and out's. And Kobe's jacking is like Uncle Cletus's klepto - you don't ask him not to do it, there aint no point, you just hide the valuables when he comes over.

We know our team. And we know what things bitchin and moaning about will help. No matter what is said today or tomorrow, Bean will take the same shots on wednesday. Its the Gasol boy we tune in to because we don't make a habit of wasting time with things that can't be controlled. Thats you guys' job.

04-18-2011, 11:18 AM
Just like I said, free pass :lol

just like i said, back2back gets you a free pass.

04-18-2011, 11:19 AM
Gasol has steadily regressed since the Orlando Finals. That was his zenith. Perkins getting injured saved his hash, but, once again he's being challenged and he won't respond. He's the key to our success. And he's failing us.

04-18-2011, 11:23 AM
Kobe was the only one keeping the Lakers afloat.

04-18-2011, 11:25 AM
Kobe was the only one keeping the Lakers afloat.

Ln is tempted, but, he can't deny his goodness.

It's always wonderful to bear witness.

Cry Havoc
04-18-2011, 11:25 AM
Pau Gasol was something like 1-for-8 for most of the game until a late bucket against Aaron Gray and Landry down low. If Pau wasn't playing like a bitch, he'd probably get more touches. Pau has played with Kobe long enough to know that's how things are going to be, right or wrong. Of course Kobe is a selfish ballhog. Always has been, always will be. If you play well, you'll find touches and shots. Of course Kobe wanted to be the hero again. He's always been that way. All the way back to his airballs against the Jazz until now. He's not changing. And his teammates should know this. So you either play aggressive and produce and demand the ball, or you're not going to see the ball. Stop being a bitch and man up.

This is true, but for some reason Kobe's teammates have always had a problem of this. So while they may need to be more assertive, isn't it also possible that Kobe is usually trying to do too much by himself and taking his teammates out of their rhythm in the process?

04-18-2011, 11:26 AM
This is true, but for some reason Kobe's teammates have always had a problem of this. So while they may need to be more assertive, isn't it also possible that Kobe is usually trying to do too much by himself and taking his teammates out of their rhythm in the process?

It isn't the 5 rings that compel Cry. Just the last 2.

04-18-2011, 11:28 AM
It is what it is, Cry.

04-18-2011, 11:37 AM
Spurs fan needs to think of it like Manu when he has a really shitty 2-14 game or whatever. That's what Pau did last night.

04-18-2011, 11:37 AM
Ln is tempted, but, he can't deny his goodness.

It's always wonderful to bear witness.

I don't think it's quite fair to rip a guy for missing his last few shots when

a) making the shots before that is the only thing keeping LA in the game and

b) only Artest seemed willing to step up alongside him.

What's the point of lowering Kobe's stature? I don't want to beat a team with a bunch of nobodies on it. I want to beat a team with some Hall of Famers.

04-18-2011, 11:38 AM
This is true, but for some reason Kobe's teammates have always had a problem of this. So while they may need to be more assertive, isn't it also possible that Kobe is usually trying to do too much by himself and taking his teammates out of their rhythm in the process?

Here's the thing. It's not that Kobe isn't wrong. Even the Laker fans in this thread seem to be willing to admit it's a huge flaw Kobe has in his game. When his teammates aren't playing well, instead of encouraging them, he says fuck it and goes mamba 1-on-5. Laker fans and Kobe apologists alike already know this, and appear to be willing to admit it. Would it be better if Kobe found that balance he was supposed to have found the last couple years? Sure it would be. But by now, the entire basketball universe already knows what he's really going to do. We've seen this movie before. Kobe is going to be Kobe, right or wrong.

What I think the issue in this thread is that Pau and Lamar really have no place to complain since both of them played like a pair of walking blue waffle vaginas. Don't play like shit and then complain after the fact and put it on Kobe for sucking so bad. Kobe is going to be a ballhog no matter what, but if you are playing well and aggressive, you'll find your share of touches and hell Kobe might even pass it to you a couple times. If Pau and Lamar actually played a good game then at least they'd have an Andrew Bynum leg to stand on.

