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View Full Version : Congrats To Our Sister Team!

06-07-2005, 09:30 AM
From one Ex-ABA team to the next. Hello Spurs fans! Wanted to come by and wish you luck in the next series. You will find the Pistons team as tough as they come but their fans need a little bit of work. Get ready for alot of chest thumping, talking in fragmented sentences and the occasional "bomb threat".

This should be a great series!

BTW - You all here obviously have heard that Mike Brown got the gig in Cleveland. We are going to miss him here. A super coach. LeBron would do well to sit back and listen to what he has to say.

Good luck - We'll be watching!

Pacer fan in Indy. :spin

Feel free to drop by the Pacer board if you want.


You will find alot of Piston fans there with a poor sense of direction if you know what I mean. The Pacer fans their are a good group.

The Mask
06-07-2005, 09:31 AM
From one Ex-ABA team to the next. Hello Spurs fans! Wanted to come by and wish you luck in the next series. You will find the Pistons team as tough as they come but their fans need a little bit of work. Get ready for alot of chest thumping, talking in fragmented sentences and the occasional "bomb threat".

This should be a great series!

BTW - You all here obviously have heard that Mike Brown got the gig in Cleveland. We are going to miss him here. A super coach. LeBron would do well to sit back and listen to what he has to say.

Good luck - We'll be watching!

Pacer fan in Indy. :spin

Feel free to drop by the Pacer board if you want.


You will find alot of Piston fans there with a poor sense of direction if you know what I mean. The Pacer fans their are a good group.

WAAAAA- Give the baby his bottle. Pacers=wannabes and never have beens

06-07-2005, 09:35 AM
WAAAAA- Give the baby his bottle. Pacers=wannabes and never have beens

BTW...This is one of the intellectual ones. You Spur fans are in for alot of this junk.

06-07-2005, 09:37 AM
Wow! A Pacers fan coming to a Spurs forum to talk trash about the Pistons.................good stuff!!

06-07-2005, 09:39 AM
thanks, after playing in Denver/Seattle, Detroit fans will seem like a bunch of well-behaved gentlemen, as long as they don't start throwing shit on the court. Spurs are the best in the league at taking the crowd out of the game.

06-07-2005, 09:40 AM
Ha, no kidding. Detroit almost effed up a series against the Pacers just a couple weeks ago, so they shouldn't be talking quite yet.

Welcome to the forum, everyone.

06-07-2005, 09:46 AM
Pacer fans are a good group?


06-07-2005, 10:03 AM
There are pretty equal amounts of trolls both Pacers and Pistons on that IndyStar board. I find it a bit ironic that this Pacer fan complains about Pistons fans having a bad sense of direction yet he's posting on a Spurs board about it. Pot meets kettle? The real problem is that some of the posters there have a problem grasping the concept of how the internet actually works.

From one Ex-ABA team to the next. Hello Spurs fans! Wanted to come by and wish you luck in the next series. You will find the Pistons team as tough as they come but their fans need a little bit of work. Get ready for alot of chest thumping, talking in fragmented sentences and the occasional "bomb threat".

This should be a great series!

BTW - You all here obviously have heard that Mike Brown got the gig in Cleveland. We are going to miss him here. A super coach. LeBron would do well to sit back and listen to what he has to say.

Good luck - We'll be watching!

Pacer fan in Indy. :spin

Feel free to drop by the Pacer board if you want.


You will find alot of Piston fans there with a poor sense of direction if you know what I mean. The Pacer fans their are a good group.

06-07-2005, 04:55 PM
There are pretty equal amounts of trolls both Pacers and Pistons on that IndyStar board. I find it a bit ironic that this Pacer fan complains about Pistons fans having a bad sense of direction yet he's posting
on a Spurs board about it. Pot meets kettle? The real problem is that some of the posters there have a problem grasping the concept of how the internet actually works.

equal amounts of trolls both Pacers and Pistons on that IndyStar board.

Am I getting this right? Equal amount of Pacer trolls as Piston trolls on a Pacer BB? :lol


Poor sense of direction...You find it ironic?.....C'mon Zappa even after the Piston/Pacer series Piston fans (you as well) were on the Indy board in force throughout the Miami series. Why? Why would Piston fans give a rats rear on what Pacer fans feel about the Miami Heat?

Frankly If the Pacers had won that series against the Pistons I don't think you would find any where near as many Pacer fans on a Piston board asking what they think about the Heat. Piston fans seemed to be quite interested on the Pacer thoughts though. Thus the "poor sense of direction comment". You didn't see Pacer fans flocking to the Celtics board asking what they though about the Pistons. What's the point?

If that's the Pot calling the kettle....ok. Whatever floats your boat.

As far as grasping the internet?.....you just getting out of that Al Gore class?

got some news for ya.

06-07-2005, 04:56 PM
this board has one pacer fan his name is pooh

06-07-2005, 04:56 PM
ps I forgot this board also has some stephen jackson fans

Extra Stout
06-07-2005, 04:57 PM
Clearly Pacer fan is just rooting for whoever plays the Pistons.

Is Indiana really our sister franchise? I thought Detroit was ours. By association, that would make Indiana the Mavericks' sister franchise.

06-07-2005, 04:59 PM
Mike Brown got the gig in Cleveland. We are going to miss him here. A super coach. LeBron would do well to sit back and listen to what he has to say.

mike brown will get james to play d
mike brown is a good assistant maybe head coach

06-07-2005, 05:00 PM
Is it just me or do these "new" posters really seem to be similar to mouse??

06-07-2005, 05:01 PM
This might be stretching but the pacers do have one of our boys on their team....San Antonio native Jeff Foster...Now I know for a fact he will be pulling for us....Welcome to Spurstalk Pacer1

Extra Stout
06-07-2005, 05:01 PM
With Mike Brown out of Indiana, watch SJax turn into street-fighter SJax PERMANENTLY.

Pooh is cool. Then again, Pooh doesn't try to live vicariously through some other franchise by deciding it's a "sister" team.

Extra Stout
06-07-2005, 05:02 PM
Is it just me or do these "new" posters really seem to be similar to mouse??
There's no way mouse is smart enough to simulate the Piston-Pacer fan smack talk back and forth.

06-08-2005, 09:07 AM
Am I getting this right? Equal amount of Pacer trolls as Piston trolls on a Pacer BB? :lol


You think just because it's a Pacers web board that a Pacer fan can't be a troll? There are definitely trolls of both variety on that board. Piston hating has been the #1 topic on that board for quite some time. You really want to try and deny that?

Poor sense of direction...You find it ironic?.....C'mon Zappa even after the Piston/Pacer series Piston fans (you as well) were on the Indy board in force throughout the Miami series. Why? Why would Piston fans give a rats rear on what Pacer fans feel about the Miami Heat?

The irony is you coming on a Spurs web board complaining about Pistons fans posting on a Pacers web board. Irony and hypocracy rolled into one neat little package.

Frankly If the Pacers had won that series against the Pistons I don't think you would find any where near as many Pacer fans on a Piston board asking what they think about the Heat. Piston fans seemed to be quite interested on the Pacer thoughts though. Thus the "poor sense of direction comment". You didn't see Pacer fans flocking to the Celtics board asking what they though about the Pistons. What's the point?

Even after the Pacers/Pistons series the Piston hate is in full swing on the IndyStar board. There are still more posts started by Pacer fans about the Pistons on that board than anything else. And you have to even wonder why there are still Pistons fans posting there? All kinds of bitter Pacer fans talking all kinds of smack to the Pistons fans about how badly the Heat were going to beat the Pistons, blah blah blah. Now the same stuff is getting posted about how lucky the Pistons are, how their wins are flukes, etc. Do you really expect all that stuff to just go unanswered by Pistons fans? Get real!

If that's the Pot calling the kettle....ok. Whatever floats your boat.

Ya, I find that the truth floats my boat every time. :)

And my apologies to the Spurs fans on this board bothering to read this crap. I'm not going to post anyting further about it here. If this disgruntled Pacer fan wants to continue this discussion he can start a thread over on "his" board. I'll see it.

06-08-2005, 12:57 PM
From one Ex-ABA team to the next. Hello Spurs fans! Wanted to come by and wish you luck in the next series. You will find the Pistons team as tough as they come but their fans need a little bit of work. Get ready for alot of chest thumping, talking in fragmented sentences and the occasional "bomb threat".

Good luck - We'll be watching!...Pacer fan in Indy. :spin

Thanks for the encouragement. Most of the fans here are too young to remember the great rivalry we had with the Pacers in the ABA. :angel

Wish I had a young Billy Keller and George McGinnis on our bench today! :spin