04-18-2011, 11:40 AM
Jammie, playin' both sides against the middle.

You're adorable. Chickenshit, but, adorable.

04-18-2011, 11:43 AM
The Lakers bigs did look obviously disinterested in game 1....imo after that Gasol 3 point attempt you knew something wasn't going right. When a player tries to takes over the game like Bryant did, it can drain the fun and competitiveness out of the game for team-first guys like Gasol, Bynum and Odom. Bryant has a tendency of going away from the Lakers size advantage and they've had several quotes and meetings about it already. Sure, you can rationalize game 1 to be pro-Kobe but thats going to be a tough sale compared to CP3's playmaking and decision making....Lakers need their big 3/4 to step up, not just Black Mamba.

04-18-2011, 11:45 AM
Jam with the goods. Just to echo what he and so many others have already said, you can't stop Kobe from being Kobe...he's going to chuck it and get his, no sense bitching about it or trying to change it. If Phil can't reach Kobe there, then just accept the fact that he's not going to change, like many of us have. That being said, he's a willing passer to those that are willing to step up. Ron stepped up in the playoffs, he got some looks. Pau let Aaron Gray and Co. push him around and didn't fight for position...Kobe will not pass you the ball if you play like a bitch.

04-18-2011, 11:45 AM
the fun

Cane, gettin' his Phoenix Suns on.

04-18-2011, 11:46 AM
Cane, gettin' his Phoenix Suns on.


04-18-2011, 11:46 AM
Game 1 wasn't pro Kobe. Kobe was a stubborn ballhog making poor decisions at the end of the game. But I think most people would take that over bitching up and playing like a pussy against a weaker opponent the way Pau and Lamar did. At least Kobe is showing a desire to win.

04-18-2011, 11:47 AM
Cane, gettin' his Phoenix Suns on.

Lakers bigs, like most players, need to have some fun when playing basketball tbh :downspin:

04-18-2011, 11:47 AM
Kobe, Artest and Bynum brought the goods, nobody else did.

04-18-2011, 11:49 AM
Lakers bigs, like most players, need to have some fun when playing basketball tbh :downspin:


cesare borgia
04-18-2011, 11:54 AM
I think Bynum need to be the second option.

04-18-2011, 11:54 AM
Game 1 wasn't pro Kobe. Kobe was a stubborn ballhog making poor decisions at the end of the game. But I think most people would take that over bitching up and playing like a pussy against a weaker opponent the way Pau and Lamar did. At least Kobe is showing a desire to win.

Yea that game showed the weaknesses of both Kobe and their frontcourt. Lakers are going to have to balance that shit out. They're not going to win with Gasol left taking 3's or Kobe trying to get his Allen Iverson on.

04-18-2011, 11:59 AM
Yea that game showed the weaknesses of both Kobe and their frontcourt. Lakers are going to have to balance that shit out. They're not going to win with Gasol left taking 3's or Kobe trying to get his Allen Iverson on.

It isn't the 5 rings that Cane ruminates over....well, it is the 5 rings.

04-18-2011, 12:00 PM
and yes its a double standard. Thats how life is. Neal with it.

That's all I needed to hear from Laker fans. Don't have a problem with using a double standard as long as you don't deny it.

04-18-2011, 12:01 PM
It isn't the 5 rings that Cane ruminates over....well, it is the 5 rings.

:lol Go back to pretending to being a Vietnam Vet ya pedo you :toast

04-18-2011, 12:02 PM
:lol Go back to pretending to being a Vietnam Vet ya pedo you :toast

Only if you go back to pretending your mother is your girlfriend.

bus driver
04-18-2011, 12:02 PM
kobe's team mates are a joke.....kobe makes them 'great' players not the other way around.

kobe should tell his teammates to STFU.

04-18-2011, 12:04 PM
kobe's team mates are a joke.....kobe makes them 'great' players not the other way around.

kobe should tell his teammates to STFU.

No. Kobe transcends very few players. He's queer that way. But, great players, even good players transcend Kobe.

04-18-2011, 12:04 PM
Diareah of the mouth aside, Jammie with the goods.

The child raper with the goods. No offense to these guys but I just can't read the long ass takes of Jamstone or Stretch tbh Ciff notes that shit.

04-18-2011, 12:05 PM
The child raper with the goods. No offense to these guys but I just can't read the long ass takes of Jamstone or Stretch tbh Ciff notes that shit.

Why would you come to an NBA forum if you didn't want to read people's opinions on basketball.

Mike Breen
04-18-2011, 12:06 PM
Veterinarian going coast to coast and puts it in!!!

04-18-2011, 12:06 PM
The child raper with the goods. No offense to these guys but I just can't read the long ass takes of Jamstone or Stretch tbh Ciff notes that shit.

Though that didn't stop you from PM'ing me begging me to get DUNCAN off your ass in the football forum.

- "Oh, Cubby, come quick. I'm about to turn my Fruit of the Looms into a fudge factory."

And then lied about it!:lmao

04-18-2011, 12:06 PM
Why would you come to an NBA forum if you didn't want to read people's opinions on basketball.

Because its the NBA Forum?

Axe Murderer
04-18-2011, 12:08 PM
tbh it's always funny because I don't think many people actually read the "essay posters" long posts and they just assume that it's a quality take. Those guys are automatically perceived as good posters when everybody is actually too lazy to read their stuff (see hitmany).

Although JamStone is the exception, he really is a knowledgeable poster.

04-18-2011, 12:09 PM
hitmany isn't a bad poster, but he does have some pretty bad takes from time to time.

04-18-2011, 12:10 PM
Why would you come to an NBA forum if you didn't want to read people's opinions on basketball.
Well GNSF, certain people have a tendency to drone a little. I'll read the shorter takes. About the only person who gives long takes that I actually read is Kyle Orton. But that's just because he usually mixes in some racial slurs.

04-18-2011, 12:11 PM
I apologize, Vet.

Cliffnotes: Kobe is a selfish asshole. But Pau is a pussy and a bitch and that trumps Kobe being a selfish asshole. Pau should shut up and play better. The end.

Axe Murderer
04-18-2011, 12:12 PM
hitmany isn't a bad poster, but he does have some pretty bad takes from time to time.

fair enough

He isn't horrible or anything but he will throw some head scratchers out there.

04-18-2011, 12:13 PM
That one about the Heat not having a go to player was shocking though, even for gnsf that would be bad.

04-18-2011, 12:16 PM
I apologize, Vet.

Cliffnotes: Kobe is a selfish asshole. But Pau is a pussy and a bitch and that trumps Kobe being a selfish asshole. Pau should shut up and play better. The end.

Kobe's a dick! A reckless, arrogant, stupid dick. And Pau Gasol is a pussy. And the other team is full of assholes. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!

04-18-2011, 12:17 PM
hitmany isn't a bad poster, but he does have some pretty bad takes from time to time.

Cool sig Muser :tu

04-18-2011, 12:17 PM
Because its the NBA Forum?

Where people talk about the NBA, right?

Axe Murderer
04-18-2011, 12:21 PM
Daddy_Of_All_Trolls was another good essay poster, except you would have a full grown beard by the time you were done reading.

Seriously, some of his posts had to have taken 30 minutes to write

Mike D
04-18-2011, 12:33 PM
"I think we are gonna rebound and we're gonna play better defensively. That's all this game is. You can say quotes, cliches, the words, whatever you wanted to do. But it's all about the defense. Defense wins championships and we didn't play any tonight. That's evident. I mean, (109) points to a team that probably hasn't been scoring that for a long time."

Interesting how the kid gets it better than the vets.